The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 33

Chapter 33: Fishing action

More than three months later, Mengbisheng Huashan is already winter.

This day coincides with a heavy snowfall in the solar terms, and the mountains are full of snow, covered in silver.

is the so-called: the accumulation of yin becomes heavy snow, the sight is chaotic. The jade pipe screams in the cold night, and puts on the book and the curtain of dawn. Huang Zhong changes with his qi, and when the birds do not sing. How limited to common people, Yiyixi Muhui.

At night, it was still in the side hall of Douji Peaks in Houshan. At this time, there were a few people sitting around. Although the cultivator is not afraid of the severe cold, the red clay stove in the temple is full of steam and spring.

In addition to the master Shouheng, Zhou Ji and Mu Weizheng, there are also Yu Hengfeng Yijun Shitai, the second merchant Shang Chenxi, and a tall and burly old man.

The six people have gathered here for an hour. In the end, the true man of Conservation said: “Then it is decided. Zhou Ji, you are solely responsible for this matter and act with discretion. Remember, the first thing is to protect these children’s thoroughness, and the second is to achieve the purpose of the second action. .”

Zhou Xi replied: “Master, don’t worry, the disciple will save it.”

The true man of Shouheng said: “The last time I traded this door, I got a lot of money. This is a good omen, and this action is only a part of it. Whether it succeeds or fails, I have other arrangements. I have the help of the merchants. To find out the hidden enemies, you also have to take care of the safety of Chenxi and the others. Qiao Xian, I will have to work hard for you this time.”

The tall and burly old man was Xin Qiaoxian, Yaoguangfeng’s second formation master, and said with a smile: “This is nothing, it’s what I should do. I’m itching and want to try this new method. Woolen cloth.”

After the discussion, a few people left. On the way back, Mu Xiu asked Zhou Xi: “Elder Zhou, do you have to participate in these children? They are still tender.”

Zhou Ji said: “The young eagle will leave the nest sooner or later to experience it. How can you see a rainbow without experiencing wind and rain? Besides, none of them are bad. Their qualifications are only higher than you and me when you were younger. Don’t look down on them, and The other party did not respond to the previous trials. I hope they can get the bait this time and if they don’t move, my arms and legs will be rusty.”

After    said, he exhorted: “It’s enough to say half to them, do you understand?” Mu Weizheng nodded and said yes.

In the evening when the sky turned, the Hualanting four were waiting in the main hall for Mu Huanhuan to come after practicing. Recently, Mu Weihuan came to give instructions once a month, and it was the day of the party again today.

In the past three months, except when they had construction tasks in the morning and studying at Zhidao Academy in the evening, Mu Weihua strictly forbids them to move freely outside, and prevents them from going out to take on tasks like other disciples. In addition to practicing free Wuji Gong, The point is to be familiar with and integrate various abilities of oneself.

Nowadays, Lin Xianjing and Yi Liunian, with the help of hard cultivation and pill, have been firmly established in the one-yuan return to beginning stage entering the room, and Zhuge Yun is approaching the peak stage. Skills and abilities are improving, but the four of them are a little bored.

Yi Liunian was complaining: “I knew that I would not go to the mountain to practice the Taoism. I would not live for a long time. I really miss the uninhibited and happy days in the secular world. I heard that the main peak disciples have started to do missions. Yes, someone exchanged a lot of rewards, so let’s still repair them here.”

Lin Xian quipped him: “I think you miss your Wenyin girl, right? I have inquired about all the brothers who should be inquired, and how to pursue it is your business.”

Yi Liunian gave him a white look and said, “You are a full man who doesn’t know that a hungry man is hungry. According to my observation, besides Song Fei Fei, there are quite a few female disciples who are scornful at you. Be careful that Fei Fei is jealous. Let’s talk about it. , What do you think Wen Yin likes to read? Anyway, I can’t keep up with you and Lan Ting because I’m a horseman. No, you’re around me again. I feel bored because I like the excitement, and I am not thinking about spring anymore.”

