The Good Incubus

Chapter 24 (NSFW) Second Course

Chapter 24

Second Course


After the last massive wave of energy from Hao Kong’s climax, there were only 8 people outside the shield.

Leaving the raging possessed to the shield Leader Luo and Leader Chu came back inside.

Braking the intimate moment between the two lovers, Leader Luo asked Xie Jie, “why is the possession not breaking on them?”

Lifting his head off of Hao Kong’s heaving chest, Xie Jie looked out the barrier.

The energy he was absorbing from his man cleared his mind, and a thought struck him, “are they older?”

Leader Luo replied, “yes I think they are all over 400, why?”

“The older cultivators get, the more repressed your emotions seem to be. Repressed people are either easier to arouse or much harder. I guess if they are strong enough these 8 will be really hard to release.”

“Leader Gong is older and stronger, yet you released him more easily.” Accused Leader Luo, his worry and feelings of uselessness were making him angry.

Without thinking Xie Jie replied, “Leader Gong loves some one, it made him easier to release.”

Leader Gong blushed and thought, ‘so he did feel it.’

Leader Luo stared open mouthed at Leader Gong.

“Don’t give me that look, it’s not that surprising that I’m in love.” Leader Gong said grumpily.

“I’ve just never seen you get close to anyone in the last 500 years.” Said Leader Luo defensively, he didn’t know why, but it annoyed him that Leader Gong was in love with someone.

“I didn’t want to disrupt his cultivation.” Replied Leader Gong angrily, then gasped and covered his mouth as he heard his words.

There was stunned silence, so it was a man and a cultivator at that.

As the silence stretched, Xie Jie turned his attention joyfully back to Hao Kong, he felt revitalised and ready for his next course.

Lifting his hips he slowly raised off his lover, enjoying the last of Hao Kong’s mostly soft penis inside him.

Moving back Xie Jie knelt between his man’s legs and hesitated, he knew this was a lot for any man to take, he had wanted to work up to this over months, not hours.

Smiling dreamily Hao Kong said, “I hope this next bit is even half as much fun as that.”

“I’ll be as gentle as I can.”

Xie Jie knew he had a gland in his balls, much like in his mouth, that would make this far easier than normal on Hao Kong, but his glands would not fully develop until he had climaxed during sex for the first time. Worried he still hesitated holding his cultivator’s legs.

Feeling his lover’s hesitation Hao Kong said, “I’m much stronger than an average man, don’t worry about hurting me, please guide me so I can pleasure you with my body.”

Xie Jie’s heart thundered in his ears, Hao Kong was willing to do so much for him. He was just about to begin when he remembered what he had been taught, “flip over, it will be easier on you if you are on your knees.”

“But I want to watch you.” Said Hao Kong blushing deep red, no matter how embarrassed he was, he wanted to be honest with Xie Jie about his blossoming kinky nature.

A doting smile full of love spread across Xie Jie’s lips, he wanted to see Hao Kong climax again too.

Placing his man’s legs on his chest Xie Jie wrapped his tail around his cultivator’s powerful beige thighs to keep them in place.

Lifting Hao Kong’s hips, Xie Jie slid his already soaked cock into his valley and pushed gently against his hole, while softly stroking his man’s shaft back awake.

The bulbous end of Xie Jie’s penis felt delightful resistance and he slowly added pressure, while releasing soothing liquid from his glands.

Checking his man’s face he could see a little pain, but Hao Kong smiled at him encouragingly.

A little more pressure, and Hao Kong’s ring loosened to let him in, it was so tight Xie Jie’s mind went instantly blank, and moaning in delight he stopped moving.

Hao Kong misinterpreted Xie Jie’s stopping as hesitation again, his breathing heavy he said, “keep going.”

Hao Kong’s voice brought Xie Jie back to the present and he pushed deeper into his man’s tight but accepting body.

All too soon he reached his full length, Xie Jie had never wanted a bigger penis before, but right now he wanted to go deeper into his lover.

“Are you ready for me to move?” Asked Xie Jie in a hoarse whisper.

This was nothing like Hao Kong had expected, he had been ready for overwhelming pain, he had imagined he would be pulling his body away from his man in agony.

‘It must be his incubus body,’ thought Hao Kong, because it hurt but the pain was fleeting and turned almost instantly to pleasure.

Hao Kong barely heard Xie Jie’s words as his panting that had started as pained, quickly turned into moaning desire that he couldn’t contain.

Xie Jie got his wish; his cock swelled and went deeper at the sound of his lover’s deep sexy voice, he gently pulled back moaning himself.

No longer worried about Hao Kong, who he could see and feel was enjoying himself, Xie Jie concentrated on his new abilities. Releasing more liquid from his glands into his man, he lubricated his soft insides making his hard cock slide smoothly in and out.

