The Grand Catrastophe

Chapter one: Awakening, part one (2) (NSFW-ish)

Chapter one: Awakening

          Momonga opened her eyes and looked at the ceilings of the grand hall. She took a deep breath and immediately noticed something was wrong. Smell, she could smell. That wasn’t something that you should be able to do in Yggdrasil.

          The smell itself seemed to be coming from her own body. It was like a deep a rich chocolate. She then looked down at herself and noticed that her body moved, like it was breathing on reflex. She also noticed that she tasted the air. It tasted much better than the air in her old room.

          She looked down and around at the NPCs around her. They themselves seemed confused for some strange and unknown reason. It was as if they had seen a ghost or a specter. But they shouldn’t have even been able to do so. They were NPCs. They weren’t real. Panic started to rise in the overlord.

However, it stopped suddenly. It was as if something or someone had tamped down the panic, the sudden fear. What was this? What was going on?

          It was strange, it was like she hadn’t even panicked in the first place at this strange event. What was this strange event anyway? Did they push back the shutdown for a later date? No, she could smell, so they might have updated the game and taken her avatar and guild base somewhere without her knowing.

          But that was illegal. Not to mention impossible. They don’t even have the tech nowadays to do so. Panic once more flooded her mind. Yet, it stopped.

          It simmered and petered out of her, like a kettle taken off the heat. Something was wrong. Something was very wrong. The NPCs around her were acting strange, funny some might say. Albedo stepped closer to the throne that the overlord sat upon.

          “My lady, what did you mean, “now it ends?” the pale succubus asked.

          The other NPCs were looking at Momonga with slight, almost imperceptible trepidation. It seemed they were scared. Though, they shouldn’t even be able to do so. Panic and confusion set in once more, but it petered out again.

          But the fear wasn’t at the forefront of the undead’s mind. Right now, she was internally panicking yet again at the sensual smell that was wafting off of the guardian overseer.

          But that panic quickly faded. A force pushed out the panic. It was like the puppet that was her panic had its strings cut. The overlord grimaced slightly, but not enough for any of the NPCs to notice.

          “Well, the servers were supposed to be shut down by the admins. But, that hasn’t happened yet,” Momonga explained for some odd reason to the panicking NPC.

          It felt nice to have someone to talk to, even if that person might not be real. But, Momonga had gotten in the habit of talking to herself while she was walking around the halls and floors of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick. So, talking to the NPC beside her was easy and not at all strange.

          She tried to open the GM call, but it wouldn’t work. It was just a sickening ringing that rang in her head. Panic and dread went off in her head, but it was pushed down once more.

          “I also don’t seem to be able to contact a GM. This is bad, something is wrong. Something has changed,” she said in her now seemingly mature voice.

          The NPCs were not put off by their leader’s ever-so-slight panic. They had faith in the only member of Ainz Ooal Gown left. They watched as their leader put a hand to her throat and looked down at herself. She then looked back up and locked eyes with Sebas.

          “Sebas, could you please go outside and check what, if any, changes have occurred to our current environment?” she asked of him, and he bowed to her.

“Consider it done my lady,” he said and walked off and out of the grand hall they were in.

          She then turned to the battle maids and told them to wait at the first floor and stop and interrogate any intruders they might find. In all honesty, the panic that kept trying to raise its ugly head was getting annoying.

          The back of her mind kept giving her random ideas on what was happening. Was she isekeied? Was she sucked into the game? Did the admins actually push back the shutdown? There were to many ideas to pick from. She didn’t have enough information at either.

          The strange force that kept taming the rising panic in was only keeping down the overflowing panic. Right now, the mild emotions of unrest that were floating in her mind were starting to build once more.

          Momonga then looked to Albedo, the only other person in the whole of the grand hall and sighed at her somewhat excited expression. She must have heard what she said earlier, about Momonga and Albedo being in the afterlife together. But that was her own head-canon at that point.

          Momonga didn’t know what was going on. Several impossibilities were going on at once. There really wasn’t a concrete answer for what was happening right now. Momonga needed to think about the now.

          ‘Right now, I can smell; that should be impossible. Right now, the NPCs can seemingly take orders beyond their programing; that shouldn’t happen. Right now, I feel my emotions being tamped down; that’s just plain strange,’ thought the overlord, ‘right now, it seems to me that the NPCs remember the words I just spoke.’

          The overlord looked back at the succubus and grimaced. The guardian overseer had a rather playful smirk on her face, as if she had played a prank that only she knew about.

          “Albedo, I need to test something that’ll hopefully clear up what is happening,” the overlord said, “if anyone needs me, I’ll be in my room.”

