The Group Pet Villain is Three and a half Year Old

Chapter 49

Chapter 48: Forty-Eight Children

Most of the people present have never thought about it, daring to give sincerity is also a kind of bravery.

Adults who are used to the rules of adults know how to protect themselves very well. If they don’t know if they will get a response, they don’t say it, and if they don’t know if there is a benefit, they don’t do it.

Calm and restrained, every gain and loss is placed on the steel scale in the heart, and it is clearly distinguished.


Yoyo seems to have not learned yet.

The audience was silent for a while, and many people were touched and echoed:

【Oh, oh, oh, luckily, we have a silly sister in Miaomiao. 】

[Tricked me to have a daughter again! ! You want to lie to me to give birth to two! ! 】

Yoyo didn’t know how many tears she had caused by her few words. After she was coquettish in her sister’s arms, she was hugged by Zhouzhou’s mother who liked her daughter very much.

“You are so good, do you like Zhouzhou? Auntie likes you, how about you come to our house as a daughter?”

The aunt who was holding her was gentle and beautiful. Seeing that her mother was also looking here, she hesitated for a while and said:

“Thanks Auntie, but…”

“Auntie’s house has a lot of candy, do you like candy? You can eat as much as you want.”

Yu Lan knew it was bad as soon as she heard this.

As expected, Yoyo’s little face who just wanted to refuse politely was shocked, with a look of “I wanted to refuse strictly but she gave too much”.


That’s it for you.

Gu Qizhou over there was touched by Yoyo’s words, and while others were chatting, he quietly led Gu Miaomiao to sit side by side on the unlit hillside.

Although the microphones on the two of them could hear their conversations, the program crew did not get close, but they were far apart, and the camera was quietly aimed at the backs of the father and daughter under the starlight.

Gu Qizhou: “…Miaomiao, I found that we don’t seem to have time to talk.”

Gu Miaomiao: “…what is there to talk about?”

Gu Qizhou: “Just like Yoyo, she can’t finish her words, she can talk for half an hour when digging loaches in the yard, and she can go from morning to night when Mianmian doesn’t have a bowel movement. …You don’t seem to like talking about this to Dad?”

Gu Miaomiao: “Maybe it’s because I’m not interested in loach and Mianmian shit.”

Gu Qizhou: “…”

The audience swiped:

[Help Director Gu match subtitles: I can’t talk anymore today]

Fortunately, Gu Qizhou is accustomed to this one-sided conversation with Gu Miaomiao. After all, part of Yoyo’s words are inherited from him. He talked alone for about 20 minutes, and Gu Miaomiao said The response was cold and ruthless, especially after Gu Qizhou told a joke that she really couldn’t laugh at—

“…is there anything funny about that?”

The smile on Gu Qizhou’s face was awkwardly put away.

“If you have time to tell me a joke, why don’t you give the garland to Aunt Yu quickly.” Gu Miaomiao got up and patted the grass clippings on her body, “If you don’t send flowers, it will look bad.”

Gu Qizhou’s inner sensational bgm was put on several times, and every time he was about to brew his feelings, he was ruthlessly cut off by Gu Miaomiao.

In the end, Gu Qizhou could only stop talking with his daughter, looking at the back of her about to walk away, he said helplessly and softly:

“Miaomiao, no matter what, you have to remember.”

“You are not the only one who came into this world with the love of her parents.”

“So do you.”

The wind rustled in the autumn night, blowing the weeds on the ground just below the ankles.

Flick her skin lightly.

Her footsteps paused, then hurried away.

Gu Qizhou did not forget the anniversary.


However, this anniversary was a little early, and the preparations were not adequate. Except for a small garland, there was no rose pavement diamond necklace, and even candles to set off the atmosphere were afraid of igniting the forest. Can’t order.

He wanted to break his head, but he could only think of a way.

“Yoyo, how about we sneak into the reeds to catch fireflies?”

Yoyo heard the words, her eyes lit up, and she jumped with excitement.




So Gu Qizhou discussed with Gu Miaomiao to restrain Yu Lan, and they went to the nearby reeds to find fireflies.

