The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 62: The Chieftainess

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Kali unknowingly welcomes the King and Queen of Grimm into her home~


“Dinner is served! Apologies for the wait, as I said before, it’s just me these days… still, I do hope you both enjoy!”

As Kali Belladonna, Honorary Chieftainess of Menagerie, comes sweeping out of the kitchen and into the dining room, Jaune gives his Queen a pointed look. Salem had had a pinched look on her face, one that said she was about to make an ass out of herself through pure snobbishness. Fortunately, he’s able to catch her before she can be too mean.

Seeing his look, the Queen of the Grimm is quiet for a moment while Kali sets down the last dish on the table, a nice piping hot roast from the look of things.

“Mm… it all looks quite… tasty, I suppose. I do have to wonder why someone of your stature does not have servants, however.”

Jaune resists the urge to cover his face with his palm, even as he reminds himself that for Salem, this IS being tactful. Meanwhile, even Kali looks like she’s not sure the word ‘tasty’ belongs on the tongue of someone as refined and pompous as his Queen. Still, the Chieftainess’ cat ears twitch for a moment as she smiles apologetically.

“Ah yes… I’m afraid I dismissed all of my staff. See, it just didn’t feel right having them around after Ghira passed. No one really comes to visit all that much, and it didn’t make sense for them to be tending to just me, you know? So I figured it was better to let them seek greener pastures…”

From the look on Salem’s face, it’s clear she does not understand one bit. After all, even when she’d been all alone back before he’d come along, Salem had had her Grimm to serve and wait on her hand and foot every single day. She’d even had human servants that she’d cultivated every few centuries, those like Cinder and others.

Jaune though… Jaune thinks he understands. Kali didn’t know how to handle her husband’s loss… so she’d pushed and pushed until she was all alone. She seemed like a rather selfless person, leading Jaune to suspect that she truly drove everyone away because she didn’t want to hurt them in her grief. Her loneliness, it would seem, was at least partially self-imposed.

Seeing that her own words have caused Kali to become lost in thought, Jaune reaches out and gives the Cat Faunus’ hand a quick squeeze, causing her to jolt in surprise and blush a little as she looks at him.

“You’re a very selfless person, aren’t you Ms. Belladonna?”

He removes his hand, but Kali’s eyes linger on where he touched her for a moment before she starts to sputter.

“W-Well I w-wouldn’t say as such. I-I just… I don’t know really…”

Smiling warmly at her, Jaune looks to the food-laden table.

“Well, dinner looks lovely. Lets dig in, shall we?”

“Y-Yes! Please, help yourselves!”

Salem looks disgruntled at that, but Jaune just rolls his eyes and smiles at his Queen’s snobbishness. He serves Salem first of course, filling her plate up with food he knows she’ll enjoy. Only then does he fill his own plate up as well. Kali notices this and looks a little chagrined for a moment, clearly thinking that maybe she should have served Salem by hand herself as the host. But Jaune just shakes his head slightly at her, making her settle down. Salem was… just special like that.

He probably shouldn’t have played into her delusions of grandeur quite so much though when they’d first arrived in Menagerie. He’d been so indecisive about choosing which animal trait they should embody so they could blend in among the faunus that he’d passed the choice right back to Salem herself… and she’d promptly done this to them.

Jaune was pretty sure there was no such thing as a Dragon Faunus. Dragons in general were supposed to be a myth, he was pretty sure. Of course, Salem had been quick to assure him that dragons had been very real once upon a time. Long, long ago, dragons had indeed flown the skies and roamed the lands of Remnant. They were all dead now of course, but they were what she’d based her own Grimm Dragon creations off of all the same.

And now here he and she were, eating supper with the Widowed Chieftainess of Menagerie while wearing dragon horns and scales and even slitted dragon eyes. They looked ridiculous… but thanks to Salem’s magic, they looked ridiculously realistic as well. Without magic of their own, there was no way for anyone to discern they were fakes either. The spell was a physical transformation, not just an illusion.

In hindsight, Jaune had totally missed out on the chance to have Salem make him a Horse Faunus so he could joke that his big fat dick was one of his animal traits. But eh… maybe that was too crass, especially for the social circles they were apparently moving in during this vacation.

