The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 615

Chapter 508: : Ebony Throat

Li Wei was very surprised. He saw the donut spaceship with the virus satellite that was remotely monitored. He didn’t expect Thanos to come so soon.

If I knew it earlier, I would have spoiled it earlier, so that I can still see Star Wars…

But it’s not too late!

The little magic assistant opened the portal, and after Li Wei passed through the portal, he appeared in a command room.

In the room, Tony had already stood in front of the console and was constantly giving orders to Jarvis. The floating screen on one side also displayed several connected communications, with the United badge on it.

The movement behind him made Tony look back suddenly, and he was relieved when he saw that it was Li Wei.

“My God, please don’t show up so silently, you’ll scare me sick!”

Li Wei was unmoved by this, walked to Tony’s side, and asked him to create a screen to show the external surveillance images in the universe.

“How is the situation?”

Speaking of business, Tony also became serious, and continued to operate on the screen, enabling all the special satellites of Stark Industries, all staring at the two donut spaceships, all kinds of measured data were collected together, and shared with the United aspect.

Although it is not the first time facing the enemy from the universe, Tony is still very nervous, and the scene of the last New York battle is still vivid in his mind.

This time is different. With the power of uniting all mankind, can’t it beat the mere two doughnut spaceships?

“Two donuts have come, the United has already known about it, and now they are gathering, what information do you know…”

Tony’s words were only half finished, and a larger spaceship appeared behind the donut spaceship!

The deep black battleship is dotted with faint red rays of light, and the overall appearance is a horizontal cylindrical shape. The volume is about 800 meters wide according to the measurement calculation, and the site should be nearly 100 meters long.

Li Wei, who was on the side, also saw the larger spaceship through the video screen, and immediately touched his chin. This spaceship did not seem to have appeared in the movie.

But he is not sure, he can only be sure that this is not the flagship of Thanos, the flagship of Thanos is much bigger than this.

It’s a pity that Thanos’ broken flagship is not used to burn glass at all. The firepower of the battleship is seriously insufficient, so it can only be used to transport troops.

What a ridiculous use!

“Okay, there’s another big guy, the alien’s aesthetic is really bad.” He said witty, but Tony’s face was getting worse and worse.

At this moment, the door of the command room opened automatically, and the Avengers swarmed in, looking at the huge flagship on the screen, and their expressions immediately became solemn.

“Tony, what’s the situation now?” Steve approached the console and imitated Li Wei.

This time Tony was not in the mood to explain it himself, so he simply asked Jarvis to explain the situation to Steve.

Tony looked at Li Wei and asked, “Li Wei, if you have information now, then hurry up and say it. If you don’t have information, can you give some advice?”


The corner of Li Wei’s mouth twitched, and he said, “Just hit it directly, what advice do you need!”

When everyone in the room heard this, they all looked at him with a solemn expression on their faces.

The armed space station built around the Lagrangian point of the earth has begun to take shape, and it is equipped with countless top technologies of the earth. At the moment when the donut spaceship jumps out, all the armed space stations have discovered these uninvited guests.

The joint response is very simple. Immediately let the preliminary space fleet bring all the firepower assembled, bring all the weapons hidden in the laboratory, and the new weapons for the invincible defense of the Inhuman city some time ago. .

All in all, the united side showed the highest attitude of attention, which directly sounded the alert state of the entire earth.

In the face of an unknown enemy from the universe, the Earth cannot be overestimated no matter how much.

The last time I was in New York was just because something happened suddenly, and some hardliners almost hated Nick Fury, always hiding these messes.

If Nick Fury could tell America directly when the Asgardian son Loki came to Earth, the entire map would become a war machine with agents walking all over the place, and if it really moved, maybe New York would not be invaded.

After that, Nick Fury was able to protect himself, just because S.H.I.E.L.D. was already too big, and it was only under mutual checks and balances that this broken organization could be allowed to continue to exist.

It’s different now. Although the union is not one heart, at least there are fewer conflicts. They are busy going to the universe to collect money. How can there be so much spare time to fight for the resources of the earth.

