The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 55 – End of Vacation

(Takashi’s POV)


I was looking at the mirror while adjusting my uniform. I had to make sure that there was nothing wrong with it or I would never hear the end of it from Yuria.


“Okaay... juts a litttle mooore... and done!”


I looked at the mirror, admiring me and the neatness of my current self.


My school uniform consisted of a navy blue blazer over a white shirt, a tie with striped with gold lines and a pair of navy blue pants as well.


It wasn’t a bad look, but I never really cared for it. Even back in my previous life I never liked much my appearance in anything resembling a suit, but I endured when necessary.


Satisfied with my current appearance, I went downstairs.


“My my, I forgot how handsome you looked when properly dressed”


The one who greeted me was Yuria. She was at the the door, waiting for the three of us to get ready.


She was wearing her usual set of casual clothes, a skirt and a blouse underneath an apron, with her ashen hair tied in a single braid as usual as well.


I might not fell that much comfortable in something that resemble a suit, but it was easier to tolerate when I got complemented by her.


“Thanks mom”


“Nah nah, what did I asked you before?” said Yuria in a slightly playful tone.


“...thanks Yuria” I said.


I still had difficult in adjust to call her by name. I was used to think of her by name, but saying it out load in front of her was still a little difficult.


I’m not entirely sure why.


Yuria started to tied me up in every corner of my body, like she was seeing a lot of invisible defects that I, for some reason, wasn’t able to see.


‘ she anxious about something?’


“Honestly, every time I saw you like that I would say how nice you looked, but you never seemed to care before” sai Yuria, while still ‘fixing’ my appearance.


“Well, I didn’t. It’s not like I would do anything before, so I didn’t really cared before” I said.


“Yes, but now you told me about you little ambition, so you better care for how you present yourself a little more. The inside of a person is important, yes, but that won’t matter much unless you make your self pleasing to their eyes as well.” said Yuria.


She didn’t seemed different form the usual. She would always try to tied up us more before going to school, so right now should just be business as usual. why did I felt like there was something a little different this time?


I don’t know why but I felt like she was nervous or anxious about something, like there was something bothering her bu she didn’t had in her to say it out load.


I wanted to ask her what was bothering her but...


“Geez mom, can’t you stop doing that already?”


...we weren’t alone anymore.


I looked at the source of that voice and, just as should be expected, it was Rina with her hands on her hips with an exasperated expression and Anna-nee with a wry smile on her face.


Anna-nee’s uniform was similar to mine from the waist up, a blazer with an undershirt, but instead of a neck tie she was a red neckerchief. Instead of a pair of pants she was using a gray skirt that went until a little above her knees.


Rina on the other hand was wearing her uniform in a little more casual manner. She was wearing the same skirt as Anna-nee, but instead of a blazer she opted for a sweater, that she insisted in using tied to her waist instead of over her undershirt.


Rina was admonished over her way of using the uniform over a thousand times, both by Yuria and the school staff, but she never listened to anyone and just used however she liked. The school didn’t had a very rigid uniform code about how she should use every piece of clothing, so it was more about the image the school them anything else. At this point only the school staff cared to complain with her about the way she uses the uniform, because Yuria had already given up.


“I can’t sweety. My children are going to leave their poor mother alone again for hours for the next four months. I have to enjoy this precious moments while I still can” said Yuria in a overly dramatic voice.


“Sheesh mom, it’s not like we are going to be out forever. Don’t need to make so much drama” said Rina.


“But I still will be away from my babies. Come here, let me make sure that you like nice”


“Wha- Hey, come on mom, stop it!”


Like that Rina became the new target of Yuria’s  assault. I learned already that if you don’t resist then she would get her fill and finish it quickly, but it looked like Rina still hadn’t learned that.


Anna-nee fared a little better, not resisting Yuria but still looking a little bothered with the situation.


Once she had her fill, Yuria gave each of us a hug of good bye. When it was my turn she whispered a fill words.


“Make sure to take care of those two okay?”


Those words might look like that of a mother asking her son to look out for his sisters, but it had a little more meaning in this situation.


Not much after all barriers where broken between the two of us, Yuria made me promise that I wouldn’t cross the final line with my sisters, that is their virginity, before they reach the age someone is considered an adult, at 16 years old.


Yuria didn’t commented much of why she wanted me to wait, but I got the feeling that it was related to how the two of them were born. I knew that Yuria had a dubious past, so the fact that Anna-nee and Rina might have been accidents wasn’t really a surprise, and since I couldn’t just say “Hey mom guess what, I can control if my sperm will impregnate someone or not, so don’t worry?” I agreed those terms.


Now that I could have sex with Yuria, I could wait a little longer for those two.


“Okay kids, you better be going or you gonna be late” said Yuria.


“And who’s fault is that?” said Rina, still a little fed up.


“Bye mom, until later” said Anna-nee.


“Bye” I said.


We left our home and start to head to school. After a few meters I stopped.


“Oh sorry, forgot something. Be right back” I said.


Before the two of them could say anything I left.


I came back to the house and went immediately to the kitchen, were I knew Yuria would be.


“Takashi? What are- Mn♥!”


I immediately kissed her, shoving my tongue inside of her mouth without any reservation.


“Mnn♥... Nhmn♥... *SLURP* Hnmn♥...”


After a second of surprise she reciprocated my kiss, wildly and skillfully moving her own tongue around mine.


I tasted her mouth eagerly, enjoying the softness of her lips and the sweetness of her breath. Our tongues were caught in a dance of pure passion and lust.


Once I felt my dick hardening again I stopped kissing her. If I continued any further than I certainly would be late.


Yuria had a very pleased expression, clearly having enjoyed my little surprise.


“Not that I didn’t like it, but what was that for?” asked Yuria.


“What kind of man would I be without giving a kiss of good bye to my woman?” I asked.


“Hehehe♥, it’s good to see that you are learning. Try not to go after every girl in your school, okay?” said Yuria, clearly amused.


“Of course. I have standards, you know?” I answer, pretending to be offended.


Yuria rolled her eyes like she didn’t believed in me, but I could see that she was little more relaxed than before.


I gave a final peck o the lips and a squeezed on her ass, than I left the house again.


“Did you find what you you were looking for Taka-chan?” asked Anna-nee.


“Yeah, let’s go” I said.


I got the feeling that they were about to ask me, but I knew the perfect way to derail them from this.


I put my hands in each of their butts without any reservation and squeezed them.




“Onii-chan! Stop it” said Rina.


Before they could do anything I retracted my hand, putting them behind my head in a very carefree manner.


“You need to stop doing that Onii-chan! I-It’s one thing i-if we are inside of our house, b-but were are in public. You can’t do that now or in school, got it?!” asked Rina, trying to sound responsible for a change.


“H-hm, t-that’s right Taka-chan” agreed Anna-nee, although there was an astonishingly lack of strength in her voice.


“Yeah, yeah, I get it” I said.


“No, you didn’t get it at all” said Rina.


Like that we continued to banter with each other on our way to school.



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