The Godfather of Basketball

v2 Chapter 832 - Cross Your Mountain 2. Zero (Four / Four!)

The game entered the second quarter, and both sides began to enter the key bench transition.

On the side of the Nets, Murray, Mitchell, Kuzma and Yi Jianlian played together. On the side of the 76ers, Fultz, Korver, Covington and Gortat also came on the bench.

Mitchell came up with a breakthrough assist and Yi Jianlian dunked.

But coming back, Fultz also sent the ball to the basket after confronting Murray.

As the champion champion, Fultz suffered from injuries last year. After recovering this year, he finally made some proofs for himself.

Mitchell broke through Korver, staged a difficult aerial turn and picked a basket to score.

Fulz’s tough layup over there also caused Kuzma’s defensive foul.

This paragraph on both sides is a talent showdown.

In the duel, the scores rose alternately. As in the first quarter, the two sides once again became deadlocked.

Both teams wanted to open the score, but the opposite side always bite the difference.

When the three quarters were finished and the score was 90 to 90, the two sides were on the same starting line again.

Both sides of the bench join the rotation.

This time Mitchell showed his scoring ability at the All-Star level. After playing, he continued to shoot inside and out, and he was still very easy after being double-teamed. Several assists were just right. The 76ers’ bench in a wave of climax was a bit stingy .

Learn to organize and pass, and this is Mitchell’s biggest improvement this season.

In contrast, Fultz’s performance appeared to be ups and downs. After the Nets adjusted his tactics to double-team him, he failed to score several consecutive times.

He still has a long way to go.

After playing for more than 4 minutes in the fourth quarter, the Nets led Mitchell to a double-digit margin.

The 76ers coach Brett Brown reached for a timeout.

After returning from the timeout, Brown replaced all the main players in the game. This is the time to decide ahead of time.

Tang Tian also followed the main force.

This time the Nets opened the gap, as long as it finally stabilizes, this game can be successfully closed.

“Defend! Defend!”

The fans at the scene are also undiminished, and the unanimous shouting at this moment is still deafening.

The Nets’ team members slammed in a shout, preventing the 76ers from making a 24-second violation.

On the offensive end, Irving welcomed Simmons with a full-fledged turn and made a back-up jumper.

With a 12-point difference, the Nets’ first victory in the series is close at hand.

“Defend! Defend!”

The scene was impressive, and the 76ers seemed to be carrying New York City on their shoulders.

James received George’s backcourt and played back George, Owen directly contracted the team, James assigned to Simmons.

Simmons was vented from the outside and Irving returned to defend.

“Vote!” James shouted at this time.

Simmons shot at the basket.


The ball bounced high.

A 33% shooting rate is not enough to guarantee a consistent shooting rate, let alone a super critical moment like this.

Embiid and Jokic stuck to each other at the basket.

But at this moment a figure rushed in from the right wing.

It’s James!

He turned away from George and jumped up, grabbed the offensive rebound and directly put the ball into the hoop.

This ball directly suppressed the cheers of the fans at the scene.

35-year-old James is still a ruthless person.

The morale of this team’s 76ers team has also improved a lot. Irving missed a three-pointer. George rushed for a layup from the frontcourt and was taken directly by James.

The 76ers made a fast break and Simmons scored the ball against Butler, which also caused the latter to foul.

After hitting a penalty, the 76ers chased 5 points in a row, bringing the difference to 7 points.

Tang Tian stood up from the bench. This difference was a bit dangerous.

The offense in the frontcourt of the Nets, George ran a three-pointer in the frontcourt, Jokic threw a pass and he quickly received the ball.

James forced Anthony over to interfere.

George’s shot was fast and James’ interference was slower.

However, I don’t know if it was a little shadow before. The ball was obviously short after the shot. The frame was not touched without touching it.

There was an uproar at the scene.

The 76ers fought back, and James made a foul as George pulled back.

Tang Tian reached out and called for a pause.

He didn’t arrange the tactics, and directly pulled George to speak: “George, wake up! Look around you, this is the Eastern Conference finals! Look at your opponent, LeBron! Have you forgotten your goal?”

His volume was not too low, he just split his head and covered his face, and George nodded, not sure if he heard it.

Seeing this reaction, Tang Tian pulled him directly, then pointed at James on the other side of the court, continued to raise the volume and said, “Look at him, LeBron James, 6 feet 8 inches, 250 pounds, You ’ve been pressing the league ’s No. 1 small forward before. Are you afraid of him? ”

George shook his head.

“Yes, you are not afraid of him. He is a 35-year-old veteran. He has almost played the entire game, but he is still a big mountain, a big mountain that blocks you further, and uses every muscle in your body to fight him. Use all your concentration to compete with him, cross him! Cross your mountains! “

After Tang Tian said it, George’s eyes changed noticeably ~ ~ Nodded vigorously.

The cruelty of the NBA is that no one is always at its peak. Even Michael Jordan, after his second comeback, has been used by teammates as various background boards. James is 35 years old and so strong indeed, but what George has to do It is to use such a James as a background board.

Only in this way can we go further as Tang Tian said.

After the timeout, James made two free throws, and the 76ers pushed the difference to 5 points.

Irving pushed the ball to the frontcourt. After his teammates pulled away, he directly gave the ball to George on the right.

George held the ball and faced James, which was ready to be aggressive.

There was a turmoil at the scene, and the Nets’ tactical layout was obviously wrong. It is very unlikely that James will succeed in such a hard way!

Sure enough, George’s continuous change of direction after holding the ball was unsuccessful, and in the end he could only choose to lean back.

James struggled to interfere.

Embiid was pressing Jokic to get the defensive rebound.

George ducked in the air to avoid James’ shot.


This ball turned out to be hollow!

There was a meal at the scene, followed by a burst of cheers and whistles.

Tang Tian shook his fist consciously.

Singles James must be difficult for George, but as he said when he paused, this mountain must be crossed.

Aside from being able to move forward without saying anything, the first thing George needs is courage.

Judging from the results, George’s shot indicates that he has at least adjusted his mentality.

Just thinking, George’s throw after James squeezed Anthony was directly assisted by George, and he flew out of the field!

One attack and one defense, George returned everything before the timeout!

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