The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 30 – Bristling Like A Hedgehog


"They're nervous." Lena said as the group returned. Both Nadya and Nuri walked up to the gate, while Rachel returned to Haven. Sol grinned.

"They were attached to you like a second skin in the Winter, but they've been away for a few days. Their insecurity is eating them alive." Sol said, and sighed.

"Their insecurities? I'm still human!" Lena growled. "My Kyrie has protected me from perverts, poison, and schemes. She's watched over me from five years of age, and that bastard was still able to take my innocence!" The temple rumbled. "Now I have wonderful guards, shadows that desire my touch, Others that hunger for my teeth, and I have to organize a temple, as well as figure out how to get entire tribes submit!"

"Empress..." Sol started.

"Not only that, the two who stayed by my side while I slept only did so because I somehow reached in and hooked their cores! I punished them horribly while they were away from me, and now they are scared to be near me!" Lena made the temple rumble again, but she calmed down and lowered her eyes. "I'm not yet eighteen, and I somehow have to strengthen the hearts of two women who cannot die, are over a thousand years old, but they are scared of me."

'My poor sisters. Do you have any idea of what your false views of yourselves has done?' Sol silently lamented.

"You'll need to take them to the grove a few times, Sol." Lena said quietly. "I interrupted their fun last time, even though I was asleep and couldn't stop that hook from pulling them back." She sighed. "They're hesitating at the door. Go get them." Sol stood up.

"I wonder who you will choose to devour." Sol said. When she left the room, Lena smiled.

"Kyrie." A few seconds later, the goddess sat on the bed beside her.

"Have you decided who you want to eat first?" Kyrie asked and ran her fingers through Lena's hair. Lena murmured softly.

"We're going to eat them together. Nadya is mine because she was first in the bed. When they recover, I want us to eat them again, but I will eat Nuri." She said, and shivered. "But why do I feel like I need to eat Nuri first?" Kyrie grinned.

"Because she needs to be first. Nadya was already first. She was in the bed first. You should eat Nuri first this time." Kyrie said. Lena slowly nodded, then looked at her.

"They will be our pillows in Winter. In Haven, while I sleep, and you accompany me, they will keep us warm." Lena said.

"I know." Kyrie smiled as sweetly as she could, but it appeared to be a little bit smug. She couldn't smile with her teeth revealed or it would look fierce. "I never thought about using my people as pillows and blankets. Do you enjoy it?"

"Silly question. They are your beloved people, and you eat them. Do you enjoy it?" Lena asked, a stiff smile on her face. Kyrie chuckled.

"You're bristling like a hedgehog." She leaned in and lightly kissed her cheek. "Of course I enjoy it. I enjoy the sensations they send me while I devour them. I can read their hearts as I bite them lovingly. That's why I eat my people. To hear them moan." Lena slowly nodded.

"Yeah. I like their moans."


* * *


Nuri and Nadya entered the bedroom, but they were trembling. Lena frowned slightly.

"Come here." She said, and she sounded angry. Nuri and Nadya came over, but when she went to touch their skin, they both flinched. Lena drew back her hand.

"Send them to the grove." Lena said firmly. They both looked up at her in surprise. Kyrie shook her head and rolled her eyes, though they couldn't see it due to the solid colored eyes.

"Sol, take them to Haven, and get them to participate in the things our people participate in. The bar has been destroyed already, and the last remaining members who hung onto that way of life are in the dungeon." Kyrie said and pursed her lips. "I am disappointed in you both." She blew a breath and turned them to dust.

"You didn't destroy, you sent them home. You wouldn't harm your precious people when they didn't deserve it." Lena said and leaned in to her side. "They still fear me."

"I know, which bothered me quite a bit. Almost as much as it made you sad." Kyrie said and held her against her shoulder. "You expected that the attention you showed them would reinforce the belief that you valued them."

"I spent quite a bit of energy on them." Lena said angrily. "Each whip from that distance cost me energy. Each and every one." she sighed softly. "I don't even have the time to fix them. I am still mortal. I have things to do on Imera." Kyrie smiled.

"It's not your job to fix them, or help them to recover their lust for life." She smiled gently. "There are some Asmarians coming north, and a few interesting ladies you might be interested in. Eos, and Hebe. Both are like Sol, but a little more ample." Lena blushed a bit.

"They are worshipers, Kyrie. It's not right to use them as pillows." She lightly bit Kyrie's exposed shoulder. "Although I might if their hearts are so inclined." She put her forehead to Kyrie's shoulder.

"It is warming up, so I won't need to use so much flesh to keep me warm. Have Sol and Hannah here tonight." she smiled a little. "And my Shadows. Oh, how is the tribe doing?" Kyrie grinned.

"They are not slow. They've loaded wagons, and move towards the temple at an enthusiastic pace." Kyrie grinned as she read Lena's thoughts. "A walled city might not be impossible, but it might attract too much attention."

"True. Get them to scout the entire area around the temple. They are the ones who will live here. Their tribe should decide how it wants to live. Nomadic, cliff homes, seaside docks, forest dwellers, farmers. Anything they can do, to assist the temple, the area around the temple will become Elorshin land." Lena smiled. "Imagine so many people like Valina and my shadows. Dark eyes, long dark hair, slender bodies, willowy and wiry." Lena licked her lips.

"Where is my Valcynie? I am starving." Lena licked her lips. Valthyria, Valina, and Valyria had already been devoured and marked by her.

Valcynie was next, and all that remained was her sweet Valjhana. Cynie was more mature in appearance, and a bit thicker with muscle, as was her self perception due to her life as a human. Jhana was younger, more shy, and sweeter in appearance, but that was her own projection.

In reality, Lena could read her like a book. She pretended to be sweet and docile, but she was a vicious hunter, savage and lustful, and dominant to the core. She would have to make her submit in such a way that she would always be obedient.

It would be an interesting day when she dominated that savage girl.


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