After Tony’s reminder, the United almost took all the guys, ready to sink the boat and let these cannons with the shape of a healthy earth.

If it is for diplomacy, everything is easy to say!

If you are here to make wind and rain, then don’t go back alive to report!

The two donut spaceships on the opposite side seem to be very strong, plus the flagship, but they have never left the development of weapons, and today is the actual combat stage!

At the same time, everyone on Earth has also been mobilized, social shutdown is not considered, and large-scale evacuation is needed.

Defend the enemy outside the goal, but also have to prevent the enemy from entering.

Countless people put down their jobs under unaware and stern urging, and went to bomb shelters or underground shelters such as subways that they may not be able to visit once in a lifetime.

The combat readiness warehouse is opened, and the supplies are transported to the designated location by truck by truck. Joining the enemy to break through the defense of the armed space station, they need to face the enemy entering the earth.

Among the two donut spaceships, the Obsidian Five under Thanos did not stay in the flagship behind him, but stood in the two near-earth spaceships respectively.

Their original plan was to sneak into the earth, find the target through the radar, and directly **** the Infinity Stones, but it is obvious that their information is out of date!

Looking at the thick and long muzzle pointed at them in the enlarged image, and the earth battleship suspended in the starry sky full of “primitive” guns, the ebony throat showed a trace of doubt and contempt.

He admitted that his information was outdated, and that the decision to approach only with a ring-shaped spacecraft was wrong, but he did not think that Earth, a backward and ignorant planet, had any ability to resist.

A few years ago, the Qitarui army could still be beaten without a chance to fight back. Only a few years ago, can it be improved from the level of using backward gunpowder weapons to the ability to use energy weapons in an instant?

For those hundreds of warships of all kinds, Ebony Maw could not help laughing at a glance. Those warships obviously did not have the ability to threaten their warships.

Look at the ugly appearance, the original stitching, and even a decent star port in space has not been built. These earthlings still want to stop the great cause of Thanos?


“Ebony throat, do we need to go back to the battleship?” The voice of a **** dwarf who was not very good came from the communication system.

Such a question is indeed in line with his IQ, but ebony throat is not annoying. If you don’t bring him, how can you show your wisdom!

“No need, let the battleship go ahead. Since it has been discovered, let’s land directly on that planet.”

The corner of Ebony Maw’s mouth revealed a win-win ridicule, and continued: “Fools tend to compromise because of empathy, so that’s fine!”

With enough damage done to Earth, the Jewel Guardian will probably hand over his stones, as some self-proclaimed heroes do!

The donut spaceship slowly retreated, and the drum-type battleship took the lead. The exterior of the battleship was wrapped in a streamlined light composed of various strange colors, driving itself to fly quickly towards the earth.


Everyone in the joint operations command room condensed, and the phones in their hands could issue orders to the warships at any time, even though the roller warships and doughnut warships were still tens of millions of kilometers away from the earth.

“Has the message been sent?”

One also asked the questions that many people wanted to ask with peaceful expectations, and the correspondent on the side repeated the questions to the front line. After getting a reply, he also lost his face.

“The other party refused to accept it, and the contact failed.”

The atmosphere in the battle command room was a little heavier. No one wanted war. Even if automation technology was widely used and there were not many personnel on the battleship, every shell fired was a weapon to protect the country!

But the other party has such a posture, and they have to fight back with the same tough posture, otherwise the earth may become a colony.

“All ready for battle!”

A railgun on the moon was lit, all the weapons on the battleship were being prepared, and the superweapons tested by the armed space station were reactivated.

Eagle sauce, rabbit, bear, belt, baguette.

All of them took out the new weapons developed for the Inhuman city and aimed at the approaching flagship.

The weapons they developed for the Inhumans shield were all kinetic weapons, and the styles were extraordinarily unified. It was a huge sharp stick that could be ejected by an electromagnetic catapult, and it was just a huge electromagnetic railgun.

