The Hentai Protagonist System

Chapter 3 – New Family {Edited}

I couldn’t avert my eyes from her, completely hypnotized by her beauty.


Simply looking at her set my heart at full speed, and yet I was completely immobile like I had been hit by some kind of paralyzing spell.




Hearing her voice forced me out of my shocked state. She had a questioning look on her, probably because I was looking at her silently. I must have been quiet for more time than I expected.


That’s embarrassing.


“S-sorry. N-nice to meet you”


I could feel my cheeks burning by simply saying those words. I could barely look directly at her, embarrassed that I stammered my words.


“Hehe, I’m glad. These two girls here are my daughters. Come on girls, introduce yourselves”


At her words, the two girls stepped forward. The first to talk was the one with short black hair.


“He-hello, my n-name is Anna, and I’m g-going to be your o-older sister”


Same as me, she was stammering her words. She probably was just as nervous as I, maybe fearing that I might not like her.


...that’s kinda cute.


Seeing her like that helped me to calm down a little. Now that I looked at her, she had a similar figure as Megu-nee, more developed than other girls her age.


Wait, why am I having these kinds of thoughts? Is this some kind of side effect from the memories of my previous life?


Before I thought more about that, the other girl presented herself with an excited and carefree smile.


“Hi Takashi, I’m Rina and I’ll be your older sister too. Nice to meet you!”


Different from Anna, the girl named Rina didn’t seem to be nervous at all. It probably didn’t even cross her mind that we might not like each other.


“Rina, that’s not right. Takashi is a little older than you, so you’re going to be his little sister” said Yuria.


“Ehhh?! But he’s so small! I’m the older” protested Rina.


“Please stop Rina. I don’t think Takashi will like it if you talk so much about it” admonished Yuria.


Rina did as Yuria said and stayed quiet, but she also crossed her arms and puffed her cheeks, clearly not happy about being reprimanded in front of her new brother.


Well, it’s not like I care about it.


Most of my classmates were taller than me, so I was used to others my age teasing me about it.


“I-it’s okay. I don’t mind”


“I think that’s enough chit-chat. I still have a few things to talk about with Takashi, so the rest of you can make yourselves comfortable. Yuria, the master bedroom is on the ground floor. Anna, and Rina, there are two guest rooms on the ground floor, choose whichever you want. We’ll be leaving in two days” said Father.


“Very well Dad”


“Sure thing Dad!”


After giving their responses they left the room, certainly to look for their rooms.


What he said left me a little confused. The part about them having their room was normal I guess since we would be family, which meant we would be living together. But what was that part about leaving? If it was only Father then it would be normal since he travels a lot as part of his work, but the way he said it was like he was talking about all of us.


“Now, as for the next news, I want you to start to pack your things Takashi. In two days you will leave with us to the capital, where the five of us will live” he said.


...What?! I’m going to move to another city?! And Aya-nee and Megu-nee aren’t coming with us?!


“B-but father...”


“I don’t want to hear any protest about this Takashi. It’s already decided” he said in a stern tone.


I wanted to discuss this, but he was looking at me with that ‘no-nonsense’ look that I had seen many times before. He wouldn’t budge on this.


I could only grind my teeth in frustration about this.


“I-I understand Father”


“...Good. Now excuse me, I have to inform your cousins about our future situation” he said.




“I told you already Takashi, I don’t want to discuss this anymore” he said in a more annoyed tone.


“No no no, that’s not it! Let me talk to them. They might accept it better if I’m the one saying it to them”


Both of my cousins already don’t like my father, so if they hear from him that he is going to separate us it might result in a great argument. If that were to happen, father might support less of their living expenses, or even stop supporting them completely.


I can’t let that happen!


Father simply looked at me indifferently, probably measuring the pros and cons of what I asked.


After several seconds that felt like an eternity, he finally nodded.


“Do as you like” he said indifferently.


Hearing his response I sighed in relief, glad that he agreed with my request.


Now, how should I break the news to them?

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