The Good Incubus

Chapter 85 Dressed Again

Chapter 85

Dressed Again

Xie Jie pulled Gong Qiu Yu’s too big robe on, then Hao Kong reached around him with a green belt and tied him securely.

Taking his red belt, Chu Ling folded the right sleeve up and tied it carefully in place, while softly caressing the intricately patterned vambrace.

Zhou Tu took Luo Bai’s black belt from his Leader’s limp hand, that was sticking out behind Gong Qiu Yu’s neck while the two Leaders kissed passionately, and asked respectfully with a bow, “Dun Mírén, may I please roll back the sleeve around you?”

Into Xie Jie’s mind she said, “he is so cute, I’ll let him touch me.”

Stifling his laugh, Xie Jie said, “Dun Mírén graciously accepts your offer.” With a smile he added, “She askes for a kiss as payment for touching her.”

Inside his mind, Xie Jie heard her gasp, “oh I like that.”

Slightly suspicious of his words, Zhou Tu looked into his lover’s dark eyes; seeing pure intentions and misinterpreting them for honesty, he gently rolled his incubus’s sleeve back.

Leaning down he put his soft lips to the hard light blue metal in a gentle kiss, then moved slightly up Xie Jie’s arm and kissed Dun Mírén again, kissing all the way along the vambraces till he reached the smooth skin of his man. Smiling shyly up at his lover he gave his soft pale skin a kiss too for good measure.

Dun Mírén moaned in delight, Zhou Tu’s lips were so soft, they held such love and goodness, “my love you have to let me play with him too.”

Another image entered Xie Jie’s mind and he struggled to keep his lower half from reacting, he replied silently, “that is a definite!”

Now Xie Jie was dressed, Gong Qiu Yu sat at the table and grabbed up a scroll and brush, “you must tell me everything the amazing artefacts on you have said about the first race.”

Sitting down beside the table, Xie Jie replied, “Don’t you need to cultivate?”

With a smile at Chu Ling, Gong Qiu Yu said, “I’m fine, please I have always been fascinated by the history of the first race.”

Xie Jie smiled and settled in to tell his scholar all he knew.

Shaking their heads with an ever indulgent smile at their over excited scholar, Chu Ling and Hao Kong got comfortable on some of the cushions and opened themselves up to the world, absorbing energy as they circulated their power round their meridians and through their chakra points.

Sitting down next to his scholar, Luo Bai was about to do the same when he thought of his fun earlier with Zhou Tu, and asked the young man, “would it help you with your cultivation to circulate my energy while I cultivate?”

His mind whirring at the possibility of feeling his Leader’s beautiful Qi again, Zhou Tu replied excitedly, “It would definitely help with my control to move your powerful energy through my system. If it wouldn’t be a hindrance to your cultivation, I would love to cultivate with you,” looking down shyly for a moment he looked up through his dark lashes and said, “Luo Bai.”

Puffing up with pride, Luo Bai’s ears flushed a little red hearing his name said so sweetly by his cute disciple, “I don’t think it would be a problem,” turning to the man he always asked if he was unsure, he said, “what do you think Gong Qiu Yu?”

Even though he had been talking to Xie Jie, Gong Qiu Yu’s brows furrowed as he answered, “I’m not entirely sure what you mean by circulating your energy.”

With a happy smile to be trusted with his scholar’s ignorance, Zhou Tu said, “if you give me a little of your energy I’ll show you, my love.”

Seeing the excited look in Xie Jie’s eyes, Gong Qiu Yu opened his energy and kissed his handsome disciple on the lips.

Zhou Tu carefully pulled a tiny bit of his Leader’s Qi into his system, as he was now getting used to, the energy expanded to massive proportions. The two energies mixed harmoniously and flowed smoothly round Zhou Tu’s chakra points then through his Dantian, before being calmly returned back into Gong Qiu Yu.

His eyes widening Gong Qiu Yu thought, ‘it is the same as when Zhou Tu funnelled the energy from Xie Jie into us, but calmer.’ The returned energy felt serene and full of love, he wanted to do it again, so offered up more energy.

Thrilled to be given more of his scholar’s graceful Qi, Zhou Tu again moved the offered energy round his system, then sat back up.

The two Leaders both reacting by giving more Qi was so similar it made Zhou Tu giggle.

The way their young disciple’s face lit up with joy, was an adorable sight to the two Leaders, as he put his hand to his mouth to hide his amusement they both smiled dotingly.

The intensity of the love from Gong Qiu Yu and Luo Bai for Zhou Tu through their link, made Chu Ling and Hao Kong look up and smile adoringly at their men.

Trying to sound masterly and not just excited, Gong Qiu Yu said, “Luo Bai if you keep control and make sure your flow is even, it will be good for our dear Zhou Tu.”

Both men beamed back at him, Luo Bai asked Zhou Tu, “do you want me to kiss you or is there a more comfortable position you would like to try? I normally cultivate for hours.”

To his surprise Zhou Tu blushed bright red, “the most effective connection I have had, was when Gong Qiu Yu and Hao Kong were making love to me.”

Luo Bai smiled naughtily, “I’m happy to have you sit on me while I cultivate if you like.”

Zhou Tu’s mouth fell open, Luo Bai, ‘The’ Luo Bai, the protector of Snow Mist Peak, Leader Luo who terrified all rival nations, Luo Bai had just... Zhou Tu’s mind shut down and he just stared love struck at Luo Bai.

Swallowing hard his throat dry, Zhou Tu looked down and seeing the large tent in his Leader’s robes knew it wasn’t an empty offer, he knew he was supposed to be resting his body but how could he say no? When he wanted to say yes so much.

Luo Bai was revelling in every motion of his young man, watching Zhou Tu blush followed by awe struck then seeing the lust in his face, all of it made his heart race.

Blushing even redder Zhou Tu said shyly, “I would love to cultivate with you Luo Bai, which way do you want me to sit?”

Luo Bai’s heart skipped a beat then thumped in his chest, he wanted to sit face to face so he could kiss those lovely lips any time he wanted, but didn’t think he would get much cultivating done if they sat that way. So trying to keep his voice calm he said, “I think if you sit with your back to me, it would help both of us concentrate and mean we could feel each others hearts.”

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