The Guardian Chef

Vol. 1 – Chapter 10

***(Blayves's POV)***

We hadn't been fighting for long, but it seemed like an eternity to us.

As Templars, our job is to protect the Saint and we were collaborating with the personal guard of the first princess Cordelia Calsay Belmont.

Since the Saint felt homesick, she decided to return accompanied by her highness; not being able to refuse her request, we were mobilized and arrived at the village of Fago the day after the arrival of the VIPs. As a precaution, we had sent them off before us along with plainclothes guards.

Everything seemed to go smoothly. Many nobles have come here to pay their respects both to the Saint and her highness, asking for advice or proposing initiatives or other things... of circumstance.

When they attended those receptions they always had a worried or tired expression, the princess in particular, since the nobles of the various factions did nothing but expose their points of view and some asked that action must be taken. The only times they had a quiet expression was when they went to eat at the Moonlight restaurant; when they went out they seemed to have found peace and happiness.

I can understand them. I also dined there once and I am ready to swear on my goddess Aphy that I have never eaten anything better. Not even when I was still living in my family house. The owner and cook is a childhood friend of the Saint.

I was able to enjoy that simple yet rich taste again during the Harvest Festival. That evening she was quiet and today her highness received a pleasant surprise: a friend of hers had come to visit her after learning that she was here. If I'm not mistaken, her name is Ludmilla Westhead, daughter of Margrave Westhead, her family has always been on high alert in the event of suspicious movements by the Kingdom of Yedal despite being allied with Thirus. Every member of this revered family, male or female, is born with a sword in hand.

This evening she sat at the same table as the Saint and her highness who was accompanied by three non-human girls. It seemed that everything would go smoothly but suddenly, mercenaries began to attack the inebriated villagers, and soon afterward chaos broke out. To protect the VIPs, we asked lady Ludmilla to accompany them to a safe place while we detained them. Although she seemed reluctant at first, she accepted and left some of her guards to lend a hand.

The clash became more violent and no matter how many we kill, we became more and more tired and some of us also fell, victims of the blades of the mercenaries.

"If this is to be our end... we'll make sure to send to hell as many as possible."

"For Aphy and the Saint." my companions said solemnly

I was charging towards another mercenary again when there was a loud noise.

From the point where it was generated, corpses and living, as well as objects and tables, were thrown everywhere. In the center, a hooded man with a worn and torn cloak. Under that hood, he wore an iron mask.

"I don't know who you are or how you got past my guard... and I don't care."

His metallic voice seemed emotionless, but with every word, I felt my body shiver and my instincts told me to run away with all my strength. This guy... is dangerous!

I heard a faint metallic noise beside me that made me turn around. The sword of one of my fallen comrades began to levitate and pointed towards the place where that person had arrived

"For daring to attack this town... all of you will be punished with death."

Thunderbolts flew from his hands and pierced two mercenaries who were in front of him, while those who were at his sides or behind him were pierced by sharp objects... even the blade I had seen before had gone off at full speed and buried itself in the flesh of the enemy.

The blood that had been shed seemed to come to life and pounced on the figure like a snake, concentrating on his back and forming huge wings, while his fists and forearms began to glow incandescent.

I don't know what he said after, but when he charged with the help of those gloomy wings, he struck a mercenary not far from him, piercing him with a simple fist and then incinerating him, while the blades immediately followed him, piercing and slashing the attackers.

Wherever that... that... entity looked or moved, all that remained were corpses or piles of ash. Even I, who had recovered almost immediately, began to fight again, and more than once, one of those levitating blades protected me from blows that I had not been able to see... no... I was not the only one. All those blades protected those in danger as if they had come to life. The slaughter became one-sided for those mercenaries who began to flee, only to be intercepted by a warrior in armor so black that it seemed to absorb the amber light of the fires.

I thanked Aphy for allowing me to live another day and at the same time, I prayed to her... no, I begged her that there would never come a future where I would be forced to cross the sword with that entity.

***(Graeval's POV)***

I couldn't even call it a fight. It's a one-sided massacre as always on the other hand. To those few who seemed to be officers or important people, I did a very good brain inspection before blowing it up. But aside from the fact that they had been hired by completely different men, they didn't know anything really useful. I suspect, that the one who hired them is someone else... it wasn't possible that two different men had the same plan, and besides, if their employer is different they would not have joined together. Lastly, one gang came from the north, while the other from the east.

I heard someone approach me and when I turned I saw the Templars and Cordelia's guards approaching. Almost all of them are a joy to behold from a woman's point of view, I could almost call it a harem of handsome guys. Everyone had only one emotion in their eyes: fear. Which was obvious since I was still keeping the wings of blood. You will ask yourselves... why? The massacre is over, isn't it?

I remind you that I have many years of experience on my shoulders and my instinct tempered by all those clashes, tells me that it is too easy... that there is still something wrong.

One of the Templars, recognizable by the heavy armor adorned with religious symbols, with dark eyes and light brown hair approached and beating his fist on his heart introduced himself. It is the military salute of this world.

