The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 6: Cinder Fall Pt. 2

With Cinder knelt before him, tits thrust out and pleasingly plump lips parted in a desire to please him, to make him happy with her… it’s very easy for Jaune to get erect. Stepping forward, he reaches down and frees his erection from its confines with naught but a flick. His impressively large member flops out onto the kneeling young woman’s face and Cinder freezes up, her amber eyes going crossed just trying to look at it, her frightened panting breaths providing some delightful stimulation on the underside of his shaft.
Rumbling, Jaune raises an eyebrow at Salem’s human servant.
“I would assume that you’d know what to do with this, Pet.”
Emphasis on ‘Pet’ is not lost on Cinder. She’s a smart girl and knows that her place as Salem’s favorite has permanently changed. Now she’s nothing more than a young human woman trapped in the middle of the Grimm Lands, fully at the mercy of the only two sentient Grimm currently in existence. Shivering, the raven-haired femme fatale nods her head jerkily before beginning to lay kisses upon his cock.
Her smooches are certainly nice, but they weren’t really what Jaune had in mind. She’s too hesitant, too tentative. She’s not giving it her all, not showing him the devotion that she needs to in order to really impress him. And so, as Cinder’s nostrils flare while breathing in his manly musk and her lips press again and again along the underside of his twitching, throbbing cock, Jaune glances at Salem and gives a slight shift of his head.
Cinder doesn’t fail to notice this of course, her amber eyes widening ever so slightly as Salem adopts a grin that would be truly terrifying if Jaune found it directed at himself. But no, it’s directed at Cinder, and the Queen of the Grimm wastes no time in moving into position now that Jaune has given her permission. He hadn’t allowed her to be harsh or cruel with poor Summer, not after all that she’d put the woman through. The loss of Summer’s eyes and the fracturing of her identity were more than enough harm done in Jaune’s opinion.
But Cinder was different. Here was a girl who had all but sold out her species for the chance at power. Given that, she should be more than willing to sell herself in body as well as mind and soul for that same chance at power, right?
Salem’s hand is almost gentle at first, as it comes down atop Cinder’s hair, sliding through her gorgeous raven locks. The young woman truly does have beautiful curls, and Salem runs her fingers through them for a brief moment, almost caressing her human servant. Cinder even begins to relax very briefly, her eyes half-lulling shut as she starts to lean into Salem’s touch.
And then the Queen of the Grim grips more tightly as she sneers down at the kneeling young woman and yanks her head back viciously.
“Do you think that you are satisfying my King with such pathetic efforts? I know that I trained you better than that, Cinder.”

Crying out, whimpers emit from beneath Jaune’s cock as tears well up in the corner of Cinder’s eyes.
“N-No Mistress, you h-haven’t ever had me do a-anything like this! Please, I-I just need a chance to a-adjust!”
“Hmph, but I have taught you to OBEY. If you cannot do it yourself, I shall be forced to assist you.”
Pulling Cinder’s head back even further, Salem lines up her servant’s mouth with his cock. Cinder cries out in pain from the yanking of her hair, which in turn allows Jaune’s thick, bulbous cockhead to slide right past her open, pillowy lips and into her waiting maw. Almost immediately, the young woman chokes on his dick, shuddering as he fills her mouth and then hits the back of her throat in no time.
Her immediate reaction is to try and pull back of course, eyes wide, clearly unused to having such intrusions in her throat. But Salem, with her ironclad grip on Cinder’s hair, doesn’t let her pull away. Trapped between the two Grimmified humans, Cinder Fall can do nothing but take it as her Mistress oh-so-helpfully assists her with her task… by beginning to skull fuck Cinder upon his massive length.
“That’s more like it, Pet. You’ll be a good girl for my King, won’t you?”
