The Goddess of Death and Her Empress (Original Version)

Old Version – Chapter 29 – Personal Attendants – Friday bonus chapter


“Goddess, can you control your lust and not bite?” Lena asked her. Kyrie growled a bit, but nodded.

“I can. I do not need to eat my girls, but sometimes, our nature is a lot more wild then humans. My Others are also like me. Pain is mixed with pleasure no matter where we bite.” Lena pursed her lips.

“Alright, then you’ll obey me when I give you something to do?” Kyrie nodded. “Good. It’s Nuri’s turn, and her flesh is quite tender looking. I don’t want her to be eaten up in front of me when I didn’t do that to Nadya.” Lena pursed her lips, then kissed Kyrie full on the mouth.

“Empress.” Kyrie said warmly.

“When can we have to wait until after the Offering?” Kyrie sighed sadly and nodded. “So these gifts are to keep me complacent, and not push you to take me home? Where we will be together?” Kyrie chuckled.

“Figured me out so easily. You’re needed here, Empress.” She said sadly.

“Does that mean I won’t be able to come back after my Offering? Am I not the Empress where I can come to the temple and give guidance until they operate on their own?” Kyrie sighed, and laid her head against Lena’s chest. Here, in the dream, her breasts were still there, and a bit larger then they were in the outside world.

“I am greedy, Empress.” Lena hugged her and nodded.

“I understand. For now, let us enjoy these two wonderful bodies.” She looked at Nadya, and Nuri. “I hope you two don’t mind. We won’t tear your breasts off, but we probably will have a bite or two before we’re finished.” Nadya moaned softly at the image Lena inserted into her mind, and how she had moved in close before they came to this Play Room space.

Kyrie helped to release Nadya from the ropes while the woman’s mind wandered and her eyes followed Lena around. This was the first time she had ever been treated as a tender female since she went to Haven.

The Others mostly treated her as a submissive pet, and didn’t ask her for permission. Since she was so submissive, she could deal with such attitudes easily. However, with the way the Empress treated her, she now greatly desired not to be treated that way again.

“Empress.” Nadya murmured as those arms came around her middle from behind.

“You are mine, Nadya. The goddess and I will greatly enjoy you in the future. You belong in our bed, and you will never return to the bar to be their snack.” Lena sighed softly. “I need you, Nadya. And so does the goddess.” Nadya looked up into Kyrie’s eyes.

“I do, little one. My Empress has needs, and you fill some of those needs. Does it bother you that she decided to keep you?” Kyrie asked so she could see her thoughts.

“Only if she treats me like a pet. I might as well go back to the bar if that’s the case.” Nadya said, but not sadly, or angrily. It was just a statement of her emotions.

“You are not my pet. You are my personal attendant. You will keep me warm and happy. Now, I have to wring the first climax from Nuri’s body. She’s looking rather lonely over there, and I am hungry for her moans.”




Nuri’s eyes narrowed. The whip wrapped around her body, and landed on her large breasts. Nuri was a plump woman, and sometimes the Others treated her flesh as though she were a brood sow. They would put her on an enormous platter, and dine on her flesh like she had already been on the spit, rather then having sex with a woman.

The nature of the Others was sometimes savage, and their pets were often consumed for their own pleasure. Since their bodies were made of the essence of their world, and the goddess herself, they would regenerate quickly, as well as enjoy each bite like it was only a lick.

However, if someone was consumed day after day, for hundreds of years, it would be tiresome. Since they always ate the two of them, there were no gentle moments, and no purely sexual moments.

It was complete selfish savagery.

“Harder of softer, Nuri?”

“Softer.” Nuri decided to test her. Lena nodded and didn’t whip her as hard. She could tell it was unsatisfying, but she did it anyway. Soon, Nuri murmured. “Harder, Empress. Please.” Lena came in close, rubbed the surface of her plump soft breasts, and smiled.

“It’s difficult to find the right temperature when others are the ones who put the wood in the fire, isn’t it?” Nuri sniffed.

“Yes.” Lena leaned in and lightly kissed her lips.

“If you don’t climax, then I won’t like it, Nuri. The whip is the tool. The objective is your pleasure.” She went back, and let the whip trail on the floor. She let it out and heard it strike her flesh before she saw it land. Nuri chirped.

“A bit harder, Empress.” She said with a slight whine.

Lena smiled. That sounded better. She wanted to experience it now. Lena increased the force of the whip, and soon Nuri cried out as it tenderized her flesh.

She was all but climaxing at that point. Lena switched to the cat of nine tails, and did a complete circuit of her lovely soft body. When the multi tailed whip landed on her mound, she couldn’t hold back. She cried out and started to shudder. Lena immediately got down on her knees and buried her face deep. Her fleshy mound surrounded Lena’s face, but she loved it.

Nuri, her new lover, could completely surround her with warm flesh, and she loved each and every second of it. She wanted to make this lovely woman climax enough that she never thought about going back to the bar as a pet.




‘You need to help me now, goddess.’ Lena said softly inside her mind. Kyrie grinned. Two tables appeared in the stable, both with head rests, but were too short. Their lower body would spill off.

‘Just show me how.’ (Kyrie)

Lena took Nuri to one table, while Kyrie took Nadya to the other one.

“Help her to lay down. It will feel odd as her bottom has nothing to rest on. Strap her upper body down so she doesn’t fall off.” Lena took two straps that were attached to the sides and wrapped both around her chest, one above, and one below her breasts. Kyrie helped Nadya to lay down and did the same.

“Now, there are four straps on the walls. Take two.” Lena took two coils of leather straps that were as thick as a belt, an inch wide, and a dozen feet long. “You’ll notice that one end has a buckle where the strap can go through.” Kyrie nodded. “Do this.” She took and wrapped one around the base of Nuri’s left breast. She fit the end through the buckle and pulled it tight. The buckle was a tension style that held the strap firmly. Kyrie put hers on Nadya’s breast the same way.

“Now put the second one on her other breast.” Both breasts puffed up firmly with the leather lashes on them like this. “Now, take her left ankle, lift it until her knee is pushed to her belly. Like this. Excellent. Now, take the strap and wrap it around her left ankle.” Nuri’s eyes went wide and she looked down. Once the strap was attached, she let go of her ankle. Her leg couldn’t lower, and it put some pressure on her breast. “Now do the same to her other leg.”

“Wow.” Nadya smiled as her breasts were tugged on by her legs.

“In order to make the experience complete, take a coil of rope off the wall. Attach one to her left wrist, thread it under her hips, then attach to her right wrist. Next time, I’ll adjust the table so that she has to hold up a weight, or that weight will tug on her nipples.” Nuri murmured softly as Lena described their next trip into her personal space.

“That sounds interesting. So, now what do we do?” Lena lightly rubbed Nuri’s exposed bottom and big meaty lips, then rubbed her breasts that were held firmly by the leather lash and her legs.

Lena went over to one of the walls, and picked something up. She handed one to Kyrie, and grinned. She slapped Nuri’s left nipple with a riding crop.

“What do you think we should do?”

(This was a bonus as it is a part of the first experience inside the private play room. There is more to come on Monday)

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