The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 621

Chapter 514: : Burning America

Tens of thousands of troop carriers were almost impossible to stop, and the locust-like individual aircraft collided with the steel barrage with flesh and blood, protecting the troop carriers and delivery cabins from the ground.

The flying speed of the Leviathan seems to be slow, but in fact it is fast.

The Earth Fleet is also constantly firing weapons at Thanos’ battleship, and the nuclear weapons it carries are sent to Temple II through the delivery spacecraft to detonate.

The fire engulfed many troop transports and delivery cabins, and the remaining part of the flagship of Temple II was turned into molten iron under the bombardment of nuclear bombs, but the troop transports that spewed at that moment had already delivered enough troops.

The next moment, the most desperate thing happened. The nearby starry sky suddenly appeared with special effects like shattering stained glass. Several ring-shaped spaceships jumped out, and the moment they appeared, they launched the delivery capsule towards the earth.

Even if these spaceships were quickly blown up by precisely delivered nuclear bombs, the troop transport ships had already dispersed, and it was no longer something that a simple nuclear bomb could intercept.

Numerous troop carriers and delivery capsules flew to the American continent, without exception, all fell into the cursed land.

The commander-in-chief of the United States kept roaring and asked the American army to quickly intercept the enemy army.

The missile interception system of the military base was activated, and countless anti-aircraft weapons were activated, preventing the troop carrier and the delivery cabin from landing.

Many troop carriers and delivery pods were shot down by missiles, but more troop carriers managed to come to American soil.

In such a situation, the live broadcast of the underground shelters in the United States has been cut off, and the people can only wait for the arrival of fate from boundless fear.

“It’s so lively…” Li Wei hung up Tony’s phone. He raised his head, not looking at the troop carriers and delivery cabins dripping from the sky like raindrops, but what happened in the world driven by external forces Great change, referred to as the butterfly effect.

He wants to see the Earth Alliance destroy the Thanos Army. This is the war for the rise of mankind, and this is the right way for mankind to get rid of the fear of the Great War in New York.

Just now he told Tony that there was no way, let Tony solve it by himself.

But it’s not that Li Wei really can’t make a move, he just can’t hold it in preparation, or if Thanos comes, he will make a move.

“Hey… There are so many spaceships in the sky, does it really matter?” Dr. Strange looked at the troop carriers and delivery cabins flying all over the sky, and everyone was numb.

He just became the Supreme Mage, why did he suddenly encounter such a thing?

What’s going on here, isn’t it engaged in interstellar development, why is there an alien invasion all of a sudden?

Li Wei rushed to Strange and said helplessly, “This is an invasion war. It is difficult for me to turn the tide of the war with my own strength. The best I can do is shoot.”

At this time, Natasha came with Wanda and Colonel Rhodey, all three with solemn and sad faces.

Under the influence of some unknown force, most of the troop carriers in the sky have fallen into the United States. At least thousands of troop carriers have come to New York, and Times Square will become a battlefield for invasion.

If it cannot be controlled in time, the masses hiding in underground facilities will suffer deep harm.

They simply can’t imagine that happening…

old movie tradition.

“Li Wei, we must find a place to transfer the masses. Your teleportation ability can do it! This place will soon become a battlefield!”

Natasha didn’t talk nonsense, and immediately told Li Wei her plan.

The plan was to move New York’s population to a safer place, and when the war was over, send them back to rebuild New York City.

“Compared to me…” Li Wei reached out and grabbed Strange, who had the same dignified face, and said, “Doctor Strange is more suitable for teleportation, eh? When did you change your clothes?”

While Natasha and Li Wei were talking, Strange had used magic to quietly complete the transformation of the Supreme Mage, put on a dark blue dress, and hung around his neck with the time gem as the core. The Eye of Agamotto, even the hair has been rearranged.

When Li Wei grabbed Strange, Natasha found that there was someone beside her at some point, and looked at him in surprise.

The double door behind him was suddenly pushed open, and a red cloak flew out and was automatically tied to Strange’s shoulders, completing the final step of the Supreme Mage’s transformation.

“Dr. Stephen Strange?” After staring at Strange’s face for a while, Natasha recognized him, this neurosurgeon, a genius doctor with a 100% success rate, such a society Celebrities are in Natasha’s attention.

However, she glanced at Strangeb’s hands with surgical scars. Didn’t this medical genius lose his hands not long ago and disappeared from the public eye.

It’s actually better now, and it seems to have acquired an incredible ability.

“Yes, I will use magic to help and transfer ordinary people away!” Strange’s expression was very serious at the moment. He didn’t say too much nonsense, just said that he would help.

Natasha and the others also reacted. Now is not the time to think about why Strange can use magic. It is important to save people!

“Do you also teleport magic? Okay, listen to me!”

After confirming that Strange would also use teleportation magic, Roddy reported the coordinates of various shelters in New York and assigned tasks, including Livy.

Li Wei had no opinion. He and Natasha were in charge of taking refugees from six subway stations to the bomb shelter.

Wanda and Strange are a group, they want to transfer more refugees into the dugout.

Roddy and Kuaiyin teamed up to search and rescue single citizens throughout the city.

Steve, who was still there, has taken the National Guard to the bomb shelter to set up defense lines, and some police officers have to maintain order in the bomb shelter.

Seeing that the situation was urgent, the black marinated egg who was hiding behind the scenes decisively pressed the BB machine and called the strongest thigh surprise aunt.

Aunt Marvel will be late for a long time, and during this time, he needs to bring his secret power to help control the situation.

Agent Hill, who had not been working in Stark Industries for a long time, was once again in danger. After some operations, she successfully obtained the command of all armed forces in New York City, and various tasks were carried out in an orderly manner.

With a unified command, the National Guards who hurriedly confronted finally stopped being a mess.

dong dong dong!

The fastest batch of delivery pods landed, and hundreds of vanguard guards swarmed out from the gate of the iron-pillar-shaped delivery pod. Many of the delivery pods even came out of biochemical monsters shaped like gorillas.

These monsters ignored the normal rifle fire and began to attack the buildings in New Without a target, they started a more intense smashing operation, the buildings were destroyed, and various commodities were smashed.

The unreasonable destruction action set this land on fire!

In the troop transport ship, more advanced soldiers descended. They held spears that could fire lasers, and wore combat uniforms and helmets that could withstand bullets from ordinary rifles.

Their appearance quickly collapsed the line of defense that Steve arranged.

With the addition of the star beast Leviathan, as well as the Qitarui individual aircraft and the attack ship of the Thanos Legion breaking through the atmosphere, the human side was almost unilaterally beaten.

The horrific battle damage ratio would make any commander want to shoot himself…

Faced with such a predicament, the Grand Commander can only seek help from the United States.

The land howled under the guns of the invaders, as it had been a hundred years ago!

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