The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 56: Raven & Yang

A/N: Here's the new Chapter! Which also means the next four chapters are up on my Patreon for early access as well as the chance to vote on the direction of the story!

Yang gives Raven what she wants, Jaune gives Yang and Raven what they want~


She’s already made her decision, but she still wants to make Raven squirm a little bit. Really, it’s the least the bitch deserves. So Yang leans in close, narrowing her eyes at the former bandit leader. In response, Raven fidgets and squirms harder, still waiting for Yang to explode at her. The tension builds and builds and builds until finally…


Yang’s chirped response doesn’t register at first. Raven just blinks at her… and then she processes what Yang said and her jaw drops open.


Yang shrugs, smirking as she straightens up.

“Sure. I forgive you. Let’s go get the King of the Grimm to knock you up. On one condition.”

Raven’s red eyes narrow at that.

“What? What condition?”

Licking her lips, Yang shrugs again, knowing full well that each time causes her sizable bust to bounce up and down. Of course, in this case that little factoid doesn’t have much use. Raven doesn’t even glance down. But to be fair, she’s pretty well-endowed herself in that region, isn’t she? Yang doesn’t care about her mother’s tits anymore than Raven cares about hers, however. No, she’s thinking about someone else’s attributes entirely.

“I get to join in. We’ll fuck the Grimm King together… or you don’t have my permission~”

Eyes that had just been narrow go wide at that, Raven gawking at Yang before sputtering.

“W-What?! You can’t be serious!”

Grinning like the cat who caught the canary, Yang flicks her blonde locks back over her shoulder and gives Raven a look.

“Deadly. You want my forgiveness? That’s the price. You help me seduce the King of the Grimm and get me a taste of that hunky man and we’re square.”

For a long moment Raven hesitates and Yang wonders if she’s actually going to say no. What would that say about the other woman? She’s a total bitch, a completely absent mother… but if she says no to a threesome between her, Yang, and Jaune, wouldn’t that make her a better person than Yang thought? What would Yang do then, if Raven gave up the chance at both forgiveness and another child, all to ‘protect’ Yang from the Grimm King’s corruption? Boy, that would be a pickle.

“… Alright. Deal.”

Fortunately, that was never going to happen. Yang knows exactly what sort of woman Raven Branwen is. And she’s perfectly fine with letting the former bandit use her. After all, Yang is using Raven right back. Mutually satisfactory usage, at the end of the day.

“Wonderful! Let’s go back ourselves a Grimm, shall we?”

Raven flushes and then scowls, reaching out and grabbing Yang by the arm as she turns to leave.

“Yang. Wait.”

Looking back at her mother, Yang raises an eyebrow.

“Just… be careful, alright? You probably think Jaune Arc is just some man with a strange appearance. He isn’t. He’s a monster. A better monster than Salem? Sure. But keep in mind that Salem literally tore out Summer’s eyes and then tortured her until Jaune came along. So that’s not exactly a high bar to reach. I’ve watched the Grimm King rip and tear people to shreds. Try not to run your mouth around him too much, alright?”

Huh. She really means all that. Yang finds herself grinning, even if said grin doesn’t quite reach her eyes.

“Heh. And you’re sacrificing me to him despite all that. You really are a terrible mother.”

Raven flushes at that, even as Yang pulls her arm from the older woman’s grasp and marches out of the room. Frankly, Raven’s cowardice was becoming more and more apparent even to Yang. Fortunately for her, she’d had a much courageous mother figure in her life, to raise her and show her that you didn’t need to be as much of a cowardly bitch as her bio-mom was.

Whatever. So Jaune was dangerous? That was fine. Yang liked to live dangerously~


Jaune stares at the purple-eyed blonde standing in front of him until Yang begins to squirm just a little bit. Then, he slowly slides his gaze over to her mother. Raven blanches and quickly shakes her head.

“I swear this wasn’t my idea!”

He believes her. And yet…

“She’s right, your majesty. This is all me. I want to fuck you. And seeing as you’re definitely not exclusive, I figure you might be willing to fuck me too. After all, you’ve boned Pyrrha and Vernal often enough, yeah?”

