The Insurrection of the Inept Hero

Chapter 59: Late Night Stroll

Leaving the inn, we walked down the long, dark, and empty street.

As we continued to walk, I was getting a bit of nostalgia. I haven't walked alongside Risa in… a while. I think we used to walk together when we were in middle school. I think we still walked together in high school, but my memory isn't very clear.

But anyway…

I turned my attention to Risa. She was wearing a coat over a light-blue nightgown that reached past her knee.

It's weird… I've seen her so many times, but whenever I see her in different attires, I always find myself staring at her for a long time.

Now that I think of it… shouldn't she be with the other heroes?

"So, may I ask, what is a hero such as you traveling around for?" I wondered.

"Well… I'm traveling to find someone…" She said.

"Is that so? Who is this person you speak of?"

"Well… he would be… the Inept Hero."

I see… so it's me she is looking for…

Now that I think of it, this is the chance to see what she thinks about me. After all, I look and my charisma is completely different than before so it would be impossible for her to know.

"The Inept Hero, huh? I wonder... since you heroes come from the same world, how was he like?"

People in this world know of how heroes are summoned so that's not a weird question to ask a hero. Though I wouldn't like to be asked that question since it would reveal my identity.

"The Inept Hero…" She began and I listened closely.

"He… was my best friend… you could say. His name was Naoko… but you already knew that don't you?"

"Well, his name is notorious now after performing that stunt on the king."

"He didn't do it!" She yelled out before covering her mouth and regaining her composure.

"Oh, really?"

"I know he didn't. He was framed. He had to be. Naoko would never do that."

Now, whenever someone mentions my former name, it would often irritate me, but as long as it comes out of Risa's mouth, I'm okay with it.

"Naoko is… he had a tough past…"

That's not surprising. After all, the man you are talking about is right next to you.

"When he was young, he wasn't what you would call a normal kid. He was… very cynical and very pessimistic, which he still is."

Not much of a surprise there. I think it was pretty much shown on my face.

"But deep down, I know he is caring and kind, he just never gets the chance to show it."

I noticed her hands clenching and shaking. Is that… so? I don't ever see myself as a kind person, probably because I'm so intoxicated by my own negativity.

I could tell what she said was sincere. For the many years that I've known her, she has never lied to me once.

"Aah, I see, so you like him is what you are trying to say?" I said teasingly as I turned to her to see her reaction.

Her face was bright red and she nervously tried to speak.

"W-w-w-well..." She stuttered as I waited for her answer.

"W-well... w-wait, why am I telling you this?" She asked and I shrugged.

"You were the one that got into it."

"I-I'm sorry, I usually never tell anyone about how I feel about others, especially if that someone I'm speaking of."

"Is that so? Well then, you can stop if you want. Though I'm still curious, why are you searching for him?" I said, changing the topic back to what it originally was a few minutes ago.

"Well, I'm searching for him so I can bring him back to the kingdom."

I could feel my smile quickly turned upside down. Bring me back, huh?

"And why?"

"The king says he wants to talk with him. To convince him to come back and help him."

Hmph, help? After what he's done, he thinks I'm going to listen to him and help him? Foolishness, just utter idiocy.

"Well, I doubt he's going to listen to the king."

"He will if it's me. I just need to convince him. He'll listen... I know it." Yeah, he's definitely listening alright.

Now that I think of it, if I do go back with her, that would bring me closer to the king. With the power I have now, I can kill him.

A wide grin appeared on my face. Yeah... I can kill him. Maybe... maybe I'll just trap him in my Shadow King Domain and decimate him as I did to Myran and that Summoner from Cocytus.

What could go wrong?


"U-umm... Are you alright?"


Risa seemed to have noticed I was grinning, and it must've seemed suspicious. I'm going to need to control myself from now on.

But anyway, if I get near the king, then my goal is just inches away from being completed. I just need to tell her and she'll bring me to him. She'll listen... I know it.

"Risa." I said her name and she turned to me.

"Huh?" She had a puzzled expression.

Fuu... here it goes.


But before I was able to confess, a yelp could be heard up ahead.

We turned our attention to see two rough-looking men beating up a small boy.

Well, of course things like this are gonna happen. Incidents like this always happen. Well, actually that kinda help, I was just about to do the unthinkable. I think we should leave.

"I think we sho-" I tried suggesting but then-

"Hey, what are you doing!?" Risa yelled at them as she approached them.

Oh god... she never changes, does she? She always heads into trouble whenever it's around. I'm surprised that she isn't marked as a delinquent.

Though at first, I hesitated, I followed her.

The two men would turn towards us with a fierce expression on their face.

"What do you want?" They asked.

"Leave him alone. What has he done to you?" She said after healing the boy who was covered in cuts and bruises.

"This is none of your business unless you want to end up like him."

I took a glance at the young boy and there was something suspicious about him. Those cuts that Risa had just healed, all of them were new, recent cuts.

