The Interstellar Male God

Chapter 65 - Run ten thousand meters

It’s really incredible. Is the major general out of the bag? Otherwise, how could there be so many expressions, Zhang Xuan couldn’t help but fall into his own contemplation, could not extricate himself, even when the car stopped when he did not notice.

On this way, Luo Lingxing also gained a lot. The original knowledge that he didn’t understand very much. Under the simple explanation of Han Junzhan, it turned out to be simple and easy to understand, which is better than what the teacher said in class. Can you still find him to explain.

I heard that if you hire a tutor in this world, you have to pay. Well, I do n’t know what the specific salary is. Let ’s ask other students tomorrow.

“Here, let’s go.” Han Junzhan led Luo Lingxing into the military.

Zhang Xuan finally broke free from his thoughts, and then looked back, he was gone, and glanced out of the window, and found that the boss had taken Master Luo into the military department, and suddenly felt like he was abandoned. .

“Hey, boss, wait for me.” Zhang Xuan didn’t have time to complain, and quickly got off to catch up.

Looking at the two in front of them walking side by side, Zhang Xuan suddenly had a feeling that the two were so well-matched. This idea immediately shocked him, and quickly recovered his free thoughts, and was careful not to let the boss discover his This kind of thinking, otherwise the future will definitely be miserable.

Han Junzhan brought Luo Lingxing to their daily training place, and Zhang Xuan introduced Luo Lingxing to the side.

“There are five legions in the military department. Each legion has a marshal commander. This is the training ground for the first legion. Everyone usually trains here. The boss is our head, and he will also train with us. You should train here later. “

Luo Lingxing listened to Zhang Xuan’s introduction while observing the training place.

Although it is almost evening, there are still a lot of soldiers training here. Everyone is consciously doing their own training tasks. People who meet Han Junzhan will also stop to salute and then continue, but they did not watch in Han Junzhan. Wherever he went, he would quietly look towards them, especially curious about the strange face of Luo Lingxing.

In fact, the curiosity of soldiers is generally not too heavy, but it is obviously different for Luo Lingxing. Who let him be their major general himself, everyone is almost guessing the identity of Luo Lingxing.

“Boss, is this a new recruit?” A full-bodied male voice sounded, and then saw a burly man approaching them.

Zhao Chongzhuo was still training new recruits. As a result, the boss saw a stranger coming in. He was curious, and after arranging the task, he ran over.

Zhao Chongzhuo carefully looked at Luo Lingxing, and in his heart, he quickly screened the information of the children of the major families, guessing the identity of this young man, the person who can bring the boss himself, the status of the identity is certainly not low, the most important is If there is something extraordinary, otherwise the character of the boss, even if the status is high, it is estimated to be dismissive.

“No, but he will train with the recruits in the future, I will set the training task, and start training after 5 pm every day.” Han Junzhan carefully advised.

This time, not only Zhao Chongzhuo, but even the few people who came after Wen Feng were stunned directly in place, like a stone statue, Zhang Xuan who was dumbfounded to see Coke.

Because of the previous blow, Zhang Xuan has calmed down a lot now. Looking at how a few comrades were scared, he finally balanced his mind.

Look, it’s not that his affordability is weak, but because the major general’s changes are so big that everyone can’t bear it.

“Is there a problem?” Han Junzhan didn’t reply when he saw a few people, raised his eyebrows slightly, and the temperature in his voice obviously dropped a lot.

Several people were awakened by freezing and immediately shook their heads to express no opinion, but the look in Luo Lingxing’s eyes was more full of curiosity and inquiry.

This is the first time they have seen the boss to bring someone in person, but also to personally take care of training.

Han Junzhan briefly introduced Luo Lingxing to these people, and then took Luo Lingxing to the training place of recruits.

“What is the training task tonight?” Han Junzhan asked Zhao Chongzhuo.

“Loading 10,000 meters.” Zhao Chongzhuo replied.

“You run with them first, I will look at your physical limit, and then arrange a specific training plan for you.” Han Junzhan said to Luo Lingxing.

“Good.” Luo Lingxing responded.

“Boss, his system rank …” Lin Mingying looked at Luo Lingxing, frowned, and was stopped by Han Junzhan’s gesture before he finished.

“All assembled, with a load of 10,000 meters, the last one to reach the training double, start!” Zhao Zhongzhuo ordered, the recruits all started scrambling to start running.

Luo Lingxing consciously went to bear weight, and then ran, but was stopped by Han Junzhan, saying: “You run directly with them, no need to bear weight.”

“Okay.” Luo Lingxing responded, and then started running behind the recruit.