After all, the energy shield of the Inhuman city has the worst energy absorption efficiency against physical strikes…

Seeing those weapons that were ready to go, Ebony Maw wrinkled a few faces that were ugly in human aesthetics, and soon relaxed again, chuckling his own sensitivity inwardly.

The troops he brought were enough to wipe out everyone in Asgard except those high-end combat powers. How could there be an accident just by relying on the newly civilized Earth!

Communication requests again and again fell into the sea, and everyone in the joint headquarters was watching the roller warships approaching Mars. Knowing that the battle was irreversible, they let go of their orders.

The electromagnetic railgun lit up with white light, and the projectile was ejected. After passing through the continuous acceleration of the gun barrel, it flew out at an unbelievable speed. In a vacuum environment, the distance would hardly cause any weakening to the projectile. .

Several conventional electromagnetic railguns that can shoot longer distances took the lead in launching exploratory attacks, and after obtaining data, analysis could continue.

Whoa whoa whoa!

The red alarm rang through the three battleships, and the rapidly approaching electromagnetic cannonballs shot with exaggerated kinetic energy, causing the originally calm ebony throat to smash the ring he was playing with.

The first kinetic energy shell collided with the drum spaceship, and a layer of weak shield used to defend against meteorite impact was broken down in an instant, and the solid alloy warhead plunged deeply into the metal shell of the spaceship.

The first shell was weakened a little by the shield, and finally failed to penetrate the outer defensive armor of the battleship, but the remaining kinetic energy shells had penetrated the outer wall of the battleship, but they did not penetrate much, just penetrated several layers of defense.

“Electromagnetic gun?!”

Ebony-throated who reacted was shocked and angry. He took two small steps closer to the driving position and looked at the enlarged battleship group in the image, and felt a certain sense of absurdity in his heart.

When the Chitauri invaded the earth a few years ago, he adhered to a rigorous and serious attitude and collected a large amount of information on the earth, confirming that the Chitauri could easily conquer the forces on this planet. people to work.

For this he even learned English!

The face was cloudy for a moment, and the ebony throat snorted softly and regained her composure.

A technology in the laboratory, even if it is created because of a sense of crisis, backwardness is backwardness!

The doomed ending is the same after all, just a little more trouble.

“Speed up!”

In the joint operations command room, everyone’s expressions were wonderful. They had just imagined countless possibilities. Although they also expected the electromagnetic railguns to play a role, they never expected that the shells would directly penetrate them. The shield of the battleship.


Penetrating the shield, which is indeed in their vision, is just classified as an impossible miracle.

Such a thing!

We haven’t used the most powerful weapon yet, how did you break the defense?

Seeing the “miracle” made by the electromagnetic guns, the commanders clapped the table with excitement and let all the electromagnetic guns continue to fire!

Bang bang bang!

The electromagnetic railguns kept firing, and the large ones were also charging.

Dozens of large and small shells flew out and shot at the extremely conspicuous roller battleship.

The shells hit the spaceship, causing varying degrees of damage depending on the type of shells.

The outer armor and a small amount of metal walls were penetrated, but it did not affect the overall speed of the spacecraft.

That’s all!

Ebony-throated looked at the earthlings who were still struggling, and laughed inwardly.

Electromagnetic railguns are eliminated by energy because light has penetrating power, and there is no explosion damage. When facing harder metals, the effects are still uneven.

The high temperature of energy cannons, except for some top materials, is basically one cannon and one pit, and the efficiency is much higher than that of activated energy weapons.

It’s a pity that the earthlings have produced those ridiculous missiles and electromagnetic rail guns, and it is estimated that they have nothing to do…


The alarm bell rang again in the spacecraft, the intelligent system quickly marked the high-energy target, and an armed space station full of splicing marks lit up with a bright dark red light.

Massive amounts of energy gathered in it, and with the tremor of the gun barrel moving backwards, a dark red energy cluster like a shooting star instantly spewed out.

At the same time, the roller warship has reached the strike range of the missile…

Countless spots of light flashed in the space fleet, and the missiles formed a barrage, which followed the dark red energy group and shot towards the roller battleship.

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