The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 42 – Deal

“Ahhhh, that’s so boring” said Rina.


“I know, but you have to do your homework or mom will take your things” I said.


“I know, I know...” said a dispirited Rina.


Despite knowing that her precious phone and manga were on the line, Rina couldn’t help but to complain and complain about the situation.


Just like Yuria had ordered yesterday, Rina have being doing her homework for the last couple for hours, with no sign of stopping anytime soon. Yuria was even worried that Rina might really try to slack off, so she asked me to monitor her and help her whenever I felt it was necessary.


It was a little unnerving.


Yuria had actually accepted being in a harem that centered around a boy little more than ten years old. Even with me repeating constantly to myself that this was just the way hentai logic just worked, my old earthly way of thinking held me back a little.


It was truly vexing.


It was the main reason why I felt just a bit awkward to be here, alone with Rina. Normally this would be a really goo opportunity to increase Rina’s affection to me, but the fact that Yuria knows that I want to be intimate with both of her daughters and for the moment doesn’t seen to be doing anything to be in my way still was difficult to accept.


Maybe I’m just overthinking all of this.


Maybe I really shouldn’t look at the gift horse’s mouth.


“Onii-chan, hey Onii-chan” called Rina.


Her voice broke me from my thoughts. Looking at her I could se that she was really annoyed that I hadn’t being payed attention to whatever she was saying.


“Sorry Rina. Got lost in my thoughts” I said, smiling apologetically.


“...what were you thinking Onii-chan?” asked Rina.


“Nothing important. What you should be thinking is how to solve this problem” I said while pointing to a question, trying to change the subject.


“Really Onii-chan? Trying to-” said Rina.


“MOM! RINA IS TRYING TO-” I shouted.


“Okay okay okay, I’ll go back to the problem” said Rina, clearly terrified and annoyed at the same time.


‘Phew, that was close’


Rina might be a bit of a slacker with homework and studying, but that didn’t meant she was any less intelligent than the rest of the family. Her most outstanding talent was an instinct terrifyingly accurate. It was incredible how many times she would be able to realize what me or Anna where doing or if we were hiding something. I could barely hide my intentions from her.


That only person that was capable to hide anything from her was Yuria. Thinking about it, Rina probably inherited that instinct from her.


That probably was also the reason why I manage to hide my intentions from Rina but not from Yuria. Yuria was a more experienced person in life, so she had an easier time to figure out my intention, especially when whatever unconscious believes were obstructing her thoughts before were removed.


I probably should try to be more careful from now on.


“Come one Rina, try to focus just a little bit. You are almost at the goal for the day” I said.


“Mrnn...” pouted Rina.


Despite her petulance right now, I could understand her complains. We have being sitting in here doing her homework since we finished breakfast and right now it was the middle of afternoon. Anyone would be stressed at this point.


Fortunately I knew of a sure way to make her concentrate in this task.


“Tell you what, how about we make a deal?” I asked.


“...what kind of deal?” asked Rina, narrowing her eyes at me suspiciously.


I couldn’t blame her for lifting her guard little. After our last deal, it would be odd if she didn’t.


“We have only more one month of vacation right?” I asked.




“If you manage to finish all of your homework in two weeks, with at least 70% being correct, then I’ll do you anything that you ask me” I said.


“Anything I ask?” asked Rina, her interest picked.


“Yes, just one thing and it can be anything at all, as long isn’t anything too absurd” I promised.


Rina continued to stare at me, trying to figure out if I was trying to trick her or something. I simple looked back at her, since I had nothing to hide at all.


In the past, whenever we had a wager with each other, I had always informed before what I was going to do if I found myself in the losing side of a bet or something similar, whether is was taking care of her chores, doing her homework or taking the blame for something, I always made good on my word, and I always made sure that Rina would do the same as well.


So the fact that I was now promising her to do something that she decided really meant a lot.


As for why I decided to make that promise, it was bit as compensation for what I did last time. I figure that since I had take a little of advantage of her I might as well offer her a reward now.


“...okay, then I’ll do it!” said Rina, getting enthusiastic.


"Good, then let’s continue” I said.


“Wait, how do I know that you won’t make me answers the questions wrong Onii-chan?” asked Rina.


“ really think that I would do that?” I asked.


“’re right. Sorry” said Rina in a very small voice, almost like a child being scolded.


“Nah, can’t really blame you. Anyway, let’s finish this” I said.




We end up spending more time than I initially thought we would. Rina really decided to take our little agreement seriously. I knew that Rina was smart, so didn’t give her an impossible goal but I was honestly skeptical that she would be able to manage.


That’s just to show how much she wanted to order me something.


By the time that we finished at was past our usual bedtime, 23:15.


Rina was so tired that she could barely keep her eyes open, so I helped her to reach her bed. The instant she fell on her bed I was already able to hear her breathing softening.


She had fallen asleep immediately.


I wasn’t as tired as her, so I left her bedroom and went to another.


To Yuria’s.


There’s something that I had to do tonight.

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