The Grimoire’s Chosen (Worm AU/Celestial Grimoire)

Chapter 2: Taylor Hebert

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Jason and Taylor have a talk and things escalate and deescalate. This is fine.


Jason was a young man in his early twenties with a healthy libido. And Taylor, while not conventionally beautiful, definitely wasn’t ugly by any stretch of the imagination. Suffice to say, under normal circumstances he probably would have just gone for it, kissing her back and letting things progress however they were bound to progress.

Indeed, before he’d suddenly gotten powers, Jason definitely wouldn’t have turned down a pretty young woman coming onto him this strong. However… the fact that, he had a lot on his mind right now. Not just work, not just school, not just Taylor’s problem with that Emma chick… but literal superpowers.

And he’d just purchased his first real power to boot. Flash Air… from the sound of things, it was an incredibly impressive power. Just from the instinctive understanding that came along with it, Jason couldn’t wait to begin playing around with the power. Unfortunately, before he could do that, he needed to figure out what was going on with Taylor.

“Uh… not that I’m complaining Taylor, but where did that come from?”

The tall young woman bites her lower lip for a moment and almost seems to shut down in real time right before his eyes. He’d gone out of his way to make it clear he wasn’t upset, but that didn’t stop her from taking his words in the worst possible way it would seem.

“S-Sorry. I shouldn’t have… I know I’m not particularly good looking, I promise I won’t-!”

Stepping forward, Jason grabs Taylor by the shoulders. They’re both plenty tall, but where Taylor is abnormally tall for a woman, he’s just about average for a man. So they even out pretty well.

“Hey. Don’t talk shit about yourself like that. Based on what nonsense that red head out front was spewing, you get enough of that from skanks like her.”

Taylor flinches and Jason wonders if maybe he should have kept that to himself. He tries for a crooked grin.

“It’s alright. Like I said before, I hate entitled, spoilt bitches like her. Frankly, her personality is so rotten that she’d have to throw herself at my feet and beg before I’d so much as spit on her. Everything she said, whether it was about you or not, went in one ear and out the other.”

Taylor hesitantly nods, though she still looks rather uncertain and downtrodden. The only thing that causes a flicker of amusement in her eyes is when he mentions spitting on her tormentor. Not surprising, all things considered.

Suddenly though, she seems to find her resolve, going from uncertain to determined in the blink of an eye.

“S-Still… I want to thank you… properly. I-Is that alright?”

Jason tilts his head to the side. He doesn’t want to reject her, especially when that would damage her already destroyed self-esteem even further. At the same time though…

“You already have thanked me, Taylor. You don’t need to-!”

“Please… I want to…”

Wordlessly, Jason watches as she slowly sinks to her knees. The tall, dark-haired girl looks up at him with wide eyes, as if making sure he hasn’t suddenly decided to hate her in the last few seconds. Then, she reaches up with trembling fingers and begins the process of unbuttoning and unzipping his pants.

He should probably stop this. The only problem is, he doesn’t know how to stop it without hurting Taylor. Or maybe that’s just an excuse. Maybe the truth of the matter is that Jason wants to see where she takes this.

Her hands are neither deft nor experienced as she reaches into his boxers and pulls out his cock. Doesn’t stop her from stroking him up and down his length though, biting her lower lip as she studies his hardening member in a mixture of trepidation and determination. She’s resolved to do this, that much is obvious. And for all that Taylor has clearly had a hard time of it, when she decides to do something, it seems she sees it through.

Still, Jason is caught off guard when Taylor suddenly leans forward and takes him in her mouth. A handjob was one thing… a blowjob was another entirely.

“Fuck, Taylor…”

Even he can’t quite describe his voice as those words escape his lips. But Taylor must not hear anything objectionable in his tone, because she quietly nurses on the first inch or so of his cock, sucking on just the tip of his dick for a few moments as her hands continue to slide up and down the rest of his member.

Looking down into those big dark eyes of hers, Jason lets out a shuddering breath… and reaches out to rest a hand on her hair. She startles briefly at the touch, but he’s not gripping down or anything like that, more just looping his fingers through some of her locks.

“You’re not ugly, Taylor. No matter what anyone says, they’re lying. You’ve got plenty of great features… and I’d be lying myself if I said I hadn’t noticed them.”

