The god of flesh and blood magic at Hogwarts!

Chapter 165

Just as Thorne was constantly doubting the two old gangsters' shameless and weird stories, there was another flicker in the fireplace, and Snape's figure walked out of it.

No one expected this, not even Harry who sent out the invitation.

However, since Thorne's article............

Harry's article made the headlines, the entire European magic world knew about the story of the famous potion master Snape's secret love for Harry's mother, so the arrival of such a poor man did not cause much commotion.

After all, I can't get you, so I will witness your son and protect your son, even if he doesn't appreciate it.

The lone hero is confirmed.

When the banquet was about to start, Thorne quietly pulled Harry aside.

"Today is your engagement day. Originally, I should lend you the Resurrection Stone and let uncles and aunts come out to witness it, but after all, there are many people here. If something like the Resurrection Stone appears today, it will set off a bloody storm tomorrow." Thorne explained slowly.

"I understand. The wizarding world has finally achieved peace. I won't break it all." Harry nodded.

" misunderstood. What I meant was...find a place with no one at night and use it secretly. Ginny can't tell anyone. After all, she is only in the sixth grade now, and she is also a famous socialite and big mouth in Hogwarts. If she knows, it's no different from the whole wizarding world knowing it." Thorne quietly stuffed the Resurrection Stone into Harry's shirt pocket.

"Thank you."

"What nonsense, go." Thorne sent Harry back to the banquet, and followed him with a smile.


Soon, everyone graduated, and the Weasley twins married another pair of twins. After all, because Fred didn't leave the line, George didn't marry Fred's dance partner Angelina because of guilt, but another pair of famous Indian twins in Hogwarts.

I don't know if the children born by twins and twins will also be twins, or because both pairs are identical twins.

Then even if they are only children, will the next generation of the two pairs look very similar?

Besides, the Weasley twins are the kind of people who play around with things... I can't write any more!

"Pah!" Slapped himself.

But speaking of Indians, Thorne went to the Muggle world after graduation... Well... There are many Indians on the street. Do you want to turn yourself into the King of Ideas and clean them up, make two bars of soap or something?

No, no... I'm a good person.

Thorne didn't care about these unnecessary things. Everyone has their own destiny, and he can't rewrite them one by one, especially this kind of thing that has nothing to do with him.

But there are still some happy things. Thorne's application to stay in school to teach was approved, because Lupin and Sirius had a sudden idea when they were drinking old wine one night.

"I have an idea." Sirius suddenly raised a finger.

"Me too!" Lupin did the same.

The two hit it off and started jungle adventures all over the world. Both of them are powerful wizards, and there is no possibility of any accidents.

The only surprise was that the professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts and the professor of Magical Creatures suddenly disappeared, leaving only two letters of freedom and freedom.

Snape almost jumped up and rushed directly to the principal's office, but he was a step slower. Thorne's application for staying in school had just been submitted and stamped, hehe!

Hermione did not go to work at the Ministry of Magic. According to her, it would be more rewarding to continue to delve into the depth of magic at Hogwarts rather than show some skills in a cage full of rules and regulations.

Although he had not seen Hermione specialize in that kind of magic for such a long time, she seemed to be a master of that kind of magic, but none of the magic was upgraded to a little knowledge.

However, supermodel geniuses like Thorne are still a minority. As long as Hermione is given another ten years, she may not be able to practice a few tricks with Dumbledore.


The new batch of young wizards enrolled, Thorne and Hermione sat in the dark magic professor seat and the transfiguration professor seat respectively, and both of them had a bright future. Professor McGonagall finally quit her course like Professor Sprout, and now she is happily fishing on the Black Lake.

Thorne and Hermione are alsoThe pair that were paired up at the Hogwarts dinner, as for the other old gang members, the old gang members are now paired up.

Oh, and Neville Longbottom, this guy took the title of Hogwarts Iron Hat King, the only owner of the Hogwarts Iron Throne, the true God of Pure Blood, Han! Na! Ai! Bo!

I believe that with the passage of time, the proportion of happy families among Hogwarts faculty and staff will become higher and higher, and it will not be like when Thorne first entered school, when the entire professorial chair could not even find a lover...

"Professor Snape, when do you say someone will take over your course, so that you can also go around the world." Thorne quietly turned his body to Snape's side and asked quietly.

"Huh... In this world, people with higher attainments in potions than me have not grown up yet." Snape couldn't help but proudly raised his head and said proudly.

"OK. OK." Thorne nodded casually, not intending to say anything to Snape. After all, he had never been in such a good mood at this moment.

Lupin's Defense Against the Dark Arts was replaced by his own, and the Care of Magical Creatures class was taken by another wizard, Rolf Scamander. This buddy has a family background in magic. His grandfather once broke the defense of the famous European legendary dark wizard Grindelwald, and the whole family has a strange affinity for magical animals.

Most importantly, under Thorne's verbal offensive of slander three times a day, Dumbledore finally threw Hagrid out of Hogwarts.

However, the only flaw is that Hagrid's destination is not Azkaban, but the Department of Magical Creatures and Communications of the Ministry of Magic. Doesn't he like magical creatures? Going around the world to find magical creatures to talk nonsense is also a way to play his specialty.

"Sorting, start!" Dumbledore stood up from the main seat and said loudly.

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