The Hentai Protagonist System

Volume 2 – Chapter 57 – Classmates

It didn’t take us much longer to reach to school. It was roughly half an hour walking.


The school we were part of occupied an entire block, with it’s main building the gymnasium a few other buildings as well.


Once we reached the main gate we all went our separate ways. Anna-nee was one year ahead of us ad Rina insisted in guiding Yurika to her own class before going to hers. I wanted to go with them as well, but considering how they were still blushing from my actions I thought that for now it was best to take a step back and let them relax a little more.


I had just met Yurika, so if I go to aggressive with her for long periods of time in the beginning it might actually create distance between us, so it was best for me to be a little more careful with her for now.


Since we were returning to school there was no ceremony for us to attend, just the classes and nothing else. Clubs had their own schedules during vacation, but they would only resume campus activity next week.


I reached my class with ten minutes until the bell was supposed to rang.


“Hey Takashi, It’s being a while hasn’t?”


“Hello Takashi”


Before me were two of my classmates. I usually had a policy to just make small talk enough to be polite, but I could get slightly along with those two more.


The first to talk was a boy that was just a bit shorter than me, with a slim but well balance build and short blonde hair. His mouth was half turned in a confident smile, like he was completely secure of himself in all aspects imaginable.


Beside him was a girl with whose features were more in the cute side with brown gentle eyes. She had brown hair that went just a little above her shoulders when released and was tied in a two pony hairstyle.


“Hey Hiroki, Nao, it’s being a while” I said.


“I’ll say. Why haven’t answered any of our calls? We only get to talk with your sisters” said Hiroki.


“Sorry for that. I’ve being busy”


“Yeah right. I bet you simple wanted to enjoy yourself with those beauties as much as you could” said Hiroki, with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.


“Hiroki, you shouldn’t say things like that about his sisters” admonished Nao.


“Well, he’s not wrong” I said.


“Haaaahhh... you haven’t changed at all” said Nao, a little exasperated.


“And from what I can see neither did the two of you. Still just friends from what I see right?” I said, trying to change the subject.


“C-Can you stop trying to make things between us different from what they are” said Nao with a hint of red on her cheeks.


“Y-yeah, there’s n-nothing between us” said Hiroki sounding a little bashful.


Both of them had awkward and embarrassed looks on their faces, not sure on how they should act when I mentioned this subject.


From what I remembered from them they knew each other ever since kindergarten, and got along quickly, sharing many of the same interests, and have being hanging out with each other ever since.


They basically were the stereotypical childhood friends.


I got along with them quiet well, just enough so that I could say they were not just classmates but not enough to call them close friends as well.


It was relatively nice to have a male friend, someone that I could sometimes talk about things that a girl might find off putting or not having any interest in it at all.


As for Nao, she was a relatively cute girl, and I’m certain that she was going to be quite beautiful in the future, but I never had any interest in having her in my harem in the future. At best she was someone nice to have small talk, but nothing beyond that.


Despite their denial I could see that Hiroki had a faint romantic interest in Nao, considering that he would often smile when talking about anything that might be related to her or how his eyes would often shift their attention to her.


As for how Nao saw Hiroki, I’m not exactly sure. I could see that she actually care for him, but if that was to the point of being romantic interested in him, that I wasn’t sure.


But I wasn’t particularly interest in meddling in their affairs. If they become a couple or not in the future wasn’t my business, so I didn’t payed much attention in how their relationship was developing


I might be aware how Hiroki felt about Nao but that wasn’t because I payed close attention to them. His behavior towards her was so awkward sometimes that I was certain that half of the entire school was already aware of how he felt, including Nao herself. More than one time I saw people looking at him with lukewarm gazes, so it was a fair assumption.


“Hm? Takashi” said Nao.


“Yes?” I said.


“Did something happened during this vacation? You look different for some reason” said Nao.


“Different? How so?” I asked.


“I”m not sure. Just different” said Nao, still with the hint of a blush on her face.


I was confused for just one second, and then I realised the source of her confusion.


‘Oh right, this must be due to [Pheromone Aura(Passive)]’


The skill was going to affect all woman around me, bot just my family. I guess that the difference that Nao was seeing was due to feeling slightly more attracted to me.


I was usually more concerned on how my family saw me, so it had slipped my mind that Nao would see me in a different manner as well. Not that she crossed my mind with frequency anyway.


“Really? He looks the same to me” said Hiroki.


“Well I’m the same as always” I said.


“Hum... Maybe I’m just seeing things” said Nao, with a tinge of uncertainty in her voice.


We continued to make small talk, mostly about how our vacation went, until the bell indicating that it was time for classes to start to rang.


“Let’s go to our chairs before the teacher arrives” said Nao.


“Yeah, I guess. Hey Takashi, have you considered my invitation to our club?” asked Hiroki.


“I have, and I think that I will join” I said.


“Really?! Great, now the teacher won’t bug anymore to bring new members” said Hiroki, clearly relieved.


“So he’s going to bug me about that, right?” I resentfully asked.


“Yeah he will, sorry about that” said Hiroki, without a hint of regret in his face.


“Ahahaha” Nao laughed awkwardly.


Like that a school day passed, without anything important or eventful happening.

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