The Good Incubus

Chapter 35 A Casual Question

Chapter 35

A Casual Question

Xie Jie went and got two more sleeping mats while Hao Kong made them some tea. Then the pair sat on the porch to drink in the afternoon sun.

“Do you think you would want a big harem?” Hao Kong inquired casually, and Xie Jie almost choked on his tea.

Rubbing his incubus’s back Hao Kong chuckled, “so I finally said something that shocked you?”

When he could breathe again Xie Jie replied, “I was just surprised you brought it up so suddenly.”

Hao Kong gestured with his head to the hut, “I figured with me and Zhou Tu actively starting it, plus the way you propositioned the Leaders, and the way you looked at that young healer; we should probably discuss it.”

Xie Jie smiled mischievously, “If you started it, doesn’t that mean it’s your harem?”

Hao Kong laughed, “OK I’ll be head of the harem and you can be my first husband instead.”

His heart racing, Xie Jie happily hugged Hao Kong’s arm, “OK husband.”

Smiling down at his incubus, Hao Kong lovingly stroked the tail round his waist. A contented air settled round the pair and they sat comfortably talking about their lives, their hopes and all sorts of random things until night fell.

Getting up Hao Kong extended his hand to his man, “shall we get you to sleep? You have a big day of teaching tomorrow.”

Taking Hao Kong’s big hand Xie Jie asked, “are you not sleeping then?”

“I’ll cultivate, it’s how I regain my energy.”

“Will you do that here? Or are you going off to a spiritual cave like the Leaders?”

Pulling his incubus up into a hug, Hao Kong said, “I’ll be right here with you.”

Xie Jie snuggled into his man’s broad warm chest, “I want to be with you always my love.”

Kissing his incubus’s forehead, Hao Kong held him in his arms while wrapped in his pale tail.

Feeling his lover’s weight shift, Hao Kong realised Xie Jie had fallen asleep in his embrace. Easily lifting up his slim form, he carried his man into their home and laid him on the sleeping mat to the left, then sat cross legged to cultivate in between his two men. His lips curving up in a happy smile Hao Kong thanked the heavens for his incubus.

The next morning, mentally preparing to be stern with the heroes of her sect, the female healer walked up the winding moon lit path to Hao Kong’s hut.

As she walked she couldn’t help blushing at the thought of the two incredibly handsome cultivators and the stunningly beautiful incubus; imagining what they had been up to rather than resting.

Coming into the field, the healer could see the little hut and two men sat drinking tea on the raised porch.

Seeing the healer Xie Jie and Hao Kong stood in greeting.

The young lady walking towards them was beautiful in an understated way. Her dark brown hair was pulled up into a neat top knot to keep it out of her way and she wore the sect’s plain practical white robe with the red belt of a healer, without jewellery or make up.

The two men were captivated by the intelligent determined look in her face and her kind heart that looked after people.

As she approached Hao Kong and Xie Jie bowed, “Well met miss Healer.” Xie Jie said, hoping she was a miss.

“Well met Master Hao, Master incubus.”

Feeling she met Hao Kong’s requirement of someone you trust, he replied, “My name is Xie Jie.”

“Well met Master Xie.”

His eyes flashed excitedly, “Please come and check disciple Zhou so I can learn your name too.”

Looking up into the young incubus’s bright eyes, the healer froze, no one had ever been excited to learn her name before, smiling shyly she nodded.

Xie Jie led the way into the little hut and held the door open for the healer to proceed him inside, while Hao Kong brought up the rear.

Zhou Tu was curled up on his mat silently sleeping, his brows were tightly knitted and his mouth formed a little line. When Xie Jie saw his distressed face he rushed to the disciple’s side.

Careful not to wake him, Xie Jie put a comforting hand on the sleeping man’s head and Zhou Tu let out a long sigh, his face and body relaxing.

Happily surprised, the healer smiled at Xie Jie and motioned for them to leave the disciple to sleep.

With another adoring look at the young man, Xie Jie and Hao Kong followed the healer outside again.

“You seem to have taken excellent care of him, I’ll come back later when he is awake and give him a full examination.”

“That would be wonderful...” Xie Jie was just going to point out she still hadn’t told him her name, when they all turned towards the mountain.

The three Leaders of Snow Mist Peak glided serenely down the mountain, their robes and Leader Luo’s loose hair gently waving in the wind as they flew, they landed in the wild grass hand in hand in hand.

Xie Jie stared open mouthed at the majestic sight.

Leader Luo gave Leader Chu a look, asking with his eyes, ‘should we be holding hands in front of your disciple?’

Squeezing his man’s hand, Leader Chu gave a little nod to the other Leaders who relaxed.

Seeing Leader Chu coming towards them and knowing he would address her formally, the young healer was over come with the urge to tell Xie Jie her name first, she leant in close to his ear and whispered softly, “My name is Wei Yi Min.”

Elated at being trusted with her name, Xie Jie smiled brightly. Knowing with their hearing everyone present had heard her whisper, Wei Yi Min turned back round to greet her Leaders with red ears.

The Leaders walked through the grass to the waiting trio, who bowed respectfully.

“Well met Master Hao, Mistress Wei, Jiejing.” Said Leader Chu formally at first and with a slight blush at the last.

“Well met honoured Leaders.” Hao Kong and Wei Yi Min said in unison.

Smiling sweetly Xie Jie stared at the Leaders, they were so cute holding hands he was utterly distracted and completely failed to say anything. Laughing at his captivated incubus Hao Kong gently elbowed him in the ribs, and he finally said, “Well met honoured Leaders.”

Said honoured Leaders blushed under Xie Jie’s adoring gaze.

Turning to the young healer Leader Chu said, “Disciple Wei thank you for your dedicated help yesterday ushering the people out of the hall until the very end, and for your discretion since then.”

Blushing at the remembered sight of the men around her in the hall, Wei Yi Min bowed again, “It was my honour to help in such a small way, and I have no idea to what Leader Chu refers, I saw nothing I need to keep secret.”

Leader Chu’s eyes curved as he beamed at his disciple, “I knew I could count on you Disciple Wei.”

Pride swelled in Wei Yi Min’s heart and she said, “Thank you for your faith Leader Chu. I can see you have dealings with these fine men, so I shall return to my work.” She bowed again and still bright red with a shy smile walked away down the path.

Impressed Leader Gong said, “Chu Ling you have a fine Disciple there.”

Leader Chu replied with a grin, “Thank you Gong Qiu Yu.”

They both blushed using each others names, and Leader Luo’s eyes softened as he looked at them tenderly.

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