The Hidden World

Chapter 294 – Compromise

“Do you have anything else you want to know about Erica’s exile?” the Leader asked. “If not, then this is over and Erica will be taken to prison before awaiting judgement.”

“Why take her to prison?” Yuki asked. “Can you not just remove her from the town again?”

“She violated orders. We must punish that, otherwise the orders would merely be suggestions.”

“Then why was she allowed inside in the first place?” Yuki frowned.

“I’ve been gone for over a hundred years,” Erica replied quietly. “The guards may not have recognized me, especially if they’re new ones.”

“But if you were gone for so long that even the guards wouldn’t remember you, then why punish you further? That’s enough time for you to reflect. I know you regret it. I know you’ve improved yourself.”

“The exile order was indefinite,” the Advisor said. “Because of that, there must be a punishment.”

“Why are you so scared of Erica though?” Yuki asked. “She’s just another succubus just like you three. Aren’t there ways to control another succubus that you all know?”

“Erica isn’t just a succubus,” the General who the Leader called Bryn said. “She is one of the most powerful we’ve ever had. She charms and her mind magic exceeded most and that was when she was still learning. It came to the point that it affected succubi and incubi alike. We are supposed to be immune to such charms.”

“So you feared her power.”

“Any rational person would. But we were certain that she would never hurt us. At least, until she did what she did.”

“Do you not have ways to help people? It was a lapse in control because of emotions.”

“A lapse like that was too extreme for us to handle,” the Advisor replied. “We couldn’t risk triggering it again. You seem like a smart elf. You should understand.”

“I do. Quite well. That’s why I’m a bit perplexed,” Yuki said. She leaned back and created a chair of air that she sat on. “No matter how I look at it, it seems like a bit of a stretch to just exile the strongest fighter you have.”

“She was too dangerous. That was proven with the massacre she committed”

“So you had no prisons that could contain a succubus?” 

“Not one of her strength.”

“Really? Was she resisting when you found her? Was she attacking this town? Did she kill anyone here? Because if not, then did you not try to at least capture her?”

“What are you? Her lawyer?” the Advisor frowned. 

“No. Her friend,” Yuki shrugged. “I take it you captured her and brought her here without a problem then. So why not just imprison her for a while instead of kicking out your strongest fighter?”

Yuki stared at the three succubi as they stared back quietly. The Advisor seemed to be fuming while Bryn had an expression of mild amusement. The Leader looked at Yuki with a thoughtful expression.

“What are you trying to say?” the Leader asked.

“Me? I’m saying that the punishment doesn’t seem to fit the crime,” Yuki said. “She killed people, yes. But they were a different group. She didn’t kill anyone here, and from your lack of response, she didn’t even fight against her exile. And I think I know why this was so unequal.”

“And that is?”

“You were scared of her. Her strength.”

“I thought we already went over that,” the Advisor sighed.

“Oh yes. That’s what confirmed it,” Yuki smiled. “You were scared of her strength. Her charms and charisma that could woo even Faye. You were worried that she would try to take over one day, did you? She was a threat. A threat to your power.”

“Ha, do you really believe that?” the Advisor laughed. “If she wanted to take over, she would have done it already. She was never a threat to our power.”

“I see. Then the reason for exiling her was even stupider than I thought.”

The Advisor frowned. 

“This conversation is going nowhere,” she sighed. “Leader, I would recommend ending this. It’s not worth your time.”

The Leader didn’t reply. She glanced at Bryn who just shrugged.

“Don’t mind me. I find this quite interesting,” the General said.

“Elf,” the Leader started, “you know, I wasn’t leader when Erica was exiled. I do not know the inner workings of her exile. But I understand what you are trying to say. The punishment did not fit the crime. Bryn and Lumia were both there when the decision was made. I know what Lumia’s stance is on this. Bryn, what do you say?”

“Me? I would like to say that I had no real say in this decision,” she said. “Erica was under my command. I vouched for her, but one opinion meant nothing to the general opinion.”

“Really?” Erica asked. Yuki glanced at her. Her eyes weren’t amused. “You didn’t want me gone so you decided to not say a thing to me when I was being exiled?”

“You know I couldn’t, Erica,” Bryn frowned. “When a person is exiled, we are not supposed to speak to them. A person of my stature can’t afford to break such rules. It would set a poor example if it was found out.”

“Hmph. If that’s how you want to excuse it.”

“Shush you two,” the Leader chided. “I’ve reached a judgement. Elf, you bring a compelling argument that I can’t ignore. So, we’ll compromise. Erica will still be exiled. That is a decision that I will not overturn. However, I believe punishment should be pushed away.”

“So what’s the compromise?” Yuki asked. 

“Erica must leave by tomorrow morning. I will not exact any punishment against her, but if she violates her exile again, then I won’t hesitate. Understood?”


“Now, in terms of why Erica came here, I won’t be able to help you there,” the Leader said. “She violated exile orders. I will not reward such behavior.”


“Whether you follow her out or not is entirely up to you. You are welcome to stay, but Erica must leave by the deadline I have given. However, as you are an elf, it would be in your best interest to leave as soon as possible. The people in this town do not have a good effect on outsiders.”

Yuki nodded.

“Good. You two are dismissed,” the Leader said with a wave of her hand. “Erica, I hope I never have to see you here again. Officers, escort them out.”

Erica said nothing and let the two officers pull her to her feet. Yuki followed them out as the door was opened for them. Outside, the officers unlocked Erica’s shackles. 

“Remember. By tomorrow morning,” the male officer said. “We’ll be searching for you once that time has come.”

“I’ll remember,” Erica replied. “Have a good day.”

She walked away with Yuki beside her. They didn’t speak as they headed back to the inn where the others were staying. 

“So,” Yuki said. “What did they not say?”

“Nothing important,” Erica sighed. She stared at the ground. “I’m a murderer. That’s basically it. At the time, I was certain that it was a set up. Faye was going there to have peace talks. On the way, we were ambushed. But looking back, it probably was just a radical group. Not that I can know for sure now.”

“I see.” Yuki stared at her, trying to read what Erica had on her mind. The way she kept glancing back at Yuki with a look of apprehension perplexed her. “What are you worrying about?”

“Um, well,” she said, grabbing her arm. She stopped walking. “I killed a lot of people. Innocent people. If, you know, you start not liking me or something, I would understand.”

‘Ah. So that’s what she’s worried about.’

“Why would I?” Yuki said. “I’ve killed. A lot. I understand why you did it. It doesn’t change my perception of you.”

“If you say so,” she sighed. She didn’t look convinced. “Here’s the inn. Let’s tell the others what happened.”

Erica opened the door to the building and slipped inside. Yuki stared at her, thinking to herself. She needed to help Erica. She made a promise. 

‘And I will keep my promises.’ 

She touched at the bond between her and Akira. Akira touched back immediately.

[Yuki?] she asked.

‘I need your help.'

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