The god of flesh and blood magic at Hogwarts!

Chapter 20

Draco didn't know that he almost got a big nose, and he was still holding the powerful memory ball there as a conspicuous bag.

"Hey Malfoy! Give me that thing." Harry suddenly walked out of the Gryffindor team and said to Draco.

"Wow, the savior wants to help poor Longbottom?" Draco said sarcastically.

"So what?" Harry said without giving in.

"Uh-huh..." Draco rolled his eyes and finally said, "No big deal." He rode on the broom and put the memory ball on the branch of a tree not far away.

"Go get it, Pott!" Draco said while sitting on the broom and hugging his shoulders.

"Go!" Harry was also inspired by Draco and directly got on his broom and flew towards the memory ball.

Draco saw that Harry really rode the broom into the sky, and he flew well. His face immediately darkened. He held the broom with both hands and got the memory ball first, and turned back to make a face at Harry.

Thorne on the ground was not interested in this. It was just a little wizard riding a broom. At most, there was no teacher. It was not worth watching.

On the other side, Gryffindor was different. Ron held his wand and chanted the spell quietly. He stopped chanting when the tip of the wand emitted a pure white light. He turned around and pointed the tip of the wand at the two people flying in the air.

However, Draco and Harry were flying too fast. It was really hard to tell them apart for a while, let alone casting spells. Until Draco was entangled by Harry and couldn't stand it, he suddenly accelerated and pulled the distance between the two.

This also gave Ron an opportunity. The magic that had been accumulated on the tip of the wand flew out suddenly, but was annihilated by a more powerful red magic.

"If you want to play some magic, I can do it for you." Thorne waved his hand to disperse the magic and shouted to Ron from a distance.

"Come on, who's afraid of you!" Ron's eyes became sharper, and his hand holding the wand trembled slightly.

"You go first." Thorne shrugged and said.

"Talang tap dance!" Ron was not polite, and an ordinary prank spell shot over quickly.

Thorne waved his wand casually, and the magic power he carried threw his spell aside, accidentally hitting a Slytherin classmate.

"Step back, thank you." Thorne looked back coldly.

Then another spell flew over, and it was too late to use magic to deflect him. In this case, Thorne simply emitted the red light of flesh and blood magic, held the spell in his hand, and threw it towards Ron, but he dodged it quickly.

After restraining his flesh and blood magic, Thorne did not hesitate. He raised his hand and used Transfiguration to point directly at Ron. There was no way to dodge this attack. The ground under Ron's feet and the clothes he was wearing instantly became a ring that imprisoned him. In just a blink of an eye, the place where he was originally standing became a steel armor locked in an iron cage.

Looking at this scene, Seamus bravely picked up a branch from the ground and lifted the visor of the armor with force. Behind him was Ron's red face.

"What are you doing!"

A lion's roar came from the direction of the castle, and Professor McGonagall walked over angrily like an angry lion.

She first looked at the two people flying above her head, and the powerful magic directly captured them and pressed them to the ground, and then looked at Ron.

Professor McGonagall, a master of Transfiguration, looked around and finally locked her eyes on Thorne.

"Mr. Black, your Transfiguration is very superb, but please let Mr. Weasley go first." Professor McGonagall said to Thorne.

"Of course, Professor." Thorne waved his wand, and in the blink of an eye, the cage and armor once again turned into an ordinary ground and the wizard robes worn by Ron.

"...... I didn't expect that Madam Hooch was away for just a little while, and you could give me such a big surprise. Your young wizards are really amazing. If I came a little later, would you have directly lifted the roof of Hogwarts!" Professor McGonagall roared at the young wizards angrily.

"Professor, this is the wild, there is no roof..."

"Shut up Seamus! Gryffindor deducts five points! Oh, thank God... Madam Hooch is back... Mr. Potter, come to my office after class!" Professor McGonagall nodded to Madam Hooch who was late, and returned to Hogwarts Castle.

Thorne, who returned to his position, was stopped by Draco.

"Why did you fight with Weasley for no reason?"

"He wanted to cast a curse on you." Thorne said simply

"Thank you." Draco thanked with some fear.

"It's okay, what's the matter?" Thorne rolled his eyes.


The little wizards finished the rest of the flying class under the leadership of Madam Hooch, and then had a meal in the auditorium.

This time, Thorne deliberately arranged Goyle and Crabbe to be far away from him, so that they could harm others instead of harming him.

Draco didn't come until halfway through the meal, but he looked in a good mood.

"Why are you so stupid? What's so happy about it?" Thorne asked.

"I'll tell you later." Draco said with a suppressed smile.

"Playing tricks."

Draco didn't reveal this secret until he returned to the dormitory.

"At midnight, I will duel with Pott and his fellow wizards, but I lied to them. I will tell Filch to catch Pott and his fellow wizards for night roaming! How about my bloodless plan?" Draco said proudly.

Goyle: "Awesome!"

Crabbe: "Great!"


"Do you think it's bad?" Draco asked, looking at Thorne's reaction.

"If we only talk about the strategy, your strategy is good, even exquisite."

"Then why do you react like this?" Draco asked.

"But wizard duels are a tradition of wizards for thousands of years. The reason you succeeded is only because they didn't expect you to dare to lie to them about this matter. In this regard, you have made your Malfoy family proud!" Thorne said sarcastically.

"What does this... mean?" Draco asked.

"Because before you, even the most vengeful enemies would not joke about wizard duels, but you broke this bottom line. A hundred years from now, a thousand years from now, wizards who decide to use wizard duels to resolve disputes will only be laughed at."

"They will say that since Draco Malfoy joked about wizard duels, no one has taken wizard duels seriously. From now on, every wizard will curse your name whenever they mention wizard duels, and the same goes for the Malfoy family and the shit you did. What do you think?" Thorne said dimly.

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