The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns: An OP Xianxia Returnee LitRPG

Chapter 116: The Orc Warrioress Takes Revenge


Obsidian, the right hand of the Barbarian God’s Cult Leader, was shocked to find that Mursha was not the same as before. He had been seeing her grow firsthand and had also seen the limits of her strength and how her level would not go up anymore as she was confined in this world.

With his amazing abilities derived from the combination of his bloodlines, dark magic, and the divine blessing of the Barbarian god, he was simply superior to her in every aspect and considered the second strongest avatar of the Barbarian god!

However, right now, Mursha unleashed her true potential, as the visitors from another world gifted her with a power that allowed her to surpass her limits, a power that had its own sentience, and a power that chose who could wield it or not.

Primal Power, an alien energy said to have originated from a parallel earth’s meteor, instead of killing the dinosaurs, ended spreading this sentient, living energy into this world, taking upon all life, and mutating them into even more extreme and powerful forms.

And Mursha’s physique, her innate abilities, and, above all, her prideful heart as a warrior were all the requirements that the Primal Power deemed necessary to wield their powers.

Mursha glanced as Obsidian’s shadows attacked her, wielding dozens of weapons at once and unleashing countless weapon arts imbued with large quantities of Mana and Divinity from his divine blessing.

Anybody else would simply be shredded into pieces after being attacked by such a terrifying onslaught of attacks! Obsidian was a terrifying foe that nobody would ever want to fight in the entire world of Elios.

Yet Mursha faced him head-on, filled with the determination to finally avenge her mother and her father.

And her tribe!



With a mighty roar, Mursha spun at lightning speed, destroying every single weapon coming at her with her own axe, and then destroying all the shadow hands at the same time as she leaped towards Obsidian, her axe coming down towards his head.

“Today you’ll pay!”


Obsidian’s crimson eyes widened in utter disbelief as he saw Mursha destroy one of his “ultimate techniques” and quickly reach towards him.

Her fiery axe was imbued with her powerful Bloodfang Runes, imbued with blood flames capable of dealing extra damage against foes.



Obsidian attempted to escape as the fiery axe rushed down, barely managing to pull away his torso and head, but it wasn’t the same for the rest of his body, as he felt an agonizing, sudden, and sharp fang reach one of his legs.

“Uuuaaaggh! H-How dare you?! My leg!”

Screaming like a pathetic bastard, Mursha cut off Obsidian’s left leg as he attempted to escape within the shadows! However, that wasn’t really the only surprising thing about it; the surprising thing was that she managed to find his body within the shadows.

"Usually, it would be impossible for me to be damaged within my shadows! As long as I cover my body parts with them, I become immune to most damage!” thought Obsidian, gritting his teeth in agonizing pain. “It’s that axe, isn’t it?! That damned axe she has—that cursed relic I’ve always wanted for myself! How did this brat even manage to create such a mighty weapon on her own?!”

“I’m coming for the second one, you ugly piece of shit!”

Mursha leaped towards Obsidian without letting him even take a break; her axe swung down several times, unleashing explosive hacking blows that released blood flames with each attack.


“Ugh…! ACK!”

Obsidian gritted his teeth as he attempted to resist the blows, his shadows constantly shaping into giant hands, yet they were all sliced and destroyed easily! This was thanks to Mursha’s axe special ability, the power to destroy magic structures, {Mana Break}.

“Obsidian! You don’t know how MUCH I’ve waited for this moment! I’m going to KILL YOU!”

Mursha seemed possessed by something else; her aura kept growing larger and larger, and even as Obsidian managed to sneak some attacks on her with poisoned daggers and arrows, she would still remain unmoved and unaffected!

This was thanks to Mursha’s incredibly powerful body, her Bloodfang Runes, which made her almost immune to most status effects because they absorb them to gain power, and also the Primal Power, which further strengthened her toughness.