… She wasn’t wrong. Still, Yang was… well, no. She wasn’t any younger than Pyrrha. It was just that Pyrrha had been a soldier and Yang merely a student. And yet, neither of them were any younger than his human self had been before… before all of this.

“So what do ya say? Do we need to pull out some maid uniforms of our own to really get your attention?”

Ah, she’d definitely been watching then. It felt like whenever he was in the palace, Jaune couldn’t go a day without Boudicca and Pyrrha showing off their skills as sexy battle-maids. Chuckling softly, Jaune shakes his head even as he rubs the bridge of his nose.

“No. That won’t be necessary. You’re right… I’m not exclusive in the way most of you humans tend to be. And if this is what you really want… you know I’d probably fuck you without Raven, right? If you decide you’re not in the mood to truly forgive her just yet.”

Raven’s eyes widen in horror at that, the former bandit leader looking downright betrayed. But Yang just shakes her head with a wide and wicked grin.

“Nah. I want you to bone her. Specifically, I want you to knock her up just like she asked of you. We’ll see how she does with this one… but if she screws it up again, I’ll have Summer step in. Fuck knows she’s a better mother by every meaning of the word.”

That gets a squawk from Raven.

“T-That’s not… I wouldn’t let you take my baby from me!”

Yang just gives Raven an unamused look that conveys the ‘hah! You think you’d have a choice?’ inherent in Yang’s gaze quite effectively. Raven, flustered, scowls angrily but Jaune just holds up a hand, cutting the woman off.

“Enough. It would seem you’ve earned a reward, Raven. Even if it’s in a rather weird way.”

Seriously, he was still a little… well, in the end it didn’t matter. He’d give Raven and Yang what they wanted.


Raven’s eyes light up and she doesn’t hesitate to get undressed. Yang on the other hand grins as she moves a lot slower.

“Oh-ho? So forceful, your majesty. Going to ravish us with your big fat Grimm cock? Going to make his moan out your name at the top of our lungs?”

Jaune snorts in amusement at Yang’s attitude, even as he reaches down and frees said ‘Grimm cock’ from its confines. Yang’s eyes dart down and she coos at the sight of him.

“… wow. It really is that big, isn’t it?”

She has her top off now but is still working on the rest. Raven on the other hand, has stripped naked in record time and takes advantage of this fact to immediately drop down to her knees and crawl over to him on all fours. As Jaune lets Raven take him into her mouth, Yang squawks.

“Oi! You little slut!”

But Raven ignores her daughter. Until, that is, Yang hastily finishes stripping as well and begins to push in from the side, demanding some of the space in front of Raven for her own. Bringing her lips down onto the part of Jaune’s cock that Raven hasn’t quite managed to get down her throat yet, Yang glares at her mother as Raven glares right back.

They actually growl at one another… which is when Jaune steps in, grabbing them both by the hair.

“Oi! Watch the-!”


His command, spoken quietly, nevertheless silences Yang on the spot as he pulls Raven back off of his cock, looking down at the two of them for a moment. Both mother and daughter freeze like a pair of rabbits cornered by the big bad wolf as they stare up at him in both anticipation and trepidation.

“You wanted this Yang. Don’t forget that.”

Yanking them both up off of their knees by their hair, Jaune drags Yang and Raven over to the nearby bed. Raven whimpers and Yang squeaks, but neither can break free of his grasp, allowing him to manhandle them onto the bed with relative ease. This winds up with them in a singularly… embarrassing position. Specifically, Raven is on her back, while Yang is on top of her. Their naked bodies pressed together; they freeze up when they realize the… intimacy of the moment.


That is, until the sound of Jaune’s scroll taking a picture goes off, causing them both to whip their gazes in his direction instead. Smirking, Jaune steps forward and grabs Yang Xiao-Long by her full, toned buttocks.

“A picture. To commemorate the occasion.”


But whatever Yang might have said, Jaune cuts her off by driving his cock into her cunt first. As much attitude and sass as the blonde girl might have had, she’s still plenty wet. Aroused by the sight of him, perhaps? Or just by the idea of finally getting to be with him. If she’d been watching but hadn’t seen his dick yet… well, she might have gotten glimpses of some pretty raunchy things without knowing what sex with him could actually be like.