"Then why don't you pick on someone your own size?" Risa challenged them.

Risa!? Goddamn it, she really never changes, does she!? They are two times your size Risa, think about it clearly.

I took a quick peek at their stats and their levels were around 1000, while the young boy was only around 400. But then I noticed a familiar ring on the young boy's finger.

I see... so this is what's going on? That ring... that Tank that I killed in the underground had the same thing. I've dealt with this situation before.

I sighed as I pulled Risa towards me.

"Huh?" She was confused. I ignored her reaction and walked forward, facing the two giants.

"Oh? Are you with the young lady?" The other guy said.

I smiled grimly.

"If you want to trick someone into helping your leader and then kidnapping them, at least have him take off that ring," I said as I pointed to the limiter ring on the young boy's hand.

"Heh, so you've already seen through our plan?" The young boy said as he got up.

"Wha- wait, what is going on?" Risa asked.

"Well," The boy said. "We were planning on leading you to us and then kidnap you before you could notice what's going on. Then we take all your belongings and leave you on the street.

"However, it seems that this guy has already seen through us." He said, pointing to me.

"Wait so-"

"Yes, Risa," I said. "Those wounds of his... he purposely dealt them to himself to make it look like he was weak and injured. It was all just an act to lead anyone bravely foolish enough to help him."

"Precisely, and now that you've found out, it's time to-"


I quickly delivered a blow to the boy's stomach before he could finish his sentence. I'm already tired of hearing this guy speak nonsense. Let's just get to fighting already.

He flew back and crashed into a stack of boxes. His two lackeys sprinted towards me and attempted to tackle me. However, I quickly spun around and kicked the first one across the face, leading him to crash into his buddy, sending them flying across the floor.

"You," I pointed to the boy, "Take that ring off or I'll finish you right now."

"So be it!" The boy said as he took his ring off.

I took a peek at his level and it was now around 1200. These limiter rings, I wonder how they work. Oh well, I should think about that when I'm not in a fight.

He ran towards me and threw a punch which violently struck the side of my face, but that was just a premonition.

I ducked and his arm flew over me. Balling my fist, I struck his leg and he quickly fell onto the ground.

"Wha-" He tried to speak, but I kicked him directly under the chin, causing him to bite his own tongue.


"Quiet down."

I gripped his hair and tossed him to his Lackeys.

"Come on," I beckoned as I signaled them to come at me.

"Why don't you all just attack me at once?" I suggested.

The boy and the other two looked at each other, and a smirk appeared on their faces.

Foolishly, they all came at me at the same time. It doesn't matter if they come at me one by one or at the same time anymore; the results were obvious by now.

When they were in range, I got low on the ground and swept them off their feet one by one, the three of them falling on their side.




As they fell onto the ground, I stomped all of them one by one on the head. Then I went over to the boy and grabbed him by his face, lifting him off the ground.

"I think I'll just wipe your existence now."

"Damn it... this isn't how things should've gone!"

"Oh... pissed aren't you? Well, life was never fair in the first place... especially to me."

A wide grin appeared on my face as I began accumulating dark energy into the palm of my hand, preparing Necrosis.


I said as I was just about to activate Necrosis, however, I was stopped by Risa who slapped me across the face, causing me to let go of him.

It took me a while to register what had just happened and while I did that, Risa had told the three to flee, which they did.

I rubbed my cheek where she had smacked me and then turned towards her.

"What was that for?" She said.

"I could say the same for you. Why did you stop me?" I retorted.

"You already won, there was no point in hurting them anymore."

"They deserved it. Think about it, Risa."

I began approaching her with a furious expression on my face.

"If I had left you to deal with them, you would've probably been one of their many victims. How many people do you think they've tricked? Have you ever thought about that Risa!? Huh!?"

All my pent-up anger had exploded right in front of her face. She gulped as I stared down at her.

"Is that so... Naoko?"



"Is that so Naoko!?"

"...what... what are you saying?"

I took a step backward as she glared into my eyes. I never... I- how did she-

"It's obvious. I never once mentioned my name to you, yet somehow you knew it."

"B-but everyone knows your name. The-"

"Only as the Healer Hero, my name is never once mentioned."


I... she...

Now that I remember it... I have heard about the announcement of the heroes' arrival, but not their names.

Crap, I was so used to being around Risa that I forgot I was trying to hide my identity.

"N-no, y-you've got the wrong person." I tried to make up a lie, but it was already too late for me. I had walked right into the trap.

"It's not just that. That same loathing attitude you have, it's all marked across your face."

She scanned me from head to toe.

"Even if you changed appearances, you are still the same pessimistic, cold-blooded bastard!"

She was going to say more, but she began to tear up.

Well, so much for a late-night stroll.

As we walked back to the inn, we didn't make eye contact, nor did we speak. After we returned to the inn, we separated and returned to our rooms. The rest of the night was... depressing.




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