The reeds are not far from here. Although the stars and the moon are bright today, it is bright all around, but it is blocked by tall reeds and the view is quite limited.

Coincidentally, Yong Ze hid here because of this idea.

You don’t have to worry about being discovered by a large group of staff in the program team, you can also observe the movement over there from a distance.

It’s just that he didn’t expect that Gu Qizhou would bring a large group of staff here.

He didn’t expect that, Yoyo found him in the reeds at a glance.

“…Oh, so you’re here!”

A big lion lying in the reeds looks like a big cat who has done something wrong trying to hide in his slippers.

You can’t see it from a distance, but Yoyo who got into the reeds saw it at a glance.

She didn’t seem to realize that the lion in front of her was hiding here on purpose. The little girl squatted down in front of him, with a firefly hidden in her two closed hands.

Yoyo also seemed to want to ask him why he suddenly disappeared during the day, but at this time her desire to share prevailed, and before she had time to ask more, she enthusiastically handed his closed palm to him In front of:

“I caught fireflies—”

The sweet childish voice was soft, as if talking to herself, so the crew who filmed outside the reeds didn’t think she was talking to anyone.

But in fact, even Gu Qizhou, who was looking for fireflies on the other end, didn’t know that the little girl squatting here was talking nicely with a real big lion.

Yong Ze’s eyes were drawn by her, and also fell on the palm of her slowly spreading out.

The little firefly lying in Yoyo’s palm no longer flutters its wings and floats in the darkness with a faint green light.

Its light has gradually weakened, and it finally shook a few times.

“…it, it… is off…”

Yongze had expected this result.

Amber eyes are thick black in the night, reflecting the moonlight, a little light in obsidian.

He raised his hand and held the Mai at Yoyo’s neckline.

“The life of fireflies is very fragile.” Yong Ze’s voice was gentle with a bit of pity, “Their lifespan is only five to fourteen days, if they are captured by humans, their lifespan will be even longer. Shorter.”

The little girl had wet eyelashes and looked at him pitifully:

“Did I kill it?”

Yong Ze didn’t know how to answer her.

Yoyo freed up a hand and touched the soft mane of the lion lightly, her voice trembling:

“Please, help me save it, okay? I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have caught you, I just, just wanted to give my mother a gift…”

She didn’t know, this would kill it, she just had never seen such a beautiful bug before, she wanted to reach out and touch it, but she didn’t expect it would kill it.

Yoyo thought of the rabbits in the kindergarten who were scared by her and fled in a hurry, so sad that she shed tears.

Why is she always annoying to animals?

“It doesn’t matter.” Yongze took the firefly in her hand with his claws, gently placed it on the shallow water of the reeds, and watched it float away, “Remember in the future, don’t hurt any more Just an animal.”

Yoyo nodded vigorously, wiped her tears with her sleeve, and said firmly:

“Never again!”

She looked at the lion with clear eyes, and suddenly opened her arms and rushed into his fluffy mane.

Her arms were too small to hold the lion’s big head, but Yongze heard her small voice ringing in his ear:

“Brother Lion, you are very powerful, right? You won’t die easily, will you?”

The microphone at the neckline was covered, and only some harsh noise could be heard. The director team turned off Yoyo’s headset.

So no one heard Yong Ze’s sentence:

“No, no one can let me die.”

This is the minimum confidence from the Lord of the Forest.

Yo Yo listened ignorantly, she listened to Yong Ze’s firm words, she seemed to feel like she forgot something important, but she couldn’t remember it for a while.


Gu Qizhou’s voice came from the other end of the reeds.

“Did you catch it? Where did you go?”

Yo Yo heard someone calling her, so she subconsciously responded.

“I’m here! Dad, let’s not catch fireflies, okay! Fireflies are so pathetic!”

Yong Ze was inconvenient to appear in front of outsiders, so he pushed Yoyo out.

“I’ll have a present for your mother, go find your father, don’t let them go into the reeds, wait outside.”

Yoyo trusts the big lion very much. Hearing this, he has no doubts, so he turned around and ran to Gu Qizhou and said:

“…Let’s go and call my mother over, the monster brother said he wants to give my mother a gift!”