Either way, Jaune begins to fuck Yang atop her mother, pounding her pussy as she moans involuntarily and clings to Raven purely on instinct. He smiles, even as Raven lays under Yang, looking somewhat nonplussed by the turn of events. After all, all that the poor bandit had wanted was another baby. And now… well, she was in a rather strange position of having to watch her first child all grown-up, getting fucked by the very man she wanted to knock her up.

Jaune definitely would have felt bad for Raven… if she wasn’t Raven. But seeing as she IS Raven Branwen, with all the baggage that entails, Jaune has no compunctions about making the bandit leader stew a little bit. Fucking Yang harder and faster, he enjoys her louder and louder moaning, her voice turning downright wanton the more he pounds her.

And it’s not an act either, because he can feel how her pussy is clenching and squeezing down on his cock. He can feel her gushing juices flowing down his length as she cums again and again. Making Raven watch Yang orgasm right in front of her eyes that many times might be considered cruel and unusual punishment, but given the former bandit leader’s past crimes, Jaune felt like she was getting off extraordinarily light.

Of course, Yang wanted to get fucked. That much was true. And Raven wanted to get knocked up. That was also true. So… time to kill two birds with one stone. As Yang moans out for the umpteenth time, clenching down on his cock and cumming hard, Jaune pulls out mid-orgasm for the blonde… and proceeds to shove his cock into Raven in the next moment.

A confused, disappointed groan leaves Yang’s lips as her cunt is suddenly empty of the big fat dick that’s been driving her wild. Raven, meanwhile, lets out a startled yelp at the sudden intrusion before groaning as she feels him cumming inside of her, filling her womb with his seed.

Then, Jaune pulls out. He looks on amused as both women, slightly dazed, look at him. Yang over her shoulder, and Raven lifting her head up. Grinning wickedly, he raises an eyebrow at the two of them.

“That’s what you wanted, right? Yang wanted me to fuck her. Raven wanted me to knock her up. So I suppose we’re done now, hm?”

Both mother and daughter sputter at that blunt assessment. Clearly, in their eyes, they’re not done. Not by a long shot.

“You… you can’t just leave it at t-that! You have to at least let me feel what it’s like for you to finish inside!”

“I… I want… a-ah… please fuck me…”

And there it is.

“Ah, how refreshing. Honesty.”

Jaune’s eyes dance with delight as he steps forward again, snatching up Yang by the hips once more. He slides his cock between her and Raven’s pussies, toying with their folds for a moment. Then, he dips into Raven’s cunt. She moans and Yang squawks. Then, he pulls out and fills Yang, making HER moan and Raven whimper.

“Get ready, ladies. You wanted me… you got me.”

With inhuman speed, strength, and precision, the King of the Grimm begins fucking both Yang and Raven at the same time, fucking in and out of one and then the other so fast that to the two of them, it feels like he’s fucking them both simultaneously, as though he has two cocks instead of one. He doesn’t, of course… but working his magic, Jaune is all too happy to give them the time of their life… and show the pair that he’s not just a big fat cock to satisfy their needs and desires once and for all.


A few hours later and Jaune leaves a pair of passed out, incredibly satisfied women to sleep off their encounter with him. Frankly, he’s pretty satisfied himself by the time he’s done ruining Yang Xiao-Long and Raven Branwen.

Yang now knows what it means to truly tango with the King of the Grimm, and Raven… well, with several loads of his cum and a little application of aura upon her womb, Jaune is confident that THIS time the former bandit leader will get pregnant for sure. He wasn’t trying before after all, back in her camp where the idea had first been proposed. Now he had tried… and he was sure he’d succeeded.

A content smile on his lips, Jaune steps out of the bedroom and into the hall, striding away while letting Yang and Raven get some rest. He’s not quite sure what he’s going to do next, honestly. It’s only been a few hours, so he probably shouldn’t check in Pietro and Penny just yet. He COULD check on some other though.

Hmmm, who to seek out?

The Patreon Vote:
[ ] Check on Pietro and Penny after all - 10%
[X] Check on Winter and Willow - 56%

[ ] Go spend time with Salem instead - 35%


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