The Good Incubus

Chapter 20 Leader Chu

Chapter 20

Leader Chu

Xie Jie turned to Leader Chu, "would you like any help?"

Blushing slightly, Leader Chu replied, “I’m not sure I need help.” He lowered his eyes and taking a deep breath plunged on talking rather fast, "but I would also like instructing by you Master Jiejing."

Some how Xie Jie managed to keep a straight face while his heart was pounding, 'they are all so cute, yet so incredibly sexy.'

Xie Jie nodded and Leader Chu moved in front of him.

About to lean forward a thought occurred to Xie Jie, cupping his hands he bowed deeply, "first I would like to thank you for saving Zhou Tu, I am eternally grateful for your help."

Surprised, Leader Chu asked, "that was you who saved disciple Zhou?"

Xie Jie lowered his eyes ashamed, "I did save him, but because of my incompetence my saving him almost got him killed, if Master hadn't turned up when he did we both would have died trying to get here."

Xie Jie stroked Hao Kong's hand with deep affection and Hao Kong squeezed his hips in return.

"When this is all over you'll have to tell me the full story." Leader Chu said kindly.

Xie Jie smiled, "if possible could you teach me some healing too, I found I was woefully lacking in knowledge when I tried to bandage Zhou Tu."

“It would be my honour to exchange teachings with one as kind as you.” Their eyes met and Leader Chu said softly, “Shall we begin?"

Xie Jie nodded eagerly and leaned forward, Leader Chu smiled shyly back and put his hands on the young man's knees.

Cupping Leader Chu’s large beautiful face Xie Jie moved in, lightly brushing his upper lip then sucking his lower lip as their breath mingled.

Braced for the surge of power this time, Xie Jie was surprised that Leader Chu gave him less power than Hao Kong, and momentarily froze.

Pulling back, Leader Chu asked, "is that not enough energy?"

Xie Jie blinked and wondered, ‘how did he know that I was marvelling at that?’ Out loud he said tactfully, "it is just less than I was expecting."

Leader Chu laughed a deep kind laugh that shook Xie Jie's hands, "I'm a healer, I have to control my strength so I can help people. I could give you my non controlled energy if you like."

Xie Jie pursed his lips in thought, but Hao Kong quickly answered for him, "please Leader Chu that would be too much."

Smiling Xie Jie said, “you don’t need to give me any energy, I just want to keep you safe by arousing you.”

The look of surprised delight on the large Leader’s face made Xie Jie’s heart race and he was not alone.

The burly Leader’s beautiful kind eyes curved with his mouth and he said, "I would like to give you my strength, you saved our disciples and my friends. So I shall slowly raise my power level for you, let me know when it’s as much as you like. And I'll just enjoy more of your teachings."

Smiling shyly again Leader Chu leaned in and sucked softly on Xie Jie’s lips before pushing his tongue slowly inside.

Leader Chu's power increasing was a strange sensation, rather than dwelling on it Xie Jie decided to concentrate on giving him the best kiss he could.

The emotions Xie Jie felt reinforced this desire, Leader Chu had the pure desire to help, he wanted to improve people’s lives. His energy was like chicken soup for the soul, it just made everything seem better.

Caught up in their kiss the pair pulled each others tongues back and forth between their hot wet mouths caressing and sucking as they went, Xie Jie was so distracted by playing with the big Leader’s tongue he almost missed how strong his power had gotten.

The energy flow was far stronger than Leader Gong's when Xie Jie stroked the powerful Healer’s cheek and his energy levelled out.

Xie Jie sighed with delight, he could feel more emotions from Leader Chu now his Qi was so strong.

He was surprised to feel this Leader was also repressing a strong desire for an unknown person, with multiple other desires buried even deeper in his heart.

Xie Jie wondered who the lucky and unlucky people were to be loved by these wonderful but repressed men.

After kissing for much longer than he had kissed either other Leader, there was still no awakening in Leader Chu's robes.

Xie Jie wondered if there was a problem down there, or did Leader Chu just look after himself more?

Pulling back licking Leader Chu's lips on the way, Xie Jie said, "I think we need to go a little further, may I?"

Blushing a beautiful red, Leader Chu nodded, the feel of Xie Jie’s soft wet lips was making him heat up, and the cute look in his eyes was making his heart race.

Gently caressing the beautiful rich brown face in his hands, Xie Jie said, “Let me know if you want to stop at any point.”

Xie Jie had wanted to see under the burly Leader's robes since he had laid eyes on him, so was delighted at this opportunity, but he didn’t want to do more than the beautiful man was comfortable with.

Slowly he slid his hands down Leader Chu's neck and deftly into his robes, pulling them open at the top, then leaned in to recapture his soft brown lips.

While moving his hands around Leader Chu's bulging chest muscles, Xie Jie found he had succeeded in arousing some one, it just wasn't Leader Chu.

Hao Kong's man hood was trying it's best to push through his robes and into his incubus’s valley, the feeling was electrifying, making Xie Jie moan gently into Leader Chu’s mouth.

At the same time he found what he was feeling for.

With his thumbs and forefingers Xie Jie rubbed and squeezed Leader Chu's pert brown nipples, sending pleasure surging round the sexy Leader’s body.

The sensual sensation overwhelmed Leader Chu, who moaned into Xie Jie's mouth and gripped his knees.

The face's of all the other men fell as Leader Chu's tower rose up.

As Xie Jie leaned back his eyes drifted down Leader Chu's toned brown chest, past the v of his robes to the marquee that had formed in his lap and his mouth started to water, 'wow!'

Blushing deep red as all eyes were clearly looking at his lower half, Leader Chu tried to cover it with his large hands but they were too small. He looked up from Xie Jie's face, too embarrassed to see the hungry look in his eyes and his hands fell away.

"Jiejing I think your horns have begun growing."

Everyone's eyes shifted up to Xie Jie's head, there in his thick black hair were two small white nubs.

"No they can't be, I've not even…" Xie Jie blushed, it was so embarrassing for an incubus to be a virgin, so he changed tacks, "it takes years and many sexual partners to get enough energy to grow your horns."

Leader Chu smiled softly at Xie Jie, "or 4 very strong cultivators giving you as much energy as you can handle."

A huge smile bloomed across Xie Jie's face and tears of joy welled up at the corners of his eyes as he thought, 'if I can just burst my cherry, I might manage to make it to full adulthood with out taking a life.

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