Taylor’s cheeks blaze with a burning blush as he speaks, and she looks briefly like she wants to run away rather than listen to his compliments. Alas, she can’t escape now. Her mouth suckling at his dick, her hands around his cock… if she ran away now, she’d be insulting him more than anything. Basically, she’s his captive audience right now, albeit a captivity of her own making, one of the mind.

“Your hair, for instance, is absolutely gorgeous. Such beautiful dark, lush locks. It frames your face well. And sure, you have freckles. Who cares? Freckles are cute and in some cases even hot.”

Taylor shudders, and her hands drop to his legs as she begins to take him deeper into her mouth, sliding further down his cock. He’s not sure whether that’s because she’s trying to distract herself AND him from his words, or whether she’s enjoying being complimented. Either way, Jason continues on, still not holding back even a little bit.

“And your legs… your legs are to die for. Long and beautiful. I’m sure you had a few years as a teenager where you were lanky and awkward, like a newborn deer. But those days are behind you Taylor, no matter what anyone might say. I’ve seen you working alongside me since you started here. You move so gracefully it’s not even funny.”

That seems to be her limit. The barrage of compliments finally proves to be too much as Taylor abruptly pulls off of his cock with a gasp.

“S-Stop… please, s-stop.”

Jason frowns slightly, even as Taylor averts her eyes from his, barely able to look at him while her hands return to stroking his member. After a moment of silence, she lets out a shuddering breath.

“Y-You don’t… you don’t have to make me feel better about any of that s-stuff. I know that Emma is a bitch. I know not to trust anything that comes out of her mouth. And… and I know I outgrew my ugly duckling phase a while ago.”

That was nice to hear, but it sort of ran counter to what Taylor had said earlier. She’d said ‘I know I’m not particularly good looking’ like it was a fact. Like it was indisputable. Letting out a sigh, Jason shakes his head.

“But knowing it and believing it are two different things, aren’t they Taylor? You might know that everything that red head says isn’t true, but it’s another thing entirely to avoid internalizing it when she never actually stops. Isn’t it?”

Jason might not have known Taylor and Emma’s complete history. He’d only met Taylor herself a few months ago after all. But he’d had his own experiences with bullying. He had first hand experience with what he was saying right now. And as Taylor stares up at him with wide eyes, he knows she realizes that fact.

Coming to a sudden decision, Jason reaches down, grabs Taylor by the shoulders, and lifts her back up to her feet. She squeaks a little as he does so, her hands still wrapped around his dick.

“W-Wait… I w-wasn’t done…”

Letting out a sigh, Jason shakes his head. He could hardly believe he was doing this. And yet…

“Taylor, you don’t actually want to suck my cock. You just want a friend.”

Taylor freezes like a deer caught in headlights at being called out so bluntly. Jason just smiles in order to lessen the blow.

“Consider us friends, Taylor. No strings attached; no extra benefits needed. Now if you WANT to fuck some time, I’d be down because as I previously mentioned, you’re pretty hot regardless of what you think of yourself. But only if you want to fuck, not because you think you need to keep me interested.”

Slowly, Taylor comes out of her freeze, seeming to mull over his words for a long moment before finally nodding. At the same time though, that determination blazes back to life in her eyes, even as she looks down at his throbbing cock in her hands.

“A-Alright… but I’m going to finish you off with my hands. Friends don’t give friends blue balls.”

Jason laughed at that, even as Taylor went back to jerking him with her hands. He grunts at her admittedly poor technique and after a moment breaks his silence.

“Less yanking, more tugging and stroking, Taylor. No need to try and tear my dick off or anything…”

She blushes but seems to assimilate the lesson eagerly, almost like a sponge in the way she was willing to take his advice and learn from him in the short time that followed. Soon enough though, Jason was nearing the edge.

“Getting close now, Taylor…”

Reaching over, Taylor grabs a nearby towel and brings it up, even as she continues stroking his cock with her other hand. With a low groan, Jason proceeds to ejaculate into the towel as Taylor watches, her face bright red. If he was less of a gentleman, he could have had that bright red face covered in his cum right now. Or maybe those angular cheeks of hers chipmunked outwards from his seed filling her mouth.

But no. Jason mentally pushes away such thoughts. He wasn’t the kind of guy who took advantage of girls like that. Especially not hurt young women like Taylor, who really did just need a friend in this cruel, heartless world. Though he had to admit, getting jacked off into a towel was definitely the weirdest way he’d ever started a friendship.