He never would have thought that they’d run into an important person like Kali Belladonna so quickly. Though she clearly didn’t think much of herself. As she’d told them after bringing them into her home, the Kingdom of Menagerie had adopted the same form of leadership as the human kingdoms in that they now had a Council that made all the decisions for the burgeoning faunus country.

Thanks to the complete disappearance of Grimm, the Faunus had been flourishing in a way they never could have before. These past two years had been a renaissance period for Menagerie, given how far away they were from the rest of the civilized world. Normally, being outside of the established human kingdoms was a death sentence. And in its early days, Menagerie had struggled, surviving on a knife’s edge because of this.

But with the natural predator of both humanity and faunus kind having vanished and gone up in smoke, and with the human kingdoms at each other’s throats… Menagerie had gone from struggling to survive to a prosperity they could only dream of.

“… I’m glad Ghira got to see it before he passed. How far our people were coming. Though sometimes I wonder if the overwork contributed to how fast his illness took him. In the end, I thought it best to let the Council take over the vast majority of his duties. These days I’m just a pretty face to be paraded out for certain events and what not.”

Kali made it all sound like she was happy with how things had turned out in spite of her husband’s passing, but Jaune didn’t think so. In fact, he suspected the older woman was actually deeply depressed. She had a daughter apparently, a young woman named Blake Belladonna, but apparently the girl didn’t come around very often. It almost made Jaune want to go out and grab Kali’s daughter by the ear and drag her back to her mother for a proper reconciliation.

But alas, that didn’t really feel like his place… so Jaune was going to just keep his nose out of things and keep his head down. Besides, this was just supposed to be a vacation. Him and Salem weren’t here to get involved in anything too crazy. In that regard, it was fortunate that Kali was barely leader in name only these days. If she was really so disregarded as the widowed Chieftainess claimed, then they could probably spend their vacation with Kali in her care, not only giving her some much needed company but also managing to stay under the radar, so to speak.

He still wasn’t sure how many people had seen them walking through town. They’d traveled the less traveled areas, choosing a marketplace that clearly wasn’t as popular as Menagerie’s incredibly busy Main Street, but they’d still somehow run into Kali all the same. Hopefully-

“Mm. That was good, but I believe my King and I are ready to retire now.”

Hm? Jaune blinks, coming out of his inner thoughts only to realize that Salem is right. He and she have gone through their dinner almost ravenously, completely cleaning their plates. In his case, this was done almost entirely on autopilot without him even really noticing it, given how deep in thought he’d been. Even Kali has mostly finished her plate by this point, though clearly she’s not been eating nearly as fast as they both did.

“Oh! I’m glad you both enjoyed it so much then!”

Jaune smiles at that and leans in.

“The food was delicious Ms. Belladonna. Thank you very much.”

“Oh please, you’ve eaten at my table and you’re about to stay in my home for the night. Call me Kali, won’t you?”

Chuckling, Jaune inclines his head in agreement.

“Of course, Kali.”

The Cat Faunus is slightly flushed, even as Salem grabs Jaune by the hand and pulls them both to their feet. Belatedly, Kali also begins to rise to her feet.

“Oh I’m sorry, I’m being rude. Allow me to show you to your room-!”

“No need, you showed us where we would be staying earlier. Unless you wished to join us.”

Wait, what? Jaune looks at Salem askance, even as Kali goes still and wide-eyed.


But Salem only has eyes for the widowed woman, eyes that seem to pierce straight to Kali’s very soul.

“My King and I are retiring early so that we might go and have sex in the bed you have prepared for us. The only reason for you to escort us there is if you wish to watch or join in on the ensuing fornication. You are, of course, welcome to do so.”

Looking less like the cat faunus she is and more like a deer caught in headlights, Kali’s mouth opens and closes helplessly like a goldfish, no sound coming out as she glances between him and Salem, clearly taken aback. Finally coming out of his own shocked stupor, Jaune half-grimaces, half-grins as he quickly strives to do some damage control.

“She’s just joking Kali! My Queen is ever the prankster! Don’t mind her, we would never presume to take advantage of you in that way! Come along now, Salem.”

