The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 71: Stormblitz

As I flew in the sky and stopped above the humongous storm cloud, three hostile presences could be felt from below.

It seems they are below.


I pressed my hands together and prepared an Atomic Fission before lowering my position near the cloud.

Then I let go and the tiny orb did its thing.

A few seconds later, there was a gigantic hole in the cloud, and below was a forest. Perched on the top of the trees were two wolf-like creatures with metal rods on their back. Electricity surrounded the two beings and they both stared at me.

Wolves... the sight of them just ticks me off.

When they gaped their maws, a thunderous roar reverberated through the air and thunder crackled through the skies.

A moment later, the hole that I had created moments ago was filled up and rain dropped down from the clouds.

Great, I wasted a chunk of my mana just for it to be closed up. I guess that is my first mistake.

I looked back down and thoroughly inspected my enemies.

I noticed that there were only two of them. Weird… I recall sensing three of them… unless my senses are lying to me.

Maybe the third one is hiding somewhere…

Oh well, I'll deal with that one later. For now, I'll deal with these two.

I quickly inspected their levels.

Both of them were level 1500, the same level as me. Even though they are the same level as me, that's not going to cause me to yield my confidence.

My pride has already been tainted after the incident with the golems. Tch, thinking about it still pisses me off.

If only I wasn't so absorbed in my own power.

As I was scolding myself in my heart, one of the Stormblitzes charged towards me.

I looked up and quickly equipped Osiris, getting into an uppercut position.

Let's try… Rising Dragon!

Right before the Stormblitz was about to tackle me, I quickly ascended from the ground with my fist striking it directly in the muzzle.

The Stormblitz flew back and quickly landed on a tree. Suddenly, the lightning around its body began circulating at a swift rate, and then it turned into a ball of lightning which teleported from one tree to another, to another, and continued.

Eventually, it appeared next to its brethren after setting twenty trees on fire.

Well, that's going to be a hassle to handle. From what I can assume right now is that the lightning around its body affects its agility and strength.

Guess brute force isn't going to work on them either since that Stormblitz looks completely unscathed after it took a Rising Dragon straight in the jaw. Far-ranged attacks might work on them, so I'll try that for now.

I stretched my hand and launched a round of Volatile Orbs. The Stormblitzes dodged as the Volatile Orbs erupted, setting trees on fire.

The Stormblitzes quickly morphed themselves into spheres of lightning and zapped all over the place before concentrating a single thunderbolt at me.

I quickly Flash Stepped out of the way. The thunderbolt struck the tree I was on, setting it in flames.

I would land on another tree, but before I could set my eyes on the Stormblitzes, they quickly appeared in front of me with their claws only a few centimeters away from my face.

Shit! They're fast!

I shielded myself and the Stormblitzes slashed Osiris, chipping some parts off.

I fell back and landed on another tree. I noticed that my gauntlets were severely damaged.

Guess I won't be using my gauntlets for now. It takes a while for weapons in Ethos Arsenal to mend up.

I returned Osiris to Ethos Arsenal and jumped up into the air.

As I floated up, I looked down to see the Stormblitzes zapping their way towards me.

I launched another Atomic Fission towards them and as they zapped their way around it, I soared towards them and began concentrating energy to my mouth.


I opened my mouth and breathed out a stream of violent, icy mist which collided with the Stormblitzes.

As they exited their spherical lightning form, they landed on the tree with the metal rods on their back encased in ice.

Gradually the lightning circulating around their body began to calm down and seconds later, the lightning dulled, disappearing.

It worked. That's good.

I may have slacked off in my studies, but I do know that ice is a very poor conductor for electricity. Now that I have the ability to control Dragon Ice, I'll have the upper hand and since they are already encased in ice, I can get close now.

I appeared in front of one of them and snatched them by the muzzle. It struggled to escape from my grip as I began concentrating dark energy into my palm.

"Let's see if you can rot."

As I used Necrosis, its flesh began to melt.

