The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 38 – Meeting the gods again {Edited}

Once again I found myself in the middle of space, surrounded by nothing but darkness and little dots similar to stars.


Just like last time, I don’t have any kind of physical form as well. Now that I’m not surprised by the suddenness of this unusual situation I started to wonder how I appear for someone else at this moment.


But I probably won’t need to wonder about that for a long time


Because there’s someone that I could never forget in front of me.


“Hello young one, it’s nice to see you again”


‘It’s good to see you again as well Anteros’


One of the gods that brought me to my current world, Anteros, was receiving me with a small serene smile and an expression that I could best describe as apologetic.


There was only one reason why she would be like that right now.


‘Can I assume that our encounter has somehow been related to the fact that I couldn’t access the system?’


“That is correct and, before anything, let me apologize for the inconvenience. I can only imagine what kind of trouble the absence of our gift to you might have caused” said Anteros while bowing a little to me.


The act from her surprised me. I wouldn’t expect a god to lower its head to a mere mortal like myself. One might imagine that such actions would be beneath them, that doing them would be akin to diminishing her status as a divine being or something like that.


“It’s only natural for me to do something like this. It’s essential in every healthy relationship for either party to apologize to the other when they had done something truly wrong or harmed them deeply, and be willing to make amends to fix what had been done”


‘...right. Forgot that you can read my thoughts’


Those words left me thinking a little. Maybe Anteros had done this simply because it was part of his nature, or because she was truly sorry for scaring me and possibly causing trouble for me, even though it really didn’t, or maybe even both.


I had no way to know for certain, but that wasn’t really important for the moment.


“I appreciate your understanding” said Anteros.


‘...okay, if you want our relationship to work then can you stop reading my thoughts? It’s just unnerving that I can’t have the privacy of my mind’


After having said my piece, Anteros showed me again an apologetic future.


“I’m sorry but that can’t be done for the moment. Right now your thoughts are no different from you talking out loud. It’s not that I’m reading your mind, it’s just that as a mortal you can’t hide them in your current form” said Anteros.


Come to think of it, the last time I was here she never really confirmed that they were reading my mind, I had just assumed.


‘So every time that you summon me here I won’t be able to have any privacy at all?’


“Unfortunately yes. But don’t worry, this might not last for long” said Anteros.


“Last for long’? What does that mean?’


“...ops, sorry. It’s nothing you should concern yourself” said Anteros, showing for the first time what I associated with a startled expression.


‘Hang on, I think-’


“Perhaps we shouldn’t waste our time right now. We have more time to discuss this time, but it’s not like we can be here forever” said Anteros, with the same serene smile as before.


She had a valid argument, but I could see in those eyes and that smile the unsaid message she was giving to me.


This wasn’t something that we could talk about, at least now.


‘...fine. So why did you deactivate the system?’


“Just one moment. There’s someone else that should be here during this talk” said Anteros.


She closed her eyes and stayed quiet for the moment. Considering what she had just said, I could only assume that she was trying to communicate with the other god that helped me.


‘So I can’t escape meeting that idiot’


Don’t get me wrong, I was grateful to both of them, but the idea of meeting that idiot once again wasn’t exactly part of my top 10 things that I wanted to do.


After a few seconds, space started to shift and tremble beside Anteros, and then Eros appeared there.


Her current appearance was almost the same as last time, an outrageously feminine body, with long golden hair and golden eyes, dressing a very revealing dress with a generous cleavage and slits on the sides revealing her long and seductive legs, with a satisfied and content expression.


There were only two differences.


First, Eros was almost completely covered being a gooey white gel, and it didn’t really need to be a genius to figure out what exactly was it. And second... she wasn’t completely feminine in her lower half.


‘...guess I should expect that from the god of lust’


“Eros for the love of?! Can you be a little decent at least once?! You are making the young boy uncomfortable” said an outraged Anteros.


“Oh relax Anteros, I’m certain he, like a lot of guys, like particular-”


‘No. I definitely don’t


“What? Come on. Can’t you at least-”


‘Not a chance. Can you please tidy yourself a little?’


I had nothing particularly against the futanari genre, it just wasn’t my cup of tea.


“You heard him. Get rid of all of this filthy and your penis as well” said Anteros.


“Tsk, you spoilsport” mumbled Eros.


Right afterward Eros changed in a fraction of a second, this time appearing just as clean and immaculate as someone might expect a god to be.


“Well, I believe that now we can finally address why we are here” said Anteros in a more calm and serious tone than before.


“Yeah whatever” said Eros in a tone clearly bored and annoyed.




After so many distractions, I was finally going to have some answers.

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