The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 25: Pyrrha NIkos Pt. 2

He’d covered all his bases. No one could say he hadn’t made sure that Lieutenant Nikos was going into things with both eyes wide open. Standing there, staring down at the impossible red-haired girl, Jaune lets out a low sigh… and places a hand atop her head. Her green eyes dart up at that, but he’s not pushing away. No, he’s simply resting his hand there, running his fingers through her locks, tightly pulled back into a ponytail as they still are.
Noting this, Pyrrha takes that as a good sign and continues, even reaching down and grabbing hold of her tits, lifting them up to wrap around his member. She’s not overly well-endowed, he notices. Oh, she’s got a handful apiece, to be perfectly fair. But when compared to some of the older women he’s been with, the mothers and cougars he’s bedded at this point, Pyrrha is still young. She still has some room to grow.
That doesn’t mean she’s a complete waste of his time though. Not only has he grown somewhat fond of her since meeting the Lieutenant, she’s also very eager to please. She’s not the type of girl to be overly confident either, and it’s obvious she’s either painfully aware of her very real inexperience, or simply coming up with imagined inadequacies to worry over.
Either way, she’s not just taking her time and feeling him out. She’s going full tilt from the very beginning, working to pleasure him with her mouth and tits alike and showing a level of enthusiasm that makes it abundantly clear that she’s also trying to impress him.
“Glughk! Glughk! Glughk!”
Pyrrha’s mouth descends down his cock to the point that he begins to hit the back of her throat. Even that doesn’t stop her though, and Jaune’s red eyes narrow as he decides then and there that he’s not going to let her go that hard. Not on what might be her first oral experience of her life. Sliding his hand in her hair back to her ponytail, the Grimm Humanoid grabs hold of her red locks and yanks her head back.
Coming off of his cock with a pop, the red head gasps as she looks up at him in confusion and a little bit of hurt.
“D-Did I do something wrong?”
Jaune isn’t surprised that that’s the first thing to come out of her mouth. Pyrrha Nikos is a girl with deep insecurities, likely brought on by a father who has always expected too much of her. She’s an impossibly strong young woman… who nevertheless has the self-esteem and self-confidence of a worm, especially in a situation like this.
His first instinct is to placate her, to tell her she was doing great. But he refuses to let her push herself to the extreme. Instead, he’s honest with her, shaking his head.
“You don’t need to try so hard, Pyrrha. Relax.”
For a long moment, the red head looks like she wants to protest. But whether she sees something in his eyes, or just comes to the conclusion that he’s right, her shoulders slowly relax, and she lets out a low sigh before nodding. Loosening his grip on her ponytail, Jaune lets her get back to it. Her mouth once again closes over his pale white cock, but this time around, she doesn’t go quite so far.
Her tongue lashes at the tip of his dick, and her breasts do the lion’s share of the work despite their relatively modest size. She can wrap them mostly around his length, but not all the way like some of the other women he’s been with. But that’s alright. She’s certainly doing her best, and that’s more than enough for him.
Standing there, Jaune enjoys Pyrrha’s ministrations for a while, groaning and grunting at all of the… appropriate moments. To be fair, she’s doing a very good job for her level of experience, that being none. But Jaune makes sure to exaggerate a few of the noises he makes all the same, to give her an idea of what she’s doing right, and to bolster her self-esteem. Until finally…
“I’m getting close, Pyrrha. I’m going to cum.”
The Mistralian Lieutenant jolts at that, before pulling back off of his cock of her own accord this time. Acting like the blushing virgin that she is, Pyrrha looks between his dick and his face as she stammers out a question.
“W-What should I do?”
Cocking his head to the side, Jaune gives her a reassuring smile… though how effective such a thing is on the face of a Grimm like him, he couldn’t say. Pyrrha seems to take it to heart, even as he shakes his head again.
“There is no wrong answer, Pyrrha. Go with what feels right.”
Blinking, Pyrrha looks at him for a moment before nodding. Then, she looks back to his cock, an amusing expression of resolve and concentration on her face. A moment later and she presses her lips back to his cock, before swirling her tongue this way and that at a faster pace. At the same time, she rides her chest up and down his length faster as well.
Jaune groans, and in a few moments, he has his answer to what Pyrrha has decided. As he begins to cum, the young soldier takes him in her mouth, or at least tries her best to. It’s immediately obvious that she underestimated him, as her cheeks balloon outwards and she chokes on the sheer volume of his seed. Still, she’s nothing if not enthusiastic even now, and though trails of his cum trickle out of the sides of her mouth and down into her cleavage along his cock, she does her best to swallow as much as she can.