“How is it possible?! The poison is not working on you?!” Obsidian quickly turned into a mass of pure shadows, trying to escape Mursha and make some space between the two. “Just die already, you whore! {Shadow Cannon}!”

Obsidian quickly transformed his entire body into the head of a dragon-like monstrosity made of shadows, opening, and unleashing a purple and black-colored beam of pure concentrated Mana and Abyssal Energies.


“Using spells now, huh? You couldn’t even just fight with weapons, it seems!”

Mursha stepped forward, running at lightning speed as her Blood Aura continued to grow stronger as her wounds fed it with her blood and vitality. Her eyes were glowing redder as she turned into even more of a berserk.


With a ferocious roar, her axe swung down, hacking through the entire beam coming towards her and... dividing it into two!


The divided cannon was sent into the skies as a huge explosion engulfed the clouds above for a second. At the same time, Mursha reached Obsidian once more, her axe suddenly beginning to grow larger as her blood aura started to transform, covering her with a red fur-like veil.


Obsidian quickly extended his shadows towards Mursha’s own shadows, parasitizing her shadows and attempting to control her body with them.

“Aha! You’re within range, fool! {Shadow Puppet}!”



Mursha suddenly felt her entire body paralyzed, as shadow strings seemed to be controlling her entire body! Her red eyes widened in shock at an ability she had never seen before.

“This is not something I usually utilize against my foes; they die too quickly,” laughed Obsidian. “But you’ve forced my hand, little bitch! I’ve changed my mind! I am not even going to use you to have fun, JUST DIE!”

With a furious roar, the half-Thrall and half-Orc emerged from his shadows, reinforcing his long claws with darkness, and pushing his hands towards Mursha’s chest, aiming to pierce her heart and destroy it.


“I got you! I’ll crush your heart- Huh?!”

However, the gray-skinned sorcerer could only gasp as he realized his claws couldn’t get past Mursha’s chest bones, barely piercing a bit of her skin and muscles!

“S-She’s so tough! What in the world?!” he thought, furious. “MURSHA! What is this?! How can you… Agh, it doesn’t matter! DIE!”

He unleashed a barrage of attacks using both of his long arms and their sharp claws, alongside his own shadows shaped as spears, trying to grind through Mursha’s bones to tear her insides to shreds.


As Mursha kept getting her body covered with wounds and continued bleeding, her eyes continued to grow redder. She felt the pain but didn’t cry.

The only thing she felt was unending wrath.


Her Bloodfang Runes covering her entire body glowed brightly as their Bloodshed powers activated again, imbuing her entire body with an even stronger, larger, and more terrifying Bloodfang Aura than before.

“I won’t let anybody…!”

Crack, crack…!

Suddenly, Obsidian realized that the threads of shadows he was using to keep her in place began to break through Mursha’s sheer physical prowess.

“Control me…!

Crack, CRACK!

The sorcerer panicked, suddenly taking a step back out of pure fear.


Her Bloodfang Aura fused with her Primal Power and even the Ki that Bing Xue had gifted to her, all gathering within the center of her chest, fusing with her blood, and crystalizing.

Into an Elemental Core of Crimson Red and Gold Colors!


The shadow spell of Obsidian came undone against Mursha’s sheer might as her aura of Ki, Mana, Blood Energy, and Primal Power combined together.

And there was even... something that shocked Obsidian even more than before!

“T-That’s… Spirit Energy?!”

Her Runes resonated, evolving towards a new level as Mursha forged her own Martial Core through pure anger and wrath.

The Bloodfang Runes that passed through her tribe weren’t just some cheap magic constructions; they were the gift of an Ancient Divine Beast Spirit.

The protectors of the Bloodfang Tribe Warriors and their patron divine beast spirit deity!


The ferocious howl of a giant wolf echoed throughout the entire battlefield. Obsidian saw Mursha’s aura transform into a ferocious, malefic-looking three-headed crimson wolf.

