The Guardian Chef

Vol. 2 – Chapter 14

Hi guys! Emperor93 here!
I thank YXXREM for the illustration he has drawn for this chapter. To see more of his works click on his name.

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Ever since humans, demi-humans, and elves took their first steps on this world, they have always been led by a kind and loving deity, who taught them the crafts, the arts, to farm and hunt. The name of this deity is Aphy. She appeared in a dream to a select few and gave them knowledge or protection. The very few who have seen her, describe her as a beautiful woman, with white skin and abundant breasts, wavy and silky hair that seemed to be made of pure gold, two sapphire blue eyes full of love, perfect rosy lips, and a face that looks like that of a girl in her prime.

All those who had the honor of seeing her have defined her in three simple words: beauty made flesh.

***(Lilith's POV)***



Graeval hit the girl in the head who had dared to hug him in front of my eyes. Due to the ambush earlier, the scene of this girl hugging Graeval (even though she was still covered by her cloak) had attracted the gaze of many passersby, starting to make gossip fly. Of course, I was furious. How can she afford such an act in front of the wife of the person concerned?! Who does this little girl think she is?!!

But Graeval was no exception. Although taken aback, he seemed to recognize her, and immediately a vein appeared on his forehead. He too was bothered by this person.

Now we are inside the Moonlight to try to avoid further glances and although he tried to keep his distance from her, the girl was attached to him like a tick. Indeed, I think it is correct to say that she is.

It took a lot of time and a lot of my patience to "persuade her" to sit down. Under that cloak, the girl hid blond hair and blue eyes; she most likely looks no older than 16, but her mana and aura... make me shiver at how overwhelming they are.

Graeval returned from the kitchen with an infusion and a chestnut dessert he had prepared the night before to experiment with new recipes.

"Thanks, Graeval~~!" thanked the girl trying to throw herself back into his arms


"I already told you to get it over with..." he began coldly "be a good girl or I'll kick you out of here."

"I'm sowrry..." she apologized rubbing her nose

Graeval had protected himself by presenting the tray to her face. What nerves! Any chance is good for this bitch! I thought tapping on the table.

I took the cup, swallowed a sip and after a while, I felt relaxed and the tension I felt eased slightly. I took another sip and then smiling I said

"Linden, passionflower, and althaea... am I wrong?"

"Given the general agitation... I think an herbal tea with relaxing properties is the most suitable choice."

Instead, the girl took the spoon and cut herself a piece of dessert. As soon as she put it in her mouth her eyes widened in surprise

“What is this?! It's delicious!"

“It's a Bavarese with chestnuts. It is not very difficult but it takes time to prepare it." Graeval stated as he sat down beside me.

I took another sip of the infusion and then I too dipped the spoon into my Bavarese. When I brought it to my mouth I felt the warm aftertaste of the infusion and its typical bitterness fade, leaving room for a delicate frothy creaminess, fresh and sweetly bitter due to the chestnuts.

Under the piece of cake, I noticed a cream, and the second piece I matched with that: the sweetness and warmth of the cream were dancing in my palate with the freshness and bitter-sweetness of chestnuts. Divine. I was in a good mood.

"Now..." I began looking at my husband "who is this ruin of families?"

His spoon stopped in midair and he shivered for a moment. He must have sensed my thirst for blood. After all, I have no reason not to kill her.

"......... *Sigh*... this here is Aphy."


“'That' Aphy,” he said pointing in the direction of the church

“Hey, Graeval! How can you give me 'this here'?!"

"Please shut up."

"The Goddess?" I asked looking at him with pity "If it's a joke, it's not funny at all."

“Hey! How can you doubt your husband, Demon Queen?!"

"Just because it's absurd I have to doubt-" Wait, what did she just say "Hey... you bitch... how did you just called me?"

“I know very well that you are the Queen of the Demons. How else could I have explained that sinister feeling when you wore the armor you created with magic?"


"What do you mean by sinister feeling... Aphy?"

"How do you not know?" she asked putting her hand in front of her lips almost amused "Didn't your dear wife tell you?"

"......... Ok, now I'll kick you out." Graeval said coldly


"I can handle you being clingy, but I can't stand my wife being taunted in front of my eyes." he said crunching the bones of his hands and releasing a slight thirst for blood "If she did not want to tell me she will have her reasons and if she ever wants to tell me I will listen to her."

"All right! I understood!! Sorry sorry sorry, it will never happen again!!!"

I looked at him a little surprised and felt my face slightly warm. I didn't care much for the Goddess's apology, but these little actions of Graeval make me happy every time. Instinctively, I took his hand

"Graeval... thanks."

"I'll always be waiting for you... so don't worry."

I stared into his sweet eyes that did nothing but transmit all his affection and his love for me. I felt like there was nothing around me besides the two of us and we seemed to hear our thoughts.

"Buuh... you ended up in your world right?" Aphy began "How can you shut me out when I'm here in front of you, Graeval!"

Our world was fractured and on Graeval's forehead, as well as mine most likely, a vein had swollen. This Goddess is a bummer!!!

"Since you want me to pay attention..." he began turning to her "could you tell me what are you doing here?"

"Do I need a reason to come and see you?"

"If I'm not mistaken, you do it every time I meditate and it's the first time you do it in person." Graeval crossed his arms and his gaze became sharper. “I'll ask you again. Why are you here?"

"I'm serious! I just wanted to see you!"

"Then you could also stay home if you just wanted to see me."

“You never tell me anything when I come to see you! I'm tired of talking to you without receiving an answer!"

