The Hidden World

Chapter 322 – Dragons of Gaea

“Did you think that we wouldn’t find out?” one man asked, his voice low. He was the one causing the shaking. 

“Now now, gentlemen. Calm down,” Kilik said with a pleasant tone. “There’s no need to make a ruckus.”

“The archmage is dead,” the man growled. “She’s dead. Our leader is dead. Did you not think that it would be imperative to inform us of this fact? While she was dead, we were going around doing our normal everyday routines, talking and laughing and joking like everything is okay. Do you understand the shame we felt when we found this out?”

“I do understand,” Kilik replied. “I really do. But hear me out, Brother. I was planning to inform the Dragons of Gaea tomorrow morning. I had to get some business in order before doing that though.”

‘Dragons of Gaea,’ Yuki thought from her hiding place in the shadows. ‘They’re from that group? No wonder they’re so angry.’

“Tomorrow?” the man repeated incredulously. “You were going to tell us tomorrow. She’s been missing for two years now. And somewhere during that, she passed away. Are you trying to tell me that it just happened?”

“I am not trying to say that.”

“So you knew for so long,” the man said, his voice rising and the tremors increasing. “And then you have the audacity to tell us that you would have told us tomorrow. Do you understand the chaos that would come from our leader suddenly disappearing and an archmage’s seat becoming vacant?”

“Of course I do,” Kilik sighed.

“There would be fighting for months if we are lucky. Years most likely. The archmage didn’t appoint a successor. She was supposed to live so much longer. And I know what you will do. You’re going to open this seat to the public, a seat that has been held by us since its inception.”

“Now hold on. Those are some strong assumptions you are jumping to,” Kilik said, raising his hands. “First, Sophie isn’t dead. She’s merely incapacitated.”

“That would be true, but we don’t know where she died!” the man shouted. “Because you were so lax on telling us, her core is all but lost! Can’t you see? Do you not think that we thought of that?”

The tremors suddenly stopped as a low growl filled the air. The two people with that man slowly backed away, their steps hesitant.

“Do not shout at me,” Kilik said softly. His voice had changed. It sounded like two people speaking in harmony. Yuki realised that the shaking had stopped because of him. “You forget your place, Brother. Don’t test your luck.”

‘This must have been what Ember was warning me about,’ she thought. ‘I’m glad that I didn’t anger him.’

The man looked down and took a deep breath.

“My apologies,” he said, the smallest of shakes in his tone. “I didn’t mean to be disrespectful.”

“I know,” Kilik replied. He twitched his head and squeezed the bridge of his nose. “You were getting dangerously close, you know?”

“I could see that. I’ll make sure to conduct myself better.”

“Good. I am open for a discussion, Brother. But I do not want to get into a shouting match. Especially not right now. Back to the topic at hand though. Let me try to ease some of your concerns.”

“How so?” the man asked, standing up a bit straighter.

“On the matter of Sophie’s core, it is not truly lost,” Kilik said. “We simply do not know its current location. That doesn’t mean we don’t have ways to locate it. A core that powerful is not something that can merely disappear. You know that.”

“It would be a massive undertaking to do though,” the man frowned. “We do not have even a general location as to where she would have been on her passing. She disappeared for so long that she could be anywhere.”

“It will be a hefty task, yes, but we have to at least try. I’m confident that we can do it if we combine our power.”

“And the other matter? With the vacant seats?” the man asked.

“That is something that I can offer a more concrete answer to,” Kilik smiled. “It is true that Sophie did not appoint a successor during the time she was here. However, that does not mean that she never appointed one during the two years she was gone.”

“From what it sounds like, you’ve found this person?” the man said.

“I have. The reason for our delay in relaying the news of Sophie’s passing was because of this. We were trying to make sure everything was in place for a quick and peaceful transition.”

“Who is it then? This successor? Do we know them?”

“I’ll be quite surprised if you do.”

“Are they here?”

“They are,” Kilik nodded. “She’s actually with us right now. Won’t you come out?”

He turned his head towards Yuki’s hiding spot and smiled. Yuki hesitated for a moment, before stepping out into the light. 

“This is your next archmage,” Kilik said. “I’m sure you can see the mark on her, correct?”

The man said nothing and looked Yuki over. His brown eyes began to glow softly as he frowned before nodding.

“Sophie’s mark is on her, yes,” he said. “What is your name?”

“I’m Yuki,” she replied.

“Yuki. I don’t know that name. Where did you find her?” the man asked, directing his question to Kilik.

“Ember found her in the Fiddler’s Coliseum,” Kilik replied. 

“The head of the guard?”


“Tell me, Yuki. How did you come to meet the former archmage?” the man said. 

“By chance,” Yuki answered. She wasn’t quite sure how to respond, but she knew that she shouldn’t say everything. She was the one that caused Sophie’s death. “She instructed me on magic and other topics.”

“Do you know what happened to her?” 

“I’m not quite, sorry. She passed on her blessing, then disappeared,” she said.

“I see. Head of the Council, you have already anointed her, haven’t you?” the man asked.

“I have. I’m planning to come out with the news tomorrow along with the announcement of Sophie’s passing. Do you have any complaints with this?”

“No complaints, but I do have a request,” he said. 

“What is that?”

“Can you delay the announcement for one day?” he asked. “The Dragons of Gaea will need some time. Also, can we ask Yuki to come with us for tomorrow?”

“If she is willing, then yes. Why do you want her?” Kilik siad.

“We need to see if she is fit for the position.”

“Are you doubting Sophie’s judgement?”

“Never. But there are others who will,” the man explained. “Yuki must be able to silence them with her abilities. If she can prove herself, then this transfer will go along quite smoothly. At least, among the Dragons of Gaea.”

What the man said made sense to Yuki. She was a nobody who wasn’t even raised in the cities. They had all the right to doubt her.

“I will go,” Yuki said.

“Thank you for understanding,” the man nodded. 

“What exactly will I have to do though?”

“Demonstrate your skills. You might need to participate in some battles if anyone challenges, but if Sophie selected you, then you should win quite handedly,” he said. 


“We’ll be back in the morning,” he said. 

“You know what to do when you leave this place, right?” Kilik asked.

“Of course.”

“Make sure you do. I do not want to come after you.”

“Don’t worry yourself,” the man reassured him. “Brothers, we will be leaving.”

He turned and began heading toward the entrance of the room, the two people that came with him following. 

“Remember, tomorrow morning,” he said before disappearing down the hall.


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