The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 909:

In a race that respects magic, a person’s wisdom directly determines his status.

Because of this, Kil’jaeden’s position rose rapidly, becoming one of the three leaders of Eredar.

The other two are his current colleague Archimonde, and his best friend-Velen.

Originally, their friendship could continue with the long lifespan of the Eredans…until the fallen Titan Sargeras, who had escaped from the “Pantheon”, focused on this potential race.

And when the three leaders came into contact with the saboteur Sargeras, Eredar’s social system naturally began to disintegrate.

Sargeras made a deal with them: exchange infinite power and prestige for their loyalty.

Among the Big Three, Kil’jaeden and Archimonde readily accepted, but Velen, as the prophet, refused in one word—he saw the essence of the Burning Legion in the vision of the future.

As the Eredars were preparing for this new power, Kil’jaeden realized that Velen would be an enemy of Sargeras. And with the help of the enemies of the Burning Legion, the Naaru, they have escaped from Argus.

Out of anger at this betrayal, Kil’jaeden used his newly acquired power and servants to pursue and kill these “exile” draenei in the universe for thousands of years.

However, Velen succeeded in getting the draenei out of the sight of the Burning Legion by virtue of his wisdom that was incomparable to the cunning of the fraudster.

Of course, this is only temporary.

And now Kil’jaeden has come to his door.

The emerald in Kil’jaeden’s mouth was originally a treasure belonging to the draenei, named Atama Crystal.

The powerful Atama crystal was once a gift from the Naaru to the ancient Eredans, and it has been enshrined by the Eredars as the most sacred treasure. It was through its help that the draenei was able to escape Argus.

In the process, it split into seven pieces of red, orange, yellow, green, indigo, and purple, and this is one of them.

Just like the treasure in every legend, the seven crystals have different but very cool names. They are: Heart of Wrath, Bright Time, Lucky Kiss, Eye of the Storm, Fan Ye Zhiying, Naaru’s Shield, Soul Song.

As a treasure, the seven crystals naturally possess different powerful abilities.

For example, the Red Crystal Wrath Heart can greatly increase the combat effectiveness and morale of the entire army;

The bright yellow crystal can strengthen the caster’s concentration;

The shadow of the green crystal leaf can distort the path of light and hide the entire city…

Because of its powerful functions, crystals are not stored uniformly, but are scattered and used to complete various realistic tasks.

The Green Crystal Leaf Shadow was originally kept by Velen’s friend Restalan, and was used to hide the draenei city of Telmo.

But when the Frostwolf Chief Durotan came to Telmo as a child, Restalan as the master chanted the curse in front of him, but Durotan remembered it in his mind.

After the establishment of the tribe, in the war with the draenei, Durotan relied on this spell to break through Telmo’s protection, killed Restalan, and seized the crystal.

It is another story of a farmer and a snake, and another case of a draenei who killed himself by the “Way of Light”.

And now, the shadow of the leaves has been fully used by the devil in the war.

What Kil’jaeden said was the spell of the green crystal.

As a result, in the open space, all illusions were dispelled, and everything that originally existed here was finally revealed in front of the orcs.

In front of them were dozens of ballistas, catapults, and various siege weapons.

Standing next to these devices are tall ogres. They are still silent, with determination written on their stupid faces…

“But with these alone, it is not enough to defeat the draenei.”

Kil’jaeden said, shaking his hands at the same time.

“With more power, more’armies’ will join you to destroy this city…”

Following his movements, the warlocks among the orcs simultaneously yelled and covered their green heads, as if something was about to pop out of it.

But after a while, they blinked and grinned again, grinning ugly.

“New magic has flooded into your minds. Use them well.” Kil’jaeden also smiled, “Now, go and solve the draenei!”

He seemed to open a non-existent door, and all the bloodthirsty orcs moved into action.

Some of them rushed towards the equipment that could defeat the city wall, pushing them towards the city wall.

The ogres immediately walked to other equipment, briskly pushing these huge and heavy weapons.

The other orcs were also deeply immersed in bloodthirsty and mania, and charged directly in the direction of the city.

The weapons of war promoted by the ogres and orcs rumbling forward steadily. But before they reached the attack position, the walls protecting the city had already been attacked.

That is unprecedented power.

The huge, green-glowing stone broke through the gloomy cloud, fell from the sky, and hit the city.

Many of them were shot down and shattered by draenei fire, but more of them literally slammed into the city wall.

The energy shield of the draenei didn’t last long under this attack from the sky before it lost its effect.

Afterwards, the sentry towers and bunkers erected on the city wall were smashed and disintegrated, and many parts of the city wall began to shatter.

However, what poses a threat is not only the boulder itself that fell from the sky, but the thing that stood up from the boulder that fell to the ground.

Such behemoths looked like living creatures made up of these green-glowing stones—no, they were the meteorites themselves. They stood up, moving and attacking calmly at a frightening speed.

Facing the rock giant with a height of nearly ten meters and burning green flames, the draenei people on the city wall changed their colors.

Chapter 1103 Hellfire and the rising black star

These burning rock giants are called “Hellfire” and are the signature war units of the Burning Legion.

Speaking of which, Hellfire and Earth Elemental are somewhat similar, but they are fundamentally different-they were born out of pure chaotic energy and are one of the most powerful siege weapons produced by legion technicians. These evil energy-driven structures have no intelligence, they will only obey anyone who manipulates them, and will wreak havoc when no one is in charge.

This is the war weapon summoned by orc warlocks through Kil’jaeden’s spells.

Together with the ordinary stones thrown by the catapult, they beat the city wall. They uprooted nearby trees and hit the huge city gate with their thick trunks. At the same time, the two ogres also banged the city gate with their sticks.

The city gate was trembling, and shouts of anger and fear came from the city wall. The draenei people knew that they had to deal with these monsters first, otherwise the city wall would not be able to survive the attack of these behemoths for too long.

But as a weapon of war, Hellfire is almost invulnerable except for being too heavy.

As a product of pure chaotic power, Hellfire has strong magic resistance. Ordinary magic can’t hurt it at all, and it has considerable physical strength like an earth element, and ordinary melee physical attacks can’t hurt it at all.

The most terrifying thing is the flame of fel energy that continues to burn on his body.

Chaos flames are burning everywhere in the hellfire, and any existence close to it will face the scorching flames. The most frightening thing is that this flame derived from fel energy tends to be like gangrene with bones to life, until it burns people to ashes.

Among the defensive weapons of Shattrath, only heavy artillery fire can kill the hellfire, and for the draenei, only the most elite garrison can risk approaching the hellfire with the defensive light of the holy light, causing damage to it. .

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