Lin Xian laughed in surprise and said, “It’s nothing to think about spring. People are not in vain. There are flowers that can be broken and must be broken. Don’t be broken without flowers. Don’t you think that the eyes of the masses are discerning, and Taoism is the best way to learn every night. In the palace, you followed Wen Yin’s figure to attend classes, and you often missed the lecture on the beasts of Yin Yuanfeng. When we can’t see it?”

Yi Liunian was stunned when he heard it, scratching his head and muttering to himself: “If you don’t say that I really didn’t pay attention, it’s a pity that the flowers are intentional and the flowing water is ruthless. I fell in love, but she was watching outside the net. Alas! In addition, Is this really good? I’m here to practice Taoism. You don’t care about the top ten, but I am very stimulated by Lan Ting and Zhuge. In the secular world, I always strive for first place after being left behind.”

Lin Xian slapped him in shock and said: “Brothers, food, sex, and self-cultivation can’t help but fall in love. The heaven and the earth are in shape, the yin and yang are born, the male and the male follow each other, the Tao is natural, existence is reasonable, and all sentient beings are waiting for you. For love, you will lose if you are too serious, but if you are too persistent on one end, you will understand. Come on, I am optimistic about you.”

Yi Liu Nian looked at him vigilantly: “Why does this sound a little awkward? Fudge me, right? Lan Ting, do you think that’s the explanation?”

Hua Lanting said with a smile but not a smile: “Maybe it’s such a reason. Only lovesickness, it hurts lovesickness, only when the brows are lowered, but the heart is up, young people don’t know the taste of sorrow, and they say sorrow for new words. It’s better to attack, to block than to sparse, and you really don’t have to deliberately suppress yourself. Cultivation is about cutting down the emotions and six desires, not to be confused by foreign objects, but then again, only when you pick it up can you let it go, and you can only realize it when you have a taste of your body. The so-called car to the mountain There must be a road ahead. The boat will go straight to the end of the bridge. Everything will happen, let it go, and make the most of the situation. What you can’t get will always be in turmoil. Those who are favored will have no fear. The twisted melon is not sweet. You must be over-corrected. ,understand?”

Yi Liunian was confused and turned to Zhuge Yun for help: “Zhuge, it’s okay if they don’t tell me, but I’m even more confused about what they say. Do you think they are forming a group to fool me? What do you think?”

Zhuge Yun replied blankly: “Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, I don’t know about feelings. As for cultivation, the Tao Te Ching says: Dao can be very Tao, and its name can be very famous. Everything Once the language is spoken, it will change its flavor, just like the spray of spring water will immediately be stained with dust.”

“Cats have cats, rats have mouses, and people have their own ways. Everyone has different talents, experiences, and current situations, so they understand differently. Truth cannot be said or said, and it is wrong to say it, so I don’t love too much. say.”

“Of course it is good for you to be the first, but that is the means and not the end. My point is that you have to ask yourself whether your heart is happy? Cultivation is like playing chess. No matter how good you play, there are mountains beyond the mountains and the sky beyond the sky. You play chess. The essence is to play, or to be able to feel the joy of a person when playing chess, not just to win the game, nothing more.”

Looking at the three of them, Yi Liunian curled his lips and said, “I think the three of you have been stupid during these three months. You need to relax through nonsense and incomprehensive words. Well, I am kind, I cooperate with you, you continue.”

As soon as the voice fell, the voice of Mu Xiuhuan followed: “It’s quite lively, I will also have a paragraph. The heaven and the earth are beautiful without saying, there are clear laws at four o’clock, but everything is reasonable but not. Said. The sage, the original beauty of the world and the truth of all things, is that people do nothing, and the great sage does not do, it is also a view of the world.”

“Look at the change of the four seasons outside. Today, the snow is as deep as the wind, and it is beautiful, you can appreciate it, you can enjoy it, but it can’t change and affect its operation for a long time. Don’t judge and distinguish everything in a hurry, just do it in the current time and space. I really want to do and what I should do.”

