The Grimm Prince (RWBY)

Chapter 13: Glynda Goodwitch Pt. 6

Jaune hesitates, and the moment in which he could have ended this and sent Glynda Goodwitch back to her rooms passes him by. A moment later, and he’s on his back, watching as Summer guides Glynda up onto his cock, the blind woman using her Aura to not just massage Glynda, but outright spank the blonde’s ass to get her into position.
If Glynda notices that Summer’s hands aren’t anywhere near her behind when the strike happens, she doesn’t comment on it. Instead, she finds herself lowered onto Jaune’s Grimmified Cock, his length slowly but surely spreading her lower lips apart and beginning to fill her insides. Face bright red, eyes staring down at him, Glynda just whimpers, looking so far out of her depth, it isn’t even funny.
Well… if they’re going to do this here and now, maybe they should have a talk here and now as well. While Jaune’s sure Salem would have argued against it, or at least argued that they should wait to talk politics until the next morning, in the throne room… Salem wasn’t here right now. And his Queen hadn’t been in charge for a long, long time.
Reaching out and placing his hands on Glynda’s hips, Jaune anchors himself in place, even as Glynda freezes up for a moment at the touch, before slowly beginning to gyrate herself across his cock again, once he begins rubbing soothing circles into her sides. Smiling up at her encouragingly, while well-aware of what he looks like, Jaune begins to speak.
“You should know, Ms. Goodwitch… things aren’t quite what they seem.”
Blinking down at him owlishly, Glynda rides him at a slow pace, while Summer pauses and gives him an unseeing glance over the blonde’s shoulder.
“Tell me… who exactly do you think I am?”
Face bright red, lips parted as she breathes in and out shallowly, Glynda considers his question for a moment before answering slowly.
“You are… the King of the Grimm, right? Salem’s… counterpart. Her… superior?”
Jaune waits quietly, even as Summer encourages Glynda to keep moving, in her own way. There are times, while the blonde Beacon Professor is trying to puzzle her way through the day’s revelations, that Summer uses her aura to move Glynda up and down his cock for the blonde. Once again, Jaune is pretty sure Glynda doesn’t even notice this application of Summer’s aura. She probably just thinks her body is moving of its own volition.
“But… Ozpin said that Salem was the f-first. That the Grimm came from her, after she came out of the Grimm Pools. For you… for you to be even older than she would mean…”
Glynda’s eyes have grown lidded as she’s been thinking, and Jaune won’t lie… she looks rather adorable, with that concentrating expression on her face. Of course, when she finally comes to what she believes is a plausible conclusion, her eyes shoot open, going wide as she stares at him in both horror and awe.
“You… you are one half of the Brother Gods. You’re the G-God of Darkness! What… what are you doing here?! Ozpin said you would never return, save for if the four Relics were brought together once more!”
Jaune blinks up at Glynda, and even Summer has stopped helping the blonde ride his cock to stare at the Beacon Professor. In all fairness, it’s not a half bad theory, if one assumes that Jaune is somehow older than Salem, and thus can force her to be subordinate to him. But Glynda has gone in the opposite direction of the truth.
“No. I am no God.”
The air deflates from the naked beauty, even as she remains impaled on his cock.
“… Oh. Then…”
Sighing, able to see that he’s going to have to just be honest with her, that there’s no way she’s going to figure it out on her own with her preconceived prejudices and notions about Salem, Jaune just comes out and says it.
“Glynda, I am only two years old.”
Glynda chokes on her own spit, looking at him as if he’s just punched her in the gut.
Shrugging, Jaune smiles softly.
“Two years ago, I did not exist. I am… an amalgamation.”
Slowly, subtly, Summer begins to exert control over things again, though even as Glynda begins to ride him once more, she looks down at him, confused.
“I don’t… I don’t understand.”
Letting out a low breath, Jaune explains.
“Salem was lonely. Could you blame her? She wanted company, and so she made me. But it was more than that. She wanted someone to stop her. Not in the way Ozpin would have done, by summoning the Brother Gods and potentially ending the world as they passed judgment on her and the rest of the humanity… but instead, something gentler. She just wanted to be able to give up control to someone. To me.”
