The Goddess of Death and Her Empress (Original Version)

Old Version – Chapter 23 – Do You Warm Her Bed


“I left four more seeds, Nicci. How many more do you need?” Nicci pursed her lips, and thought carefully.

“Two for each lobe, one for each half, and one for each organ.” She then pointed out several places as she saw Lena twitch as she spoke.

“She hears words like the mage spoke.” Kyrie said softly. “Alright. Bury the ones I left behind. Dig the rows for the rest. I’ll put them there tonight.” She kissed Lena’s cheek, and sighed.

“I know, goddess. This is only digging the rows, and planting the seeds. There is the watering lines to lay, the frames to build, and her most difficult time ahead.” Kyrie nodded.

“Her sprouting and growth. Get to work, Nicci. The faster you prepare her fields, the faster she can be harvested.” Kyrie pinned her with a firm stare. “You know who she is.” Nicci smiled. After all their wordplay, it all came down to what Lena was, not who she was.

“Of course, goddess. She is our Empress.” Kyrie dissolved into the mist, while Nicci laid down.

“Our Empress.” Nicci murmured softly. “Empress of the realm of the goddess.” Nicci melded herself to Lena’s side, and bit deep into her neck.




Rachel watched Nicci bite Lena's neck through the viewing glass the goddess had placed in the throne room.  Kyrie's favorite pastime was to watch the Empress.  The glass that showed the room of the Empress were not standard glass found on the world of Imera.  Like an oracle's pool that could show a vision to a Seer, these windows would show the goddess, and her closest servants, everything that happened inside that room, or whatever she wished it to show.

The sands of the only desert on Haven were special.  Originally, Haven was a large chunk of rock that floated in the outer bands of the galaxy.  It was exposed to different kinds of radiation, and picked up some odd properties that science would never be able to explain.  Once the craftswomen of Haven refined the sands into glass sheets, they were used as windows in almost all the buildings.  When the goddess wanted to, she could let her people watch the events that occurred on Imera, and in particular, the events that happened around their Empress.

As the two tubes pushed deep into Lena’s body, Nicci’s moans were muffled, as her actions were obvious. Rachel watched Nicci climax as least twice.

“It will be your turn soon enough, Rachel.” Kyrie’s lips were firmly pressed together. “Nicci sure is having a lot of fun with my Empress.” Kyrie grit out the last few words, and relayed the idea that she was quite jealous.

“I never expected Nicci to grind on the Empress like that.” She watched as Nicci rocked her hips as she laid against Lena’s side. “But I know how easy it is to lose yourself when we get close to her. There is something about her scent that drives us wild with hunger.” Kyrie nodded, as she also had the same desire to be as close to Lena as Nicci was, and to continue where they left off.

“You’ve done well so far, and held yourself back when needed. Go and make them believe the lie. No one can remember how smart you are yet. Everyone gets tested as she becomes who she is meant to become.” Rachel smiled, and lightly kissed her thigh.

“I won’t let you down, goddess.” She grinned. “The hunters haven’t caught me yet. I will have to trip so they can, as they aren’t as fast as you.” Rachel disappeared from the throne room. Another servant appeared at her side.

“Who will you test next, goddess?” Ayn asked her quietly.

“Nuri, and Nadya. Sol has failed, and so has Hanna. They won’t be involved until they straighten up.” Ayn sighed sadly.

“That will disappoint them in the long run, but it was their choice to lose sight of who they were supposed to focus on. I will go whisper in their ears.” Ayn disappeared from the throne room, while Kyrie sighed.

“So many disappointments. I hope Lena will be able to straighten them out. I don’t know how far to go as I’ve never been human.”




Kyrie came back to her bedroom first thing in the morning. Because she fell asleep in Kyrie’s arms, it felt like she had been there the entire night.

“Goddess?” Lena murmured softly as Kyrie hugged her gently to her front. Lena leaned down, gently sucked on her nipple, and made her chuckle.

“I have to go. Nicci will be here soon.” Kyrie lightly stroked her cheek, and smiled. Lena yawned delicately, then wrapped her arms about Kyrie’s neck.

