The Infinite Journey of Cruelty

Chapter 602

Chapter 496: : See Marx

The latest website: After another month of preparation, debugging and preparation, the Explorer 2 spacecraft took Li Wei and Tony for five days, made a circle in the solar system, and recorded countless precious survey data. .

New York was in the middle of the night at 8 p.m. when the Explorer 2 spacecraft landed silently at Tony’s private proving ground.

And Tony is still very excited. After having a lot of data between the universe, he has all kinds of wonderful ideas. The mineral reserves on the moon and Mars are far beyond the estimates of earth experts. This is a piece of Super big cake.

And it is a brand new field, a development line within reach.

He is also tirelessly telling his thoughts to Li Wei, the magician and “genius scientist”.

Due to his extensive knowledge, Li Wei directly stole the paths developed by various worlds for many years and gave them to Tony, allowing him to burst out more and more wonderful inspirations.

But when this time back on Earth, Tony received an invitation from Nick Fury and Steve.

With the joint efforts, most of the heads of Hydra around the world have been found and arrested, and they have found the location of the last Hydra head.

A castle in Sokovia, after a probe, Nick Fury found that the castle was protected by an energy shield, and he needed to go to crack it.

In addition, Thor also came to the earth, and the members of the Avengers are basically there, they can conduct a round of assembly, and invite Li Wei by the way.

After receiving the news, the pushy Tony was not thinking of surprise, but distress.

His genius-like brain is still overflowing with inspiration, and there is no time to record it. There is no time to put on a battle suit and destroy the Hydra.

After thinking about it, Tony decided to let the remote control suit go to help out, and only need the help of the signal booster that goes with him, and the remote control can be perfectly realized.

Li Wei did not agree to Nick Fury’s invitation and continued to stay by Tony’s side.

He can see that Tony has been shaken, and now it is more necessary for him to guide him. It is not easy for Tony to give up his identity as Iron Man, because Iron Man is not only an identity, but also Tony’s late friend Ethan and everyone. expectations.

However, Tony’s original intention is always to protect the world, which is really great, but he is still too conservative. The changes to the world are only reflected in a small circle and the rising stock price of Stark Industries.

“I won’t go to Tony, anyway, it’s a good solution there, but you, haven’t your thoughts changed?” Li Wei sat down on the sofa for rest in the laboratory, looking at Tony who was still recording his thoughts in front of the computer.

Tony doesn’t even look up. He and Li Wei are inseparable these days, and they are already familiar with each other. “I have so many ideas now, which one are you asking? A space junk station? Or a Dyson sphere?”

“Neither, are you still not going to give up the identity of Iron Man? Or do you want to find a successor?” Tony paused, looked up at Li Wei, and then began to dance with his hands again, and asked: “Why do you ask that? ?”

Li Wei stopped pretending, and directly stated the attitude of the matter: “Do you think that you can combine research and flying around the world to save innocent people in your current time? Or are you still immersed in the greatness of your self-imagination?”

This time, Tony finally really stopped working.

If someone else said that to him, he would sneer, but these days Li Wei’s knowledge and insights have conquered him, and Li Wei said that, and he would think.

But Tony felt that he was really busy now, so he said bluntly: “Okay, just say it directly, you also know that I am very busy now.”

Li Wei smiled, then stood up, pulled out a holographic screen, and asked Jarvis to pull out a model of the earth, “Have you seen this planet?”

Tony behind the workbench nodded reluctantly.

“There are 7.4 billion people on this planet, but there are still 800 million people who can’t get enough to eat! Look at this forgotten area of the world, because of the stirring of a certain power, thousands of people die every year. Iron Man is here The place established a foundation to help people who were injured by the war, but Iron Man couldn’t stop the war from going on, do you know why?”

Silent Tony doesn’t even need to go through his brain, he can already give many answers, but these answers are really beyond his super rich.

But he is already doing it. As long as new opportunities for space development are born, the contradictions of the earth will eventually be gradually shifted. As long as people see a wider space, the pattern will be opened!

In the boundless sky, the earth is small, and the number of jobs will increase suddenly. According to Tony’s estimation, if the mature industry chain is fully invested, it will only take ten years to become large.

At that time, all people will be able to support themselves with their hands!

So despite what Levi said, Tony still did not give up hope.

Li Wei can sense Tony’s general mood through magic, so he is more straightforward and doesn’t waste everyone’s time.

“You can open factories to every corner of the world, without even counting the upfront investment, and let everyone have jobs, but you can’t make people all over the world give up their conflicts with each other, and you can’t make those greedy This guy can fully cooperate with your plan! You can’t control everything, and you don’t have the energy to manage so many broken things!

I share so many technologies with you, not to make you the leader of the earth, nor to make Stark Industries blossom globally, of course you can’t do it, too many people don’t want to see that kind of result, you never have The way to fight against the majority is like having to compromise with the military. ”

After a few words, Tony’s inner hope faded a Don’t let arrogance ruin the bright future, your pattern, open up! I suggest you read Marx here, I will temporarily seal your memory, so that you have time and mind to learn new knowledge, Jarvis testifies! “Then Li Wei asked the little magic assistant to take action, and in Tony’s hands, he sealed a lot of his memories.

After the seal was over, Tony was still the same Tony, and he knew that he had been sealed.

But when he wanted to recall the technology related to the speed of light engine and new materials, he couldn’t remember it. He glared at Li Wei angrily, “Are you serious? It’s a disservice? I still have a lot of thoughts that I haven’t recorded, so that’s good. It’s gone!”

Li Wei smiled brightly and brightly. He was like a teacher looking at a stupid student and said: “Keyword detection, a little magic, blocks your recall of the technology I shared with you, what you lack is not smart The brain is the sublimation of thinking, countless technological innovations are accompanied by iterations of thinking, the people are not ready, and neither are you, so you should think deeply about false propositions.”

Tony raised his hands in surrender, and under the temptation of knowledge, chose to move into new territory.

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