The Great Doorway of Daoism

Chapter 16

Chapter 16: Civil Engineering and Industry

Mu Weihuan replied: “This is how I look at this question. The five colors are blinding, the five tones are deafening, and the five tastes are refreshing. The complicated world is inevitable. It is just like in Kung Fu. There are ways to dodge, dodge, unload, and retreat, but blindly avoiding will never become a master. The so-called red heart training, my point of view is when to do and what to do, when I am busy, when I am busy, my mind is free from distractions. Practice, of course, this is not easy to do, this is the process of cultivation.”

“The nature of human beings is self-consistent and self-coordinating, and practicing qigong is about refining things.”

“When we are peeling the onion, we peel it layer by layer. In the end, there is nothing. Being able to live in the silence of the moment is the goal you want to achieve now. The premise of putting it down is to pick it up first. But in the end we have to let go.”

“If you have to have a suggestion, I think at this stage, whether you have a big ideal or a small goal, you must set one in your heart. If your heart has no place to live, it will be wandering everywhere.”

“If you have time, go and read the “Zhuangzi? Dasheng” chapter, especially these few words: work twirling and covering the rules, referring to materialization without contempt, so its spiritual platform is not swayed. Forgetting, walking. If you forget what you want, you can bring it with you; if you know what’s right and what’s wrong, you’re right; if you don’t change internally, you don’t act outside, and things will be suitable; those who have not tasted the discomfort from the beginning, forget what is suitable.”

“Our heart is a car driver, our nature is a car driver, and our body is the horse. The horse is the most pitiful. It is always beaten and chased away, and ultimately cannot withstand the whips and whips of the driver. The desire of the rider.”

“Our body is a horse enslaved by our “heart” and our ‘spirit”. Monasticism is to restrain the desire of the soul on the one hand, and to take care of our body on the other hand. Some people can draw a circle with both hands at the same time because they are completely relaxed. The fingers of the body and the mind become one body, and a harmonious relationship between them is found. This is called ‘no-self’. understand? ”

“I don’t understand.” Yi Liunian answered honestly, and said: “But I saw a poem in the academy: I want to change, I want to become a tree. When I am happy, I bloom; when I am not happy , Fallen leaves.”

Mu Weihuo laughed: “That’s good! I have made progress in reading! Let’s talk when I am open or unhappy next time. Isn’t Zhuge practicing Buddhism? Finally, I will send you a few Zen sayings, and we can encourage you: Li Yao How much is in the control plan.”

“It is selflessness to treat Jiji as others; it is compassion to treat others as Jiji; wisdom to treat others as others; Finally, to treat Jiji as Jiji, this is freedom.”

“Come back for dinner first, remember to pick me up with me after dinner.”

After dinner, the four gathered again and came to the hall to accompany Mu Weihuan and the others for a drink.

“Brother Cong, a certain house is coming!” Hearing the sound of people coming first, the door opened without wind, and a big bearded man came in and sat down in front of the bookcase.

Mu Sui smiled and said, “Come on, I will introduce you to this. This is the second master of the business, the rich man Xiaoxizi. Shang Chenxi, these four are just the only four small diamonds in the sixty generations of the construction department.”

Shang Chenxi laughed and scolded: “A green onion, you count me again! I didn’t know there were them today, and I didn’t bring the meeting ceremony.”

Mu Suoyan replied: “That’s not going to happen, who doesn’t know that your business has a big business, and the root hairs are enough for us to eat for a year, so we can bring it.”

Shang Chenxi didn’t mind. After thinking about it, he stretched out a hand and took out four huge beads and said, “There is really nothing they can make. Everyone can make do with a shining Lei Yan bead, but Lao Mu, you must first They can use the Mujia mechanism technique and a trigger device. When using it, just hit it on the ground, which can disturb people’s sight and use it to escape. Use. I said Lao Mu, you have been shopping for things from me all these years. It’s not good to come and go, and it’s not good to just get in and not get out.”

Mu Weihuan collected the beads, and then took out something from the bookcase, which was a protective goggles, and said, “The rich are stingy. I can’t take your things for nothing in front of the juniors. I will give you this back to the shadow wall. This is what I spend. The high price invited Yaoguangfeng and Dongmingfeng experts to work together. It can block the seven-star realm master’s full blow. Let’s play it.”

Shang Chenxi smiled and stretched out his hand to take it: “It’s almost the same. I’ll go back tomorrow after I finish my business. Our brothers are not drunk and have no return tonight.”

Mu Weihuan said to the four of them: “I have a fateful friendship with the old businessman. I am used to it. I think we were also four people back then. There are also Mo Xiaoguai, nicknamed Little Monster, and Zhu Dachang, nicknamed Pig Intestine. , They called me a green onion, his name is Xiao Xizi, and the four of us are called the Gang of Four. Among the four people, he is the richest and loves justice and money. Am I right?”

“That is, our good brother, I have ten dollars, so I am willing to give you nine.” Shang Chenxi answered with a smile.

Mu Suihuan: “Look, how is it, you are loyal, what if you have one hundred thousand yuan?”

Shang Chenxi: “Then you have to ask, I will give you all ten dollars.”

Mu Suoyan: “I, you rich people don’t take money as money. I haven’t seen you in the past few years, so be happy.”

