The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 8

Chapter 8: Brother Zhuge

“I want to remind you of several frictions that have always existed. One is that some of the new disciples will inevitably have grievances in the secular world. Although the secular world is vast, the chance of encountering acquaintances is not high.”

“Second, local disciples will inevitably look down upon disciples from the world. The number of native disciples in Xianzhou and the sect is not many, but some of them are better than others. In addition, they are not subject to the 60-year limit of accepting disciples, so they can do it anytime. After being recommended and reviewed, you will start, and those who started before this year are counted as previous disciples.”

“The third is that Taoist disciples claim that some orthodox disciples will discriminate against lay disciples. In addition, there are also people who disdain formations and refining tools, and the final is the battle between the peaks and the halls.”

“These frictions are not serious, but they exist in reality. We are all the same generation of brothers and sisters, and it is the first time to meet each other. You don’t need to rush to quarrel with each other in order to make peace. Moreover, the construction gate ranks outside the nine main peaks and has never really had any strength. One is short and long. In the past, we rarely participated in civil and military competitions, and most of them were difficult to win.”

“But there are really three requirements. First, we don’t take the initiative to cause trouble but we are not afraid of it. If someone has to pick up a soft persimmon, we can’t show our weakness. If we can’t fight, we have to fight first. Second, the nine main peaks are also That’s all, if there is a fight with Huo Stove Room and Procurement Hall, you’d better not humiliate this manager. Thirdly, if you fail with your full force this time, I won’t punish you. If you can create a fight for us, this manager Naturally, there is a great reward.”

Looking at the three with profound meaning, Mu Xiu’s eyes rose eagerly: “By the way, the three of you assigned to the construction department this time are the fewest people ever, but the director has read countless people, three brats. At last, the quality of his is a little better than before, maybe the old Zhao of the Huo Stove Room will be crippled this time.”

thought about it for a while, and Mu Weizheng said suddenly: “I almost forgot, not three, you still have a senior who just arrived yesterday, I have sent someone to call.”

“Is there anyone else? Isn’t it the three of us this time?” Yi Liunian asked.

“Originally like this, there are wonderful flowers every year, and this year is especially large. This kid was originally assigned to the second peak, but said that he had just begun to believe in Buddhism before he came, and didn’t want to see all Taoist priests around him, and then went to the fourth peak. After staying for more than a month, he said that there are too many people in Fourth Peak, which is not conducive to cultivation. The elder in charge sent him to our construction department out of anger, and fined him only to attend the Mid-Autumn Festival event. The boy is a talented person, although he is a few years older than you, he is judged to be the first in talent and kung fu of this generation of disciples. It seems that this is the rhythm of my creation.”

Mu Sui rubbed his hands, but then said bitterly: “The very person must have something extraordinary. I have talked about this kid. The nature of human beings is actually very good, that is, the brain lacks roots, and people are not only stubborn. This way of thinking is also very unusual. There is no understanding of human relationships and sophistication. You only know how to practice martial arts. You will know when people come.”

Speaking of this, Mu Suihuan sullen his face: “Just now I praised you for not letting you be scornful because you came to the place of creation. You have all heard one sentence, genius is one percent inspiration plus ninety-nine percent. Is created by sweat, and inspiration is often more important than sweat.”

“Actually, this last sentence was fabricated by later generations according to research. To be selected into the martial arts, everyone has this inspiration more or less, and the difference in the future is largely reflected in this sweat. I don’t have time every day. Urge you from time to time, take it for yourself, and don’t let me hurt Zhongyong in the future.”

While talking, a person came in from outside, tall and thin, his head was as big as a fight, his eyes were white and black, his expression was indifferent, and he looked like he was staring at you, but it seemed like his eyes were staring at you. Without focusing on you, there is a small cloth bag hanging under the person’s neck, and you can’t see what’s in it.

Mu Weihuan said: “Let me introduce, this is Zhuge Yun. The three of them are Lin Xianjing, Hua Lanting, and Yi Liunian. From now on, you will be the four major disciples of the Chuben generation. .”

Zhuge Yunchong and the three nodded: “Hello everyone, early everyone.”

The three people said that it was really different. The first sentence was okay, but it was almost evening, so how early is it. See you at the moment.

I only heard Yi Liunian asked curiously: “Brother Zhuge, what is hanging on your chest, are you herbs?”

Zhuge Yun: “I was very interested in Buddhism just before coming, so can’t I wear Tieguanyin?”

The three of them were dizzy, and Xindao, the brother, really had a clear bones, a unique thinking, and a difference.

Mu Suan seemed to be accustomed to it, and said no surprise: “Tomorrow the four of you will participate in the Mid-Autumn Festival activities of the 60th generation disciples. Take care of each other. Don’t shame me. Zhuge can’t take action. You have to cheer for everyone.”

Zhuge Yun replied: “Okay, I will, Master.” At the end, he added: “But the beast always walks alone, only cattle and sheep are in groups.”

The three of them were taken aback again, staring at each other.

Mu Xiuyan had already experienced Zhuge Yun’s way of speaking, and came out to make a roundup: “Understand the spirit, understand the spirit, Zhuge means that the team is very important, but the cultivation way pays more attention to the individual cultivation.”