Taylor moves away, washing the towel off in the sink while Jason tucks his cock back into his boxers and fixes up his pants. After they’re both done with their respective tasks, she gives him a brief smile and a nod before heading out. Left all alone, Jason lets out an explosive breath… only to jolt a moment later.


Psychic Abilities - Astral Projection (Four Dots) – Transformation – 100 Points

In the World of Darkness, psychic abilities and mythic sorcery are, at first glance, completely different. However, both manipulate the same powers, albeit in very different ways, and are both considered forms of linear magic. While a sorcerer utilizes numerous tools and ceremonies to harness supernatural powers, a psychic makes do with lots, and lots, of willpower. Furthermore, the majority of psychic powers are innate, and can be improved, but not gained, without outside interference, in stark contrast to sorcery.

Splitting one’s spirit from their body, becoming a living ghost. In this state, they cannot affect the material world, except through the use of their psychic powers. They may also perceive other astral projections, but other forms of spirits appear hazy and indistinct, except to those with other spiritual senses. While outside their physical form, the psychic loses all awareness of it, leaving it vulnerable to attack. Should the body die without its spirit, a ghost will almost certainly result. Unfortunately, this will still count as a death for the purposes of this jump. Fortunately, short of outside intervention, the psychic may return to their body at will, regardless of distance.

[4] The astral form of the psychic may travel 1,000 miles from its body and remain outside for up to five hours. With effort, they may also manifest visibly for mundane observers as a silent and translucent, ghostly apparition.

(CG Note: Requires Psychic Abilities - Astral Projection (Three Dots) - World of Darkness: Sorcerer first.)

You now have 300 points saved up!

… What the fuck? Jason’s eyes widen, not just because of how his power seems to be escalating in frequency, but also from the first words he reads in this latest pull. Initially, he’s over the moon. But then he keeps reading and begins to properly understand what he’s looking at. It’s not actual psychic abilities… or at least, it’s not ALL psychic abilities. Instead, it’s specifically Astral Projection. Worse than that, it’s apparently a higher rank of Astral Projection that he needs the previous ranks to actually be able to use.

Jason doesn’t really understand this Four Dot and Three Dot bullshit. Does that mean there’s a Two Dot and a One Dot that he has to pick up before he can pick up Three Dot as well? It seemed rather likely, to be honest. Maybe there was a world in which he could bank the Four Dot version and one day be able to use it after purchasing the Three Dot version and whatever versions came before it, but admittedly, Jason wasn’t convinced.

Shaking his head, he ultimately decides it’s just not worth it. Especially not when there are things like Flash Air that he can purchase for four hundred points just waiting for him in the wings. If he starts spending a hundred points on powers he might literally never get to use, then he won’t ever have the points free to buy the things that will actually make him powerful.


Sighing as he feels the power fade away, Jason shakes his head and presses his lips together in a thin line. With Taylor already gone, he finishes his own duties as ‘Senior Barista’ and then locks up the coffee shop before heading out onto the streets of Brockton Bay. Fortunately, since their business is less of a nighttime establishment and more of a morning to afternoon, the sun has just set in the last hour and while it is dark out, it’s not too late.

Even with how dangerous Brockton Bay is, he should be able to get back to his apartment along his usual route without any issues.

… However, there was also Flash Air to consider. The power, from what Jason understood, allowed him to do all sorts of things. It allowed him to teleport objects for instance, but not outright teleport living beings. However, he didn’t need to be able to teleport living things… because he could instead open portals by swapping the air itself from one location to the next.

His limits meant that he couldn’t swap the air between his apartment and right in front of him, unfortunately… but he COULD swap the air from here to that nearby rooftop and then travel from roof to roof all the way home with relatively rapid speed.

Or he could head to the Boat Graveyard instead and really put his power through its paces. Just a stray thought, but one that sticks as Jason groans and rubs the bridge of his nose. He had a full day tomorrow… just as full as today and the day before it had been. And just as full as the next day and the day after would be.

The life of a university student didn’t leave much room for anything… extracurricular. But on the other hand, his powers were the most interesting thing in his life right now. Could he really bring himself to ignore them for something as mundane as keeping his schooling and work on track?


A/N: Will try to keep this up to date at the end of every chapter, get on me if I forget please. Though if it gets too out of hand, will turn it into its own post and link back to it later.

Jason's current banked points:

300 Celestial Points

Jason's current powers:

- Flash Air (Gained in Chapter 1)

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