The Good Incubus

Chapter 101 (NSFW) All Over The Peak

Chapter 101

All Over The Peak


‘Aw this is a nicer way to wake up.’ Xie Jie thought as he felt his favourite pillow below him, he snuggled onto Hao Kong’s leg, loving the feel of his husband.

Going stiff then relaxing, Hao Kong gently caressed his incubus’s soft hair as he asked, “are you awake now my love? Would you like some breakfast?”

Confused Xie Jie replied sleepily, “I don’t eat food?”

Blushing Hao Kong replied sensually, “I’ve been cultivating all this time so I can be your breakfast, won’t you have even a taste?”

Full of passion and love, Xie Jie pounced on his man kissing his lips and sliding his hands into his robes.

Hao Kong happily let his incubus untie his belt, all the while kissing him back and enjoying the feel of his lover’s sensual hands all over his body.

Fully awake after a brief taste of his husband’s energy, Xie Jie pulled back vaguely remembering his dream and the looks of concern on his men’s faces.

He saw they were alone in Hao Kong’s hut and asked, “what happened, where are the others? How come we are back here?”

Smiling sweetly, Hao Kong replied, “the wondrous Duns’ explained what happened, and we decided we should get back to our usual routines around the sect, so we are less conspicuous.”

Gently hugging his man absent-mindedly, Hao Kong continued, “So after sending messages to the other sects about their released disciples; Luo Bai and Gong Qiu Yu are teaching, Chu Ling has gone to check on all the injured, and Zhou Tu is being evaluated due to his change in power.”

Hao Kong’s hands migrated to Xie Jie’s head and he stroked down the length of his long dark hair as he spoke, “I think Gong Qiu Yu is going to try to take over Zhou Tu’s his training personally, but he doesn’t want to arouse suspicion of our relationship by being too eager.”

Xie Jie was excited, he really wanted to see his men at work, but he was alone with his husband for the first time in too long; the latter won out.

Sliding his hands back into Hao Kong’s loose robes, Xie Jie pulled the fabric down to the floor behind his man’s toned brown bum.

Wrapping his tail around his lover’s smooth waist, Xie Jie kissed Hao Kong passionately, their lips and tongues moving seamlessly together. Love flowed in to Xie Jie with Hao Kong’s warm energy, it was all the sweeter for it’s familiar feel, his heart raced as he delved a little deeper into his lover’s mouth.

Hao Kong let all his worries fade away as he kissed his husband, he shifted from his cross legged position, and leaning back pulled his man gently down onto his chest, his robes falling fully away.

Feeling Xie Jie’s hard shaft push into his stomach, Hao Kong smiled round his incubus’s tongue, his own cock standing strong in between Xie Jie’s naked thighs.

Pulling his head gently back, Hao Kong asked, “how would you like to enjoy me this morning my love?”

With a coy smile Xie Jie replied, “I’m more interested to see how you want me, my kinky man.”

Hao Kong blushed, he was not feeling kinky right now, “I passionately want to make gentle love to you my dear sweet husband.”

“I am yours to make love to as you please my beloved Master.”

Smiling at the familiar nickname, Hao Kong rolled over onto his side while turning Xie Jie round in his arms and kissed his cheek then on down the back of his neck.

Already breathing heavily he whispered, “I love you Xie Jie.”

Gently sliding his hard cock up to his man’s lusty hole, Hao Kong softly pushed in and they both sighed with delight, their bodies felt so right together.

“I love you too Hao Kong.” Whispered Xie Jie, as he snuggled against his man’s warm chest.

Kissing the top of his lover’s head, careful to avoid his horns, Hao Kong slowly thrust back and forth in long smooth movements, enjoying the feel and smell of his man cuddled in his arms, their hearts beating as one.

Unbeknown to the happy lovers, their feelings of bliss were transferring through their marks to their men across the peak.


On the other side of the sect, sat at the front of a large wooden hall full of core development level disciples, Gong Qiu Yu’s eyes kept drifting to the vacant table where Zhou Tu normally sat.

Trying to not think about how his young lover was getting on, he focused on the lesson at hand, “while hardening your outer core pay s..p..e..c..i..a..l attention to your inner Dantian, don’t let y..o..u..r.. energy become unstable during the process.”

Gong Qiu Yu could feel the lust and desire flow into him through his open mark, he was heating up fast, he wanted nothing more than to leave and join his lovers.

Fighting hard against his arousal he focused back to the class in front of him.

The lusty scholar was eternally grateful of the writing desk covering everyone’s view of his crotch, and that these were all older students.

Some dirty part of his mind was greatly enjoying the feeling of being this aroused while talking about one of his favourite topics, cultivating, he just wished he was only teaching Zhou Tu.


Out on the main practice field, Luo Bai was sparring with a group of advanced disciples.

Surrounded by ten men and women he said, “you need to feel each others intent and work together, if you can’t f..e..e..l.. the direction your partners are going to move, you won’t be a..b..l..e.. attack as a group... excuse me one second.”

Luo Bai felt his arousal and knew there was no way his students wouldn’t see it.