Yong Ze: “…”

He shouldn’t trust the words of a child.

But because it was a child, Gu Qizhou and other staff members thought it was just a child’s nonsense, but they had to call their mother over. Gu Qizhou finally compromised.

Yu Lan: “…this black light is blinding, why did you ask me to come here?”

Not only Yu Lan, but other parents and children were also brought here.

Gu Qizhou had to take out a garland and put it on Yu Lan, and said bluntly:

“I originally wanted to catch some fireflies for you, but Yoyo didn’t want to hurt them, so I had to bring you here…”

By the way, it was explained that Gu Miaomiao won this garland and asked him to give it to her.

Yu Lan gave her a slightly surprised look.

Gu Miaomiao said calmly, “I wish you a happy anniversary of love.”

Yu Lan, who had been nominated for the actress, did a good job of distinguishing it, and did not see any traces of acting on her face.

…is she sincere?

Before she could understand Gu Miaomiao’s mind, the reeds under the moonlight suddenly swayed one after another, as if being blown by a sudden mysterious strong wind, causing waves like waves.


Some people in the crowd have sharp eyes, and at a glance, they saw the wonder that appeared in the reeds at this time.

One, two, three.

Everyone stared at this spectacle in a daze, until the fireflies gradually surrounded them, then they came back to their senses and realized that it was all true.

“…well, so pretty…”

Several children who had little contact with nature exclaimed.

“I want to touch!”

The first one from Zhouzhou stretched out his hand and wanted to touch the firefly that flew above his head, but was slapped seriously by Yoyo,

“Don’t touch! Fireflies will die!”

“Just touch it!”

“Not even once!”

The extremely strict Yoyo didn’t even have the time to appreciate the beautiful fireflies. She was like a strict forest ranger, patrolling around with her hips on her hips, and loving the little one who saw who was trying to catch the fireflies Slap, even the staff was patted by her.

When is Nagasawa Mountain recruiting forest rangers, please be sure to consider us! 】

【Hahaha, don’t be softhearted! Beat the boat captain’s memory, otherwise he will dare to catch you when you turn around! 】

[Wu wu wu wu people are beautiful and kind and we are really little angels in the world, mother will always love you! ! 】

At this time, Gu Miaomiao looked at the little angel in the world who was chasing Zhouzhou, and couldn’t help bending her lips.

“Uncle Zhou, is the violin still there?”

Director Zhou was a little surprised, but he quickly understood what she meant and asked the staff to bring the violin.

As soon as she put on the wreath from Gu Qizhou, before Yu Lan opened her mouth, she heard a melodious and relaxing waltz in her ears. The six-year-old girl still lacked control over her fingers, but this It doesn’t hinder the sound of her songs.

Especially in this romantic time, every mother and father was moved by this song.

They held their other half, and perhaps their own children, and shook their hands gently under the radiance of the stars and fireflies.

Yoyo wanted to dance with her sister, but because her sister was temporarily unavailable, she could only sneak into the reeds while the chaos was running, and found the big lion who hadn’t left yet.

“Yoyo will definitely protect the small animals in the future!”

Yongze didn’t understand why she came to him to talk about this, but he continued to listen quietly.

Yoyo slowly crossed the obstacle, laying skillfully in the mane on his neck, said happily:

“When I’m as tall as you, I’ll protect you!”

Yong Ze calmly told her:

“You won’t be as tall as me.”

The child was unexpectedly competitive: “I can! I will eat half a bowl of rice, and I will grow super super tall!”

Little milky voice was cute and childish, but Yong Ze didn’t hit her again.


“Brother Monster, when I grow up, you must remember to come and play with me in the future.”

Although he didn’t understand why he had to grow up, Yongze lowered his eyes slightly, looked at the child’s sincere eyes, and touched her forehead.

It’s a promise.

What he didn’t know was that Yoyo just suddenly remembered that in her dream, she would bully lion monsters when she grew up.

She didn’t know how to explain it, so she could only think, let’s prove it to Brother Lion when she grows up.

What Yoyo in the dream did, the current good Yoyo would never do.

She used all the candy she could eat in the future to send four!

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