The Godfather of Basketball

Chapter 57 - 3 points king

Novak got the highest score. This was nobody expected before the game. This is the dark horse that Wan Jun killed from it. It is quite eye-catching!

Nowak and McGrady hit his chest in excitement when off, Tang Tian also gave him a thumbs up.

Nuo Tianwang, who played the finale, is under great pressure. Although he is the defending champion, he only scored 18 points last year.

Fortunately, King of Heaven is King of Heaven after all. In the cheers of the audience, he withstood the pressure and scored a high score of 20 points.

In this way, the pre-match champion, Capone, was eliminated in the first round, while Novak joined hands with Arenas and King of Heaven to advance to the second round final.

Against two league superstars, this is no small pressure for Novak.

顺序 The order of appearances in the finals is played backwards based on the preliminary results. The first player to play is Nowitzki, who has just finished.

Nowitzki scored 20 points in the preliminaries. The feel was quite good. In the finals, he was the first one. He played even better. He scored 21 points in 5 points, higher than the preliminaries!

There was cheering at the scene. If this King of Heaven succeeded in defending his title, he could equalize Larry Bird and become the second defending big man.

The performance of King Nono gave Arenas a lot of pressure, but the general showed his consistent resistance and still scored 18 points. Although he missed the championship, he also cheered the fans.

The last player to appear was Novak. As the dark horse in this tournament, his pressure was also the greatest. When Arisner finished shooting, he couldn’t control the company and took several deep breaths.

Tang Tangtian reached out and patted his shoulder at this time.

Nowak looked back at Tang Tian’s calm eyes, his nervousness calmed down a lot.

“Go, take the champion that belongs to you.” Tang Tian said lightly.

Novak nodded heavily, then jumped up from his seat.

The last player, everyone’s attention is focused on him.

Jon Novak walked to the first shooting point, with both hands directly above the basketball.


With a whistle on the sidelines, Novak started his performance.

First point.

Hit the first goal and score.

Hit the second ball and score.

The third goal, also score!

The fourth goal, still score!

The scene was uncontrollable and agitated.

Fifth flower ball, Novak stabilized his shot.


I still come!

The first point scored all five goals!

Perfect start!

Someone can’t help whistling.

Jon Novak ran to the second point and looked back at Tang Tian as he ran.

He waited to see Tang Tian’s calm eyes, and his self-confidence was even better.

Second point, he still scored 4 goals!

The third point, he feels slightly down, but also scored 3 goals! The last flower ball also entered!

After 3 points, his score has reached 15 points!

On the fourth point, Novak obviously deliberately slowed down the rhythm, this time 5 goals and 4 goals again! Including the last flower ball!

In the case that there is still no point to vote, his score has reached 20 points!

As long as two more goals are scored, he will become the new three-point king, and if all are scored, he will set a new record in the three-point contest!

Everyone was holding their breath at this time, even if they were excited, the fans were still silent.

When it is possible to witness history, no one wants to destroy this possibility.

Jon Novak came to the last point and he picked up the first ball.

Bend your knees, straight arms, get up, raise your wrists, and shoot.

The standard shooting posture was achieved in one go, after the basketball crossed a perfect parabola in the air.


The ball hit the net, the first ball, score!


Second goal, also score!

The three-point king has already arrived.

The third goal, also score!

四个 Fourth goal, also score!

Novak picked up the last ball, and a lot of spectators stood up at the scene.

History may be close at hand.

At this time, Swift was also nervously grasping Tang Tian’s hand.

Jon Novak made his last goal.

Now Novak used a jumper at this time, and he was already shooting by instinct at this time.

After the basketball flew out of his hand, he swept through an arc in the air, and kept approaching the basket.

The fans’ eyes stared at the basketball in the air.

The ball was spinning, falling, and finally came to the top of the basket.


There was a crisp sound.

Novak’s last flower ball, too!

“26 points! A new three-pointer record has been made!” Commented Mike Brin of the commentary loudly.


With the continuous sound of Brin, there was an explosion of cheers at the scene.

The front row of McGrady, Kobe, Carter and Iverson all stood up from their seats instantly, yelling excitedly at Novak on the court.

The audience saw it as a stimulus, and now they not only saw the stimulus, but also witnessed the history.

Novak himself was also excited and called several times in situ, then went to the sidelines and clapped the superstars one by one ~ ~ Tang Tian also stood up and applauded for his disciples.

Saw Novak saw Tang Tian get up, ran over and hugged his coach across the seat.

谢谢 “Thank you, coach.” Novak said excitedly.

“Good job.” Tang Tian smiled and patted Novak’s back.

球迷 The cheers of the fans on the scene are endless. Many reporters have gathered to the sidelines to take various snapshots of Novak. The scene where he embraced the coach was shot more than ten times by reporters.

The three-point championship is of little importance, but for a role player, this is one of the most likely championship trophies they can get.

At the moment when Novak held the trophy, his face was full of excitement and excitement.

This is the most memorable night of his career.

之后 After the three-pointer contest, it is followed by a dunk contest.

Last year’s dunk king Robinson continued to play, but in the end, the second-year student from the Boston Celtics, Gerald Green, known as “Meddy II”, dunked with a big windmill that leaps into a large box , Defeated Robinson and won the dunk contest.

Because there were no players of his own, Tang Tian was not shocked when he watched the dunk contest, but Swift was excited all the way. Tang Tian felt that her arms were almost torn off by her.

Wait until the dunk contest ends, all games on the day of the All-Star Game come to an end.

Tsz Swift was still a little bit interested, but Tang Tian pulled her back and sent her back to the hotel.

Tomorrow is the All-Star game. Although these stars need no training in the All-Star Game, he also has to make some preparations with Xibodu for tomorrow’s tactics.

And Swift is going to open his voice tomorrow, and she must let her rest early.

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