The Good Incubus

Chapter 33 (NSFW) Apology

Chapter 33



Happily in a world of their own, neither Hao Kong nor Xie Jie noticed the young man coming up the path until he was almost at the field.

Hao Kong froze mid thrust, “Someone is coming.”

Xie Jie groaned, he was enjoying himself too much he didn’t want to release his lover.

Raising up off of Xie Jie with a sensual sigh, Hao Kong lamented having to get up. It felt so good to have his incubus deep inside him, now his pain was relieved he wanted to keep going, but the disciple was almost with in sight.

Turning round to his lover, Hao Kong saw the sad longing on Xie Jie’s face, he hadn’t moved at all. His hard wet penis was still poking through his robes as he sat on the grass, he was the picture of a dejected lover. ‘It felt so good in there,’ was written across his face.

Hao Kong smiled at Xie Jie’s sad look, and trying not to blush said, “don’t worry, your naughty snake can go back home again soon.”

Xie Jie’s jaw dropped and the next second he was holding Hao Kong, his hard rod pushing against his thighs as he nuzzled into his chest.

“I love you Hao Kong, please be mine forever.”

Hao Kong smiled lovingly down at his man, “I love you too Xie Jie.”

They turned as one to the person coming up the path. As Hao Kong was already aware it was Zhou Tu, the disciple was badly limping and both his hands were wrapped in bandages.

As Zhou Tu walked into the field Hao Kong finally recognised him, he had met the young disciple many times over the years and had always enjoyed their time together, he couldn’t believe he had been so distracted that he hadn’t recognised him sooner.

Obviously in a lot of pain, Zhou Tu looked up with tired eyes and saw the two lovers.

When Xie Jie saw his face he ran over, “Zhou Tu are you alright?”

Smiling through his pain, Zhou Tu nodded and got straight to the point before he lost his nerve, “Xie Jie I’m sorry, I think I let the love demon have a foothold because I was angry at you.”

“Why were you angry at me?” Asked Xie Jie innocently, then realised and said meekly, “Oh right, I’m sorry, I should never have touched you.” Xie Jie looked at the ground utterly ashamed of himself.

Zhou Tu hurriedly explained, “No its not that, you asked and I agreed fully aware of what I was doing,” blushing slightly he added, “and you said we could stop if I didn’t like it, and I never asked you to stop.”

Relieved, Xie Jie looked up and saw now Zhou Tu looked ashamed, “I was angry because you made me feel so good, and my pride was hurt because I had to be saved by you.”

He couldn’t meet Xie Jie’s eyes as he continued, “My family is very traditional, they are strictly one man with one woman and you are neither a woman nor human.”

Hao Kong protectively put an arm around his man, he was getting angrier by the second. Xie Jie’s head hung low again, tears welling in his eyes, and he wrapped his tail round Hao Kong for comfort.

“What does that matter?” Said Hao Kong through gritted teeth, he was disappointed in the young man he thought highly of.

Zhou Tu raised his hands, “It doesn’t! I don’t agree with my family, that’s one of the reasons I left and came to Snow Mist Peak. But its hard to get rid of things you have been taught by your family since childhood. I only had the briefest of seconds after I climaxed before I fell asleep to understand all my emotions, and I was still unconscious when the love demon possessed me.”

Xie Jie’s look of compassion was like a healing balm to Zhou Tu as he continued, his heart beat a little easier and a lot faster.

“I thought I was having a nightmare, the love demon was praying on all of my fears.”

Tears filled Zhou Tu’s green eyes as he dropped his head in shame. Hating seeing the handsome disciple in so much pain, Xie Jie reached out and stroked his head comfortingly. Zhou Tu looked up into the kind eyes of the young incubus who had saved him and his tears fell freely down his face.

“It was feeding me it’s rage, taking over my body to reach the other people here more strongly, I’m so sorry, I failed to defend myself and the sect. I should of done more, if it wasn’t for my weakness it never could have been that powerful here. The second you touched me the connection was lost and the rage left me. I’m so sorry.”