Wrapping one arm around the Grimm Queen’s waist, Jaune turns her and begins to escort her away. The look Salem gives him is distinctly unimpressed, but Jaune is more concerned with Kali throwing them out in offense or outrage at this point in time. Luckily, she’s still completely frozen in place by the time they leave her sight so hopefully she wouldn’t come after them from sheer embarrassment and mortification or something.

Hurrying Salem down the hall to the guest room that Kali had shown them earlier, Jaune shoots his lover an exasperated look.

“What the hell was that Salem?”

Without missing a beat, the Queen of the Grimm steps away from him and into the center of the room, already beginning to disrobe. Jaune’s eyes catch upon the shimmering dragon scales she’s given herself, unable to help admiring the way they accentuate her figure.

“What was what?”

Jaune growls, striding over and grabbing Salem by the arm, swinging her around.

“The poor woman just got done spending the last few hours telling us all about her lost husband and why her house was so empty. And then you turn around and so callously proposition her like that. That was cruel, my Queen… even for you.”

Pausing, Salem peers at Jaune for a moment before frowning.

“Was it? I did not intend to be callous. I was trying to be kind. It is as you said… this woman, Kali Belladonna… is alone. She need not be, so long as we are here.”

When Salem put it that way, Jaune could almost understand the Grimm Queen’s twisted way of thinking. Sometimes he forgot how old and monstrous she could be, truth be told. It was all too easy to forget who Salem was, especially when she was wearing a magical disguise like the one she had on right now.

Though, even as Jaune is thinking that, Salem suddenly steps up to him, her now naked breasts pressing against his chest.

“Have I been… naughty, my King? Am I in need of… correction?”

Jaune stiffens in more ways than one at that, suddenly finding the crotch of his pants to be very tight as Salem smirks at him.

“It has been a long time since you’ve taken me to task. Perhaps I should be punished for my transgressions…”

Fuck, was he really just going to let this turn into exactly what Salem said they would be doing?

… Yes. Yes he was. But even still! With a lustful growl, Jaune grabs Salem by the hair and pulls her over to the bed. Sitting down, he drags his sexy Queen over his lap and after a moment decides to grab her by her newly instated dragon horns instead. Salem gasps, moaning out as he does so and lifting her ass into the air where it’s not situated over his lap.

Jaune narrows his eyes in suspicion as he feels up Salem’s horns and notes her reaction.

“Salem… did you make your horns more sensitive to the touch then they should be?”

Looking back at him, wiggling her ass at him insistently, Salem pouts.

“Should be, my King? And what SHOULD their sensitivity be?”

… She had him there. Rather than admit as much however, Jaune settles for bringing his free hand up and then down on Salem’s ass, spanking her rather hard and making her moan throatily in response.


The Queen of the Grimm takes her spanking with no small amount of pleasure, even as Jaune turns her bottom red. Her dragon tail swings in the air above her ass, never once trying to cover up her buttocks from his strikes. No matter how hard he blisters her derriere, no matter how many times he strikes her, Salem takes her punishment with grace, like the Queen she is.

And she enjoys it far too much for Jaune’s taste as well. By the time he stops and feels up her cunt… she’s positively sopping wet. With a disgruntled growl, Jaune pushes the Queen of the Grimm off his lap rather unceremoniously. At least that catches Salem by surprise as she squawks and lands on her knees. Though it doesn’t stop her from resituating herself between his legs, reaching for his pants and pulling them open to extract his cock from its confines.

As she’s stroking his member with both hands however, Salem looks up into his eye and suddenly Jaune hears her voice in his head via magic.

If you do not wish to involve the woman in our fun, that is your choice my King. But if you are truly set on that… we should probably find somewhere else to spend our nights.

Jaune furrows his brow at that. Why?

Because she’s already decided to involve herself. She is, after all, currently spying on us.

Jaune’s head snaps up at that and he finds himself making eye contact with a familiar slitted cat eye visible through the crack in the door to their guest room for a moment. Then there’s a squeak as Kali Belladonna hastily retreats upon being caught peeping.

… Why did this keep happening to him?!


The Patreon Vote:
[X] Call Kali back in right this moment - 75%

[ ] Focus on Salem first and find Kali later - 25%


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