The God of All Realms Starts with Harry Potter

Chapter 32

The Hufflepuff chaser obviously lacked arm strength, and the ghost flying ball was not fast enough, and he was easily confiscated by the goalkeeper before he was about to enter the goal.

Seeing this, Ye Ting immediately gestured to the goalkeeper, then turned around and flew towards Hufflepuff’s goal.

The goalkeeper was signaled and tried his best to throw the ghost ball into Hufflepuff’s halftime.

As Hufflepuff’s chasers were far from their own half, they had been entangled with their opponents in front of Ravenclaw’s scoring zone. As a result, they could not return to defense in time for such a quick counterattack.

And Ye Ting accurately caught the ghost flying ball on the volley, and then flew straight towards Hufflepuff’s goal, forming a single-handed posture.

Hufflepuff’s goalkeeper tried his best to defend, but because the gap with the opponent was too big, Ye Ting easily scored another 10 points.

“Eighty to zero—” Lee Jordan shouted.

There was an uproar in the audience.

Even the three of them could not stop Ye Ting’s offensive.

Who else can stop him?

After the goal, Ye Ting adjusted the team’s tactics.

Although he can deal with the three-man mark, this tactic is really disgusting to him.

As a result, in the next game, the Ravenclaw team seemed to have changed their tactical style.

In the face of Hufflepuff’s offense, Ravenclaw’s chasers focused on blocking and slowing the opponent’s speed, and it was only in their own half that they began to fight for the opponent.

In addition, while fighting, the Ravenclaw chasers always kept a chaser behind the Hufflepuff players.

It is worth mentioning that Ye Ting did not act alone this time, hoping to use his personal ability to find flaws in the opponent’s pass and steal the ball. Instead, he stayed with his teammates to maintain the formation and prevent another Hufflepuff. Split bracketing.

On Hufflepuff’s side, Diggory wanted to command his teammates to surround Ye Ting several times, but each time he ended up with interceptions from other Ravenclaw players.

Faced with such tactics, Hufflepuff’s offense was completely contained, and the players couldn’t get up fast, the scene was chaotic, and the ghost ball changed hands several times.

Finally, the Guifei ball was grabbed by Ye Ting, and he threw the Guifei ball to Hufflepuff’s halftime without even thinking about it.

At this time, Roger, who was closest to the Hufflepuff halftime, also reacted. He turned 180 degrees according to the tactic and flew toward Hufflepuff’s goal.

Since Ye Ting had a good control over the force, the Guifei ball flew right in front of him, and he accurately caught the ball and faced Hufflepuff’s goalkeeper single-handedly.

On the other side, Ravenclaw’s batsmen were also dispatched to entangle Hufflepuff’s batsmen, so that they could not interfere with the duel between Roger and the goalkeeper.

At this moment, Hufflepuff’s chasers are frantically returning to defense, so Roger has only one chance to attack.

Three goals, two-thirds of the probability of a goal.

Roger pitched the ball calmly.

The score is ninety to zero.

Roger successfully won the ball.

This is one of Ye Ting’s tactics, defensive counterattack.

The next battle was one-sided.

Faced with Ravenclaw’s counter-attack tactics, Hufflepuff appeared timid and did not dare to attack with all his strength, so Ravenclaw formed a three-on-two situation on the offensive end.

In this case, Ravenclaw used Quidditch’s traditional tactics—eagle-head offensive formation—three chasers formed a tight triangle formation to attack the opponent’s formation, and successfully defeated the two Hufflepuffs. The chaser separated so that they could not pass the ball to each other, and then surrounded the ball holders and made a smooth steal.

Faced with Ravenclaw’s endless tactics, Hufflepuff was completely overwhelmed.

Soon, the score broke through to one hundred and seventy to zero.

In desperation, they had no choice but to use Hufflepuff’s best strategy-delaying Dafa-to delay the game until the Ravenclaw players were exhausted, and then counterattack with physical advantage.

In the past games, they can beat Ravenclaw by this trick.

However, this was also as early as Ye Ting’s expectation.

After opening a point difference of more than one hundred and fifty points, Ravenclaw began to reduce flying and increase passing-the three chasers continued to pass and pull each other in the midfield, but let the Hufflepuff players Tired of running, and Ravenclaw’s players succeeded in saving energy.

In the end, even if Diggory was better and Zhang Qiu caught the Golden Snitch one step ahead, he still couldn’t save Hufflepuff’s defeat.

In the end, Ravenclaw defeated Hufflepuff by a big score of 270 to 160.

This is Ravenclaw’s long-lost victory, and the entire team is immersed in a sea of ​​joy.

As the biggest hero, Ye Ting was literally carried by the players and walked around the Quidditch stadium. You know, most of Ravenclaw’s players are girls. Their excitement is evident when they have the physical strength to do this kind of thing.

After this battle, the entire Hogwarts has seen Ye Ting’s strong personal ability and tactical command ability. Gryffindor and the Slytherin team are like enemies, and they will study how to deal with Ye Ting as the team’s current team. The top priority.

And Ye Ting’s female fans fanatically regarded him as a Quidditch superstar, thinking that he will dominate the Quidditch World Cup in the future.

Item 0052

It has been more than a month since Ravenclaw defeated Hufflepuff, and the long-awaited Christmas of the little wizards is approaching.

One morning in mid-December, Hogwarts School woke up from a dream and found that it was covered with several feet of snow and the lake was covered with hard ice.

The Weasley twin brothers were punished because they had enchanted a few snowballs and made them run around after Quirrell and smashed behind his turban.

Ye Ting knew what was wrapped in that turban—Voldemort’s disgusting ugly face.

Voldemort parasitized poor Professor Quirrell, and his face appeared on the back of Professor Quirrell’s head.

In order to cover up all of this, Professor Quirrell had to wear a weird headscarf, and also used the smell of garlic to cover Voldemort’s rotten smell—this smell did not hide from the sensitive Feiju. From then on, when she saw Quirrell The professor will hide away.

A few owls flew across the snowy sky to deliver mail. After all the hardships, they had to regain their strength under Hagrid’s care before they could continue to take off.

Everyone is eagerly looking forward to the holiday.

Although there was a blazing fire in Ravenclaw’s common room and auditorium, the draughty corridors became bitterly cold, and the windows of the classrooms were rattling by the freezing cold wind.

The worst thing was that Professor Snape’s classes were all in the underground classrooms, and a cloud of white mist formed in front of them as soon as they gasped, so they had to get as close as possible to their hot crucible.

Recently, Professor Snape was often furious in the potions class. His low air pressure made all the little wizards’ potions experiments erroneous.

“Someone stole precious materials from my storage room.” During a potions class, Snape furiously at them: “I believe the thief is among you, if you let me know who he is. , I will definitely tie him to the beating willow.”

In this regard, many little wizards are celebrating. They think that the person who stole Snape’s materials is a real hero, and the Gryffindor lion cubs are especially so, which intensifies the conflict between them and Slytherin. .

“I really feel sorry for those people,” Draco Malfoy said during a potions class. “They had to stay at Hogwarts for Christmas because the family didn’t want them.”

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