Shocked by the sudden pleasure that surged up his spine from behind his abdomen, Hao Kong let out a long low rumbling moan, “Oh my love!”

Losing himself in the sensations and sounds of Hao Kong, Xie Jie slowly pulled out to his tip then thrust back into the hilt, each time he moaned out his delight.

He put as much power as he could into each moan, but it was not helping release those outside and he was quickly running out of energy.

Hao Kong put his hands in his silver hair and arched his back, causing his hips to push down further onto his lover’s crotch; with Xie Jie’s hand still rubbing his shaft it was too much for him to take.

Seeing Hao Kong straining to hold it all in, Xie Jie smiled adoringly, “you can cum as many times as you like while I’m in you my love.”

Having never thought he would be the one being penetrated, Hao Kong’s mind hadn’t caught up with the implications. Now knowing, a relieved smile bloomed over his face, as he let the sensations of his man being deep inside him wash through his mind.

A low guttural moan broke free from his lips and his body trembled in his lover’s hold, as he covered Xie Jie’s hand in his milky liquid.

Xie Jie’s cock was squeezed in pulses by Hao Kong’s muscles that convulsed with his orgasm, making them moan in time as Xie Jie absorbed his lover’s climax energy.

One of the cultivators out side finally came round from the possession.

With a naughty sexy smile, Xie Jie lifted his hand to his mouth and licked his lover’s salty liquid off, all the while continuing to slide in and out of his man.

Hao Kong blushed bright red but didn’t break their gaze, he was really enjoying feeding Xie Jie with his body.

The waves of desire radiating off Xie Jie were too powerful for Hao Kong to withstand, his shaft barely began to soften before it shot back up, his body building in pleasure once again.

Even with Hao Kong’s energy in him, moaning out this much power was draining Xie Jie, so he turned to the Leaders who were waiting to help.

“I need more energy, they are too strong for me to reach.”

The three Leaders moved over to surround the lovers.

“How can we help?” Asked Leader Chu.

Xie Jie looked up at the three willing beautiful faces and wondered, ‘how far can I ask them to go?’

He wanted them all, he wanted one in every part of him and another to play with, but he didn’t think they could handle it.

“I need energy.” He said lamely.

Leader Luo took the initiative, kneeling down he grabbed the back of Xie Jie’s head and gave him a rough passionate kiss.

Qi energy rushed into Xie Jie and sexual delight surged back.

Not prepared for the feed back, Leader Luo was instantly overwhelmed, his powerful body trembled and he climaxed on the spot, his deep moan resonating in Xie Jie’s mouth. As the tall Leader fell backwards he was caught in the strong arms of Leader Gong.

Leader Luo’s energy hit Xie Jie like a mountain; he felt like his mind and body were being ripped apart, he physically felt his horns curving backwards out of his forehead.

Screaming in pain, Xie Jie arched his back pushing his hips deeper into Hao Kong, the amazing feeling of being fully in his man caused his pain to mix with pleasure, making his scream deepen into a moan which released some of his energy into the hall.

In the torrent of power Xie Jie lost control of his reason, driven by his desires he thrust faster and deeper into Hao Kong, forgetting to restrain his strength.

Hao Kong’s body flooded with pleasure that over stimulated his nerves and he climaxed over his lower abdomen with a cry of, “oh Jiejing!”

The loving energy of Hao Kong mixing with Leader Luo’s threatened to overwhelm Xie Jie all over again, causing the young incubus to lose control even more.

Xie Jie’s hips moved faster and faster turning Hao Kong’s bum red with his power, and he cried out with delight at the feel of his lover’s body, “oh Master!”

Held tight in Leader Gong’s arms, Leader Luo mumbled, “It was too much.”

Feeling his fellow Leader’s lack of energy, Leader Gong put their lips together and pushed energy into Leader Luo who deftly accepted it, neither releasing the kiss for a long time.

Leader Chu knelt down behind Xie Jie and slid his hands sensually around his chest, feeling under Hao Kong’s legs he softly pinched and tweaked Xie Jie’s nipples, causing him to moan in delight, releasing some of the energy in his body and helping Xie Jie regain his senses.

Understanding Leader Chu’s plan, and thanking the heavens for the lovely healer’s ability to control his power, Xie Jie focused on the two men pleasuring him.

As he swung his hips back slower, Xie Jie’s bum came in contact with Leader Chu’s pelvis and his massive cock pushed pleasingly into the start of Xie Jie’s valley, this simple touch was almost too much for Leader Chu and he let out a low lusty moan, his deep voice mixing with the lovers cries of passion.

Xie Jie wanted to release Leader Chu’s massive member and plunge it deep into his body, but he could feel it would be too much for the shy Leader to take.

Releasing moan after moan Xie Jie filled the heart of Snow Mist Peak with his energy.

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