The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 23

Chapter 23: Pre-match preparation

The next day, everyone in the Construction Department heard about the news, and they were all excited, and reported the progress of the Construction Department to the door.

Next, the Hualan Ting four have another important thing to do. As a famous school, Zizai Wanxiangmen naturally attaches great importance to the cultivation and promotion of reserve disciples and does not hesitate to reward them. The first layer function of the most treasured in the door is the low-level lower plane transmission, such as the transmission of disciples from the secular world to the mountain gate. The second layer function is the treasure house of low-level exercises and equipment, which can be created, purchased or collected by the door. All kinds of treasures suitable for low-level disciples can be stored in the library for three kinds of rewards after becoming apprentice disciples.

First of all, any disciple who breaks through the One Yuan Re-Beginning Realm can get a storage space with different styles such as bracelets, rings, rings, hairpins, and space bags, but the space is not large, only the size of a cabinet, and it cannot accommodate living things. It is generally a must.

Secondly, the apprentice can choose two from the exercises, medicines, weapons, equipment, and spirit beasts. These will be part of their own combat power and can be used in the big competition. This is also an opportunity to test the eyesight of the disciples.

Finally, it is to become a trainee to have the qualifications to learn other traditional exercises in the gate, and to obtain the qualifications to get other rewards by completing various tasks.

After his breakthrough, the storage space of Hualanting’s sky blue smoke jade has expanded to the size of a room. He thought that he could no longer need space installations, so that he could choose one more thing than others.

A day later, the four from the Construction Department came to the Douji Peaks of Houshan to choose rewards. Douji peaks present a typical karst landform, consisting of countless large and small peaks, forests, solitary peaks, hills, hills, and stone buds, interspersed with many caves, shafts, depressions, and many small plains and virgin forests. The terrain is extremely complex and vast.

The entrance to the second floor of the Vientiane Furnace is located in a big mountain bag called Jubaofeng. After the four of them entered a building resembling a Taoist temple, they were led into a room by the guardian disciples.

According to the introduction of the guardian disciple, the optional exercises are all suitable for apprentices, either low-level exercises, or primary mental methods of high-level exercises. What they need to pay attention to is that after becoming apprentices, they will be able to understand different elements. The system’s exercises are sensitive, and the exercises are divided into gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, thunder, poison, compound, no attributes, special attributes, etc., but there is nothing in the second-tier treasury. Spells with high-level attributes such as space and time.

Regarding weapons and equipment and magic weapons, according to the classification method of Eastern Shuxuan Continent, they are roughly divided into spirit weapon spirit treasure, yuan device ingot, and divine weapon fairy treasure. Each level can be divided into low-grade, medium-grade, high-grade and quantity. There are no uniform and strict standards for the specific evaluation of rare top products and sacred products because of the various effects and crossovers, as well as the different adaptability to individuals. They are only roughly divided, and there are similar classifications of elixirs and animals.

The utensils suitable for apprentice disciples are either specially made by disciples in the door, or hand-crafted, or obtained from external collection and procurement or fighting, and some are semi-finished or defective products of high-level artifacts, most of which are made after tomorrow , But there are also a small amount of congenital treasures, both mass-produced and orphans.

The most numerous types of exercises and artifacts in the roster are low-level exercises, low-grade weapons and equipment, spirit treasures, and medicinal pills, while the smaller number are organ formations and spirit beasts. What the apprentice disciple needs to do is to first read the classification roster and introduction, select ten alternatives from them, and then check the detailed introduction in the library according to the number, and finally choose three.

After Hua Lanting read the various lists, he first ruled out the pill. One is because it is mostly a one-time consumable, and the other is that he wants to rely on his own ability to refine in the future, and then gave up the spirit beast and organ formation. Because he still doesn’t know much about the lack of research, so his range of choices is concentrated on the exercises and weapon spirit treasures.

When choosing the attribute of the exercise method, Hua Lanting did not have a clear sense of the corresponding suitable attribute of his own aura because the promotion time was too short, but he found that every time he saw the exercise method and items of the thunder attribute, the sky was blue and smoke. The jade will become hot, and while he once again marveled at the spirit of this jade, he also determined the direction of the thunder attribute.

There are quite a lot of thunder attribute exercises in the exercise manual. Kongtian Qingyanyu has no more explicit and further hints about this. He can only rely on his instinct to judge, and finally he chooses an ordinary palm thunder exercise. The reason is that this skill is simple and easy to learn, and its effect is completely determined by the user’s skill, and does not affect the follow-up practice of other lightning spells.

In terms of weapons and weapons, Hua Lanting has been interested in Qimen Weapon since he practiced hidden weapons in order to avenge the vulgar teacher. He found a favorite weapon in the subdivided weapon spectrum, named Dragon Head. Heliconia Ruyisuo, referred to as the leading cable, also known as the leading rod.

This is a rare weapon with a total length of about one foot. The body is a soft cord, one end is a dragon head, one end is a scorpion tail cone. It is made of rare metal with soft diamonds around the fingers. It can be hard as a gun if injected with aura. Soft like a whip, retractable and put, can be wound or rolled, can be long and short, long can attack far away, short shots can defend yourself, and at the same time very good at locking other weapons, in addition to the hollow faucet, can shoot steel needles, short arrows, etc. The hidden weapon kills the enemy by surprise, making Hualanting fall in love with it.