“Don’t think about leaving yet, goddess. You’re going to put me in my chair. You’re also going to give me a good morning kiss, then you can go off to handle the things you need to handle in Haven.” Kyrie grinned.

“Is there anything you need?”

“Someone as ample as Solange to warm me up at night when you aren’t there.” Kyrie mock growled a bit. “Don’t growl at me. I know you aren’t celibate with all those Others hanging around you, and all their bits spilling out of their robes. I have no doubt that the simple one, Rachel, probably has some uses.” Lena said, her lips curling a little. Kyrie chuckled.

“That she does, my Empress. I’m still the only one who is allowed to be intimate with you alone. I can share you when I’m there, but you’re asking too much if you think I will accept any of the Others here without some oversight.” Lena chuckled softly.

“Your castle must be practically littered with horny ones, all salivating to serve their goddess. Do you think I should accept that?” Lena asked frostily. Kyrie grinned.

“You’ll have to step foot in Haven in order to make them obedient, Empress.” She leaned down, and kissed her neck. Lena rolled her eyes and moaned as she felt something warm and cold invade her senses. While hidden beneath her skin, a lump slithered along the route that Nicci ‘dug’ out, but only played around. She wouldn’t be able to lay the seeds with Lena in this state of wakefulness.

“What did you do?” She whispered.

“A bit of assistance. I do not like how long you humans take to heal, so I gave it a little bit of a boost.” Kyrie grinned as a small drop of blood seeped from the puncture mark before she breathed a little of her mist onto the mark and made it disappear.

Lena was already saturated with her essence from the part of her body that Kyrie removed with her teeth. That essence had slowly seeped into her body, but still laid dormant. It was this saturation that convinced Kyrie to take this highly dangerous method to bring Lena to Haven.

This was also the first time that a human had been able to absorb a part of her essence. How it would affect a human, Kyrie could only hope that it went the way she planned, but she was not sure. She had never given a human her essence before.




“Is Kata still in one piece, Nicci?” Lena asked as Nicci pushed her chair towards the kitchen. Nicci grinned.

“Yes, she’s tired and sore, but still in one piece. She smiles in her sleep.” Nicci said, although it sounded like she was a bit jealous, she wasn’t.

“Kata has served me since I was chosen to enter the palace. She had to kill a few male guards who didn’t take her seriously, and decided she needed to be taught a lesson. I want her to be happy.” Nicci could feel a surge of energy within the Empress, but it was quickly suppressed. That was the essence she absorbed, and it seemed to react to her emotions.

“Didn’t take her seriously?”

“It took four guards to force her onto the ground. And another two to hold her still enough to put their filthy penises inside her.” Nicci put her hand on Lena’s shoulder to calm her. The ground had rumbled a bit when she became angry, but Lena did not notice as Nicci’s hand was warm, and comforting.

“When they were finished, they broke one of her arms to prevent her from fighting back. Not her sword arm though.” Nicci could hear the satisfaction in the Empress’s tone.

“So, even with a broken arm, she killed six armored soldiers.” Nicci said softly.

“Yes. I told her afterward, that if any time she feels threatened by them, gut them without waiting for their explanation. Do not hesitate or it could mean her life. She serves me, not the Emperor. She killed ten more within a week.” Lena smiled wide. She remembered that incident clearly.

“She was brought before the Emperor, by their squad leaders and captains of the Royal Guards, and asked about her actions. She told the one who questioned her to ask the Empress, as she was given her instructions. I asked him if he approached the Emperor to lay the charges, or the Emperor approached him.” She grinned wickedly.

“I told the Emperor that she serves the second highest authority in the Empire as her personal guard. Did the regular soldiers believe they had the right to intimidate, rape, or break the arm of my personal guard without repercussions?” Lena’s grin grew wider.

“Later that day, the arms of each captain and squad leader were broken, and not by Kata. Apparently, the Emperor’s hidden personal guards agreed with my words.” Nicci started to laugh.

