The Godfather of Basketball

Chapter 3 - Changing prejudice with strength

Tangtian didn’t care, he wasn’t prepared to rely on the relationship.

等 “Wait for your good news.” After talking a few words, McGrady patted Tang Tian’s chest and walked away.

Tangtian entered the Toyota Center.

The interview was conducted in the head coach office of Van Gundy. There were only 6 people in the interview plus Tang Tian.

The Rockets are among the strongest players in the west, but the previous assistant coach just took the lead and Van Gundy is also handsome and unstable. Everyone can see that this is a fire, and not many people dare to jump in.

However, Tang Tian still found two old acquaintances inside.

西 Paul Silas, a 60-year-old coach, has been a head coach for the Hornets and the Cavaliers for a long time, and was just fired by the Cavaliers last season.

锡 Tom Thibodeau, a well-known head coach of the NBA in the future, is still the Rockets’ assistant coach, and was an assistant coach in charge of player development.

With two big bosses, the challenge of this interview is not small.

Seeing the appearance of Tang Tian, ​​including Xibodu, five people cast special attention on him.

Obviously, it is quite strange for a young yellow man to appear on such an occasion.

“Paul Hilas, Tom, Don … Hao, you can go in.” A staff member came out and shouted, and when he saw Tang Tian, ​​his expression was also apparently frowned.

Hilas and Xibodu almost looked at each other. Tang Tian, ​​the yellow race, was obviously cannon fodder, and the two of them seemed to be in direct dialogue.

The other three coaches were also very surprised. They thought Tang Tian was a staff member before.

Tangtian didn’t care about these people’s eyes, followed Xibodu into the office.

After seeing them in, Van Gundy motioned to sit down.

“I have already read your resume.” Van Gundy said a glance at Hillas and Thibodeau, and ignored Tang Tian automatically, and saw that he did not have any expectations of Tang Tian.

“Today’s interview is mainly about two questions. The first question is how the Rockets should play next season.” Van Gundy went straight to the topic.

甘 Van Gundy himself is an excellent defensive coach. His first assistant coach, of course, is good at attacking if possible.

“I think it should be appropriate to reduce McGrady’s playing time. His back injury is too serious. If possible, using him to trade other All-Star players is also a good choice.” Chiras said.

“Cough!” Van Gundy coughed, and almost spit out old blood.

He wanted to reduce McGrady’s playing time, but without the McGrady Rockets, he couldn’t win the ball. As for the trade, how can an All-Star who has just suffered a serious injury, how can it be replaced by others.

希 Heilas said a lot of nonsense, and the text was not right, Van Gundy’s goodwill for him disappeared for a moment.

接着 He then looked at Sibodu.

“I think it’s important to add weight to Yao Ming, increase his lethality and shots in the low post, which will greatly help the team’s offense.” Xibodu went on to say that as the old man of the Rockets, he is most familiar with the team .

Van Gundy nodded with satisfaction. This is Yao Ming’s fourth season. He has shown the potential of the first center. It is time to add some of his tactical status. This will also help McGrady share some defensive pressure. Xibodu He thinks about what he thinks.

“Tang Tian, ​​do you have any opinion?” Van Gundy finally looked at Tang Tian and said lightly, if it was not for McGrady that he repeatedly stressed that this was his brother, he would not even have the desire to ask.

“I think Coach Thibodeau makes a lot of sense, adding Yao Ming’s tactical status and reducing McGrady’s offensive pressure.”

After listening to Tang Tian’s first sentence, Van Gundy nodded, although he only said some consonant words, but at least he knew how to judge.

“But …”

However, what surprised Van Gundy and Xibodu next was that Tang Tian had a turn.

“I don’t think adding weight to Yao Ming is a suitable choice.”

“Is there anything wrong with this?” Xibodu was suddenly unhappy.

Van Gundy also frowned at Tang Tian, ​​knowing that he and Xibodu had similar thoughts.

“Yao Ming’s height is placed there. Gaining weight can easily lead to his knee injury. We just experienced losing McGrady last season and can no longer afford the risk of losing Yao Ming.” Tang Tian said, he remembers Zhong Fangandi added weight to Yao Ming. Although he grew rapidly, the result was that his knees couldn’t bear it. UU reading www.uukanshu. COM is one of the important reasons for Yao Ming’s early retirement.

After Tang Tian said, Van Gundy frowned even deeper, which is indeed a big hidden danger.

那 “Do you have a better way?” Sibodu continued, who wouldn’t just ask questions.

“Yes.” What surprised Xibodu was that Tang Tian answered very simply.

Fan Gandi also looked forward to Tang Tian at this time. He had no hope before, but if Tang Tian could really make some useful suggestions, his thoughts would change accordingly.

“Increasing tactical status is not only a matter of gaining weight. We can make Yao Ming appear at the free throw line to cope. His mid-range distance and ability to respond to the ball has been reflected in the past few seasons, and he also A breakthrough attack can be launched from the free throw line, and his steps can support him to accomplish this. “

Van Gundy has a good idea after listening.

“This offensive is far less efficient than the low post,” Thibodeau countered.

“This is not necessarily.” Tang Tian was not stage frightened at all.

“If you want the ball in the low post, let’s not say if the defender can hand it in the first time, that is, I have to pass it in. The defensive pressure encountered is also very strong, the defense, double team, and even a small steal, and there is just what I just did. As I said, this will greatly increase Yao Ming’s injury risk. I don’t object to the need for melee in the post, but if the whole game is melee in the post … And the last point, Yao Ming is too deep, and his retreat will become a Big question. “

Tang Tian talked eloquently. After Xibodu heard it, he didn’t know how to refute it, and Van Gundy had his eyes widened.

This remark by Tang Tian completely changed his prejudice.

It seems that Maddie is not bragging. The yellow man in front of him is indeed a very good coach.

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