Uneven breathing falls from the blonde’s lips, even as she struggles to understand. Her inner walls cling to his cock, clenching down as Summer’s interference means that the sex continues, even when Glynda is trying to process what he’s telling her.
“So… she made you?”
Smiling up at her, Jaune nods.
“Yes. From the memories of a million Grimm… and that of one young man named Jaune Arc. However, the Grimm memories were faded, while my memories of being a human were a fair bit stronger. So, we ended up with me. The Grimm Prince, who had no desire to see the people of Remnant suffer any further under the tyranny of my Queen. All I want is for humanity to be happy and at peace.”
For a long moment, Glynda just stares down at him. Only Summer is keeping things going, keeping the Beacon Professor bouncing up and down on his cock. As Glynda’s breasts bounce and jiggle with the rest of her, Jaune can see the realization dawning on her, can see it all hitting her at once. She begins to laugh, and then she begins to sob. Dropping forward onto his chest, the blonde cries into his neck, even as Jaune wraps his arms around her, hugging her.
He's not quite sure what else to do, if he’s being honest. He wasn’t expecting her to cry while they were having sex. That was a bit outside of his expectations. Even Summer stops, blinking and ‘staring’ at the scene sightlessly. When Glynda starts moving her hips again, Jaune initially assumes that it’s Summer back at it, but no… no, after a moment he realizes its all Glynda this time, with her face buried in his neck, and her hips bouncing on his cock, her cunt clenching down around his member almost needily.
She’s looking for something from him, and so Jaune gives it to her, finally beginning to participate, thrusting up into her from below. She cries out into the crook of his neck, but it’s a good cry, a shuddering cry of ecstasy as she cums around his cock. They keep fucking through that orgasm, and when she’s finally finished cumming, she pulls back, still riding him but looking down into his eyes now, her own watery as all hell, tears streaking down her face.
“… You don’t have any ulterior motive, do you? Ozpin was convinced that… that it was all part of some big plan. That you… or rather, that Salem, was trying to turn the Kingdoms against each other with the absence of the Grimm. He was so convinced that he knew what was going through her head, but he didn’t understand. He didn’t know about y-you.”
Jaune inclines his head at that, smiling slightly.
“What Ozma doesn’t know could fill a few books, I’m afraid. I’m sure he’s doing his best with the information at hand, but he and Salem… they’re two sides of the same coin, you understand. If Salem was so lonely that she created me, that she made me in an effort to finally put herself under someone else’s control… what do you think Ozma has become? I won’t lie, my sources of knowledge on the man carry plenty of bias… but I think we both know he’s been living and dying and running for a long, long time.”
Her hands planted on either side of his head, Glynda bites her lower lip.
“… He sent me here to find proof of you, to bring Salem’s existence out into the light. Remnant is on the precipice of another war. Those in power over in Mistral… they’re eager to conquer. They like fighting, perhaps more than any of the rest of us. The absence of Grimm has left them with no enemy to fight, and so they turn on us. If Atlas can’t hold them off, Vale will be next. And even if Atlas does beat them… the balance of power will forever be destroyed.”
Jaune listens to Glynda, even as she continues to ride him cowgirl. Admittedly, he’s not all that politically minded, for all that he’s supposed to be Royalty now. King, Prince, whatever you wanted to call him… he wasn’t a schemer. He wasn’t a tricky, conniving politician. Neither was Salem, to be perfectly honest. Having lived as Queen of the Grimm for so many hundreds of years, Salem was an old-fashioned sort of thinker.
That was all to say, Jaune was grateful for the lesson Glynda was giving him, even as he speared up into her from below again and again. Of course, his throbbing cock was disrupting her focus something fierce.
“We need… I-I don’t know what we need. Ozpin wanted me to f-find out what Salem was up to, and get him proof of h-her existence, and her p-plans. And we were, ah, going to use that to… to unite the Kingdoms against the c-common threat.”