“Wow. No wonder the goddess loves you. No fear at all.” Nicci said with a chuckle.

“I had fear, Nicci. I didn’t let it affect me though. Kata was my guard. If she was afraid to guard me against regular soldiers, I could end up pressed into the ground, violated, or ruined.” Lena said frostily. “I hated those arrogant bastards. They stole it from me.” She said in a clipped tone.

“Her virginity.” Nicci said softly.

“Yes.” Lena let out a slow deep breath. “She was never the same, but she was a better soldier from that point onward. Harder, more fierce, and more loyal. She never let those dirty bastards get near me. If not for our positions, I would have loved her easily.” Lena sighed. “Now that belongs to Sol.”

“You have her loyalty, Empress.”

“I know. The goddess has so many who love her. I have only the goddess.” She said in a low almost inaudible whisper.




“Come, Mia. We’ll go to the town and look for some things. Beds for initiates. Blankets. Pillows. Good fabric. Cotton.” Mia looked back at the temple and bit her bottom lip.

“Master? What about Kata?”

“She stayed up late with her friends, Solange, and Hanna, little one. She’ll be tired today, so I am going to let her sleep.” Nicci pushed the chair towards the entrance, with Mia behind them. As soon as they got to the gate, Mia’s eyes bulged.

“What are those?” She belted out in shock.

“Those, little one, are Flaming Nightmare Horses. Strong beasts that roam the desert to the south, and almost impossible to tame.” Nicci explained with a smile. “The goddess went to the desert herself and tamed them for Lena so they could pull her carriage. The wagons behind them are pulled by jade lizards who also wander the desert. It’s why the desert is so dangerous. Those two beasts eat meat, and any animal or human who gets too close.” Mia cringed, but noticed Nicci’s smiling and laughing lips.

“Oh, you’re making fun of me!”

“Yes, the lizard eats the large flying bugs that roam the desert, while the horses absorb the sunlight, and eat dried grasses. The essence of the Flaming Nightmare is a small orb of concentrated solar flame, so they hate the rain, and the cold. While the jade lizards would not harm you, the Flaming Nightmares are too hot to touch. Please do not try.” Mia nodded and was helped into the carriage. Inside, along with Nicci and Lena, another woman already sat.

“Nicci, did you tell her?” The swarthy woman said in a soft husky tone.

“She asked this morning, Nuri. She did not think that the goddess would already think ahead.” Nicci said with a grin.

“Mind explaining what you are talking about as though I am not here?” Lena asked coldly. Nuri smiled softly, and lowered her eyes. She felt a shiver go down her spine, a pleasant one.

“Due to the chill that comes off the mountains, and the chill of winter, the goddess already believed you might get cold at night. The Others were asked if anyone wanted to volunteer to help keep you warm. Out of those volunteers, both Sol and myself were chosen.” She had a small soft smile that Lena was instantly attracted to.

“We didn’t realize that Hanna would bring Sol over so quickly.” Nicci said with a grin.

“That was my fault. I asked her to bring someone over who was like Kata, and could convince her of what I already knew.” Lena said regretfully. “If I had known that she would also keep me warm at night, I might not have shared her. However, I do not regret the results to my dear guardian.”

“Well, we never believed that Sol would fall for your guardian so easily. We thought as you did. It would be an intense night or two, and she would gain some confidence. However, that means that it will only be me at night. Unless you’d like someone else.” Nuri said respectfully.

“Lift your head, Nuri. I want to see your eyes. The rest of you is quite appealing, but I need to see you.” Nuri lifted her eyes. “Yes, I see why you were chosen.” Nuri tilted her head.

“Oh?” Nuri was was built like Solange, but a little bit softer, heavy chested, and with thick muscular thighs that looked quite strong. Along with her dark Asmarian eyes, and full plump lips, Lena believed Nuri could keep her quite warm at night.

“Submissive, but still incredibly strong, and loyal. Do you warm the bed of the goddess?” Lena asked, although she already knew the answer. Nuri blushed.

“Sometimes, but not often.”


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