Shang Chenxi: “Do you think that money makes you happy? That’s wrong, no, I officially tell you, in fact, money is **** happy.”

The four of them smiled, thinking that this alive is the predecessor of Lin Yi’s duo.

Mu Yanyan asked sternly: “This trip has been quite fruitful, right?” Shang Chenxi replied: “It’s not bad, everyone is satisfied. I won’t say more about the specifics. In short, everyone is happy. Come and drink.”

Then the two talked about many other things. After talking for a while, Mu Xiu looked at the four of them and said:

“On the first day, I told you about the distribution of sects in the realm of cultivation. Today, I asked you to come here, in addition to getting to know the second master of Shang, I want you to know more about the situation and people in Xianzhou. Here in the secular world. Money is not important. What is important is cultivation resources. Except for precious resources, most of them are bartered, and other resources are priced in spirit stones. Merchants are the largest business family in the continent and have the most merchant channels.

“The contemporary owner of the merchant, Shang Yangzhi, his second master was called Shang Si, and he was also called Shang Si Ye. Father Shang had two sons, and the eldest Shang Chen Zhao was the eldest brother of Xiao Xi Zi, and Shang Si Ye had an only son named Shang Chenyang.”

Mu Suozhen gave an introduction to the four major business families in Xianzhou.

There was a saying in Xianzhou called “Xianzhou four people, civil engineering, industry and commerce.”

“Shang” refers to merchants. Although ranked last, they are the ones with the strongest financial resources. They operate in all categories and have businesses spread across all continents.

“Gong” refers to the family of Gongsun, who started and is known for operating magic weapons. The father of the family, Sun Hanxiong, has no children under his knees. He has two daughters, Sun Xinuo, the eldest daughter, and Sun Xixi, the second daughter. ”

“Wood” is the Mu family, who made his fortune with construction engineering and management agency weapons. Mu Runshan, the man at the helm, is Mu Suohua’s father. There are many branches in Mu’s family, and the branches and leaves are prosperous and heirs are prosperous, and he often worships in the major mountain gates. However, because of the large number of children, the conflicts between each other are more obvious, which makes Mu Weihuan a headache.

“Tu” represents the Tu family, and the business field is similar to that of the Mu family, so the competition between the two is fierce. Tu Xuan, the contemporary ancestor of the Tu family, had two sons named Tu Xiang and Tu Yi, and adopted a goddaughter named Tu Xijun.

After a round of introductions, Mu Weihuan finally said: “The merchant and the Mu family have been good for generations. If you have any needs in the future, you can find Xiao Xizi. The Tu family is domineering, especially in harmony with our Mu family. You know it. Gongsun. The two daughters of the family are very capable, long-sleeved and good at dancing, so don’t be offended easily. The cultivation resources in this school are extremely large, but in the future, they will inevitably get in touch with them when they go out and walk.”

All four of them nodded, knowing that Mr. Mu was joking on the surface, and the mainland cared for them very much, but he didn’t have to verbally express his gratitude.

After drinking that night, the six people dispersed.

The days of concentrating on cultivation passed quickly, and more than a month passed after Shang Chenxi left. During this period of time, the four masters of Jianshe Chu still studied architectural skills in the morning, practiced exercises in the afternoon, and went to the academy to study or attend lectures in the evening. Hualanting’s absorption of aura is still slower than others, UU Reading, the color of the sky blue smoke jade gradually deepens, but it has never given back to Hualanting’s pure aura.

During the    period, Song Feifei came to Lin Xianjing once, and chatted for a while, saying that the five main peaks urged the disciples to practice very rigorously, and there were not many opportunities to come out during the day. The other is a new female disciple of Yu Hengfeng, the woman the four saw in the Dieshui Waterfall, named Zhang Hanyun.

The disciples can meet from time to time during the night school activities. Among them, Lin Xianjing has undoubtedly participated in the lectures on formations and heavenly secrets held by Yao Guangfeng. Song Feifei always sticks to him like a stalker; Yi Liunian has been there since he saw the guide butterfly when he started. Began to be crazy about Yin Yuanfeng’s method of guarding beasts. Zhuge Yun would listen to the lectures of any peak; Hua Lanting had learned medicine for a period of time when he was treating the poisonous injury of the old man Di Anlan, so he listened the most. It was Kaiyangfeng’s alchemy lecture, and sometimes I went to listen to the contents of the other three peaks such as Xiadongming.

Lin Xianjing has been urging Yi Liunian to come in contact with Wenyin. Yi Liunian always blushes and refuses to take the initiative. On the contrary, Hua Lanting and Feng Qingjun often met in Kaiyangfeng’s lectures, and gradually the two became familiar with each other.

More than two months passed without any surprises. In a flash, it was already January of the second year. The sky blue smoke jade finally infused Hua Lanting with a pure aura, allowing him to enter the realm of cultivation. It has improved a lot, although the speed of his free and infinite power is still the slowest among the four, at least he hasn’t fallen behind too much.

Seeing that it will be half a year since getting started, the disciples of each peak focused on the topic of who would first get through the second channel of Ren Du and officially enter the One Yuan Recovery Realm. The sound of the wind has been released from the door. After the Mid-Autumn Festival this year, there will be a big competition between the 60 generations of disciples, so everyone is working hard in secret.

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