Letting her more sadistic side burst free to the surface, the Queen of the Grimm forces Cinder’s head to nod up and down as she continues to drive her along his length, a wicked grin on Salem’s lips. It’s a reminder that Jaune will have to keep an eye on her. If even this loyal servant of Salem’s can have such horrors visited upon her, he’ll have to be sure to curb Salem’s more… violent excesses.
But it was also extremely hot, and if anyone had signed up for this sort of treatment, it was Cinder Fall. Gagging and gurgling her way up and down his length, tears streaking down her cheeks and bright amber eyes staring up into his face almost pleadingly, Cinder chokes his cock down her esophagus time and time again, saliva, slobber, and drool all collecting and dripping down her chin and onto her chest.
She knows she’s helpless, she knows she’s stuck. This… this is where she belongs now. On her knees, serving her Mistress and Master to the best of her abilities. Certainly, Jaune can’t help but think, better to have her here rather than out there in the wider world, causing mayhem and doing terrible things all in the pursuit of power.
Reaching out, Jaune laces his fingers through Salem’s own, placing them atop her hand and thus atop Cinder’s head as he lets out a pleased groan, only remembering to stay in character at the last second.
“You’ve done well in training this one up, my Queen. Her throat is serviceable, if nothing else. Together, we shall be sure to bring her to greater heights.”
Salem’s breath hitches and she leans forward, pinning Cinder to the base of his cock. As the young woman gurgles, still trapped between the two of them, Salem plants a deep kiss on Jaune’s lips and he kisses her back in turn. The two Grimmified humans make out heavily for a bit while Cinder’s throat clenches and squeezes, trying to remove the intruder from it. She very nearly asphyxiated on his cock before they finally pull apart and she’s allowed to draw back just enough to breathe again.
Finding himself ready to blow, Jaune steps back as well, his cock sliding all the way out of Cinder’s gasping, retching mouth. And then he begins to cum, not even hesitating to use his seed to mark her even further, exploding his load all over her beautiful features, ruining her entire front while coating her and plastering her in white, hot cum.
As he finishes, the young Grimm Prince can’t help but let out a low sigh… before looking at the two women in front of him. Salem, Queen of the Grimm, stood behind her servant, kneeling and covered in his cum. The servant she’d sacrificed to him, the servant she’d been willing to discard, even kill, on his whim.
But Jaune wouldn’t have Cinder killed. No, she would get to live… he just needed to make sure she never harmed anyone with her ambition, not ever again. She wasn’t the kind of woman he would even consider allowing Salem to turn into a Grimmified human, that was for sure. That sort of power couldn’t be allowed to fall into the wrong hands.
To be fair, he wasn’t sure his hands were the right ones. He knew for a fact that Salem’s WEREN’T. But all Jaune could do was make the best of a bad situation, at the end of the day. He knew he could control Salem if need be. The Queen of the Grimm was so lonely, so broken, that she would submit to him and his decisions. Cinder though? Even now, there was a spark in her eyes. Mostly geared towards self-preservation at the moment, but Jaune could tell she was the sort of woman that would take a mile if given even a single inch.
“Bring her to the bedroom, my Queen.”
“Of course, my King. Come along, Pet.”
“Y-Yes Mistress…”
He doesn’t specify it, but Salem forces Cinder to crawl all the way to the master bedroom anyways. And Cinder does so, keeping her head down and yelping whenever the Grimm Queen spanks her ass for moving too slowly. It does indeed slow them down a bit, having to wait for Cinder to crawl the entire time. But that’s alright, Jaune is happy to let Salem indulge in her sadism now, if it will get it out of her system later.
Finally arriving back at their bedroom however, Cinder freezes up at the sight of Summer Rose waiting for them. The blinded huntress has woken up while they were gone but seemed unwilling to move from her spot on the bed. That is, until she sniffs the air and seemingly smells the cum still drying across Cinder’s face.
In an instant, the blind woman is off the bed and moving across the floor. Before Cinder can even really react, Summer is grabbing her, latching on in a sort of hug. It’s almost cute in a way… and incredibly lewd, how Summer suddenly starts licking Cinder’s face clean of his seed, her tongue working this way and that.
