The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 49 – Knowing is not Accepting

I was tired but couldn’t sleep.


Me and Yuria had sex again in her bedroom. She was soundly sleeping beside me.


Just like on or first night together I end up spending the night in her room but this time she was embracing me, both of us holding the other in our arms and my head buried in her chest.


Most of the times I just went back to my room, to not create the possibility of one of my sisters discovering about us so soon, but this time I asked if I could spend the night with her.


I didn’t felt like being alone tonight, specially after I remembered from where I’ve seen Yurika.


After we left her house, I could not stop think about her situation for the rest of the day.


Anna-nee and Rina seemed to notice that something was a little off about me but I played it off saying it was nothing really important. I don’t think they believed me entirely, but both of them sensed that I wasn’t going to speak about it so they didn’t bothered me much about the subject.


Yuria was more insistent them her daughters though. She wanted to know what was bothering me, but I just couldn’t share that with her. There was no way to explain what was on my mind without somehow mentioning my unusual circumstances. Eventually she accepted that it was something that was difficult for me to talk about, and drop it for the time being.


The only thing that made me stop think of Yurika was my sexy time with Yuria earlier. This time I discarded any thought of improving and learning. I just wanted to feel good. Yuria noticed that and we both just indulged ourselves in carnal pleasure.


And now, a few hours afterwords, I still wasn’t able to sleep.


I was still tired, but my mind keep just coming back to Yurika and her situation.


From my memories she was originally part of a type of story that I didn’t want to actually believe it would happen with me.


A netorare story.


The premise of her story was simple, she had boyfriend but her father’s company was brought to the edgy of bankruptcy, so she agreed to basically be sold off to some wealth old man as a bride in exchange of his help in keeping her father’s company alive. At the end she was mind broken in becoming a sex slave and sending her former boyfriend videos of her ‘transformation’ at the hands of her new master.


It was simple enough to ignore it when it was just a story, but when the person in question is in front of you and you start to become fond of her it wasn’t as easy to not think about it.


I wanted to leave it aside for now, to try to rest a little and think about it more clearly in the morning when I would be rested and more accepting to the situation, but I just couldn’t.


‘It’s not so easy not think about it when happens right in front of me’


I had considered before that I might encounter situations like Yurika’s in the future, but thinking back I probably never truly accepted the idea. A part of me probably just wanted to believe that this would never happen, that I would live my days with my family relatively carefree.


I guess only now I was being forced to accept those situations existence in my life.


‘But what I should do now?’


I had just met Yurika, but she was a very nice girl. My sisters were already getting fond of her. Not to mention that I knew that she was going to be a real looker in the future. Just imagining was already making my dick to harden again.


‘Focus, focus! Now is not the time for that!’


The real problem was not just Yurika.


If it’s only her situation the the solution was simple, spend more time with her and eventually, if I grow to like her enough, find a way to solve her situation and invite her to be a member of our family.


But her situation was hardly the last of that kind that I would find in my life.


For as much as I don’t like to think about it, I had seen a lot of hentai about netorare in my past life. I didn’t liked that kind of story, but or some reason a lot of them had really good artists, so I end up having a lot of them as fap material.


That’s why I knew that, despite the despicable subject, those stories could create many different emotions in someone.


Some of them could make you feel sorry for the girl, for the guy, for both, to feel enraged with everyone, to feel like punching someone or something, to feel depressed and many different other things.


That’s why I couldn’t sleep.


Because a lot of different scenarios were crossing my mind, making me imagine an unaccountable number of deplorable and disgusting possibilities.


‘Enough! I need to stop!’


I tried to make those images as possibilites to get out of my head. I tried to focus only on what I had at this moment.


Yuria loving and warm expression when looking at me and my sisters. Her lustful and tender side when having sex with me.


Anna-nee peaceful and content smile when she was reading. Her dedicated and serious side when dealing with her school duties.


Rina cheerfulness and easygoing personality. How easy was for her to make friends and the way she could swing to one emotion to another and still manage to look cute.


I also thought about the good possibilities in my future, Yurika, Megu-nee and Aya-nee.


Having their images in my mind helped. I could feel myself calming.


‘I can’t let myself just panic right now’


I had just met Yurika recently. Even if her story would reach an unfortunate end if left unchecked, it still would take a few years for that to happen. I still had some time to think on how best deal with the events.


I also shouldn’t worry about the possible stories I would face in the future. I should have accepted those stories existence before, considering Yuria’s own situation, but that never had occurred to be before.


‘Even if my family situation is a bit unique, I should have accepted that before’


Despite my initial blunder, I should feel grateful that I had noticed now instead of later. It still is better now then when it’s too late.


I had a lot to consider. I might face myself with other netorare stories, but I would not chase after them.


Depending on what kind of stories I would need to think on how to react or if I even wanted to be involved in them.


But I would not be able to figure out everything now, especially considering that I finally was feeling like sleeping again.


I just made myself comfortable in Yuria’s embrace, with my head still buried in her big chest, and finally went back to sleep.

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