The Goddess of Death and Her Empress

Chapter 22 – Half The Fun Is In Being The Hunter


In a hidden cove off the west coast, there is a vast underground cavern, far from the tribes of the north, and the empires of the south.

"For more than five centuries, we have watched over our sisters. We have waited patiently for the goddess." An old woman said carefully to five others that sat around a simple campfire.

"We were told that we would feel the crystal respond when the temple was active again." She took a small white cedar box from the altar. "So many disappointments. Should we open it?" She whispered.

"Should we open it?" The second woman said, her eyes narrowed. "As opposed to leaving it closed and let our sisters sleep forever?" The other two shook their heads.

"I still have faith. Our goddess didn't abandon our people when Elorha sank into the sea, and we won't abandon her now!" The eldest of the group stood up. "Open the chest." The youngest, although she was nearly eighty, opened the chest, and started to tremble. She looked up.

"It shines! The crystal shines from within!" The group immediately got down on their knees and bowed. "The goddess has reopened the Great Temple! We can wake up our sisters from their slumber!"

"Yes. You can." One lifted her head and saw a woman standing not far off. "The Great Temple has a High Priestess, specially chosen by the goddess herself. The Others have already performed her cleansing upon the altar." Valthyria smiled, her long teeth easily seen.

"You are from Haven!" One said in awe.

"It is time to wake up our kin, elders. When they wake, get those dedicated to bring you to the temple." Valthyria smiled gently. "It is long passed time for you to come home."


* * *


Sol chuckled softly as she saw Valina wake up Nuri and Nadya, but the two ladies refuse to get up.

"Come on. It is our turn, ladies." Sol said with a smile. "I know how much you want to stay close to her, but while she is in hibernation, all contact has to be limited. Go back to Haven, refresh yourselves, and return this evening." Nadya paled.

"I don't want to go back to the bar!" She said hurriedly.

"Who said anything about returning there?" Sol said, a frown on her face. "When the Empress finds out what they did to you, that place will most likely be history. No, you'll go back to Haven, but not the bar. Don't you have homes?" Nadya blinked.

"We haven't been allowed to leave that place in centuries." She said quietly. Sol rolled her eyes.

"There are hard laws in Haven. If you say no, and they attempt to force you, the shadows will move in without mercy! Say no!" Sol sighed a bit. "Go back, but go to the throne room. Tell Lydia you need some assistance. They won't leave you to fend for yourselves if you're too weak to not stop them."

Nuri slowly pushed herself up from the bed, but couldn't help herself. She didn't want to leave. It was so peaceful beside the Empress. She felt drawn to her, and felt some familiarity that she couldn't explain.

Both of them were worried that when they went home to Haven, the Empress might just disappear on them. While with her, they both felt a mental tug that spoke to them right to the depths of their cores.

They couldn't explain it, but they could feel it.


* * *


"We'll stay together, Nadya." Nuri said and held her hand. They walked out of the throne room and headed to Nuri's house in the city.

"How long has it been since we've actually walked the streets of Haven?" Nadya said in a small voice.

"Centuries. I was chained for so long, I thought the chains were clothes." She said, and shivered. "I don't want to go back." Nadya held her hand, but also shivered. They could feel eyes on them as soon as they left the goddess's palace, and they could feel the intensity increase as they headed back to Nuri's house.

Once inside, they did take a small breath to relieve their tension, but a voice sent a shiver down their spines.

"Finally. Our meals have arrived."


* * *


Five Others dragged each of them towards the bar, but Nuri finally pulled up her courage.

"No! We don't want to go!" She shouted. Nadya quickly nodded.

"You're our meals! You belong to us!" Syl said angrily.

"I don't belong to you! You forced us! We belong to the goddess! We won't go!" Nuri shouted, and fought the Others, even though their strength was higher due to their age, and the amount of the goddess's power they've absorbed over the centuries.

"You have no choice!" Syl said angrily. "Food is food! A cow has no choice on whether or not it's slaughtered on Imera, and neither do you!"

"Ha ha ha ha!" A laugh was heard, which made them turn their heads, nice and slow as fear went down their spine. "I'm definitely sure the goddess would deny that claim." Ten Shadow Guards appeared, slipped out of the ground through their own shadows, their claws already elongated.

"Rip out their cores. The goddess will deal with them later."


* * *


"Sisters." Two slender and scantily clad women came out of the bushes and wrapped themselves around Nuri and Nadya. One smiled into Nuri's eyes, and shivered. "I can feel the same fierce protectiveness from you that I felt from Sol. You must have been in her presence."

"Her?" Nuri asked in confusion.

"The Empress." She said and shivered again with a smile on her lips. "Every time one of the shadows come here, the intent is even stronger. A mark right on their cores." She gently kissed Nuri's soft cheek. Her other sister nodded.

"This is the grove, sisters. Here we are hunters and prey. You will not experience the same thing twice, and never be only the meal. First, you must learn to hunt, so we will be your prey." She said and licked Nadya's cheek. "Mm, you taste nice."

"You'll be our prey?" Nadya asked, obviously still unsure.

"This is the grove. It has always been this way. Hunter and prey. A place to unwind the core, and relieve the pressures our lusts and loves put upon us. Now, Nuri, take a lick, and a sniff." She said and murmured softly as she rubbed her body on Nuri's more fleshy one.

"I am your prey, and you have to hunt me down." She grinned. "Half the fun is in being the hunter. Come, sister. It's time to play."


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