Ten thousand meters is nothing for him in the previous life, and he can run to him in the blink of an eye, but unfortunately his physical fitness is too poor, and his cultivation has not recovered. At the beginning, it was okay to run, and after a long time, he felt more and more Strenuous.

However, in Luo Lingxing’s dictionary, he never gave up these two words. Although his physical quality was not good, he was full of hardship, so even if his body was tired again, he still insisted.

“Boss, his physical fitness has just reached D. The minimum requirement for our military department to accept people is B. Let him run with a group of people of grade B. Is this too difficult for him?” Lin Mingying watched the speed drop significantly Luo Lingxing said.

You know, if you have a difference in physique, the difference is a qualitative leap, and what you can withstand is very different.

Take running, for example, the running limit of system level D is about 5,000 meters, the fitness level of c is about 20,000 meters, and the level of B is about 50,000 meters. This is only for the limit of ordinary people. of.

As a soldier, the limit data is still soaring, so this 10,000 meters is a walk before dinner for the recruits, even if they are now running with weight, it is definitely not a level D person can catch up.

“Institutional level D? Are you saying that his institutional level is just D?” Zhao Chongzhuo’s attention on the recruits was pulled back and said in surprise.

“Yes.” Lin Mingying nodded.

“Boss, is Master Luo’s system level so low? Shouldn’t the 10,000-meter run exceed his limit? Will this first training require such great intensity?” Zhang Xuan exclaimed, unable to resist. There was also a trace of worry in Luo Lingxing’s eyes.

Han Junzhan did not answer any of their questions, staring at Luo Lingxing closely.

Luo Lingxing does not understand the physical division and limit of the world. His current goal is to finish the 10,000 meters. Although he also feels that his body is about to reach the limit, there is still five kilometers left. In any case, you have to finish.

“Hi, how are you doing?” A recruit asked worriedly as Luo Lingxing was about to fall.

“It’s okay.” Luo Lingxing spit out two hard words. He felt his throat was hot and speechless, his legs were very heavy, and each step was very difficult.

Although the recruit wanted to help Luo Lingxing, he did not dare to delay looking at the people who were constantly catching up behind him. After all, if he ran to the last place, his training would be doubled tomorrow.

Luo Lingxing insisted to run for another thousand meters, and his body was trembling, so he couldn’t hold on. He gritted his teeth, took out the pastry made with spirit food from the space, and stuffed a few pieces into his mouth. Next, a trace of spiritual power spread throughout the body, and the sore muscles were relieved a bit, which finally made him a little easier.

Slowing down, the speed gradually increased, and Luo Lingxing was eating spiritual food, while slowly accelerating, ready to make the final sprint.

“What smells good?” Some recruits closer to Luo Lingxing moved their noses hard, smelling the seemingly scent, and their steps slowly slowed down without them even realizing it.

“I don’t know, but it feels delicious.” A recruit responded, looking even involuntarily, looking for the source of the fragrance.

Standing on the edge of the training ground, Zhao Chongzhuo and others looked at the new recruits running slowly on the training ground, frowning.

“What’s going on? How did those guys run slower and slower?” Zhang Xuan asked doubtfully.

This 10,000-meter weight-bearing run is a pre-meal exercise for these recruits, and the speed should not drop at all.

“Look, look, Master Luo’s speed has increased, and now it has surpassed several recruits.” Lin Mingying said in surprise.

Others heard the news and immediately focused on Luo Lingxing. Sure enough, they saw that Luo Lingxing is getting faster and faster. Although it still can’t compare with the recruits, it is much better than before.

“The last lap, I don’t know if he can hold it.” Zhao Chongzhuo also tense up unconsciously.

Although the position of Luo Lingxing is still behind, he is still followed by several recruits. Such a result is already a very good result for a person with a system level of D. You must know that the general D level All of them ca n’t hold on to 10,000 meters at all, let alone surpass a few recruits.

Because everyone’s attention is on Luo Lingxing, naturally he will find that he will stuff something in his mouth after a while.

“Master Luo is eating?” Zhang Xuan said uncertainly.

“It looks like.” Zhao Chongzhuo nodded, but he was also surprised. He was the first time he saw someone eating while running.

However, they are keen to find that every time Luo Lingxing finishes eating, the speed will increase a little, and at the same time, the doubts in their hearts are getting bigger and bigger.

“Boss, Master Luo shouldn’t be eating …” Although Lin Mingying didn’t finish, everyone guessed what he was going to say.

There is such a thing that can make people improve their endurance and explosiveness in a short time, but that kind of thing is usually detrimental to health, generally no one will eat that, let alone just a small test. It doesn’t matter if you can’t run down, there is no need to damage your body in order to persevere, this is simply worth the loss.

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