The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 941:

Most of the content of the speeches promoted the way of balance, the idea of ​​future governance, and so on.

With Kara’s help, Yrel’s speech was very successful, at least allowing these draenei from Shattrath to accept her on the surface and the way of balance.

As for when to be convinced?

Yrel was no longer in a hurry.

Now she is no longer the cute new governor who came to Auchindoun in the first place. With the believers of Auchindoun as her basic board, she does not worry about no one to support her, and then just let the draenei of Auchindoun and the draenei of Shattrath re-arrange and balance together. The way will naturally spread quickly.

If it doesn’t work, there is Karama.

Chapter 1138

In the history of the draenei, the resignation of Vinylon and the rise of Yrel not only meant the end of an era, but also the beginning of a new era.

But for Yrel and today’s draenei, the transfer of power is just an episode in the face of tribal wars, and the most urgent thing is to find ways to deal with the threats of the orcs in an all-round way.

Although Yrel paid attention to this, he was not very worried.

According to the news from the trackers, the prestige of the tribal warchief Blackhand and Gul’dan behind the scenes plummeted because of the defeat and defeat in the Battle of Shattrath. Many tribal chiefs began to question their abilities.

Had it not been for the presence of demons, Blackhand’s rule would have long been overthrown.

If this is the case, the tribe is still in chaos, and the black hand must make some achievements, otherwise the tribe will not be able to sustain it.

But now that the war has been fought, the tribes have also realized that the draenei people who used to be regarded as lambs are actually absolutely hard bones, and even if they want to bite hard, they have to break a few teeth.

If he wants to make achievements, Gul’dan can’t look for this kind of hard bones, but has to look for a few soft persimmons.

Throughout the entire Draenor, besides the draenei, there are still a few soft persimmons that are enough to be the target of the orcs.

As a rare life planet in the vast void, although Draenor is not as large or prosperous as Azeroth, there are still several intelligent races.

And among these races, there is no shortage of dynasties that have established glorious dynasties, and they still occupy a place on the continent of Draenor.

Before the draenei descended on Draenor, the ruler of this planet was the race of ogres.

In the evolutionary tree of Draenor creatures, the ogres are the ancestors of the orcs. They are bigger and stronger than the orcs, but they are also stupid. But even so, there are still some high IQ individuals among the ogres, and it is they who established the civilization of the ogres.

In the heyday of the Ogre Empire, even the orcs were just their slaves.

However, compared to the ogre, although the orcs are so weak and small, they still have one advantage, that is, they can survive.

Yes, as a more degraded species than ogres and a shorter lifespan, orcs’ fertility is extremely advanced, and the only humans and trolls of Azeroth that can rival the orcs in this respect are none of them. The exceptions are short-grown species, which is also the advantage of short-grown species.

Don’t you see that in “Official History”, the orcs were obviously reduced to the slaves of mankind because they lost the war.

However, after the rise of “World Sa” and led the tribe to cross the continent of Kalimdor, these green skins seemed to have learned the ability of “mitosis” from their brothers in another world-unexpectedly pulled up in a short time. Not only participated in the battle against the Burning Legion, but also participated in the battle of the quicksand, returned to the Outland, against the undead natural disasters, and even fought fiercely with the Alliance. I don’t know where their population came from. Only a few years ago?

In short, relying on the advantage of numbers, the orcs overthrew the rule of the ogres and gradually became the main race of Draenor, and now they completely ended the ogre civilization with the help of the Burning Legion.

But this does not conceal the overwhelming ancestors of the ogre.

Even though most ogres are silly and stupid, but the original ogre empire was based on arcane magic—representing the power of order and wisdom.

If it is placed on the Blue Star, it can be said that the ogre also produced a large number of scientists.

So where does the arcane magic of the ogres come from?

When it comes to this, one has to mention something called Apexis crystal.

It is the same crystal. Apexis crystal is different from the Akhenite crystal of the draenei. If the Akhenite crystal stores magic power, then the Apexis crystal stores knowledge-this point. It is quite similar to Ye Ting’s Moon Spirit Crystal, except that Moon Spirit Crystal can not only be used for storage, but also has the ability to perform calculations, which is basically the difference between a hard disk and a CPU.