At a speed too fast for his disciples to follow, he dashed into the small weapons building next to them, and taking a spare belt from his spatial sleeve, he tied his now rock hard penis to his thigh.

He couldn’t fail his responsibility to his students, so with his manhood secure he returned to his training, a spring in his step, as he enjoyed every moment of sparring while feeling his men enjoying each other.


Having spent the last few hours checking on the injured, Chu Ling was being examined by his succeeding disciple.

After much badgering, Master Fen had persuaded his Leader to drop the top of his robes and allow him to check the progress of his healing ribs and other internal injuries.

Master Fen was everything you would expect a Master Healer to be, tall slender and serious. His skilled black hands had long dextrous fingers that were perfect for examining the body, he was infinitely patient and calm in a crisis, and his quick bright eyes missed nothing.

The moment it was revealed, Master Fen had tried to investigate the mark on his Leader’s shoulder, and it had taken Chu Ling a long time to persuade his disciple that the open mark was of no concern.

Finally he had resorted to promising he would explain about it at a later time.

Chu Ling had always felt pride and adoration every time they were together, it was why he hadn’t liked the idea of being exposed in front of his top healer.

Since Xie Jie had opened his heart, Chu Ling understood his feelings towards his favourite Master Healer were not as pure in nature as he had previously thought.

Master Fen was desperately trying to keep his mind professional, he had long had a huge crush on Leader Chu. Now seeing his beautiful brown body on display, after the effect of the young incubus’s sexual energy field, he was struggling to keep his amorous feelings to himself.

For hundreds of years he had admired and loved Leader Chu from by his side, yet kept his feelings hidden. But now he found he was having strange desires to touch his Leader in ways he had never thought of touching him before.

His hands were itching to caress his Leader’s bulging chest muscles, he licked his full black lips that wanted to lick Leader Chu’s dark brown nipples, and swallowed his lust as best he could.

Taking hold of Leader Chu’s wrist, Master Fen carefully sent his energy through his Leader’s system to examine his healing wounds, when the overwhelming sensation of love and lust flowed into Leader Chu’s body through his mark.

In an instant Chu Ling’s free hand was pushing down on his rising crotch as his face flushed bright red. His worry was in vain, because Master Fen took hold of his other hand, put it to his luscious full lips and gave the smooth brown skin a feather light kiss.

Looking into Chu Ling’s dark eyes, Master Fen said, “my dearest Leader Chu, I have loved you for more than two hundred years, I don’t expect anything from you in return but I just needed you to know.”

His heart pounding in his chest, Chu Ling took Master Fen’s hands in his, and while finding it hard to resist kissing him he said, “my dear Master Fen I have deep f..e..e..l..i..n..g..s.. for you too, but my love life is... complicated.”

Looking down at their hands, Master Fen said sadly, “it’s because of Leader Luo, isn’t it?”

His eyes going wide Chu Ling blushed, “you know about my love for Leader Luo?”

“My dearest Leader Chu, I have loved you from afar for a long time, there is little I haven’t noticed.”

With a self deprecating laugh Chu Ling replied, “you m..i..g..h..t.. be shocked by what you see going forward. I hope you can still respect me when you know.”

Dropping his sad eyes, Master Fen said, “you realised you love Leader Gong as well?”

Truly shocked Chu Ling lifted his disciple’s beautiful face, and looking him straight in the eyes asked, “if you know I love both of them, how do you not know I love you too?”

His heart thundering in his ears, Master Fen’s mouth fell open, “you love me too?”

“Yes... but it is complicated, I’m really sorry I have to go.”

Straightening his robes, Chu Ling gave the startled Master Fen a soft peck on the cheek and vanished.

A stunned smile curved Master Fen’s lips, as his fingers lightly brushed over his cheek, his fingers trembled as they caressed where those soft lips had touched. Left with more questions than answers, he didn’t care, because there was a place in Leader Chu’s heart for him.


Zhou Tu had just thanked the Masters who had evaluated him and was leaving the great hall, when he felt his lovers’ lust wash over him.

Running as fast as he could, he made it to just past the guards outside the court yard when his lower half stood up.

Dashing between the buildings in front of him he raced towards the disciples quarters, he ran down the back alley to the next path, while carefully hiding in the shadows.

However he was careless in his haste to cross to the next alley, just as he left the cover of one building he saw people coming round the corner of the building beside him and another group in front.

Unsure what to do due to being very distracted, Zhou Tu tried to find cover but he knew it was futile, there was no where to hide, and in his current state he couldn’t scale the sheer walls, he would be imminently discovered.

Just as he was beginning to panic, the world blurred around him and Zhou Tu felt strong arms holding under his knees and around his shoulders.

Looking up he saw Chu Ling’s strong jaw and his heart raced that his man had come to rescue him. A soft sigh left Zhou Tu’s lips and he closed his eyes and dropped his head on his man’s solid chest, listening to his steadily beating heart.

Moments later stood in the field outside Hao Kong’s hut, Chu Ling looked lovingly down at Zhou Tu in his arms, he wondered at what point he should tell his cute disciple they were here.

Realising this was the first time they had been fully alone since becoming lovers, Chu Ling gently hugged the young man to his chest and enjoyed the feel of his Qi flow.

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