The Irregular Maker Rewrite

Arc 1: Broken – Chapter 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing, this is purely a fanfic for enjoyment.

Cross-over from various games, books, anime, manga, and movies.

The familiar characters you see here belong to their respected authors and owners.



Arc 1: Broken - Chapter 2

The next day*

It's morning.

Daisuke has his rest and has figured out how to deal with Gilgamesh. It's a good thing that he has Omnifabrication. Otherwise, protecting himself against one of Gilgamesh's Noble Phantasms would be impossible. Even the weakest would be able to kill him if he didn't have Rashomon to consume the Noble Phantasm or use Omnifabrication defensively by using the Noble Phantasms as materials to create something before the Noble Phantasms' effects affect him.

"So, do you want me to lead us to victory, or do you want to take the lead and show this queen what you can do?" Gilgamesh grins at Daisuke from the side, where she watches him train with Rashomon - an interesting ability.

"I'm surprised you let me lead at all." Daisuke said calmly as he finished practicing with Rashomon, not tired from the physical activity he put himself through. "Even giving me the opportunity to choose as well."

"A good queen should always listen to her subjects to see if they can come up with a better solution to solve the problem. As a queen, I am better than anyone. But even I have my limits." Gilgamesh rolls her eyes at Daisuke. "Besides, as someone like you. I'm curious what you could do."

Daisuke thinks about something before he speaks, "I have some plans that could make us the winners of the Holy Grail War. One requires precise timing and the right place to make it work. The other is possible anytime, but I need more equipment to be built and tested to make it work. All in all, less than a week is all I need to win the Grail War."

Gilgamesh was speechless, "If it were anyone else, I would call you a lying mongrel. But I've seen what you've done so far, and I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt to prove that your plans will succeed. Now that you've finished your training. Let's go shopping. I want to see anything of note the mongrels have done since I left this world."

An hour later*

"What kind of entertainment is this?!" Gilgamesh slams her hands against the crane game's glass, which is filled with stuffed animals. "This is anything but entertainment!"

Daisuke, who is standing aside, shakes his head.

"Do you want to do something else?" Daisuke gives the nearby people a piercing stare, causing them all to look away, but some brave fools continue to stare, or rather they continue to stare at Gilgamesh with lust.

Seeing that there are still people planning to do something stupid, he can't blame them for not understanding what kind of woman Gilgamesh is, nor her identity. He will just have to give them a helping hand and prevent a catastrophe.

While Gilgamesh continues to try to win the crane game, Daisuke has some small talk with some guys before everything is settled. And with that, the cheeky men hoping for a night with Gilgamesh have hurried off to find the nearest dentist.

"Come on!" Gilgamesh strikes the glass in anger, but with enough self-control not to break it. "Daisuke! More tokens!"

He wonders if he should have taken Gilgamesh elsewhere instead of the local arcade. Still, he can say that this version of Gilgamesh would not vent her anger by blasting the target of her wrath with multiple Noble Phantasms.

Daisuke looks at the manager not too far away, who stares at Gilgamesh cautiously and sweats, which comes as a surprise. Then the manager cringes when they see Gilgamesh slapping the glass of the crane game again.

So far, the manager has watched Gilgamesh play the crane game longer than most people would and has yet to stop. Not noticing the people rushing out with bloody mouths, too busy paying attention to the amount of money Gilgamesh had put into the crane game. Not once has Gilgamesh won anything since she started playing the crane game, which would make many people give up and walk away, but not Gilgamesh. If anything, she is more determined than ever.

Daisuke already has a new cup filled with tokens and hands it to Gilgamesh, who snatches it from his hand and continues her conquest to obtain all the fluffy toys in the crane game. Gilgamesh is wholly focused on something that has nothing to do with the Holy Grail War.

But he can see in his eyes that Gilgamesh's desire for the stuffed animals is the subconscious part of her wanting cute things as a girl, not as a queen. How long that will last is the question. Anyway, he has things to do and things to make. He has yet to make a new creation other than Rashomon.

Daisuke's face hardened as he began to walk away, leaving a few more cups of tokens behind to distract Gilgamesh before she decided to follow him. He has something that needs to be taken care of before it becomes a bigger problem. Better to deal with it now than later.

An hour later*

Daisuke spits on the ground in annoyance.

Around Daisuke is a group of thugs who are cripples. Some would say that they would be better off dead. However, Daisuke holds back because he does not have the resources and manpower he once had; therefore, this is the best he can do to remove the root of the problems. After all, even thugs have their pride once they form an organization, and they will cause problems if anyone harms their dignity in any way, even if the lowliest members are in the wrong.

Now to move on to the following parts to permanently fix the problems.

Daisuke reached into the inner pockets of his suit and pulled out a small, thumb-sized brown candle, which he threw to the side and ignited in the air on its own. As the brown candle landed on the ground and near the crippled thugs, brown smoke filled the area instantly.