          What she was about to do she could do by herself. But she wanted to make sure that the NPCs knew where she was. She didn’t want to introduce anymore unknowns into this situation right now

          She looked at the mirror in her room. The room itself was rather lavish and finely decorated, but that wasn’t what the, now a woman, was thinking about. Right now, Momonga, the overlord formally known as Suzuki Satoru, was looking at herself.

          The light in the room was dim, but it mattered little, for the overlord could see in the dark. She had told Albedo to tell the rest of guardians of the tomb to meet up in the stadium on the 6th floor of the tomb an hour from then.

          Then, Momonga had teleported with her ring of Ainz Ooal Gown to her room. At least she knew that magic items worked. But right now, she needed to absolutely know that this wasn’t a game anymore. She was pretty confident that it wasn’t, but she was about to do something that would make absolute sure of it.

          She slowly unbuttoned the buttons holding her cloak in place and watched as it dropped to the floor with her own eyes. She then saw it. Her… Bra… she sucked in a breath at the sight of her own chest.

          “God, there so nice. I outdid myself when making these,” she spoke to herself.

Then she noticed the lack of face movement on her own face. It was like her face musculature had been atrophied. She tried to frown, but her face only moved a little bit.

          She tried to put on a smile. Her effort to put one on was met with much less resistance. Her face bloomed into a smile much more than into a frown. Still, there was barely anything going on. Maybe a slight upturn of the lips, but that was it.

          She shook her head and looked back at her breasts. She sucked in a breath of excitement once again at the sight of her own handywork. Arousal at her own body grew ever so slightly. Her undead body still tampering with her emotions.

          While she was undead, she still had lungs. Unlike most undead, she had flesh. So, she had lungs she could suck in air with. Her excitement grew somewhat. She was about to see for herself what she looked like underneath her underwear.

          She grabbed the back of the bra and undid the clasp. She wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but she took a full minute to figure out how to do so. Then, the moment of truth, the bra fell away.

          What greeted her eyes were two now free mounds of flesh with slightly purple-ish-colored nipples. She could feel an arousal come from the pit of her stomach, then it vanished. A slight, yet deep in its own right, frown marred her otherworldly beauty at that feeling.

          Her chest was nearly as large as Albedo’s, yet her mind was tamping down on herself. While she was thankful for it, it was a nuisance right now.

          She decided she wasn’t going to be denied. Completely forgetting why she was doing so in the first place, she grabbed her nipple and rolled it in her right hand. She felt the overall good feeling of her hands touching her nipples radiate from her chest.

          But it didn’t really feel like she was expecting. It only really felt about as good as when her pair of balls were washed. It really wasn’t anything to write home about. She let go of her now thoroughly massaged boob hat and decided to see what her vagina looked like.

          She took a deep breath, and dropped her panties. They were purple if anyone wanted to know. She had her eyes closed now, a slight fear of what she would see was awash in her mind. Then, the feeling settled thanks to her newly named, “Emotional Suppression.”

          She opened one eye, then the other. What greeted her gaze once more was a new friend. Her old pal was nowhere to be seen of course, and she saluted him in her heart. No, what she was seeing was a vagina. Granted, it wasn’t pink, but it was a vagina.

          The color was a slight pink-ish purple-ish lilac color. That wasn’t the strange thing though. Well, her flesh and skin covering her sensory bits seemed to be lilac in color, that was strange.

          But soon, lewd feeling in her loins went away. She then suddenly remembered why she was here in the first place. It was to test if she would be kicked out of the game for lewd actions. That was obviously not going to happen though.

          She nodded her head in contentedness and pulled back up her panties. They were purple. She then decided that she liked that color even more now, it made her body more enticing in her mind. Then, that feeling was squashed and swept under the rug in her mind.

          She then grabbed her bra from the floor and tried to clasp it back on. When she finally succeeded like a couple minutes later she noticed that she only had forty minutes left till everyone came to the 6th floor.

          But just as she grabbed her robe, she stopped herself. It was then that she finally noticed how toned her body was. She had rebuilt her build to be better at soloing after everyone left. She had put some levels into “Necrotic Mage Blade.” Now, this might have ruined her character build, but it didn’t.

          She was anything but ruined. After she had gained all fives levels in “Grand Catastrophe,” she no longer needed her old most powerful class, “Eclipse.”

          After she had replaced her five levels of Eclipse with the five maximum levels of Grand Catastrophe, she then replaced some of her roleplay levels for Necrotic Mage Blade. That more than made up for her loss of Eclipse. Necrotic Mage Blade let her take HP from each kill she got. That, in and of itself, was huge in her mind. But that was enough to admire herself, she needed to see herself up to the sixth floor.

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