The Hentai Protagonist System

Volume 2 – Chapter 73 – Absurd Request (♥)

(Anna’s POV)


“Can you do that to me too?”


I said it.


I actually said it out loud.


I said to him that I wanted him to do to me what he was doing to mom.


‘I can’t believe I really asked him that!’


My heart was beating so fast that I was afraid that might jump out of my throat. I was so nervous that I could barely say anything more after that statement. My mind was a swirl of fantasies, emotions, and desires.


After Taka-chan revealed his relationship with mom so casually I realized that, no matter what I said or did, they would simply continue regardless of what might happen going forward.


That realization should had make me feel angry.






Instead, I felt something that I could only categorize as longing. A twisted desire. I had been fantasizing about Taka-chan ever since he started to touch me in those lewd ways, and after I discovered about his relationship with mom those fantasies only grow stranger and, somehow, livelier.


Right after he discovered me in my indecent state, I was utterly shocked. I got terrified of how he would see me now. I was mortified with the idea that he might see me with disgust and loath.


I couldn’t think properly. I was only afraid.


But as our little back and forth advanced, I slowly manage to notice that the way he looked at me hadn’t changed. There was no repulse, disgust, disdain, or anything of the sort.


He looked at me just like he always had.


I don’t know what got into me, but I felt like asking something out of the blue. I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore, and asked what I have been fantasizing about for weeks now.


His eyes widened for a moment in surprise, but right afterward they narrowed down slightly and a grin formed on his lips.


“Gladly” he answered.


His answer immediately brought me an incredible amount of happiness. I was so utterly terrified of the possibility that he might reject my request that it took me a moment to move again.


And he moved in that exact moment. In an instant, he got closer to me, pushed me towards him, and...




...kissed me.


I was completely caught by surprise.


That was my first kiss.


I thought that he would just touch me between my legs. I didn’t even consider that he might come for my lips.


He ended the kiss and put some distance between our faces. My confusion must have been written in my face because he chuckled a little immediately.


“If we are going to do this, then we should follow the proper order, shouldn’t we?” he asked.


I felt my face heating up. It was like a fuse inside of my head suddenly had started to work weirdly. I felt like saying that there was no need for such things, but at the same time, it was so embarrassing to ask again to skip so many steps.


I barely could think straight at this moment, caught among so many emotions that were impossible to list all of them.


Before I could say anything Taka-chan kissed me again, holding me by the hips close to him.


I didn’t resist, allowing myself to be submerged in the wickedness of that moment.


I felt my body being glued against his, my bare chest pressing against his own over his thin clothes. I put my hands on his neck, trying to anchor myself in the middle of the intensity of this moment.


His mere touch was sending shivers over my spine. His smell was intoxicating to my senses. It was like his mere presence was some kind of drug, drowning me in an ocean of wicked and incestuous pleasure.


His hands moved to my more sensitive parts, my nipples and pussy.




I jumped in surprise, but he did not allow me to escape his grip. He deepened our kiss, exploring my mouth with his tongue. One of his hands expertly teased and explored my insides, while the other squeezed and teased my sensitive nipples, making jolts of pleasure travel through my body.


The difference between pleasuring those spots myself and someone else doing it was immediately noticeable. His fingers were thicker than my own, a little more rugged as well. They caused my body to feel sensations completely different from what I caused to myself.


The different stimulation made me reach the limit of my resistance so fast that it was frightening.


I was terrified and ecstatic with that feeling.


Taka-chan intensified the stimulation, plunging me with more fingers than before, groping my chest harder. He did not stop kissing me for a moment, licking the insides of my mouth, increasing the pleasure of that saliva exchange to a degree that I once thought to be impossible.


I was feeling it! I’m about to explode and...


...he stopped.


He decelerated so fast his stimulation that made it impossible for the rapture to come. My body acted on its own, trying to press his hands on my pleasure spots, trying to hump his fingers to bring that moment again.


He started to stimulate me again, increasing the pleasure I was feeling, only to later, when I was at the edge of release again, to stop and let my body relax again.


He played me for an unknown amount of time, bringing me to the edge only to stop right before I was about to explode, and starting that cycle all over again.


I couldn’t think.


All of the rational thoughts left me.


The only thing that mattered was...


‘Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum! Let me cum!’




I was beyond the capacity of rational thought. I didn’t care about anything anymore. I just wanted to finally find release.


He brought me to the limit again. I wanted to beg him to let me cum. I needed him to let me cum!


He ended the kiss and looked deeply into my eyes, not slowing his stimulation but also not allowing me to cum.


He put me there, at the edge of the madness, and didn’t let me leave.


“Do you want to cum?” he asked.


“Yes♥” I answered.


“How much you want to cum?” he asked again.


“So much♥! So so so so much♥! Please Taka-chan, let me cum♥! Let me cum, please♥! I can’t take it anymore♥! I’m going mad♥! If I don’t cum I’m going to break♥!” I pleaded.


I could only beg his mercy. I didn’t care anymore for how he looked at me, I just wanted to cum. I only wanted to cum.


“Then you have to do one thing to me” he said.


“What?! I’ll say anything! Just let me cum, and I’ll say anything you want♥” I begged.


“You have to agree to be mine!” he said.


If it was before then I might have resisted this unreasonable request. I might have protested about how a brother and a sister shouldn’t be having this kind of relationship. I might have made a million protests about this request.


But now, I couldn’t give a damn!


“I’m yours♥! I’ll be your woman♥! You can have my body however you want, but please let me cum♥♥♥♥!!!!”


He simply smiled at my answer and kissed me again.


He intensified his movements, his fingers pleasing me much more intensely. He stimulated my pleasure spots with much more ferocity.


I was brought beyond my limit and...






My vision went black and I saw stars. My body revolted, my limbs went everywhere uncontrollably. I had a vague sense of wetness in my lower half, but that was a small detail in the middle of such overwhelming sensations.


That lasted for who knows how long until finally, I felt an immense sense of tiredness. My senses shut down, and my mind was swallowed by darkness.

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