Aphy stood up slamming her hands on the table and bringing her face close to him. She was very red for the anger. But what is she so angry for? Don't she know that meditation requires an enormous capacity for concentration?

My husband kept that cold stare. He didn't move a muscle but it was obvious how annoyed he was. When Aphy saw that she was very close to Graeval's face, she turned even redder and immediately walked away and coughed to get rid of the embarrassment.

“Now that you've seen me, finish the brew and get out of here. I don't know if you do it but I have to work." my husband said as he got up

"WAIT UP! I'm not done... talking about why... why... I'm... here..." Aphy's voice got lower and lower, her face was red again, and began to fiddle with her hair.

“Hou? And what else you have to tell me?"

When he asked that question, the Goddess complex became even more pronounced: her face had become even redder and the speed with which she was playing with her hair had increased. Graeval will have noticed... I have surely noticed... This slut!!

She seemed to say something because her lips moved, but nothing was heard.


"I love you."

"I can not hear you." Graeval insisted.

"I LOVE YOU! PLEASE MARRY ME!!!" she screamed even redder.

"That's the door." Graeval pointed as he stood up.

"RUTHLESS!!" Aphy said shocked by the immediate response.

Although her statement made my heart skip a beat, the dry sentence made me breathe a sigh of relief. I knew he would reject her, but doubt still haunted me. I felt Graeval's calloused hand caress my head. He probably sensed my insecurity and this was probably his way of comforting me.


"Because I don't know you, because I don't feel anything for you, because I'm happily married and above all, because every time we... 'met' you were a constant nuisance." Graeval said raising a finger for each of the reasons just listed “And you are right now too. So... GET OFF FROM ME!!!"

"I don't believe it..." distraught Aphy separated from Graeval "I, the Goddess of beauty, who has won the hearts of countless gods and mortals... rejected by the only person I ever truly loved."

“You certainly don't lack confidence. Anyway, welcome to the real world." Graeval told her "Just because you're a Goddess doesn't mean you can control other people's feelings."

“*Sniff* I don't want to accept it... *Sniff* I convinced my sister to have you reincarnated here just so you could notice me. *sniff* *sob* I refuse to let that demon monopolize you... *Sob*" said Aphy now ready to burst into tears "I'll make you fall in love with me and then you'll marry me! It's a promise!"

"I admire your determination but you only waste your time." Graeval said as he walked behind the counter with the dirty dishes


She started crying... I can't tell if it's crocodile tears, but that's probably my impression. However, despite my hatred towards her and a sense of victory, I manage to feel a certain sense of pity; in the end, Graeval did not mince words to reject her. He was very aggressive in doing it as if he did it on purpose... almost as if he intended to be hated by her. In his violent words, deep down I couldn't help but notice certain gratitude.

In conclusion, he doesn't completely hate her. If that were the case, he wouldn't even let her in to talk. He would simply ignore her.

Aphy was still in front of me, leaning on the table with her arms crossed still in tears and although I felt the need to send her away, I decided to leave her there so that she would dispose of her frustration.

I began to prepare the room for the opening hour while Graeval was doing the same with his instruments. Even though we ignored her, her tears didn't stop... This must be the first time she's probably rejected? that was the thought that went through my head. Immediately after, I heard my husband sigh heavily. I saw him with a clean piece of cloth in his hand approaching the deity.

"Aphy, look at me."

The Goddess looked up at him. Tears streamed down her teenage face and she also had snot on her nose. Seeing her, Graeval sighed again. He bows down to get to her height and with the piece of cloth, he began to gently wipe her tears and finally placed it on her nose.

"Blow your nose."

Aphy followed the order and blew her nose. There were still tears running down her cheeks, but she had visibly calmed down. Graeval handed her the piece of cloth and returned to an upright position. Later he began to stroke her head.

"Uh?!" WA-! We were both surprised by that action which was opposite to his earlier behavior.

"What I told you earlier is all true." he began seriously “But, I can't help but thank you for letting me reincarnate here. At least I owe you this."

"*Sniff* Graeval...? *Sob*"

"Thank you, for reincarnate me here... thank you for bringing me into a loving family and... forgive me for the way I treated you before."

"*Sniff* GRAEVAAAAL!!"

Aphy burst into tears again and this time wept in his lap. He looked at me, realizing that he wanted my approval for what he was about to do. I nodded and then Graeval gently hugged her, continuing to stroke her head. Well... I can give you that. I thought I'll count it as my way of thanking her for allowing Graeval to be reborn here.

***(Daneas's POV)***

"Holy patience." I sighed

Ever since Aphy came down to her world I've been keeping an eye on her. She just forgot she could do it. A careless little sister isn't it?

I saw the way Graeval treated her, I saw his hospitality, the ruthless way he refused her, and the gratitude he finally showed. Even though I'm the one who chose the family he would be reborn into, but so be it. I'll count it as if he thanked me.

I admit I was slightly upset when he rejected her so sharply and heartlessly, but now that I think back I admit that I would have done the same in his place.

By the time Aphy spoke to him in meditation, he must have realized that she is still very childish and believes that everything is due to her. Come to think of it, it's not all that different from the way he rejected his childhood friend: both are beautiful, reliable, and dutiful, but also very immature and stubborn. Such Goddess such Saint, huh? Really... he's such a kind-hearted boy.

For as long as I can remember, I've never been able to fully mature Aphy, but now that I've seen this meeting between her and Graeval... I think he's needed to make her grow.

Since Aphy still hasn't given up on him despite the rejection, I think hard times await him. Good luck... Graeval.

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