Jaune is taken aback by the sight, blinking at what he’s seeing. He frowns slightly and looks to Salem, who immediately averts her gaze. This… this might have been another thing from Salem and Summer’s time together that he probably didn’t want to know the details of.
“G-Get off of me! M-Mistress!”
Of course, Cinder isn’t exactly bound. She’s able to fight her way free of Summer, thinking that she’s allowed to because Summer isn’t her Mistress or him. But when Summer whimpers at being so denied, Jaune’s protective instincts rear their ugly head and this time it’s he who reaches out and grabs a fistful of Cinder’s lush dark locks, yanking her head back.
“No. You will not harm her.”
The anger in Cinder’s eyes vanishes in a second when she comes face to face with his monstrous, stern visage. Her amber gaze widens and she whimpers, shaking her head back and forth frantically.
“S-Sorry your majesty! I… It won’t happen again!”
Jaune holds her in place for a moment… and then gives a single nod in response before letting her go.
“No, it won’t. And in the meantime, you owe Summer an apology.”
Cinder doesn’t get a chance to make it a verbal apology. Instead, both of their… pets are brought over to the bed. Summer is still very fragile, but Jaune allows Salem to hold the blind woman to her bosom all the same, the Grimm Queen promising to be gentle, to be kind, to begin making up for her treatment of Summer in her own way.
And so that’s how things end up. Salem is laid out on the bed, and Summer is laid out against her, trembling like a leaf in the wind. Cinder, meanwhile, is forced onto all fours between both of their splayed legs, her head pulled down betwixt Summer’s thighs. As the young woman begins to eat out her fellow pet as an ‘apology’ for her negative reaction, Jaune moves into position behind Cinder… and spreads her ass cheeks apart.
To her credit, the young human only freezes up but doesn’t protest, likely knowing she doesn’t have any leg to stand on at this point. Because she doesn’t raise too much of a fuss, Jaune is slow and careful as he penetrates her ass for the first time. His cock, messy from her saliva and drool earlier, pushes in slowly but surely. Not easily by any means, but it goes, inch by inch as Cinder buries her face in Summer’s quim in order to hide her squeals and distract herself from the anal intrusion.
She doesn’t fully succeed though, as Jaune can see from the way her toes curl and her entire body flexes and shivers and trembles. Still, he makes sure not to hurt her too much… even if her first anal experience must be quite uncomfortable indeed.
Summer is enjoying herself though. From the look of things, the blinded Silver-Eyed Warrior has begun to calm down. Whatever sweet nothings Salem is whispering in her ear are actually working, be they apologies or simply promises to not harm her ever again. Either way, Summer has relaxed into Salem’s arms and is mewling and moaning now as Cinder eats her out.
Slowly increasing the pace on fucking Cinder’s ass, Jaune is solely focused on the task in front of him… until Salem suddenly pipes up.
“My King… you will need to make a decision sometime soon on our next step.”
Both Summer and Cinder tense up, though from what Jaune can tell, for different reasons. Summer tensed because Salem suddenly raised her voice, and as such, once she realizes the Grimm Queen wasn’t raising her voice at her, she relaxes again. Cinder on the other hand, tenses up out of interest no doubt, and remains tense because of it. Jaune considers things for a moment before shaking his head.
“Just a moment.”

Then, he picks up the pace again, fucking Cinder’s ass much harder. The young woman squeals, unable to maintain her interest in Salem’s words when she’s getting butt fucked into oblivion by the first sentient male Grimm. His cock barrels in and out of her poor asshole as it’s stretched and realigned to be the perfect sleeve for his shaft.
Finally, with a loud grunt, he seeds Cinder’s bowels, giving her an anal creampie without a second thought. She squeals into Summer’s muff as a result, causing the blind woman to cry out and orgasm all over her face.