Zhuge Yun nodded and said yes, and then asked: Where to go tomorrow? ”

Hua Lanting suddenly replied with a clever idea: “Come from where you are, go where you go.” Zhuge Yun’s eyes lit up: “What is the place to come? What is the place to go?”

Hua Lanting replied: “From wherever you are, you go wherever you go. The Buddha uses the name of the Tathagata, and comes as it is, comes as it is, and comes as it is, as it comes and goes, and come and go freely.”

Seeing Zhuge Yun still need to ask more questions, Mu Weihua patted his forehead and said hurriedly: “It’s OK, let’s go back and fight, you guys go and discuss tomorrow’s response. The meeting is over.”

Zhuge Yun grabbed Hua Lan Ting and went with him, and the four of them went to discuss with them.

When it was getting dark the next day, a senior brother led a group of four people towards the Dao Xue Palace.

The mountain road was winding up, and on the way, everyone saw a man and a horse walking slowly ahead. After this period of time, the four newcomers were able to recognize that the horse is a pony, slow but with good endurance. It is a popular breed that ordinary disciples in the door often use to travel. Immediately one person, from the back, only a famous Taoist priest could be seen.

The five people passed the man, looked back, and saw that he was an old man. Although his robe was clean, there were a few patches on his body. The old man’s face was shabby and his eyes were half-open and half-closed. He was at ease and ignored everyone.

A few people were waiting to move on. Suddenly they heard the voices from far and near behind them. They stopped and looked back, but saw a dozen people rushing up the mountain. One of them was riding a tall horse, and the others were running to follow. The horse is fast, with a single horn on its head, which is called a single wildebeest, but it is one level higher than the pony in breed.

The rider suspected that the man was in the way, and shouted with his whip, “Go out of the way, a good dog doesn’t get in the way.” Askew.

Hua Lanting and his party frowned secretly, but they avoided the side of the mountain road without wanting to cause trouble, and the group rushed past. But seeing one of them suddenly stopped, turned around to look at Lin Xian, and said, “Who am I, isn’t this the third youngest of the Lin family? It seems that you and I have a lot of fate, which makes people happy.”

When Lin Xianjing saw this person, he raised and lowered his brows, and laughed: “It’s a coincidence. I didn’t expect He Shizi to be here. This young master is also very happy. When will you pay back the three thousand taels of gold you owe me? what?”

The man called He Shizi was chubby and squat, and his face turned black and said, “Lin Xian is surprised, don’t be too rampant. This is a holy place for cultivation. You don’t need to bring in the worldly ties between the prince and money. .”

The two said a few words, He Shizi saw that the person leading the horse was impatient, and he said a haha and then left with the group for a while.

Lin Xianjing then explained a few words. It turned out that the man was called He Zhuo, the son of the protector of the country from the Daqi dynasty. The Dayuan Dynasty borders the Daqi Dynasty. Although there is no major war between the two countries, the small conflicts above the border have been constant. Even though there are exchanges between the families of the two countries, they are not harmonious. Lin and He are juniors. During this period, there have been several battles, open or secret, and He Zhuo rarely wins, so the meeting smelled of gunpowder.

Yi Liunian asked, “How is this man?” Lin Xian said in surprise, “Not at all a dude, who can fight against Ben Shao for a few rounds. He has two brushes in his literary and martial arts skills, otherwise he won’t be caught. In the entry level. I don’t have a deep hatred. UU reading has just been unconvinced with me and don’t care. Saying that I’ve met an acquaintance, I don’t know if there will be other surprises. In addition, Brother, who is that riding a horse?”

The senior brother led the team and replied: “That is Wang Zongxi, a child of a family of cultivation, and his family has some influence, so he has always been domineering among the disciples of the lower generations. He has always advocated respecting the teacher and respecting the Tao. I guess he saw the Taoist master riding a pony from behind, thinking that he was an ordinary unknown disciple, otherwise he wouldn’t be so arrogant and rude.”

Everyone was talking, but the Taoist leader behind was riding up to catch up. Hua Lanting hugged his fists and saluted and said, “Senior, did they bump into you?”

The old Dao opened his eyes and scanned the crowd, his eyes flashed away, and he smiled and said: “It’s okay, it’s okay, I’m very tough. You are new disciples, should you go to the academy to participate in activities? Seeing that you understand the etiquette very well, it is better to do this. I heard that there will be a few competitions in the academy activities. You will help the old way to teach the boys just now. The old way I will have a meeting ceremony.”

Yi fleeting wonders: “Do you also go to the event, Chief Tao?”

The old Dao said: “All the peaks and halls and all generations of disciples have their own Mid-Autumn Festival activities. The old guys are not interested in mixing up with the new disciples, but I am a member of the Academy. , How good is my proposal?”

Lin Xian thought about Zhou Xiang, and said: “We are going to participate in the competition, but it is hard to say that it must be better than those people, and it may not be able to vent your breath for you.”

Old Dao smiled: “It’s okay, it’s a lively event. As long as you try your best, I won’t let you suffer as an elder.”

Seeing the old Dao say this, a few teenagers agreed. The group of people walked along the road to Zhidao Academy.

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