“Thank you for helping us at the most critical moment. I believe this applies to all of us and the inhabitants. I am Blayves Aindul, Captain of her holiness Sarity Lingxin's guard. "

Even though I had heard it, I didn't pay much attention to him. I was still busy reorganizing the information I had gathered so far. Starting with the oddities, the first thing that catches the eye is the banners they were carrying with them: one carried the emblem of the kingdom of Yedal while the other of the Maritime Republic of Canada. Even though I didn't have them on hand, I had seen them in the memories of the leaders of the brigands I had killed, then I telepathically asked Lilith to burn them to avoid arousing unnecessary suspicion.

Why useless? Although the elven kingdom of Yedal and the Republic of Canada are members of the anti-Thirus alliance, they are the only ones who maintain excellent diplomatic relations with the kingdom. The Maritime Republic of Canada bases its power mainly on trade rather than military power and losing a rich trading partner like Thirus is unthinkable; after all, the peninsula that was part of the Kingdom of Deshatia, also known as the Demonic Kingdom, is occupied by the forces of Thirus and the typical products of that peninsula are very popular in the eastern nations.

The reign of Yedal is another story. Although they are unofficial members of the alliance, they are officially Thirus's longtime allies, undertaking thriving commercial exchanges thanks to the opening of customs on the borders of the two kingdoms. Furthermore, they were the first to respond to the Thirus Kingdom's request for reinforcements when the war against Deshatia broke out. But the biggest loss they would suffer would be the end of the iron ore import from the northeastern region of Thirus at a bargain price. Iron is vital to Yedal as they do not have large ferrous veins and the few iron mines they have are nearing exhaustion.

If the latter had intended to attack Thirus in this way, suspicions would have arisen for one reason only: the elves are very traditional and proud; this type of tactic is dishonorable in their eyes, to the point of whipping and humiliating those who only think of proposing it.

The Republic would be able to do something like this. After all, it is a nation of merchants and subterfuges are the order of the day. But they are more interested in economic gain than territorial expansion. In all the clashes, even with the demons, they have always declared themselves neutral, earning from the wars of others through transitions like giving loans and exporting cotton, iron, food, and medicines.

"......Something is wrong." I murmured

“Ahem! Who would you be? " Blayves asked

"I don't have a name worth remembering, so call me whatever you want."

"Y-you'll be kidding I hope."

"Never been more serious." I turned to him “Report to me, Captain. What happened before my arrival. "


“H-hey! Who do you think you are to give an order- ”another Templar came forward

"One who saved your ass and can easily slice it if you don't report to me."

One of the blades I was controlling with my powers was around the neck of the templar who was protesting. I didn't have much intention of wasting time or listening to complaints... especially after such action has resulted in all these losses of life and for the safety of my fellow citizens.

"I'll tell you again Captain. I want a report and if you don't want to give it to me, I have 'much' less orthodox methods to get it."


It was instinctive for him to make the military salute. Not that you can expect less from someone who is now close to getting his pants wet. This one, strangely, I like it.

***(Sarity's POV)***

It was dark. I felt cold. Suddenly, something liquid fell on my cheek and in that instant I opened my eyes. I was lying on the ground in what looks like a hut. It was dark and only the bright light of the moon came through the window. My head felt like it was about to burst. I tried to move my hand but felt it tied


Why am I tied up?! What happened?! I remember there had been an attack... besides that, I didn't remember anything else. I only remember that after a short time I suddenly felt tired and fell asleep.

I heard a rustle near me. I turned in that direction and saw that Cordelia and the little Arryn were there too

“Cordelia! Arryn!" I called them

with a little effort, I dragged myself towards them and then shook them by continuing to call them. After a while, they too woke up, and slowly their senses returned.

“Cordelia! Arryn! Are you ok?"

"I... good... head... pain..."

"I'd feel better if I wasn't tied up."

Their answers, sarcastic as Cordelia's was, made me breathe a sigh of relief. As the two recovered, we somehow managed to sit down.

"What happened? Where are we?"

“That's what I'd like to know too Cordelia. Do you remember anything Arryn? "

"Only... party... attack... nothing else..."

“Same for me. I only remember that Ludmilla agreed to take us to safety and then I don't remember anything else. Ah! The head... ”Cordelia complains

"Now that you mention her, I don't see lady Westhead."

"Sarity... is right..."

Our ideas were confused about what had happened and it was still not clear what situation we were in. I would love to free myself from the ropes but I only know healing and sacred magic. They will also be powerful since the Goddess Aphy has elected me as a Saint, but they are not suitable for inflicting damage on beings who are not of the demonic race, as even on inanimate objects they can do nothing since at most I can exorcise them. Cordelia certainly does not hide daggers or knives as she is denied for combat. Arryn on the other hand, is just a child and the first thing she thinks about is not to bring something sharp with her, on the contrary, it would be unconscious to allow her to do it.

Suddenly, a door opened, and what looked like soldiers with lamps in their hands entered. Noticing us, one of them turned outward

"My lady, come."