It is the ogre who decoded the magic knowledge in the Apexis crystal and gained the power of arcane magic.

The Apexis crystals were not created by ogres, they belonged to another civilization that disappeared-the arakkoa.

Before the ogres ruled Draenor, the ruler of this world was another race of arakkoa. They originated in the peaks of Aklan and are descendants of Anzu, the **** of crows, and Rukhmar, the firebird (similar to the wild gods of Azeroth).

The former Apexis arakkoa mastered the power of light and magic, and once lived high on the highest peak of Aklan Peak, and established a glorious civilization.

At that time, they were so powerful that they even created a super weapon that could even burn the entire continent after being fully released.

The power of this weapon comes from the sun, and the Apexis ravens regard the sun as the incarnation of Rukhmar, so they call this weapon the “breath of Rukhmar.”

The existence of the Breath of Rukhmar laid the foundation for the ruling of the arakkoa.

However, Cheng Ye Xiaohe defeated Xiao He. After maintaining the rule of Draenor for hundreds of years, during a civil strife of the arakkoa, the Breath of Rukhmar was detonated, and the powerful force destroyed the entire civilization.

Nowadays, although the remaining arakkoa have established a new civilization, they no longer have their former glory. Today, they can only pant in the peaks of Akalan, and are precarious under the harassment of the fallen arakkoa and tiger people.

The Apexis arakkoa’s rule over Draenor is based on a powerful magical civilization and the “breath of Rukhmar” that destroys everything.

And the creation of “Breath of Rukhmar” was not to rule, but to deal with another race—before the arakkoa, the ruler of Draenor, the original ancestor Beast.

Primordial Nepetus sounds like animals, but in essence it is a powerful plant. They originated from the lush and eternal woodland of Draenor and spread across the vast wilderness of Draenor. They, as well as other plant-derived races: spore people, demon pod people, wood spirits, etc. are collectively referred to as primitive beasts.

In that era when even the orcs were not born, they were the rulers of the vast jungle of Draenor.

In the barren mountains and rocky valleys of Draenor, there is another kind of creature. They are the creations of the Titans-the descendants of Grond.

Unlike Azeroth, Draenor was not a paradise for the four elements when he was born. It was the fifth element outside the four elements that occupied the dominant position-the spirit of life.

The Spirit of Life has an extraordinary impact on Draenor: it accelerates the growth of flora and fauna, turning this world into a cradle of life full of vitality and wildness.

However, the spirit of life in Draenor was so exuberant that in this green cradle, the power of plants used to be strong, and terrible carnivorous plants appeared. Tendril-shaped vines snaked on the ground, and would touch all the primitive beasts. The similarities are all strangled, and even elemental life cannot be avoided. In the end, the labyrinth of Maolin extends into the remote corners of this world, and no one can restrain them.

Then, Aggramar in the Genesis Titans discovered this place. He created the original giant Grond to fight against the overly lush plants of Draenor to adjust the balance of the planet-just as he and his compatriots were in Azeroth Just like that.

After severely injuring the plants, Grond died unfortunately, and the first giant spirit was born in his corpse.

However, the giant spirits are not the opponents of plants, so a kind of rock giant-Magron was born on the corpses of the giant spirits.

The spores of plants allowed Magron to continue to degenerate, and a half-rock and half-flesh life was born, and their name was Goron.

Due to the continuous effect of the spores, a small part of Goron continued to degenerate and became one-eyed monsters. The one-eyed monster is more intelligent than Goron, but its power is much less.

The one-eyed monster is still degenerating, so the ogre is born, after the ogre it is the orc.

The first generations of creatures that formed from the rocks-Magron, Goron, and Cyclops-were collectively called Destroyer. It was at that time that they and the original beasts antagonized each other and jointly ruled Draenor.

Back to the present, these races still exist on the land of Draenor today, and they have not been annihilated because of their long decline.

Among them, the original beast occupied Falan Lun, which was their last stronghold.

Although Highmaul Castle fell, there are still a large number of ogres in Draenor, and the Cyclops and Grond have roamed the wilderness of Gorgrond for a long time.

As for the tiger people, lizard people and other races, they also exist in every corner of Draenor.

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