The Good Incubus

Chapter 14 Love Demon?

Chapter 14

Love Demon?

"Master Hao have you any information about what is afflicting these villagers?" Asked Leader Luo, as straight to the point as ever.

"Honourable Leader Luo a Love demon has possessed them."

Leader Gong looked up from his scrolls, "what does a Love demon do? The name seems like it could be misleading."

Hao Kong turned to Xie Jie, "Jiejing please explain all you know."

Xie Jie was surprised by the name, but then it made sense there were lots of high level cultivators here. With a sad shock Xie Jie realised he never told Hao Kong his real name, he wanted to tell him as soon as they were alone.

"Yes Master."

The two Leaders raised their eye brows, their look to each other saying, ‘who was this young man who called Hao Kong Master?’

"A love demon possesses a person's mind and whispers sweet little nothings into their subconscious, then feeds off of the sensation of love the person feels."

Leader Luo replied, "that doesn't sound too bad."

"For the victim it is, the demon feeds off them till they die. An average person loses the desire to do anything but listen to the demon, just standing around in a dazed state, not even eating or drinking.”

The Leaders’ eyes drifted up to the dreamy eyed people round the hall and they nodded as Xie Jie spoke.

“If the person is strong they can continue with their lives unaware, while the demon slowly drains them via their subconscious, they too will eventually die if the demon isn't expelled."

"How can the demon be expelled?" Asked Leader Luo getting more animated.

Knowing what was coming Hao Kong went red in advance.

Xie Jie said simply, "You have to arouse them sexually."

The two men on the dais went bright red and started coughing.

Hao Kong laughed internally and reflected, on the whole cultivators really are a very reserved lot, and dealing with Xie Jie's unabashed sexuality really was shocking.

"Is there anything else you know?" Leader Luo said between coughs.

Xie Jie thought hard, it had been years since he learnt about love demons, “the last thing I remember doesn’t seem that relevant.”

Regaining his composure Leader Gong said encouragingly, “Anything could be useful.”

“They never go for anyone young, teenagers get horny to easily and a child's love is too pure. That's everything I can think of."

Leader Luo asked, "how do you know all this? Master Hao is he a reliable source?"

Without hesitation Hao Kong answered, "Jiejing is very reliable."

Xie Jie's heart took flight, Hao Kong trusted him. Trying to keep a straight face he cupped his hands and bowed solemnly to Hao Kong, "thank you for your trust Master."

This sent Hao Kong's heart racing at the same speed, he itched to hug Xie Jie, hold him, kiss him, 'no stop these thoughts.' Hao Kong schooled himself.

Leader Gong pushed again, "but how do you know all this?”

The pair both hesitated. Before they could come up with a good excuse Leader Gong followed up with, "Why are you wearing Master Hao’s ancient artefact that is binding you? What are you?"

Xie Jie shifted around under Leader Gong's sharp eyes, he looked to Hao Kong but found little comfort in his panicked face.

"How do we know Jiejing isn't the one controlling these people and Master Hao, and he came up with this story of a love demon to cover it up?" Accused Leader Gong.

Hearing the tone in Leader Gong’s voice, Leader Chu turned round to look at the pair.

From his angle and with Xie Jie's shifting he could see what the others couldn't, and not knowing the implications of what he was doing said, "He's not a love demon, he's a young incubus I…"

The word incubus had hardly left the big Healer’s lips when all but Leader Chu and Leader Luo stopped dead, their eyes went blank then everyone rushed at Xie Jie in a murderous rage.

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