Finally, Pyrrha pulls back… and with a blush nearly as red as her hair, opens her mouth to show him the last of his cum on her tongue before rolling it back into her mouth and gulping that down too. Her eyes heavily lidded, the young woman looks up at him expectantly, clearly wanting to hear his opinion. Jaune just grins, giving Pyrrha an approving nod.
“Spectacular, Lieutenant Nikos.”
The reminder of her rank and position in the Mistralian Army makes her flush in a certain other way, and Jaune can tell he hit a sore spot for her by accident. She flicks her gaze away, her next words mumbled under her breath. Only his enhanced hearing lets him pick them up.
“… please just call me Pyrrha.”
Chuckling, Jaune dips his head apologetically.
“Of course. Sorry, Pyrrha.”
Though, at the same time he’s wondering what he’s going to do with her. He can’t keep her forever, can he? She needs to go back to her platoon. She has a life out there to live, completely separate from him. He might have taken her in order to get her the healing she needed, but that didn’t necessarily mean he hadn’t kidnapped her, at the end of the day.
And yet, you wouldn’t be able to guess it from the look in Pyrrha’s eyes as the determined Lieutenant gets to her feet right then and there. With her breasts still out, she reaches down and unbuttons the pants of her uniform next, yanking them down her legs. Jaune doesn’t insult either of them by asking what she’s doing. They both know what she wants from him at this point.
Though, he does feel a little guilty when she yanks her panties down as well, before turning and bending herself over a nearby surface. In this case, it’s the back of the tent’s one chair, and as she bends over it, she wiggles her ass at him enticingly. Pyrrha seemed like such a good, pure-hearted girl when they first met. In over her head, certainly, but not this lewd creature. Had he done this? Or had his presence merely given her the impetus to act on her impulses, on what was already there?
In the end, he supposed it didn’t matter. Lieutenant Nikos is making it clear exactly what she wants, as she reaches down under herself and spreads her pussy lips apart with her fingers.
Her moaning of his name is the law straw. His instincts are screaming at him, and Jaune… Jaune listens. Stepping forward with a growl on his lips, he grabs Pyrrha by her hips, digging his fingers into her flesh until she gasps, and he realizes he’s holding her too tightly. Even if Pyrrha had her Aura unlocked, Jaune is simply too strong.
So, he loosens his grip and brings his cock to her pussy lips, moving in and getting ready to fuck her, only for Pyrrha to speak up, confounding him yet again.
“I-I don’t mind if you’re rough with me, Jaune. You don’t have to hold back…”
… Just what was with this girl? Letting out a derisive snort, Jaune doesn’t answer Pyrrha with words, but rather, actions. He thrusts forward, spearing her upon his cock and making her cry out as he fills her with his member. He goes about halfway in on that first thrust, and though he’s confident Pyrrha is a virgin, he encounters no resistance. More than likely, she tore her hymen at some point earlier in her life.
All the better, because regardless of her words, Jaune has no true desire to cause the young red head actual pain. While his human self might be the same age as Pyrrha, the fact is that he’s very much the cradle robber here, or at least that’s how it feels. He’s definitely got more experience and by a wide margin at that, and so Jaune settles in to make sure Pyrrha has the best first time he can possibly give her.
He starts out slow and steady, and only picks up the pace once it becomes clear that Pyrrha enjoys it faster and harder. Then, he keeps going, moving in and out of her squelching, sopping cunt at increasing speeds until he finds a point where he’s confident Pyrrha is reaching her limit.
Even as she moans and begs him for more, Jaune holds steady at that point. Maybe it’s a little condescending, but he definitely feels like he knows best right now, and so as he holds the beautiful red head by her hips, jackhammering in and out of her from behind, he relegates his speed and strength to just at what she can tolerate.
He’s rewarded with lewd cries and explosive climaxes, as the young Lieutenant experiences her first orgasms at the hands of a man with him. Her strangled moans make it quite clear that she’s not entirely sure what’s happening, that she’s new to experiences like this. Jaune makes sure she feels every thrust, he makes sure she experiences every last motion of him inside of her.
After all, if he’s going to be sending her back to her troops at some point soon, then he’s going to leave her with fond memories at the very least. There’s just one point where Jaune finds he has to refuse her, and it comes near the end.
“I-Inside! I want it inside me, j-just like that bandit bitch! Fill me, Jaune! Please!”
It’s obvious why Pyrrha is asking. Raven had begged him to breed her because she believed it would make her safer from him, if she was the mother of his child. Jaune had granted her that feeling of safety because he fully intended to take her with him when he left Mistral. But Pyrrha… he feels bad about it, but he has to reject her in this instance. Leaning forward over her, he lets out a sigh as he continues to bury himself in her again and again.
“No, Pyrrha. You’re too young to be a mother. And you have other responsibilities to attend to.”