A strange and eerie scene occurs. The brown smoke doesn't rise from a certain height and stays near the ground. Instead, the brown smoke moves as if it were alive and enters the mouths, ears, eyes, and noses of the crippled thugs until there's no brown smoke left.

Slowly, all the crippled thugs fell unconscious until the last one fell. After that, a miracle happens as all visible injuries fade rapidly until nothing remains. But that doesn't mean all their injuries are gone. They still contain many crippling internal injuries that have been forced to be repaired in a state that is impossible to recover from by mundane means. They will live, but how long they live will determine how lucky they are from now on.

To make matters worse for these thugs. They will never remember this—all thanks to the special effects of the brown smoke that continues to move inside their bodies. Never to disappear until the day the thugs die.

With the deeds done. Daisuke walks away, not caring if he ruined the lives of the thugs, if they did it against their will, or if they have a good reason to be a thug. Nor does he care if he went too far when he could have easily scared them off instead.

20 minutes later*

Back at the arcade, Daisuke is incredulous that Gilgamesh is still playing the crane game, and there is now a large crowd around her, some cheering for her and some wondering how rich Gilgamesh is to waste so much money on the crane game.

At this point, he feels that Gilgamesh wouldn't even care if he left town, since she would track him down after she finished the crane game. But given how long it has been, it would be a test of Gilgamesh's self-control to see how long it would take her to break the crane game to claim her prizes. Also, it would be a miracle if the arcade workers who tried to get Gilgamesh to leave after closing time didn't end up dead for telling the queen what to do.

Instead of fighting his way through the crowd, Daisuke goes someplace you wouldn't think of, and that's the security room where all the monitors keep track of what's going on in the arcade.

Daisuke uses Omnifabrication to create a fake recording so that there won't be any recording of him smashing a couple of people's teeth in and to erase all recordings of Gilgamesh while he's at it. After that, he goes out and ensures the guards don't fully remember what happened today before leaving.

Well, that's done and over with. He looks around for a few seconds, then back at the growing crowd. More men than women, if he's not mistaken. Still, he has to get Gilgamesh out of there.

Daisuke walks over to the fire alarm lever and pulls it down to sound the alarm.

Everyone but Gilgamesh quickly runs out of the arcade to safety. Now that the area is pretty much empty, he can walk over to Gilgamesh without having to go through the crowd.

"Oh, you're back. Did you take care of those mongrels?" Gilgamesh's eyes never left the crane game. "And get me another cup of tokens."

"Yup. Time for us to go." Daisuke reaches over to take control of the crane game, and then under Gilgamesh's shocked eyes, he easily got a stuffed animal in one try. "Come on." He puts the stuffed animal into Gilgamesh's hands and leads her away.

Gilgamesh, too, is too shocked to resist and leaves the arcade. Not noticing a fellow blonde with short hair and emerald eyes in a black suit and next to her is another woman with long silver hair and red eyes wearing a burgundy blouse with a brooch, a white skirt, thigh-high white boots, and black tights.

On the other hand, Daisuke knew these two and had been able to identify them. Making it easier to tell the one in the black suit trying to pretend to be a man is impossible to fool him.

The moment Daisuke looked at the petite woman with emerald eyes, she immediately looked back and made eye contact with Daisuke. Just in that split second, the face of the petite woman with emerald eyes hardened and had the eyes of a warrior ready for a big fight.

However, Daisuke surprises her by looking away and leading Gilgamesh somewhere else before she snaps out of her daze. There is no need for the first fight to take place in a public place with people around. After all, the first fight should occur at night, when most people from the mundane world would not witness something they should not. Not if they don't want to keep their lives.

Hours later*

Daisuke holds a two-meter Nodachi and some human-shaped straw training dummies are not too far away.

Suddenly, all the training dummies are covered with several thin black lines as he slowly pulls the nodachi out of its sheath. Then he pushes the nodachi back into its scabbard, and all the training dummies fall apart as if cut, judging by all the smooth yet sharp surfaces on each falling part of the training dummies.

"I thought you were going to use Rashomon?" Gilgamesh raises an eyebrow.

"Oh, I am. I'm just hiding Rashomon from using its original forms. In addition to giving the false impression that I need a sword to use Rashomon." Daisuke replied, then explained how the nodachi is just a temporary vessel for Rashomon to be summoned instead of its clothes to change its attacking methods.

Simply, Daisuke recreating a weird bastardized combat style of Kanzaki Kaori from the series: Toaru Majutsu no Index, where instead of seven wires. Rashomon is those wires and can recreate some of her sword and wires techniques.

"Right, come on. Let's go check out the other Servants and Masters." Gilgamesh grins. "Especially when I want to see if this plan of yours works or not."

Daisuke and Gilgamesh set out in the dead of night, more ready than ever to participate in the Holy Grail War.

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