I could feel it try to break from my grasp, but it could only whimper internally as its body continued to rot.

The other Stormblitz took notice and charged towards me, biting the arm that I was holding the other Stormblitz with.

I'd let go and teleport back.

The right half of the Stormblitz's face was now completely warped and a few of its skin was torn off. I also noticed that the rod on its right side was completely untouched.

Guess those metal rods of theirs are only weapons, an inanimate object. Can't use Necrosis on that.

Oh well, it's not like they are going to be using it since it's wrapped in ice.

Suddenly, a thunderous howl echoed through the air, which was as if it was shaking. Thunder flashed through the air and suddenly a larger ball of lightning fell from the sky, landing in between me and the Stormblitzes.

After manifesting, there was now another Stormblitz in front of me except this one was much larger and had many more metal rods on its back.

I knew there was another presence, but I just couldn't find it. Who knew it was hiding in the clouds?

I should've done my research on these creatures but there were none on these things.

The giant Stormblitz leaned in closer to me and we stared into each other's eyes.

I used Analysis and it was level 3000, two times my level.

It opened its mouth and roared at me, discharging mini lightning particles and causing thunder to strike its back.

While it continued to roar, I inhaled and used Frosty Dragon Breath, blasting subzero air into its open jaw.

The Stormblitz quickly jumped back and roared at the clouds, lightning striking it directly in the mouth.

After that, it glared at me with violent intent and snarled at me. The lightning on its back suddenly went wild and flew everywhere. Countless thunderbolts ripped from the sky clouds and struck everywhere. The metal rods on the other Stormblitzes were free of ice and they also regained their lightning.

However, the Stormblitz that I had used Necrosis on wasn't generating as much lightning as the other. Every time it roared, the lightning circulating around it wasn't charging up as fast. I probably messed up its ability to roar.

The larger Stormblitz turned towards the same Stormblitz and growled. It opened its jaw and bit the metal rods on its back. Suddenly, that same Stormblitz transformed into an intense creature of lightning.

As the lightning around it rapidly flew everywhere, I could see the metal rods overheating. Then it pounced towards me and when it got close, it exploded.

Then my vision returned to seeing the Stormblitz still charging towards me.

A Premonition!

I've been wondering if my Premonition was working. It would've been useful during my fight with the golems.

But anyway-

I charged towards the Stormblitz and as soon as I was about to collide with it, I slipped to the left and jabbed my hand into the side of the Stormblitz. Then I jumped up in the air, dodging the Stormblitz, and floated as it blew up behind me.

I see, so if too much electricity passes in those metal rods, then it will act as a bomb and explode after a period of time. Almost like an electric overload.

It also seems that they sacrifice the weak and use them as bombs. No room for the defective.

This is getting fun.

I stared at my left hand which was stained with the Stormblitz's blood and I licked it.

[Levels in Store: 3,780]

[Passive Skills in Store: Lightning Acceleration, Lightning Manipulation]

[Skills in Store: Lightning Bolt(Lvl.1), Lightning Shift(Lvl.1)]

After obtaining half its skills and levels with Derivation, I levitated towards the Stormblitzes and wrapped my hands in Dragon Fire, which was basically the same thing as fire except its properties mixed with dragon essence and burns bright blue.

My pride was damaged after the incident with the golems, and if I lose here, I won't forgive myself.

I took a deep breath before rushing forward.

I'll have to discard my pride for now. If I keep thinking of it, it'll only interfere with my concentration.

The Stormblitzes rushed towards me and roared, lightning ripping from the dark sky above.

I used Afterimage and dodged the bolt. I turned towards the Stormblitzes and flew towards them as I equipped Osiris which had finished mended itself in Ethos Arsenal. The Dragon Fire covering it will enhance my attacks.

I stared at the claws of Osiris and smirked. I then appeared beneath the smaller Stormblitz, my right hand flashing blue with flames.

"I'll tear you apart."




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