They both know he’s right. More than that, it’s those exact responsibilities that Pyrrha is running from. But personally, Jaune feels that Pyrrha needs to face her fears, rather than trying to flee from them by using him as an escape. And after a moment, Pyrrha seems to agree, slumping for a second before slowly nodding.
“I-In my mouth again then… I can handle it this time…”
Pulling back, Jaune allows the red-haired Lieutenant to spin around and drop into a crouch. She grabs his cock by the base and slides her other hand down between her legs, fingering herself as she swallows his cockhead between her lips for the second time in a short while. Looking up at him, Pyrrha seems a bit more confident this go around then last. Perhaps its just the multiple orgasms talking, but she’s definitely feeling herself at the moment.
When Jaune begins to cum this time, the red head immediately starts swallowing. She drinks down his seed, keeping just the tip of his cock between her mouth. This time, she knows what to expect and doesn’t underestimate him. Instead, she drinks down every last drop of his salty ejaculate, before giving his cock one last lick and pulling back with a pant.
“Did I… did I do good?”
“You did wonderful, Pyrrha.”
Blushing, she smiles shyly and averts her eyes. Jaune chuckles, feeling his heart clench a little. It would be a shame to have to leave her behind… but he also couldn’t possibly take her with him. She had a life here, and a purpose that he refused to draw her away from. Still… that didn’t mean they couldn’t enjoy what time they had left together, he supposed.
“We’re surrounded! It’s the Army!”
“How is that possible?! How’d they sneak up on us?! How’d they even know where to find us?!”
“Damn it all, I knew we should have left with the last group!”
Vernal curses under her breath, as she hurries to check her weapons. They were surrounded on all sides, according to the scouts. It wasn’t just one platoon of Mistralian Soldiers either, but an entire regiment. Still, she refused to go down without a fight. She would-
“What are you doing?”
Glancing over at Summer, Vernal scowls.
“What, are you deaf as well as blind?! We’re surrounded! We have to get ready to fi-!”
Vernal chokes on that final word, as the same pressure from before hits her. Summer had been merciless in the hours since she’d agreed to become the woman’s servant in exchange for training. It was some of the best training Vernal had ever received though, so she wasn’t complaining.
“You are no longer one of these people. You are now mine. And that in turn makes you Jaune’s. We shall go to him, and HE will decide what to do.”
Bristling, but seeing she has no choice in the matter, Vernal manages to jerk her head in acknowledgment, something that earns a slight smile of approval from Summer. Together, they make their way through the frantic, panicking bandit tribe, all the way to the chieftain’s tent. Along the way, they here some more shouts and glean some more information. Like the fact that apparently the Regiment has a General at its head. A ‘General Nikos’ at that.
Reaching Raven’s old tent, they’re just in time to see Raven herself arriving as well. Vernal’s former boss looks calm on the surface, but Vernal thinks she can detect some panic even still. For a moment, Raven and Summer seem to exchange a look, despite the latter’s blindness. Then, Raven bows her head and falls in line as Summer takes the lead and steps into the former leader’s former tent.
“Jaune. There’s a situation brewing.”
Vernal isn’t surprised to see that their new boss has the pretty red head with him, and from the smell, has been fucking her in here likely half the day. What she IS surprised by is the Grimmified features that stare at her as Jaune rises from where he was laying. For a moment, Vernal stiffens in fear… but if nothing else, she has some ability to read a damn room. The pretty red head doesn’t care, Raven doesn’t react, and Summer certainly doesn’t care.
So… probably best to just keep her mouth shut, isn’t it?
New boss, Jaune, spares her a single glance before ignoring her at her lack of reaction. Instead, those inhuman eyes of hers stare at Summer.
“And that situation is?”
“A full-blown regiment. The Mistralian Army has us surrounded on all sides. We need to leave.”
Raven speaks up before Summer can, and Vernal winces, half-expecting retaliation. But it doesn’t come. Rather, Jaune gives Raven an amused look.
“And yet here you are. You didn’t try to leave without me. Smart.”
Flushing, Raven bows her head in submission. Vernal bites back a sneer at the sight, before deciding that she should speak up to give the new boss a little more information to chew on.
“They’re led by some big-shot General apparently, boss. A General Nikos.”
That causes something of a reaction. From the new boss, from the pretty red head… and most of all, from Raven herself. Vernal watches curiously as Raven in fact has the most visceral reaction, snarling in anger and grabbing the hilt of her sword in a rage.
“That damn bastard. He dares set me up like this! For him to have tracked us down so quickly… from the very beginning… fuck!”
Vernal doesn’t fully understand what’s going on, until the pretty red head finally speaks up.
“It’s not my father.”
Every eye in the room turns to her, and she flushes as she shifts awkwardly for a moment before explaining.
“General Nikos isn’t my father. My father hasn’t served anyone except for himself his entire life. General Nikos… is my mother.”

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