“For example, there is a table of hot pot in front of me. Don’t think about spicy or non-spicy, meaty or vegetarian, use chopsticks or spoons, should you eat them at this time, etc. Eat, don’t discuss whether it should be, whether it’s good, right, or what the consequences of eating.”

Yi Foonian: “You four bachelors eat and drink well. I will sleep for a while. Good night if I have anything to do. If I have a dream, I will see you later.” After he said, I wanted to leave.

“Stop for me, I’m looking for you for something, do you want to pick up an adventure mission?”

Mu Suan drank Yi Liu Nian, “What, what, have a task? Still going out? There is still danger? I’ll go, I will sign up for the first time.” Yi Liu Nian came in a moment of interest.

waited for the four to sit down, and Mu Weizheng said:

“You know about the road robbery that Shang Chenxi encountered a while ago, and you have personally experienced the incident in Yuehe Ancient Town. Later, the merchants and the door were secretly visited, and recently some clues were finally discovered.”

“We can basically tell that the two people who attacked you in the ancient town last time are still there. Specifically, they are lurking in the Wulan Mountain, which is 800 miles away from the door. , The actual hiding place has not been found yet.”

“Two teams of your previous disciples were sent to the gate to enter the Wulan Mountain pretending to be experienced, but for some reason, the enemy was unable to hide. The mountain area is vast. If you send people to search the mountain, it will take time and effort. Said, it is possible that the clues may have been cut off.”

“The judge judged that they may have temporarily stopped their activities after the last failure, or they may only be interested in lower-generation disciples. Therefore, I decided to try again and send you to go again, and then decide the next step according to the situation, or just Try to find out the details of their lair, or lead the snake out of the hole to catch one or two alive, or capture and kill to pull out the nail.”

“Therefore, this operation called fishing is risky. Unlike the chance of casualties in picking up the task inside the door, the chance of casualties is very small. Are you willing to go, willing to go, or willing to go?” Seeing the four people eager to try Mu Weihuan continued:

“Originally, the missions that the disciples took after the Great Biography included experience outside the mountain. As UU Reading was out of Yuehe Town, the current missions are limited to the door. This time, it’s a rare opportunity. I struggled for it. The traditional rules and assignments have been based on specific conditions in groups of two to seven people, with a commander leading the team. This is also the case this time, and it will not arouse suspicion.”

“This time we will be divided into two groups. In addition, there will be female disciples of Yu Hengfeng participating. It is not tiring to work with men and women. The first group will be led by Lin Xianjing, Hua Lanting, Feng Qingjun, and Song Feifei; The second group consists of Zhuge, Liu Nian, Wen Yin, and Zhang Hanyun, led by your sister-in-law Yun, and another master in the gate is postponed. In addition, Shang Chenxi will bring two family children to form another team. Respond.”

Yi Liunian was secretly excited to hear this, and finally had a chance to get along with Wen Yin.

Just listen to Mu Xiuhuan’s continued: “Don’t think too much this time. If the enemy does not show up, it’s an experience mission. Try to collect herbs, ores, and catch spirit beasts. If the enemy shows up to fight, you can fight. Fight, otherwise, call for help and retreat. The rest will be handled by the team commander. Your own safety is the first priority, you know?”

Seeing the four people nodding, Mu Xiuhuan said: “Wulan Mountain is located at the junction of the east and west of Xianzhou. It is no longer the sphere of influence of this family. There will be people from other sects in the mountain, or casual repairs, mining, or hunting. , You have to be more vigilant. Go back and prepare first. Senior brother will introduce you to the situation in Wulan Mountain.”

The four of them went back to prepare their luggage.

Turning around the morning, Mu Weizheng and Yijun led Hualan Ting and a group of ten people to ride horses and whip, and gallop down the mountain gate. Zhou Ji, Xin Qiaoxian and Shang Chenxi then set off separately.

Yiyun glanced at him and said: “I think you are afraid of delaying drinking, or maybe, I will tell the children my experience.”

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