Jaune slowly nods, accepting this. The Grimm were the bad guys for a long, long time. As far as plans went, with the information Ozma had available to him, it made sense. Glynda though, looks distraught now.
“B-But we can’t do that, can we? Even if I’d succeeded… gods, if I’d succeeded, then it would have just made everything worse! We have a very real chance to, hah, never have to l-live with the Grimm, ever again! And w-we might have ruined it, if we turned Mistral and Atlas in y-your direction!”
Jaune pauses for a moment, before inclining his head again in agreement. Glynda isn’t wrong. If she’d somehow managed to get evidence of Salem’s existence to Ozma, if the rest of humanity learned that there was an actual malevolent intelligence behind the Grimm… well, on the one hand, there would probably be some craven cowards who tried to bend the knee to Salem, to submit to her and betray their species for her favor.
There had always been a few like that over the years. Salem even had a handful of agents here and now, beyond just Cinder. Jaune had met them all of course, the men that served Salem in this time period. They were outcasts… and not altogether sane, any of them.
But if Salem’s existence was known to all of Remnant, then there would be those who would try to bow to her. However, Jaune imagined they would probably be few and far in between, if Ozma had been playing his current life. Depending on his influence and reputation, Ozma should have been capable of using this proof of his to unite the Kingdoms and stop the infighting and threats of war that were currently being bandied about.
However, Glynda was right. While that plan would have worked wonders IF Ozma was correct in thinking that Salem was up to something, when it came up against the plain and simple truth that Jaune had forced the Grimm to pull back and leave humanity alone, well then, you had to admit… the plan was awful.
All they would have succeeded in doing was pissing the Grimm and their rulers off. There was a reason Ozma considered revealing the truth of Salem’s existence to be a last resort. Even if all the Kingdoms of Remnant united against the Queen of the Grimm… they would die. The Grimm were too numerous, too strong, too powerful. The Grimm were multitudes, and humanity was much reduced from what it once was.
Glynda is looking down at him, still riding him, but also looking like she’s about to cry again. Jaune can tell… she’s not having an easy time of it. So, he smiles up at her and reaches out to caress her cheek.
“You don’t have to worry, Ms. Goodwitch. I won’t let the Grimm destroy humanity. No matter what, I will do everything in my power to keep them at bay. I can’t say the same about humanity destroying humanity, though. It’s clear to me now that silently pulling the Grimm back has left a vacuum, but I do not know how to fill it, nor am I particularly inclined to do so. This world… both humans and faunus are going to have to learn to live on it in harmony on their own, together.”
Glynda shakily nods, even as she gyrates her hips upon his cock. Suddenly, Summer is behind her, whispering into her ear and from the look of things, pressing a digit into her ass. Glynda stiffens, eyes going wide at whatever Summer is saying, and then with a blush and a startled sort of cry, she cums again upon his cock.
Jaune grunts, as this proves to be his tipping point as well. He spills his seed deep inside of Glynda Goodwitch, filling the blonde Professor with his cum and leaving her to collapse forward onto his chest yet again as the two of them ride out the wave of pleasure and ecstasy together. When they’ve finally both recovered, Jaune has a smile on his face, and is gently running his hand through Glynda’s hair.
Beside them, Summer lays down as well, running a hand of her own down Glynda’s back. Shivering, the blonde eventually lifts her head, looking at the two of them.
“If I don’t go back, Ozpin will think me dead and likely send someone else…”
Summer snorts and sighs.
“I don’t suppose we can hope he’ll send himself, hm? Maybe he’ll finally get off his ass and do something for once. If that happens, we can lock him up where he can do no further harm.”
Jaune shoots Summer a warning glance, even as Glynda frowns and shakes her head.
“Ozpin… Ozpin is necessary. Without him, Vale will go to war as well. Even w-with him, they might go to war. But all the same… what do I do? He’ll keep trying with different agents, if I just disappear…”
She was right, but at the same time, Jaune wasn’t entirely sure either. And yet, it was clear she was looking for HIM to tell her what to do. Tch, the ‘joys’ of being in charge, he supposed.

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