In the same red dress she wore shortly before the attack, Ludmilla entered the hut. Tall and slender, with short black hair and beautiful emerald eyes, her movements were fluid and very elegant, typical of a noblewoman. The left hand rested on the pommel of a sword that she held to the belt.

"Ludmilla." Cordelia called her happy. “Glad to see you again. Untie us and let's get out of here. "

The girl knelt down and then said

"I cannot your highness." leaving us blown away.

“Wh-what do you mean you can't? Is that one of your jokes?" Cordelia began incredulously "Because if it is, it's not funny."

“Your highness, this is no joke. Please understand that it's for Thirus's sake. "

"Now what is the kingdom about?!" she raised her voice in an altered tone

"If Jack learns of our disappearance, he'll turn over every single stone to find us!"

It was a certainty. More than once Jack had fought the hell out just for us. He always supported us and when we were in danger he always came to our rescue. If he finds out about what has happened, not only him but also the royal family and the church will mobilize.

"And that's exactly what we want."

"What do you mean?" I asked worried

"Her holiness, having been born in the countryside, you cannot understand the position of the Hero your husband within the kingdom, nor in the world."

"Wait... you don't want to-" Cordelia's eyes widened

"The supporters of the attack on the village are the Kingdom of Yedal and the Republic of Canada... or at least, that's what we would have you believe."

"Don't be absurd!" Cordelia exclaimed angrily “Do you realize that you will destroy the diplomatic relations between the three states?! Plus, Yedal has been our ally since the founding of the kingdom! Nobody would believe they suddenly turned their backs on us!"

"Aah... your highness, they did it instead." Ludmilla said sighing “You know that they unofficially joined the anti-Thirus alliance right? It wouldn't be so surprising if they hit us from behind sooner or later."

"I can't understand what Jack is about with all this?" I asked incredulously, looking at Cordelia

"Sarity, you've never had anything to do with politics, so I'll explain it to you so you can understand." Cordelia began turning her gaze to me “By marrying me, Jack has unwittingly become a powerful military asset. If he led our armies, we would be unstoppable and perhaps we could conquer the entire continent. If she intends to blame our neighbors, I think you understand what they intend to do... "

War... they want to use our disappearance to instigate Jack to attack the kingdoms allegedly responsible for what happened. At that thought, I turned pale.

"Precisely." Ludmilla said

"Even if it were, it wouldn't be so immediate." Cordelia resumed. “I don't know about the Republic, but I highly doubt that the Kingdom of Yedal will be accused without second thoughts. At court, it is well known that Yedal is completely dependent on us for iron ore. Instigating a war with us is all to their disadvantage. "

"You are right." when she said that, her gaze turned to Arryn "That's why we'll give them a reason to start a war."

With a gesture, one of the guards approached Arryn and took her by the arms. She started squirming, but couldn't do much. When he brought her to Ludmilla's side, Ludmilla turned to Arryn

“At first I thought I was wrong, but now I have no doubts... could you tell us? I mean yours real and full name."

Arryn was silent at first, but almost resigned she began to speak

"Arryn Xilrel Lianelis u'Yedal"

"WA-?!" Cordelia exclaimed even more astonished than before as I looked confused

“She is not a member of the royal house, but she has a close blood bond with them. I think her head is a good reason to instigate them to declare war on us. "


"If it's for the kingdom, I don't mind being a coward."

“She's just a little girl! How can you do such a thing!" I scolded her angrily

"It's called politics, your holiness!"


“When we free you it will be all over. So I don't think it will do you much good, plus I can always use the excuse that you have been brainwashed. "

“Tch! you prepared yourself properly, bastard!!"

Cordelia was shaking with anger and perhaps like me with frustration. Right now we are useless and we cannot prevent such a thing. I had heard of a split in the royal court but not being interested in it, I didn't care. I was frustrated, I wanted to do something but I knew I couldn't do anything. Suddenly, I heard Arryn cry. I looked up and saw tears fall from her bowed face hidden by her long hair.

"Well, I assure you that we will give you a quick and painless death, lady Arryn."

Arryn whispered something, but no one heard it.

"Did you say something?"

Arryn looked up and although the tears were still flowing... there was a beautiful smile on her face. At that moment we all heard it

"I cry... no fear... but happy..."

"Happy? Are you happy to be killed?"

"No. Because I arrived. "

We heard a metallic, male voice in our head. Suddenly, the doors of the house slammed shut. Darkness fell inside the building and only the red light of the torches prevented us from not seeing us again. Ludmilla's soldiers surrounded her to protect her and suddenly we felt it, a new presence inside the building.

“Good heavens, Arryn. You are not very lucky in encounters are you? " spoke a metallic voice that seemed to come from every corner of the house

"Guardian... stop that..." Arryn said, with her cheeks flushed, to scold the owner of that voice

I did not see it, yet it seems to be very close and at the same time very far away.

"Who are you?!" Ludmilla asked in alarm, bringing her hand to her sword

"Who I am?" the voice repeated "Someone you shouldn't have pissed off."

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