“The Bloodfang Wolf?!” muttered Obsidian. “W-Wasn’t that beast killed by our God hundreds of years ago?! H-How… HOW?!”

“He never died!” Mursha roared, her entire body changing as parts of her body were suddenly covered by crimson fur, her clothes fusing with her crimson blood, creating the illusion of a huge crimson wolf pelt covering her body and even the head of a wolf covering her head. “The Bloodfang Wolf lives within the Runes imprinted into our skin! As I live, he LIVES!”

“No! That’s impossible! Divine Beast Spirits are nothing but inferior beings when compared to what a TRUE GOD is!” Obsidian roared, his shadows fusing with his body as he unleashed his ultimate form, combining flesh and blood with his darkness, further reinforced with his divine blessing. “And I’ll show you the true might of our GOD, Murshaaaa!”

His entire body changed, becoming a tall, completely pitch-black entity with six long and muscular arms, and three heads with a single crimson eye each, adorned with demonic horns coming from each head, a long and pointy spear-like tail, and bat-like wings surging from his back.

“{Demigod of Shadows Embodiment}!” laughed Obsidian; his powers seemed to be surging endlessly, with sparks of divinity within them. “This is the pinnacle of my power! Face me in my strongest form! I am but a single step from reaching Divinity, hahaha!”




Mursha noticed thousands of howling, agonizing souls within Obsidian’s Shadow body, constantly screaming in pain and agony. The souls of all those warriors that could no longer revive were swallowed by his developing Divinity.

“So that bastard has been raising you as his pet gods?! I won’t let you ascend any further, you monster!”

Mursha charged against Obsidian, moving at an even faster speed than before. Within a split second, she reached the man, his crimson eyes widening as he didn’t even notice her moving.

“So fast!”

Obsidian moved his six arms towards her, materializing giant spiraling spears out of his claws and attempting to resist Mursha’s onslaught.

A grave mistake.

“{Bloodfang Wolf’s Rampage}”


The Bloodfang Wolf roared furiously and ferociously, reinforcing Mursha’s power even further. She rushed forward, hitting Obsidian’s stomach with a deadly headbutt and making him vomit blood, before a barrage of hacking blows with her axe started slicing through his body, setting it ablaze.

“Aaaaggh!” Obsidian screamed as he drowned in his own blood. “She’s too strong! FUCK!”

With a desperate scream, Obsidian’s entire body constantly attempted to regenerate his wounds as giant claws, shadow weapons, and beams of darkness attempted to wear down Mursha as much as he could possibly afford.


Explosions of blood flames and shadows constantly erupted as the two clashed, tearing each other apart with the fury and wrath of warriors that put their hearts and lives on the line. 


With all his might, Obsidian gathered all his power within a single point of his left hand, generating a sphere of concentrated darkness, shadow, and divinity together into one.

“{Shadow Nova}!”

The sphere reached Mursha, exploding and erasing everything within its vicinity, engulfing it all in an explosion of shadows and darkness.


“Aha! I-I got her!”

Obsidian smiled as he saw Mursha being completely engulfed by the endless darkness.


“{Bloodfang Wolf’s Howl}!”


The howl of the Bloodfang Wolf echoed the entire magical explosion about to engulf her…


Was completely destroyed.

“N-No… that’s…”

And before Obsidian could try anything else, he suddenly realized his vision was divided.


Mursha’s axe had cleaved through his head and down his crotch, slicing him apart into two halves.

“This can’t… be happening to me…!”

“This is for mom, dad, and my tribe!”

Using his own blood as fuel, Mursha quickly blew him up into pieces.

“{Blood Flare}!”



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56 Advanced Chapters of The Protagonist’s Sister Is Actually The Strongest

37 Advanced Chapters of The Heavenly Martial Empress Returns

17 Advanced Chapters of Fantasy Story Online: The Crippled Vampire Prince Walks The Heavenly Demon Path

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