Hua Lanting was a little bit troubled when he chose the third reward. It was not until he saw a body-refining exercise called tightening the skin, stretching the muscles and pulling the bones. This skill is the elementary chapter. It tightens the skin to exercise the physical defense’s ability to resist. Stretching the muscles and pulling the bones can dredge the meridians, open and close the orifices, enhance the attack ability, and help develop the penetrating strength of the spiritual energy. According to the introduction, High-level exercises specialize in cultivating energy, blood and spiritual power, until the whole body is round and indestructible.

Hualan Ting’s four people took a full hour to choose, and they returned to the construction department to communicate. The other three people chose a storage space device to place items as usual.

In addition, Lin Xianjing’s choice was an offensive and defensive iris-shaped dovetail shield and a defensive earth-based spell. Zhuge Yun chose a five-hooked **** flying silver spear and a matching metallic attack spell. Yi Liunian’s choice is the most peculiar. One is a spirit beast called a spotted flying lizard. This beast has a green body as a lizard, but has double wings on its back, and its wingspan is red with black spots. It can change color and hide according to the environment and crawl normally. , You can fly for a short time, the speed is extremely fast, the teeth are sharp and the mouth also contains toxins, and the wind system is naturally selected to help lighten the body.

Mu Weihuan took the time to look at the choices of a few people, and did not say much, only that there are still three months before the 60th-generation disciple Dabi, so that the four of them should pay close attention to practicing the exercises and familiarize themselves with their weapons and techniques as soon as possible. At the same time, it allows everyone to improve their overall ability through counter-fighting and joint training. It also gives a manual that records the basic moves of the small free fist and the big free sword, as well as teaches the intentional or unintentional hooking hand and the Shangfang Jiewa kick. Yun step introductory training method.

Hua Lanting combed through the resources he had, and arranged time for practice.

One month later, I found that the sting dragon sleep pill skill is easy to learn, so even though Kongtian Qingyanyu is still absorbing his spiritual energy, the progress of the free Wuji cultivation is no longer slow.

The tight-skinned exercises are also easy to get started, and they have little effect on physical defense.

Sky Sky Blue Smoke Jade Inner Shuangfeng Luohui Pavilion cheat book contains the practice method of soft weapons, but it is very difficult to master the Qimen weapons. At present, he still can’t fully control the use of the dragon head and scorpion tail Ruyisuo.

With the support of the spiritual energy during the entrance period, the palm thunder has also been able to exert a certain attack power; the basic moves of the small free fist and the big free sword, and the introductory training methods of the small free fist and the big free sword, and the intentional or unintentional hooking of the hand, the upper room Jie Wa kicking the cloud step, although you can learn to use it, But the contact time period, and lack of guidance, so the connection is still stagnant and the coordination with the spiritual energy is not satisfactory.

The characteristics of each of the four pairs are also fully reflected:

Lin Xianjing’s defensive ability is outstanding, tenacious, and occasionally counterattack is also very fierce; Zhuge Yun is the first in speed, coupled with the combination of man and gun and the cooperation of metal attack techniques, the offensive is extremely sharp; Yi Liuian refers to it. After going to the room and Jiewa and kicking the cloud step, his already strong light-weight exercises made great progress. They went straight to Zhuge Yun, and cooperated with the wind spells. The attack and defense were erratic, and the spot-winged flying lizard’s flanking attack was even more invincible. UU reading www.uukananshu. com

Hua Lan Ting is very balanced in all abilities. His large spiritual sense coverage is good for early perception and defense. The aura and palm thunder are not bad at attacking. The dragon head cable and hidden weapons are out of sight, and his physical resistance is not weak. Coupled with surpassing three-person room-entry skill support, short-term two-person matches sometimes lose, but in long-term battles, they can often persist until the moment of gaining the upper hand.

After another month, although Hua Lan Ting was making progress in all aspects, he started to have a headache and practiced too many techniques, and he refused to reduce the time of any practice. Although I knew that everything changed from quantity to quality. The process, but also a bit at a loss as to how to allocate and choose.

Seeing that the competition will start in another month, he doesn’t care about what rank he can achieve, but he feels anxious about the path of cultivation and promotion, and knows that this state of mind will affect the progress of cultivation.

Just when Hua Lan Ting was wondering whether he should ask Mr. Mu Weizhen or Elder Zhou Ji for advice, he was inspired by a piece of news about Da Bi.

The rules of this competition have been set, and the method is very simple, that is, all the disciples who are promoted are drawn randomly in two matches, the loser is directly out, and the winner continues to draw the two-person duel. After many rounds, the final decision is made. There is no limit to the way of fighting.

This kind of knockout system is four words in Hualanting’s view-simple and crude, nothing objective and fair. If you are unlucky, the strong may be eliminated in the first round.

Fortunately, there is a remedy, that is, after the top ten are determined, other disciples who ask themselves to be strong but unlucky can challenge these winners, and if they can win, they can replace them until there are no challengers. , In the end, the winners continue to eliminate each other to determine the place.

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