Stuffed with cum in one end and covered with pussy juices on the other, Cinder has been thoroughly disgraced and cowed as Jaune slowly pulls back out of her ass. Reaching forward, he grabs her by the hair and yanks her up onto her knees, pulling her back against his chest and playing with one of her tits for a moment.
“Take Summer to get some food and then take her to your room to get some rest. You will treat her with the same respect and reverence as your Mistress or me, your King. If I hear that you’ve so much as glared at her, you will be severely punished. Am I understood?”
“Y-Yes your majesty… c-come, Summer.”
Limping, Cinder nevertheless helps Summer off of the bed and out of the room, both human women on somewhat shaky legs and leaning against each other for support, though for dramatically different reasons. Once they’re gone, Jaune lays down next to the Queen of the Grimm and pulls her against his chest, the two of them cuddling.
“Right then. What sort of decision would you say I need to make? What do you consider our next step?”
Nuzzling into his left pectoral, Salem looks up at him after a moment, nothing but love and adoration in her eyes.
“What do you want done with the humans? What should we do with the Grimm that harass the few remaining Kingdoms?”
He doesn’t even have to think about it, not really.
“Pull them back. The Grimm I mean. Pull them all back and leave the humans alone.”
Salem nods, as if she was expecting as much.
“Of course, my King. But… how should we go about doing that? We can both command the Grimm armies at our disposal to no longer attack human settlements… but shall we do so quietly and with subtlety, or shall we do so openly and publicly?”
Jaune blinks at that, the question a strange one to his ears.
“… I admit, I don’t fully understand.”
Smiling somewhat bitterly, Salem shakes her head.
“There are pros and cons to both options, as I see it. On the one hand, the vast majority of humans do not know we exist. They don’t know I exist. Even those that do know I exist still don’t know about you, even now. We could keep it that way and pull back the Grimm while maintaining the relative secrecy of our existence, but that might in turn lead to them settling on our lands and eventually expanding all the way here…”
Hm, he could see the benefits and the problems with that idea, just like Salem had said. After pausing for a moment to let him process her words, the Grimm Queen explains the other option to him.
“On the other hand, we could announce ourselves. Publicly declare our existence and sell them the same story we told young Ms. Fall. That you were dormant until now and now that you’ve awoken, you’ve decided to show them mercy by pulling the Grimm back. None of them will dare risk attacking us even if we were out in the open. The only downside to this is that Ozma would no doubt know we were lying.”
Jaune frowns a little at that.
“Ozma… you’ve mentioned him before, and in my memories he’s somewhat familiar. I’ve… I’ve killed him before haven’t I? More than once, somehow?”
“A-Ah, yes. Allow me to explain…”
One quick history lesson later, Jaune’s head is reeling from hearing the full story between Salem, Queen of the Grimm, and Ozma, the man who’d been cursed to body hop for centuries in order to put a stop to her. Apparently, he was known as Ozpin these days, and was currently the Headmaster over at Beacon. While it was good information to have, very illuminating, Jaune was still left with a bit of a choice to make.
“Well, my King? What do you think we should do? A quiet withdrawal, or a public unveiling of the masquerade that I’ve allowed Ozma to perpetuate all these centuries?”
What to do indeed. On the one hand, keeping things secret would hopefully keep the Kingdoms from baying for blood, though Salem was right that it would likely lead to them expanding outwards, potentially even into the Grimmlands once enough time had passed. On the other hand, publicly declaring their existence would allow them to become a Kingdom in their own right, sort of. A Kingdom that hopefully no one would want to truly fuck with, given the Grimm at their command.
One way or the other, Jaune felt like he was making a decision for the fate of Remnant. He knew pulling back the Grimm and letting humanity be free for the first time in centuries was the right thing to do… but it would still be a big change all the same. The Kingdoms would adapt though, he was sure of that. But which option was best? Which option would work out for all parties involved?

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