Glad he had judged Zhou Tu right, Hao Kong felt for the young man who really had been through so much.

Stood between the two handsome cultivators, Xie Jie continued to gently rub Zhou Tu’s head comfortingly and let him tell them what he needed to.

“The first thing I saw when I came round was the look of love for you in Master Hao’s eyes, no one could believe that love is wrong. Then I saw you helping save our entire sect and I understood there is no shame in being helped.” Zhou Tu smiled weakly at Xie Jie and Hao Kong, “so I have come to apologise unreservedly and ask for your forgiveness.”

Zhou Tu began to bend his knees and back, he intended to kneel down in front of the pair. But before he could move, smiling brightly Xie Jie grabbed him into a tight hug. While Hao Kong who was touched by Zhou Tu’s words, gently wiped away his tears with a warm smile.

“If you are no longer angry at me, then there is nothing to forgive. It is a lot for any man to deal with, I’m proud of you for how well you have dealt with it all Zhou Tu.” Said Xie Jie comfortingly.

Blushing deep red, Zhou Tu stood rigidly shocked for a moment, then melted into Xie Jie’s embrace and hugged the shorter man back as best he could with his injuries. “Thank you Xie Jie, I’m eternally grateful I met you.”

Hao Kong laughed, “I wouldn’t say things like that unless you are prepared, you will give him ideas.”

Zhou Tu’s eye brows rose at Hao Kong and he said with a lightly teasing smile, “I’m surprised you can say that so lightly about your lover.”

Hao Kong went bright red again, he was getting aroused looking at Xie Jie in Zhou Tu’s arms and he approved of the young man’s heart.

“I am an incubus,” said Xie Jie coyly, while tightening his tail around Hao Kong’s strong waist, “we usually have big harems.”

Zhou Tu looked at Xie Jie then back at Hao Kong, who looked highly embarrassed but nodded happily.

As a master of magical creatures Hao Kong was well aware incubuses had big harems, not only had he accepted it, he was looking forward to Xie Jie establishing his. Sensually he rubbed his hand along his incubus’s tail with a happy smile and Xie Jie released the nervous breath he had been holding.

His heart thundering in his ears, Zhou Tu tightened his embrace and gave Xie Jie a light kiss on the cheek, “Later when I’ve fully healed I’ll come find you, if you’ll accept me?”

Xie Jie gave him a light kiss back, “you are most welcome with us any time.”

Hao Kong nodded his approval and kissed the cute disciple’s other cheek, tentatively Zhou Tu kissed the beautiful Master’s cheek back. Zhou Tu had never fully admitted it to himself before Xie Jie opened his heart, but he had been deeply attracted to Hao Kong from the first time he saw him. He had lost track of the number of excuses he had used to see the handsome Master over the years.

Hao Kong smiled, he was beginning to see why Xie Jie enjoyed making him blush.

With one last squeeze Zhou Tu released Xie Jie, “I’ll heal as quickly as I can, but I must go now,” he looked ashamed of himself again, “I snuck out of the infirmary and my healer will be worried.”

That said he turned and began to limp back the way he had come.

Hao Kong couldn’t bare to see Zhou Tu in so much pain, it must have been excruciating for him to get up the thin hill path.

Giving Xie Jie a quick peck on the cheek he said, “I’m going to take him back to the infirmary.”

Nodding, Xie Jie smiled at his wonderful gentleman and unwrapped his tail.

Marvelling at how much better his body felt, Hao Kong dashed to the young disciple’s side and with his heart racing gave him another kiss on the cheek, he really hoped Zhou Tu would be part of Xie Jie’s harem, “May I carry you back down?”

A cold sweat had already broken out on Zhou Tu’s forehead from the strain, he looked into Hao Kong’s shining dark eyes with relief, “please.”

Hao Kong carefully lifted the young man up under his legs and around his shoulders. Zhou Tu laid his tired head against Hao Kong’s broad chest and listened to his strong fast heart beat.

As smoothly as he could, Hao Kong ran down the path and up the steps to the infirmary.

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